FCC PRE-TERM CAREER SESSIONS YOUR PARTNERS IN SUCCESS: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE FCC During this introductory session, the full-time MBA class of 2016 will meet the Feld Career Center team. In addition, the FCC team will provide an overview of the FCC, including the Feld Promise, and introduce the SMG EDGE career curriculum. HIGHLY EFFECTIVE NETWORKING Orville Pierson, author of the book Highly Effective Networking, will facilitate his highly regarded seminar on strategies for career networking. Mr. Pierson has been a featured speaker at Harvard Business School and Fuqua School of Business. FINDING YOUR DESTINATION This seminar, facilitated by the MBA career coaches, begins your exploration of career options. Whether you have a clear path, or not, this session will help you focus and refine your search. SOCIAL MEDIA AND THE JOB SEARCH In the 21st century, a job search that doesn’t include some use of social media is non-existent. The MBA coaches will facilitate this seminar which will explore effective uses of LinkedIn, Twitter, blogs, and more. FCC CAREER EXPO The FCC Career Expo is the first opportunity that the new class of fulltime MBAs will have to interact with employers. This event will include industry panels and networking. BRANDING PAYS: DEVELOPING YOUR PERSONAL BRAND Karen Kang, BU alumnae and author of Branding Pays, will offer her personal branding seminar via live interactive web conference. Ms. Kang’s Branding Pays philosophy has been featured in Business Week, Forbes Magazine, the Wall Street Journal and more. She has delivered her seminar at the London Business School, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Wharton School, and many more.