9th Grade Economics and Geography

9th Grade Honors Government and Citizenship
Mr. Junker
WHS Website – http://www.wayzata.k12.mn.us/whs/
Hello and welcome to 9th grade Honors Citizenship and Government! While I look forward to the next semester with each of you it is
important we first establish some guidelines that will help us to have a fun and successful experience together. Please take a moment to read
this handout over and let me know if you have any questions. I am really looking forward to a great semester together.
Let it be known that you have the right to be successful and are responsible for your success.
You will be the one deciding your level of success in this class and you are responsible for helping to create a positive learning environment
where we can all be winners. Please be in your seat and ready to go when the bell rings.
* Parent(s), Guardian(s) and/or students – Be sure to reference my website here @ Wayzata High School to empower yourself with
information regarding our daily classroom experience. In addition, be sure to also access online grading via Skyward. I’m sure both
electronic tools will be helpful resources for you going forward to monitor student progress.
I. Classroom Policy
I have a few standards in my classroom in addition to supporting Wayzata High School’s rules. Over all, I believe the standards do a nice job
describing what we are all about. I am confident you will not have any problems understanding them. However, if you do, it is important we
clear up any misunderstandings as soon as possible. A copy of the standards below is on the front wall for your review.
A. “The Wayzata Way”
1. Our classroom will be based upon respect.
2. In order to be respected each one of us needs to be respectful of ourselves and others.
3. Using common sense can prevent most problems. In other words, most problems can be avoided if everyone thinks before acting
and/or speaking.
B. Respect
Everyone desires to be respected and being respected is something that should happen all the time. Basic respect is important.
Please extend this respect to my property, your fellow students’, and to our school. A good philosophy to follow is to not do
anything in this class or in the larger school community that you would not do in your parent(s) and/or guardian(s) presence.
II. Grading System
I do understand things do happen from time to time that may prevent you from being more
successful. I am open to you approaching me to discuss these situations. Remember I cannot
help you if I am not knowledgeable. I do ask though that you approach me in a timely fashion.
Before school and/or before class are great times for these discussions. Choosing to talk to me
during a test regarding your situation is not an example of a very productive time. Thanks
everyone. 
A. Late or Missing Homework
1. Each student has the opportunity to hand in late or missing work up until the time we take an exam. At which time all late and/or
missing work is due. After the exam I will not accept late and/or missing work for credit. Any and all late and/or missing work will receive a
“0” and student(s) will no longer have the opportunity to earn credit for that work. However, if you feel your situation merits discussion,
please feel free to approach me.
B. Exams
1. Each student will have the opportunity to take an exam one time.
C. Absent
1. If a student is absent for any reason, I would prefer students to first visit my website to determine what you missed and then
approach me if you have any questions. Visiting my website will empower you with the information you need to get caught up. I will be more
than willing to help you once you have an idea of the work you have missed or if you are confused about the missing or make-up work. You
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are all high school students now and high school is the perfect time to start working on your self-advocacy skills. If a student is absent the day
of a project, quiz or test, it is his/her responsibility to schedule a make-up with me as soon as possible. Take a look at your schedule and let’s
work together to get you caught up. The sooner you make up missing work the more empowered you will feel and the more successful you
will become.
D. Cheating and Plagiarism
All work submitted for credit in any class at WHS is expected to be the original work of the student submitting it. If said work is
not the original effort of the student, then s/he may be guilty of cheating and/or plagiarism. WHS’s Student Handbook does a
nice job explaining this situation. Please reference your Student Handbook if you have any questions.
E. Grading Curve
A= 100 – 93%
A- = 92 – 90%
B + = 89 – 88%
B= 87 – 83%
B-= 82 – 80%
C+= 79 – 78%
C= 77 – 73%
C-= 72 – 70%
D+= 69 – 68%
D= 67 – 63%
D-= 62 – 60%
F= 59 and Below
Resources and Materials
A. It is important that everyone brings the following items to class each day.
1. Good attitude.
2. Textbook.
3. Notebook (intended for this class only). Be sure to hold onto your notebook for the full duration of this class for credit.
4. Pencil and/or pen.
5. Please bring along any other materials we may be using in class.
6. I also suggest a one inch 3-ring binder specifically for this class for handouts, assignments, etc. It’s a great way to become and
remain organized.
Tardy and Absence Policy
Daily attendance is very important for the success of each individual student. Indeed, it is necessary for the success of the entire class. Being
on time for class is crucial too. Class begins when the bell rings and everyone needs to be in their seat and ready to participate at that time.
The school absence and tardy policy will be followed.
A. Absences
1. Students are allowed six absences per term. If a student is absent a seventh time, they will have their grade lowered one full grade.
Please reference your Student Handbook for more information.
B. Tardies
1. Detention will be assigned after the 4th tardy and each additional tardy thereafter. You are considered tardy when the bell rings and
you are not in the classroom. Please reference your Student Handbook for more information.
Food and Drink
A. Celebrating Fridays
These items are not allowed in class Monday through Thursday. Since it is fun to celebrate Fridays students may bring a snack
and something to drink to celebrate the coming weekend. Feel free to bring water daily.
Headphones, I Pods, Cell Phones, etc…
A. Not allowed.
1. Please do not use these devices in class. If you choose to bring them, keep them out of sight so they do not distract you or those
around you. The idea is out of sight equals out of mind. If you have a special situation, please feel free to approach me.
I have read and have asked questions concerning any necessary clarifications about the above class expectations.
Student Signature and Date: ______________________________
Parent and/or Guardian Signature and Date: ______________________________
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