foreign office - Ministry of Foreign Affairs

A Monthly Publication of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dhaka
Issue 2, October 2011
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina with the Heads of Governments at the CHOGM
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina led the Bangladesh delegation at the
Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) held
from 28-30 October, 2011 in Perth, Australia. Foreign Minister Dr.
Dipu Moni accompanied the Prime Minister, among others. The
theme of CHOGM 2011 was “Building National Resilience,
Building Global Resilience.”
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina paid an official visit to Germany
from 22-25 October, 2011. During the visit, she held official talks
with the German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel, wherein they
reviewed the entire range of bilateral relations. She also had a
meeting with the President of the German Parliament.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, in her deliberations, focused on
climate change, food security, the current economic melt-down
and its global impact, especially on LDCs. She regretted that the
global recession has had a particularly crippling effect on export
earnings, investment, remittance and ODA of the LDC. The Prime
Minister actively participated in the panel discussion
“Empowering Women to Lead”, which was chaired by the
Australian Prime Minister. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina narrated
Bangladesh’s impressive success in women empowerment. The
Prime Minister also had a meeting with members of the
Bangladesh community living in Western Australia. She laid floral
wreath at the memorial of valiant Australian national, W. A. S.
Ouderland, a veteran of Bangladesh’s War of Liberation and the
only foreigner to receive the Bir Pratik gallantry award for his
contributions during the war in 1971.
At the Perth CHOGM, Bangladesh was re-elected to the CMAG
(Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group) for another two years.
The Bangladesh Prime Minister delivered the Keynote Speech at
the World Health Summit, Berlin-2011 on 23 October 2011. The
high profile presence of the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at the
World Health Summit provided an opportunity to present before
the world the Bangladesh perspective concerning health services
Bilateral meetings on the sidelines:
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel
during official talks
The Prime Minister had bilateral meetings with Prime Minister Lee
Hsien Loong of Singapore, President Rajapakshe of Sri Lanka and
President Ahmed Nasheed of Maldives. The leaders discussed
various aspects of bilateral relations and the agenda of the ongoing
CHOGM. The Prime Minister emphasized the need for increasing
investment from Singapore to Bangladesh. The Sri Lankan
President invited her to the next CHOGM to be held in Sri Lanka
in 2013. The Maldivian President invited the Prime Minister of
Bangladesh to the upcoming 17th SAARC Summit in Maldives.
and health-care issues – concerns as well as achievements of
Bangladesh made in this sector. The achievements could include,
among others, the establishment of community health centers,
telemedicine and other social safety-net programmes having
positive impacts on the health sector. She also attended, as chief
guest, a Business Forum seminar on “Emerging MarketBangladesh” organized by German Bangladesh Chamber of
Commerce and participated by leading German business leaders
and potential investors.
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Two joint declarations of intent, one on climate change adaptation
and mitigation and the other on cooperation in the field of health
were signed. Foreign Minister Dr. Dipu Moni and the Health
Minister Prof. Dr. Ruhul Haque accompanied the Prime Minister,
among others, during the visit. A high-level business delegation
from FBCCI, the apex trade body, also accompanied the Prime
Minister to Germany.
Foreign Minister Dr. Dipu Moni participated in the Pre-CHOGM
Foreign Ministers Meeting on 27 October 2011. In her statement,
she focused on the theme of the CHOGM - “Building National
Resilience, Building Global Resilience”. She said that the world
today was witnessing political upheavals, financial melt-down,
climate change, natural disasters, and a host of challenges – to food
security, water security and energy security. She stressed that
Commonwealth countries needed to build resilience with effective
response to these present-day challenges facing the world,
particularly the developing countries.
Issue 2, October 2011
sidelines of the ACD Meeting, Dr. Dipu Moni held bilateral
meetings with the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of
Kuwait, and also with her counterparts from the Philippines and
Sri Lanka.
Dr. Dipu Moni,MP, the Foreign Minister attended a Congressional
Reception on 11 October 2011 at the Capitol Hill, Washington DC
during her recent visit to USA (11-12 October 2011).
The Foreign Minister also participated extensively in the
discussion on the report (“A Commonwealth of the People – Time
for Urgent Reform”) of the 11-member Eminent Persons Group
(EPG) which was mandated by the last CHOGM of 2009 to
recommend ways for reforming the Commonwealth. Among the
major recommendations in the report, the one on establishment of
a Charter of the Commonwealth and the other on creation of the
position of the Commonwealth Commissioner for Democracy,
Rule of Law and Human Rights drew much attention of the
member states and civil society. The EPG Report will undergo
some further intergovernmental scrutiny and examination before a
decision on the recommendations is finalized.
In her speech, the Foreign Minister thanked the US Congress for
their steadfast support for Bangladesh and its people. Referring to
the resolution ‘H.R. 1215 – Expressing Support for Bangladesh’s
return to democracy’ which was passed in the 111th Congress
almost unanimously in March 2010, the Foreign Minister thanked
the sponsor of the resolution Joseph Crowley and other members
of the House Caucus on Bangladesh and all other Congressmen for
supporting the resolution. Dr. Dipu Moni urged the Congressman
to play a proactive role for waiver of the hefty tariff regime levied
on Bangladeshi RMG products into US market which accounts for
more than $600 mn. a year. She also called for reintroducing the
‘New Partnership for Trade Development Act’ in the 112th
Congress, which provides duty and quota free access of products
from Asian LDCs including Bangladesh. The event was attended
by a good number of prominent Congressmen including Joseph
Crowley, Co-Chair of Bangladesh Caucus and Hansen Hashim
Clarke, the first Congressman of Bangladesh descent, who
expressed their support for the causes of Bangladesh. Also spoke at
the event was Assistant Secretary of State Ambassador Robert O.
Blake who pledged support of the current US Administration for
Bangladesh, which they consider as an important partner and a
On the sidelines of CHOGM, the Foreign Minister attended the
Civil Society Roundtable with other Commonwealth Foreign
Ministers. Issues of gender, education, urbanization, people with
disability, indigenous people, migration, EPG Report, inclusion of
civil society in economic policy formation exercise of governments
as well as accountability and good governance of civil society
organisations were discussed at the roundtable.
The 9th Bilateral Foreign Office Consultations between Bangladesh
and China was held on 17 October 2011 in Beijing, China. Foreign
Secretary Ambassador Mohamed Mijarul Quayes led the
Bangladesh delegation while the Assistant Foreign Minister of
China Liu Zhenmin led the Chinese side. During the
consultations, the entire gamut of bilateral relations
between Bangladesh and China was reviewed. They also
exchanged views on important regional and international issues of
common concern.
Foreign Minister Dr. Dipu Moni also participated in the Forum on
Piracy in the Indian Ocean on 28 October 2011.
Bilateral meetings:
On the fringe of the Pre-CHOGM Foreign Ministers Meeting, Dr.
Dipu Moni had a bilateral meeting with the UK Secretary of State
for Foreign and Commonwealth Office William Hague. They
dwelt on various aspects of bilateral relations and cooperation
between Bangladesh and the UK. The Foreign Minister of Cyprus
Dr. Erato Kozakou−Marcoullis met the Bangladesh Foreign
Minister and discussed matters of mutual interest, particularly
cooperation in education and possible reciprocal visa exemption
between the two countries.
The two sides discussed various regional and international issues
of common interest including SAARC, BIMSTEC, BCIM, ARF, East
Asia Summit, reforms of the UNSC and climate change. The
Chinese Assistant Minister showed great interest in SAARC and
said that they would participate in the forthcoming 17th SAARC
The Foreign Minister Dr. Dipu Moni led the Bangladesh delegation
to the 10th Ministerial Meeting of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue
(ACD) held in Kuwait City from 10-11 October 2011. With ACD
entering its second decade, the theme of this year’s meeting was
“Towards a Better Future for ACD”. In line with the theme, the
Foreign Minister in her address, called for Asian states to focus on
joint initiatives to take Asia-wide cooperation forward. On the
The 9th Foreign Office Consultaions between Bangladesh and China held in
Beijing on 17 October 2011
Summit in the Maldives. The two sides agreed to jointly focus on
ways and means to further promote bilateral relations. They
specially agreed to work together for enhancing eonnectivity.
During the talks, they agreed to sign a Comprehensive Consular
Agreement and to set up a ‘Consular Mechanism’ to discuss
various consular related issues on a regular basis.
The Foreign Secretary paid a courtesy call on the First Vice Foreign
Minister of China Zhang Zhijiun and discussed various issues of
mutual interest. During both the meetings, the Foreign Secretary
was assisted by Bangladesh Ambassador to China Munshi Faiz
Ahmad, and other Mission officials. The Foreign Secretary also met
with his counterpart and other senior officials in Pyongyang after
his visit to China.
Foreign Secretary Ambassador Mijarul Quayes delivered a lecture
on 31 October,2011 on "Climate Change: Bangladesh Perspective"
at RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology), Australia. In
his lecture, attended by a good number of students, researchers
and faculty members, Ambassador Quayes narrated as to how
Bangladesh, one of the most vulnerable countries, is tackling the
challenge with its limited resources and has earned the reputation
worldwide as a role model in adaptation measures. Afterwards, a
group of PhD students interacted with the Foreign Secretary and
the informal conversation provided them an opportunity to learn
about the challenges Bangladesh faces as well as the enormous
potentials it holds.
Issue 2, October 2011
Minister in his speech said that Bangladesh’s partnership with the
UN over the last 40 years has grown from strength to strength due
to the unity of purpose of the member state and the world body for
world peace and development. In her remarks, DG Saida Muna
Tasneem said that Bangladesh is a strong believer in the
universality, legitimacy and the indispensability of the UN and the
platform it provides for voicing the concerns of the vast majority of
developing countries. While specially mentioning about the lead
role of Bangladesh in UN Peace-keeping Missions, she highlighted
Bangladesh’s diplomatic leadership in a wide range of UN
specialized bodies, funds and programmes including currently as
the Chair of the Second Committee, member of ECOSOC and UN
Human Rights Council, UNDP/UNFPA,UNESCO, UNICEF and
UN Women Executive Boards.
A Financing Agreement for US$ 300 million (equivalent to BD Tk.
2185.5 crore) was signed on 13 October 2011 at the Economic
Relations Division (ERD), Dhaka between the Government of
Bangladesh and the International Development Association (IDA),
the soft loan window of the World Bank to implement the ‘Third
A symposium was organized on 24 October, 2011 by the UN
Resident Coordinator’s Office in Dhaka to mark the United
Nations (UN) Day. The day is observed across the world to
commemorate the founding of the UN 66 years ago. Finance
Minister of Bangladesh A.M.A. Muhith was the Chief Guest at the
event. Saida Muna Tasneem, Director General (UN), Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, was present as the Guest of Honour. Rasheda
Chowdhury, former Adviser to the government, was also present
while Neal Walker, UN Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh
chaired the programme.
Finance Minister A.M.A. Muhith delivering speech as chief guest on the
occasion of United Nations Day 2011 in Dhaka
Speakers were of the view that the UN represented the entire
world and played a critical role, as the only legitimate world body,
in addressing global issues including conflicts, terrorism,
socio-economic problems and climate change etc. The Finance
ERD Secretary Iqbal Mahmood and World Bank Country Director Ellen
Goldstein exchanging agreements after signing
Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP-III)’. The
loan will be utilized to achieve the objectives of reducing social
disparities, increasing the number of children completing primary
education, improving the learning environment and ensuring
effective use of resources devoted for primary education. Iqbal
Mahmood, Secretary, ERD and Ellen Goldstein, Country Director
of the World Bank, Dhaka Office signed the Agreement on behalf
of their respective sides. A.K.M. Abdul Awal Mazumder,
Secretary, Ministry of Primary and Mass Education and other
senior officials of the Government of Bangladesh and the World
Bank were in attendance at the ceremony.
The estimated total cost of the programme is US$ 8.3 billion (Tk.
58,359 crore) including development and non-development
Components, of which the development partners are expected to
finance approximately US$ 1 billion (BD Tk. 7,598 crore) and the
Government’s contribution is 7.3 billion (Tk. 50.761 crore). The
International Development Association (IDA) will provide US$
300 million as loan and the rest will be mobilized as grants and
loans from other development partners. The Project will be
implemented from 2011 to 2016 by the Directorate of Primary
Education under the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education.
Issue 2, October 2011
Bangladesh voted in favour of the UNGA resolution
acknowledging the NTC to represent Libya in the UN General
Assembly on 16 September 2011. The diplomatic note dated 13
October 2011 mentioned that Bangladesh was ready to support the
rebuilding process and reconstruction of Libya in the interest of a
brighter future for the brotherly people of Libya. It underlined the
importance of the rebuilding process in a manner that safeguarded
the territorial integrity of Libya, strengthened solidarity of the
Libyan people and ensured an inclusive political system.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated Dahagram-Angorpota power
transmission on 19 October 2011
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visited Angarpota and Dahagram
on 19 October 2011 to formally inaugurate the 24-hour unfettered
access of Bangladesh nationals through the Tin Bigha Corridor
following agreement reached between Bangladesh and India
during the visit of Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India to
Bangladesh, in September 2011. The formal inauguration of free
movement of Bangladesh nationals through the corridor puts an
end to almost 37 years of restrictions of the Indian authorities on
the use of Tin Bigha corridor. It may be recalled that the historic
Mujib-Indira Land Boundary Agreement of 16 May 1974, included
India’s agreement to lease in perpetuity to Bangladesh an area of
178x85 square metres near the Tin Bigha corridor to connect
Dahagram to Panbari of Patgram in Bangladesh.
Foreign Minister Dr. Dipu Moni, MP, visited USA on 11-12
October, 2011. During her visit, she met with the US Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton on 12 October, 2011. Held at the US
Department of State, the meeting featured wide-ranging issues of
mutual interest in the spirit of further strengthening the relations
both in depth and dimension. Dr. Dipu Moni raised, among others,
the issues of repatriation of the fugitive of the Bangabandhu
murder case, duty and quota free access of Bangladeshi RMG
products to the US market, enhanced US support for fighting
climate change etc. Secretary Hillary Clinton assured the Foreign
Minister of US support in pursuing various development activities
in Bangladesh. Dr. Dipu Moni also held discussions with Dr. Rajib
Shah, USAID Administrator and with Isabel Guerrero, the World
Bank’s Vice President for South Asia.
Also during her visit, Dr. Dipu Moni was the chief guest at the
event “Meet Bangladesh: Asia’s Next Big Opportunity” organized
by the Bangladesh Brand Forum in collaboration with the
During her visit to Angarpota Dahagram, the Prime Minister also
inaugurated Dahagram-Angorpota power transmission activities
and a 10-bed hospital and newly built Dahagram Union Parishad
Building. She also addressed a huge public gathering. Later,
accompanied by a number of ministers, advisers, lawmakers and
journalists, she opted to use the corridor to return to mainland
Bangladesh from the Dahagram-Angorpota. She was Bangladesh’s
first head of government to be present at the historic Tin Bigha
area. When her motorcade reached the corridor, two waiting
Indian ministers - Health Minister Golam Nabi Azad and Minister
of State for Home Affairs Jitendra Prasad Singh, received the
Bangladesh Prime Minister, along with some other Indian officials.
Operationalization of 24-hour unfettered access of Bangladesh
nationals through the Tin Bigha Corridor symbolized the
fulfillment of the long pending promise, and would have a
significantly positive impact on the lives of the people of
Angarpota-Dahagram. This is also a tangible outcome of the visit
of Bangladesh Prime Minister to India in January 2010.
Bangladesh accorded recognition to the National Transitional
Council (NTC) of Libya on 13 October 2011 as the only acceptable
interim authority of Libya. It may be mentioned here that
Foreign Minister Dr. Dipu Moni with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
during her visit to USA
US-Bangladesh Advisory Council, and SAIS at Johns Hopkins
University. She also participated in a seminar organized by the US
Chamber of Commerce and a Congressional Reception at Capitol
Hill, where a good number of Congressmen were present. The
Foreign Minister inaugurated the MRP/MRV facilities at the
Embassy of Bangladesh in Washington DC on 12 October 2011.
Published by: External Publicity Wing, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Chief Patron: Dr. Dipu Moni, MP, Foreign Minister; Editorial Adviser: Ambassador Mijarul Quayes, Foreign Secretary
Editor: Md. Shameem Ahsan, Director General, External Publicity; Design and Production Supervision: A.T.M. Monemul Haque
Director, External Publicity Wing; Contact: Phone: 9558083; Fax: 9569129; Mail: