Physiology course for pharmacy students First semester Dr.Loai Al-zghoul Sheet #7 The bonus question: At equilibrium the force that applied on Na must equal zerothe electrical force=the chemical So by experiment the concentration of Na in the right side=85 and in the left side=35 to reach the equilibrium the electrical and the chemical forces are the same but at opposite sides =50 chemical gradient:85-35=50 electrical gradient:35—15=50 Four types of movement: 3.Carrier-Mediated transport (proteins ) specificity* saturation regulation *Facilitated diffusion: needs carrier or channel and doesn't need ATP Four types of movement: *simple diffusion: no carriers ,doesn't need ATP Also,the 3.Carrier-Mediated transport Facilitated diffusion Active transport *rate of diffusion has direct relationship with the concentration. 4. Vesicular transport Endocytosis Vesicular transport Endocytosis Phagocytosis Exocytosis Physiology course for pharmacy students, First semesterDr.Loai AlzghoulSheet #7 Active Transport Modalities Indirect: use ATP in indirect way to transfer a certain substances ex :Aminoacid,glucose , fatty acid In addition, indirect active transport couldbe : Active transport: needs ATP and has two types: Direct ex: sodium potassium pump *co-transport:the transfer of two substances in the same side *count transport at opposite sides such as in secretion of proteins the cell has to Physiology course for pharmacy students, First semesterDr.Loai AlzghoulSheet #7 transfer protons outside it by sodium pump which enters the Na inside it using ATP. The concentration of Na outside the cell is higher than inside the force that is applied on it =+61 to prevent Na from entering inside the membrane we have to apply force equal +61 to repel with Na+. Transport The concentration of K+ inside the membrane is higher than outside so the membrane has to apply force inside the membrane =-61 to prevent K from exiting the concentration of CL- outside the membrane is higher than the inside so it has to apply force=-61 inside it to prevent the Cl from entering . direct active co-transport indirect passive count **Nernest equation PERMEABILITY OF THE PLASMA MEMBRANE DEPEND ON: 1)SIZE 2)ELECTRICAL CHARGE 3)LIPID SOLUBILITY 4)ion channels Mainly depend on the concentration. Equilibrium Ion channels are example of simple diffusion because the carriers cannot make conformation **The types of ion channels: 1)leakage ion channel ex: potassium which can open or lose without any Physiology course for pharmacy students, First semesterDr.Loai AlzghoulSheet #7 conditionsand this is the reason of why the permeability of K is higher than Na 2)chemical stimulated ion channel (ligand) 3)mechanical gated ion channel 4)voltage gated ion channel Done By: أسماء عبد اللطيف بشرى حجازي كواكب ِه َم ِم العارفين في بروج . سيارة ليس فيها زحل.. عزائمهم أ