Cell Physiology How cells work Endocytosis Exocytosis Endo- to take in Exo- to let out Phagocytosis“cell eating” white blood cells Pinocytosis“cell drinking” Plasma Membrane 1. 2. 3. Made up of Lipids Polar head and non-polar tail “Fluid Mosaic Model” Cell Membrane Phospholipids 2. Proteins a. receptor b. transmembrane 3. Cholesterol 1. Transport into Cells Passive- no energy (ATP) Diffusion and Osmosis Active- energy needed (ATP) Uses proteins embedded in the membrane “Pumps” Cell Division Mitosis- All body cells reproducing 1 cell (46 chromosomes) 2 cells (46 ch) for growth and repair lifelong- conception to death Related to tumors and cancer Meiosis- Sex cells- produce egg and sperm for reproduction begins at puberty 1 cell (46 chromosomes) 4 cells (23) Mitosis Meiosis 1 cell- DNA replicates- divides – divides again 46 -- 92 --46 -- 23(egg/sperm) Cell Division Animation Using GFP to Study Cell Division 1. 2. What is a stem cell? What is GFP? You tube video: “Growing Nerve Cells”