MCB 493 Sec+on BHP: BASIC HUMAN PATHOLOGY 2 Hrs: Spring Instructor: Dr. Gregory Freund M.D. Professor of Pathology, Univ. of Illinois College of Medicine Course Descrip,on: Introduc,on to the basic mechanisms of human disease with a focus on the building blocks of pathological processes at the sub-­‐organismal and organismal level. Basic biological processes will be stressed including ,ssue adapta,on, injury, inflamma,on, repair and neoplasia. Pathology synthesizes cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry and immunology holis,cally so as to understand the body’s limited terminal responses to the cornicopia of experienced physiological insults. Prerequisite: MCB 354 or equivalent, or consent of instructor Course Restric,on: Enrollment in this course restricted to declared Undergraduate MCB and BIOC majors and graduate students in School of MCB Graduate Programs (MCB, BIOC, CDB, MICR, MIP). Advanced Credit: This course counts as an Approved Advanced Course for MCB majors.