The Corporation of the TOWN OF MILTON Report to: Mayor G. A. Krantz and Members of Council From: Linda Leeds, Director, Corporate Services and Treasurer Date: April 23, 2010 Report No. CORS-042-10 Subject: Proposal Award – #10-053 (HCPG-2-2010) Exclusive Drink Rights and the Supply and Delivery of soft drinks. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the proposal for Exclusive Corporate Drink Rights and the supply and delivery of Soft Drinks for the self operated concession service, be awarded to The Pepsi Bottling Groups, for a five year period, for the total revenue package of $149,125 for the drink rights and a total estimated annual amount for product of $16,150 (inclusive of non-refundable portion of the HST); AND THAT The Manager of Purchasing be authorized to execute contracts and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign any and all required paperwork. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is being submitted to award the Request for Proposal for the supply and delivery of soft drinks and exclusive drink rights for a five (5) year period, commencing approximately June 1, 2010 to March 31, 2015. REPORT Background The Town of Oakville, on behalf of the Halton Co-operative Purchasing Group (HCPG), issued a Request for Proposal for the supply and delivery of soft drinks, juices, water, sports drinks and related equipment for both self operation and full service vending operations at various facilities. The RFP stated that the successful vendor will become the exclusive soft drink supplier to the HCPG. An The Corporation of the TOWN OF MILTON Report No.CORS-042-10 Page No. 2 evaluation committee consisting of purchasing and facility staff from participating agencies was formed to participate in the RFP process. Discussion Proposals were received from the following companies: Coca-Cola Bottling Company The Pepsi Bottling Group The proponents were evaluated according to the following evaluation criteria and weighting: Selection Criteria Financial Offering: Signing Bonus Exclusivity Allowance Revenue/Commissions Rate Advertising/Marketing/Sponsorship Allowance Product Information and Product Pricing “Self Service Vending” and “Full Service Vending” Equipment Offered: Age and efficiency of units offered Sizing Options Ability to provide change, including paper currency Servicing/Delivery: Ability to provide 24/7 service Delivery Lead Time Proposed Delivery Schedule and ability to deliver to Kelso/Glen Eden location Experience/Reputation in marketplace for contracts of a similar size Value Added TOTAL Weight 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 100 The Pepsi Bottling Group received the highest score and is therefore recommended by the HCPG as the successful proponent for the supply and delivery of soft drinks and related supplies for concession services as well as the exclusive soft drink supplier to the HCPG. The contract term is 5 years with two additional one-year terms upon the mutual agreement of all parties. The Corporation of the TOWN OF MILTON Report No.CORS-042-10 Page No. 3 Relationship to the Strategic Plan A responsible, cost effective and accountable local government. Financial Impact The current year revenues and expenses resulting from this contract are included in the approved budget for Concessions. Any variance to budget due to a change in consumption will be included on the quarterly variance reports. The balance of the contract will be incorporated in future year budgets. Respectfully submitted, Linda Leeds, C.G.A. Director, Corporate Services and Treasurer LL/lm/mw If you have any questions on the content of this report: Lisa Marranca x 2346 and Melanie Wallhouse x 2216. CAO Approval: _________________________