Ed's Medical Terminology Page Courtesy of Ed Friedlander, MD (http://www.pathguy.com/medvocab.htm) Part 1 – Stems Part 2 – Prefixes (page 7) Part 3 – Suffixes (page 8) Stems acanth aceto acou acro actin acu adeno adipo aero (a)esth agogue agon ala alb algo alien allelo amauros am(o)eb ambi/amph ambly ambul(o)amnio amylo andro angio ankyl annulus anser anthem anthrac anthro aort aphro aqu spine, prickle vinegar hear extremity, tip, sharp ray, beam sharp, abrupt, sudden gland fat air perception leader contest, struggle wing white pain stranger, strange one another, mutual blind constantly changing both sides dim, faint walk amnion, "bowl" starch male vessel (blood, bile) bent, crooked; a locked joint little ring goose flower black man / human aorta froth, sexual love water arachn archo argy artero arthro artic asthm athero atri axilla axo aud aur aus auto aux azo bac(t) ball balano blast blenno bleph bol brachi brady branch bronch bucc burs caes c(h)ord c(o)ele carpo spider, spiderweb ancient, beginning silver, shiny artery (as opposed to vein) joint little joint panting, short breaths gruel entry chamber armpit center, axis hear hear hear self make grow nitrogen rod throw acorn, glans sprout snot eyelid throw arm slow gill bronchus cheek (inside) bursa, purse cut deep notochord rupture wrist 1 calci calco calyc campy canc capo centr carbo carcin carcinoma card carot carpo caus centesis centr cep(h) cephal cept cereb(r) cervic ch(e)ir chemo chlor chol(e) chondr chorea chori chrom chron chyle cide cise cili cion clast claustr cleido clino clivus coagul coccus coccyx collic collo limestone heel, spur cup bend crab head, expanded part center charcoal, carbon crab cancer from epithelium heart, heart-shape great neck arteries wrist burn puncture center head, expanded part head seize, take brain neck hand chemistry light green bile cartilage; grain dance chorionic membrane color time, long time digested food juice killing, "falling" cut deep eyelash uvula break barrier collarbone, key bed slope coagulate, clot berry cuckoo, cuckoo bill hill glue collus conios cond core cori corn cox(a) corp cre(s)c cribi crine cubit cubo cule culpo cuneo cutis cyan cycl cysto cyto dacr dacty demos dens dent derm desm desis desmo dextro diadocho didym digi(t) diphth docho drepan dromo duc, duct dynia echin echo ectasia edem(a) embol neck dust hard knob dolly, pupil (of eye) leather horn hip physical body grow sieve Secretion(separation) elbow lay down little vagina wedge skin dark blue circle, wheel urinary bladder cell tear (from the eye) finger people tooth tooth skin harden, bind together binding hard right-sided succeed, take over twin finger, toe leathery membrane cup, container sickle running a race; course lead, guide pain spiny echo dilatation excess tissue fluid / "swelling" bottle stopper 2 embryo emesis em(ia) enceph enchyme entero ergo erythro esthesia f(a)eco fac facie fasc fec fer fibr fic fis, fid fistula flagel flav flat flect flex fora/foro fornic fract frag fring fuge fun fus gala(k) gam(y) gangl gangr galact gastr gemin gen genesis genu ger gest glans embryo, fetus vomiting blood brain filling, installation intestine work red perception feces, refuse make, build, do, perform face, countenance, looks bundle, fascia make, build, do, perform carrying, bearing fibrous make, build, do, perform split, cleave, divide pipe whip yellow blow bend bend make a hole arch break into pieces break into pieces break into pieces flee melt, pour melt, pour milk marry knot gangrene, gnawing sore milk stomach, belly twin become, beget, produce origin knee old age bring forth, produce acorn gleno gli(o) glob glomer gloss glute gnatho gnosis gogue gono gonio gracile gram gran graph gryph gynec (h)(a)em habeo halluc helic helm hermaphro hepat hernia hidr hippo histo hy(a)l hydatid hydro hypno hystero iatric iatro ichth idio inguin insul irid ischi islet ject jejun junc shoulder glial cells, literally "glue" sphere, ball, round body tuft tongue buttocks jaw know lead offspring, product, seed, semen angle slender record grain writing, scratching claw female blood to hold, habit, general state of big toe spiral worm male and female in one body liver rupture, hernia sweat horse tissue, web, cloth glass, primitive material water drop water sleep uterus healing physician fish self, personal, private part of body from groin to hip island rainbow, bright-color circle hip joint island throw, hurl hungry join together 3 jug jux karyo kera kern kerato kine kyn lachry labio lacto lal latero lecith leiomyo lein lens lepros lepto leuco/leuko levo liga(t) ling lith lumbo lumbri lumen lymph lysis malar mal(i) malacia malako malleo mania medi medulla meli mere manu mara mast(i) mast(o) mea meatus join together join together nucleus horny kernel, deep brain skin surface, cornea, horn set in motion dog tear (from the eye) lip milk babble, talk side egg yolk smooth muscle spleen lentil rough and rotting off thin, fine, slender white left-sided bind together, bandage tongue stone lower back, loin earthworm the tube down a hollow organ "clear fresh water" breaking down cheek (outside) abnormal, bad soft soft hammer wild about middle portion soft inner part sweet part hand wither whip, flog, beat breast passage external opening meios melano melia mening men(i)s ment meter metro mito mnem mnes mob morb morph mot muco/myxo mur(al) musc myc(o) myelo myi myo myxo/muco narco naso necro nephelo nephr nerv neuro nos, nox nous nyct occiput ocul (h)odo odon odyn olfact oma omen(t) omphalo on(e/t) onco onycho o” lessening black limb meninges moon, month mind, chin measure uterus thread memory memory move sick shapes, dreams move slime wall mouse, muscle fungus soft, pith fly (insect) muscle slime sleep nose dead cloud kidney nerve nerve nasty, sickening mind, spirit night back of the head eye way, path, road tooth pain smell tumor/lump omentum belly button to be tumor, mass nail (finger/toe) egg 4 o”phor op / opsy ophth opio opsi opson orbi orch org oro ortho os osm ost(eo) ot(o) ovin oxy p(a)ed palpebr pannus pap par(i)t parietal partheno partum patho pect pelvis pes/ped phage phakos pharmako phase pheo phero philo phlebo phleg phobia phoco phoro phos/phot phragm phren phth ovary eye, see, etc. eye poppy juice late relish, meat seasoning wheel testis work mouth straight bone, mouth smell bone ear sheep oxygen, acid child eyelid cloth, rag nipple have a baby wall virgin birth disease, misery chest basin foot eat lentil, lens of the eye sorcery, poison, drug phase ugly, dusky carry, bear like, love vein flame fear seal (the animal) carry, bear light divide into two, wall off mind, breath waste away, wither phyllo physio phyte pineo pinna pino pisi pituit placent plak plantar plasm plast platy plegia pleur plex plexy plic pn(e) pod(o) poie(sis) polio pollic pomp porph porta posthe prac prag prax pre/pro procto pron(o) proto pseud psyche psychr pter pto pty(alo) pulmo punct pupa purp leaf-like nature a plant pine cone feather drink pea snot cake, placenta cake sole of the foot molded molded flat stroke, paralysis pleura ("side of ribs") braid, wind together stroke braid, wind together breath foot making gray; gray matter of CNS thumb precede, parade purple door foreskin done done done before rectum prone, face down first false spirit, mind cold, frigid wing droop spit lung prick, little spot doll, miniature figure purple 5 pyelo pykno pyo p(u/y)ri pyr(o) radi r(h)ach re(i)n ret(ic) rhabdo rhaph rheo rheum rhino riso rrha(g) rub(r) sacc sacch(ar) salpinx sang(ui) sapro sarc(o) sarcoma scato scapho schi(s/z) sclero scope sebo sec/seg sella seps/sept septo sero sial sinus skel soma/somy spasmo spondylo sphinct sphygno spir splanchn vat, basin, pelvis shrivelled pus pear fever (cognate to "fire") rod backbone kidney net striated muscle sew together flow runny stuff nose smile discharge from a burst vessel red sack sugar trumpet, oviduct blood dead flesh cancer from CT or muscle feces, filth boat split hard examine carefully hard fat, skin grease, suet cut saddle make rotten fence, partition whey, wet protein saliva hollow or pocket dried up, skeleton body a drawing tight spine bind tight, squeeze shut heartbeat breathing innards staphyl stasis stat statio staxis stem steato sterco sthen stigm stole stom(a) stomy strepto stylo sudo sulco syring tachy tact tainia talo tasis tarso taxo telo temporal ten(d)o terato theca thel thenar thym thym thyro toco tom(e) tono topo tort tox(o) trema tricho trophy tryps bunch of grapes standing up, being stable stop standing up, being stable drip, drop standing up, being stable fat feces strength spot to pull, to draw mouth mouth wavy stylus sweat plowed furrow pipe, tube, reed fast, swift touch band, tapeworm ankle stretch flat plate arrangement, put in order the tip, the end temple stretch, tendon monster box (sheath, covering) breast, covering layer palm, sole mind, spirit, mood warty mass, thymus gland oblong shield have a baby cut stretch place twist bow, arrow, poisoned arrow hole hair grow/food break into many pieces, crush 6 tuber bump, potato(e) typho smoky, delirious fever typhl cecum unguis nail (finger, toe) uro urine uvo grape vacc cow vago wanderer valgus turned outward varus turned inward vaso blood vessel velo veil, curtain, cover vener sexual acts, lusty veno vein (as opposed to artery) vert turn vesico bladder viscero innards volv turn around, twist around xantho yellow xeno stranger xero dry z(a)o to live zo” animals zema boiled zygo yoke zyme ferment Prefixes a(d)a(n)abab(s)adalloambiamphianaanisoanteantiap-,apobi(s)biobrachy- towards without from away from towards other, another both on both sides, around up to, back, again, movement from different, unequal before, forwards against, opposite from, back, again twice, double life short catacircumconcontracytededecadi(s)diadi(a)s diplodolichodurdyse-, ecectoekemenendoentepiesoeueuryex-,exoextrahaplohaptohemiheptheterohexhomohyperhypoim-, inininfrainterintraintroisojuxtakata- down around together against cell from, away from, down from ten two through, complete separation double long hard, firm bad, abnormal out, from out of outside, external out in into into within on, up, against, high I will carry well, abundant, prosperous broad, wide out, from out of outside, beyond, in addition single bind to half seven different six same above, excessive below, deficient not into, to below, underneath among, between within, inside, during inward, during equal,same adjacent to down, down from 7 macromagnomedimegamegalomesometamicroneononoboctaoctooligopachypanparapentperperipleopoly postpreprosproxpseudoquar(t)re, redretrosemisexseptsubsupersuprasynsystetrathiotranstriuniultra- large large middle large very large middle beyond, between small new not before, against eight eight few thick all beside, to the side of, wrong five by, through, throughout around, round-about more than usual many behind, after before, in front, very besides besides false, fake four back, again backwards, behind half six seven under, beneath above, in addition, over above, on the upper side together, with together, with four sulfur across, beyond three one beyond, besides, over Suffixes -ase -ate -cide -c(o)ele -ectomy -form -ia -iasis -ile -illa -illus -in -ism -itis -ity -ium -ize -logy -megaly -noid -oid -ogen -ol(e) -ole -oma -osis -ostomy -pathy -penia -pexy -plasty -philia -rhage -rhea -rhexis -pagus -sis -thrix -tomy -ule -um fermenter do killer cavity, hollow removal of, cut out shaped like got full of little version little version little version stuff theory, characteristic of inflammation makes a noun of quality thing do study of, reasoning about large mind, spirit resembling, image of precursor alcohol little version tumor (usually) full of "mouth-cut" disease of, suffering lack fix in place re-shaping affection for burst out discharge, flowing out shredding Siamese twins idea (makes a noun, typically abstract) hair cut little version thing (makes a noun, typically concrete) 8