Vietnam - The Fight For Global Democracy

Document C
“Appeal Made on the Occasion of the Founding of the Indochinese Communist Party (Excerpts)”
Ho Chi Minh
February 18, 1930
The old Vietnamese Communist Party was founded on 3 February 1930 by uniting the Communist Party of
Indochina (despite its name, this party was active only in Tonkin) and Communist Party of Annam (active only
in Cochinchina). Thereafter, the Communist League of Indochina (active only in central Annam) joined the
Vietnamese Communist Party. The Comintern, however, argued that the communist movement should be
promoted in the whole French Indochina (including Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam) but not only Vietnam.
Therefore, it urged the Vietnamese Communist Party transform itself into the Indochinese Communist Party.
1. To overthrow French imperialism and Vietnamese feudalism and reactionary bourgeoisie;
2. To make Indochina completely independent;
3. establish a worker-­‐peasant-­‐soldier government;
4. To confiscate the banks and other enterprises belonging to the imperialists and put them under the control
of the worker-­‐peasant-­‐soldier government;
5. To confiscate all the plantations and property belonging to the imperialists and the Vietnamese reactionary
bourgeoisie and distribute them to the poor peasants;
6. To implement the 8-­‐hour working day;
7. To abolish the forced buying of government bonds, the poll-­‐tax and all unjust taxes hitting the poor;
8. To bring democratic freedoms to the masses;
9. To dispense education to all the people;
10. To realize equality between man and woman.