The NHSScotland Domestic Monitoring Tool (DMT) Chris Everden

Monitoring Framework for NHSScotland
National Cleaning Services Specification and Estates
HAI Issues
The NHSScotland Domestic Monitoring Tool
Chris Everden
Project Manager - HFS
“Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) remains a
priority issue for NHSScotland both in terms of
safety and well being of patients, staff and the
HAI Task Force issued “NHSScotland Code of Practice
for the Local Management of Hygiene and HAI” and the
“NHSScotland National Cleaning Services Specification”
in May 2004;
NHSScotland Health Facilities Scotland establishes a
Working Group to produce a Framework for monitoring
cleaning services across Scotland.
Principles of Framework
based on continuous improvement;
compliance with NHSScotland Cleaning Services
local ownership and accountability of results;
results should be provided quarterly;
accountability up to Board level;
results to be published by The Scottish Government;
benchmarking across Scotland.
Scope of Framework
• standardised monthly template;
• service monitoring as an integral part of the day to day
provision of the cleaning services;
audit activity centring on the review of
systems, policies and procedures required to
effectively manage the
cleaning services;
benchmarking to assist Operating Divisions
of NHS
Boards identify how and where they
can improve cleaning services.
Key Elements of reporting since 2007
based on RAG system
Green over 90%-pass
Amber 70%-90%-fail
below 70%-fail with significant risk
the average score from 2007 to date is 95.9%
only 3 Boards have ever reported an amber
Developments since 2007
establishment of HEI in Scotland;
independent audits of DMT system by external auditors;
2010 HAI Taskforce required the cleaning monitoring to
include estates fabric and furnishings issues to be
monitored, DMT developed;
changes to the monitoring tool in April 2011 included the
inclusion of the 5 x 5 risk matrix for the estates issues.
Current Challenges
• paper based and time consuming monitoring
• inconsistencies between HEI comments and published
• inconsistent number of auditable areas;
• Estates issues affecting cleaning standards.
Developments of DMT
procurement of electronic hand held monitoring tool;
inclusion of estates reporting in new model;
inclusion of monitoring of all areas in the estate;
rectification reporting.
Benefits to NHS Boards
more efficient monitoring;
more accurate monitoring;
increased awareness of estates issues;
monitoring data held electronically within the Boards
for trend analysis and auditing;
• increased reporting capability through the procured
• more accurate results.
Benefits to NHSScotland
more accurate reporting;
increased cleaning performance standards;
increased service efficiency;
increased staff confidence in the service;
increased public confidence in the service;
improved estates data;
more proactive response from the estates departments.
Programme Update
The preferred Provider is…
I will now hand you over to ……… who will give us an
overview of the new system