Process for Customers Submitting Electronic Plans to Manatee County.
1. Download forms from Manatee County website www.mymanatee.org
Departments – Planning – Application Forms and Fees
2. Complete Forms and Applications
3. Submit to revieweroncall@mymanatee.org
4. Once the revieweroncall receives completed applications and forms with
applicable fees (must be submitted to planning department) the client will
receive a Buzzsaw invitation/welcome email with a County project number
5. From the welcome email, client will go to the readme files and follow
instructions on how to download Buzzsaw, then drag and drop the Planning
File Structure Template from the 00 Buzzsaw Help to your local drive,
(rename with your entire project name and number provided) sign and seal
all documents needed with PEDDS (listed below) and create a manifest for
all documents submitted. Once complete, drag and drop the entire folder
structure to the correct application type (i.e. 1000 General, 2000
Preliminary, 3000 Final, etc.) within the 02 Planning Folder under your
project number.
What to Submit: Completeness Review
Follow the Planning File Structure Template folder structure below with the
proper documents and format for your completeness review. If appropriate
documents and format are not followed as described below, your project will
not pass the completeness review.
1. Addressing Folder: 1” = 100’, 1”=200’ and 1”=400’ Scaled plat maps must
be uploaded to this folder in .PDF format. See full detailed instructions,
waiver forms and costs at
For Residential Subdivisions: lot, block and tract numbers;
surrounding streets; phase numbers and phase lines must be
provided on the maps.
For Apartment/Condo Projects: Building numbers, Maximum number
of units/apartments per building, Access – Indicate if the units have
separate entrances or if they share a common entrance, show them
on the plan.
For Commercial Projects: Indicate the store / unit numbers, Indicate
the maximum number of units per building that could possibly be
built (This information will enable us to allow a larger address range
to cover any combining or splitting of units as tenant space is leased),
Access – Indicate if the units have separate entrances or if they share
a common entrance and show them on the plan.
2. Applications Folder: All planning applications and forms shall be placed in
this Applications folder in .PDF.
3. Calculations folder: Stormwater, Utilities Calculation and Traffic Studies
must be uploaded to this folder. This will be submitted as a single PDF file
for each discipline and titled given the correct project number assigned by
Manatee County: Manatee County Project Number_Project Name.pdf
4. Exhibits/Images folder: will be used for any additional information
required for the permit process that includes, but is not limited to, site
pictures and existing conditions.
5. Environmental folder: will be used for any environmental or DEP
documents pending or approved PDF.
6. Exceptions folder: will be used for any exceptions that has to do with the
current project being permitted. This will include, but is not limited to,
BOCC, DEP, SWFWMD, Utilities, Planning and Building Department written
exceptions PDF.
7. GIS folder: Upload - Boundary & Center Line only in a separate .DWG
format drawing. Drawing must be in the correct state plane coordinate
system. NAD83 (1990 adjustment or later) Florida West Zone.
NOTE: Boundary should be on one layer called P_BOUNDARY and
Road Center Line should on one layer called P_ROADCENTERLINE
8. Plans folder: All plans shall be submitted in .DWF format. Please note
that all sheets must be in one sheet set document and uploaded to this
9. PEDDS Authentication folder: will be used for all plans, records and
calculations that must be electronically signed and sealed using PEDDS.
The PEDDS authentication report will be uploaded to this folder in PDF.
10. Paper Copies will be required along with electronic file submission, one (1)
original signed and sealed sets of plans will be required based on the type
permit that is being applied for:
One set of plans for the Planning Department signed and sealed if
submitting through the Planning Department only.
When applicable, one (1) signed and sealed boundary survey will be
required for plats.
11. Records folder: will used for permanent file records that will be submitted
by the applicant. These documents will be submitted as a single PDF. file
for each discipline and titled given the correct project number assigned by
Manatee County. These files will be the exactly the same as the single file
.dwf or .pdf that is submitted for review. These files must match the hard
copy plan signed and sealed and kept on site by the Engineer of Record.
12. Response to Comments: This folder will contain all applicants’ responses
to comments.
13. Re-Submittals
Re-Submittals will follow the same procedures as the original except the
documents will be uploaded to the Revisions folder in the Planning File
Structure Template and re-submitted to the reviewer on call.
Publish a Sheet Set to a .DWF and .PDF File (quick tips)
Publish a Sheet Set as described in your AutoCAD Help menu.
Professionals' Electronic Data Delivery System (PEDDS)
PEDDS is an application developed by the Department used to Sign and Seal
documents stored electronically. This system meets the requirements of the
Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Boards of
Professional Regulation, for signing and sealing electronic documents.
PEDDS is a project centric system designed specifically to meet the rules of
those Boards of Professional Regulation and suit the needs of the Florida
Department of Transportation (FDOT) for delivering electronically produced
plan sets along with the native CAD files, input files used in the design of a
project, reports, journals, specifications and data files to be used later in
construction. PEDDS secures a project within a folder structure that defines
the project. Specific files within that structure are selected for signing and
sealing by a professional.
This system is not well suited for signing and sealing random individual files, or
sending files that are not part of a project as described. If you are using the
PEDDS system as part of a Florida Department of Transportation project, help is
available from the Engineering/CADD Systems Office (ECSO), phone number
850-245-1600. Otherwise, tutorials are found on the Quick Clips page, at the
FDOT2008 Update Webinar link. If you are using PEDDS as required by another
entity such as a Municipality, County Government or another agency, the
software is available free for use. However, for policies concerning its
application and support, you should first contact the agency requiring its use.
Download the latest installation program for Professionals Electronic Data
Delivery System (PEDDS) from our software downloads page.
The latest help information for Professionals Electronic Data Delivery System
(PEDDS) can be found at the PEDDS version help page.
VeriSign will not be accepted
Contact Information
Site Administration (project related issues)
Steve Kollar(Public Works) 941-708-7450 ext. 7218 Buzzsaw Site Administrator
Danielle McKee(Public Works) 941-708-7450 ext. 7254 Buzzsaw Site Administrator
Phyllis Strong (Planning) 941-748-4501 ext. 6865 Buzzsaw Project Administrator
Technical Assistance (software related issues)
Autodesk Technical Support 1-800-892-0449 6am to 6pm PST or
D=9241337 for 24 hr. support.