C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards What is another name used to

C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
What is another name used to describe a
skeletal muscle cell?
What are the demensions of a typical skeletal muslce fiber?
What are the two non regulatory protein
myofilaments in a muscle fiber?
Explain structure & function.
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
What term do we use to describes the
plasma membrane of a muscle fiber?
What term do we use to describe the cytoplasm of a muscle fiber called?
What molecular failure is responsible for
muscular dystrophy?
What is the general term that describes the
group of proteins which work together to
transfer the muscle tension to the connective tissuie?
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
What occupies most of the volume inside of
a mucle fiber?
Study Fig 11.2 and define the structure and
function of the following objects:
- myofilaments
- myofibrils
- terminal cisternae
- transverse tubule
- sarcoplasmic reticulum
- triad
- mitochondria
- nucleus
Why are skeletal muscle cells striated?
What are the two objects in the muscle fiber
that are used as a source of energy and as a
source of oxygen during aerobic metabolism?
Draw picture:
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
What is a motor unit?
Why may we describe the sarcoplasm as a
“little battery”?
What is an action potential?
What happens when a muscle fiber is
Which muscle would have small motor units, the hand muscles or quadriceps
muscles of the leg? Why?
What is this condition called in all the other
living cells in the human body?
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
What do we call the neurons that “almost
connect to” skeletal muscle?
What makes the inside of the plasma membrane negative?
Describe the events associated with “excitation” of a muscle fiber:
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
Draw a phicture of a neuromuscular junction and label the following:
What maintains the resting membrane potential?
Describe the events associated with “excitation-contraction” of a muscle fiber:
- schwan cell
- motor nerve fiber
- synaptic knob
- basal lamina
- sarcolemma
- synaptic cleft
- sarcoplasm
- synaptic vesicles
- acetylcholine receptors
- synaptic knob
- juctional folds
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
Describe the events associated with “contraction” of a muscle fiber:
What class of receptor must be stimulated
before acetylcholine can be released into
the synaptic cleft?
What causes rigor mortis?
When the receptor is activated, what enters
the synaptic knob?
What causes the undoing of rigor mortis?
When does it begin and when does it peak?
When does this occur?
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
Describe the events associated with “relaxation” of a muscle fiber:
What type integral proteins (transmembrane
proteins) are located on the terminal cisternae & T-tubules?
What determines the amount of tension a
muscle fiber can generate?
Are they active or passive? Explain
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
What class of receptors are located in the
motor end plate?
What is troponin?
Explain why you should lift with your legs
and not with your back?
What is troponin attached to?
What bind to these receptors?
What is the funciton of these molecules?
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
What is the “sliding filament theory”?
What is tetanus?
What are the two main pathways of ATP
Does this phenomenon ever occur naturally?
What is required ?
Where do these pathways take place?
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
What is a muscle fiber twich?
What is the relationship between muscle
tension and length in isometric and isotonic muscle contraction? (fig 11.16 and fig
When do we use the phosphagen system?
Draw a graph and label:
- latent period
- threshold
- contraction phase
- relaxation phase
Why do we need the phosphagen system?
What physiologic events need to “increase”
to accomodate metabolic demands of the
muscle during exercise?
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
What is “recruitment”?
What is ATP?
What happens after a muscle fiber exhaust
the phosphagen system?
Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
Why do muscle fibers need ATP?
How many additional seconds of muscle activity does this alternative system provide?
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
What energy system dominates after 40
seconds of exercise?
How are fast glcolytic fibers different than
slow oxidative fibers?
What are varicosites?
Explain the fuction of these fiber types in
reference to the gastronemius and the soleus
Why are some athletes “born natural” for
their sport?
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
What is “oxygen debt”?
Where do we find smooth muscle in the human body?
What is a multiunit smooth muscle?
What takes place during “oxygen debt”?
Where would you find this type of smooth
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
What is myoglobin?
Is smooth muscle always “innervated”?
What is a single-unit smooth muscle?
Where would you find this type of smooth
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
What type of stimuli may make a smooth
muscle contract? (5 ways!)
What is titin?
Describe the muscle contraction in terms of
isometric and isotonic?
Structure and Function
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
What are the regulatory protein in the sarcolema?
What is the difference between complete
tetanus and incomplete tetanus?
What are the two phases of isotonic contraction?
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
What do we mean by “graded muscle response”?
What is the size principle of recruitment?
What is muscle tone?
How may the stimuli vary to create two
forms of graded muscle responses?
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
How much ATP is stored in the muscle
fiber? (how many seconds of activity)
Describe the energy sources used during
short-duration and prolonged-duration
How efficient is a muscle fiber with respect
to converting ATPs energy into mechanical
What happens to the rest of the energy?
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
How may a muscle fiber rephosphoralate
an ADP by borrowing a phosphate group
instead of making new ATP by glycolysis or
the Kreb’s Cycle?
What is muscle fatigue?
How may we classify a muscle fiber using
the the fiber’s “speed of contraction” and
“how the fiber makes ATP”?
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
What are the two mechanisms used by all
cells to create new ATP?
What four events must be corrected for during “excess postexercise Oxygen consumption” before a muscle can return to a resting
How is a msucle fiber changed by endurance exercise?
Describe conditions and location:
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
How is a muscle fiber changed by resistance
What are the three stimuli that can activate
a smooth muscle contraction?
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
How is the proportion and organization
of smooth muscle myofilaments differ
from skeletal muscle?
What are the two major categories of
smooth muscle types?
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
Why are smooth muscle fibers more efficient than skeletal muscles?
Why is this important?
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards
C9 Muscular Tissue Flash Cards