Setting a New Direction Together
A small change in direction can make a big difference – but sometimes it can be difficult
to see the forest through the trees. For more than 150 years, we’ve made it our business
to help our customers on their journeys, to uncomplicate their lives and to accelerate their
progress toward their financial aspirations.
With that mission in mind, I’m pleased to welcome you to the new, enhanced look of
PNC Directions. Today’s Directions combines the same quality information that you’ve
come to rely upon, along with a fresh new look that makes it easier to read and locate the articles that are
most important to you.
We’re committed to delivering the information, tools and resources you need to confidently make financial
decisions, and we’re constantly working to improve the products and services we provide to help you set your
direction in life.
Please stop by your local branch, call 1-877-CALL-PNC or visit us online at to learn more about all
of the ways we can help you stay on course and reach your desired destination.
Selecting the Right Financial Consultant –
Take Control of Your Future
Selecting a financial consultant
is an important decision. You
want a qualified professional
who is trustworthy and someone
with whom you are compatible.
Your Financial Consultant
Is Your Partner
A financial consultant is a professional
who works with you to develop a
comprehensive plan to help you
achieve your financial goals. Your
Financial Consultant, in essence,
is your financial partner.
Joseph C. Guyaux
President, The PNC Financial Services Group
Find a Financial Consultant
Compatible With You
> Eat a balanced diet that includes lean proteins, whole grains, low-fat dairy
products and plenty of fruits and vegetables.
> Get enough sleep. Most Americans currently get significantly less than the
seven to nine hours per night that sleep experts recommend.
> Get moving. Exercise can reduce stress, help you lose weight and improve
overall health. A simple walk around the block requires no special equipment
and can easily be worked into your day.
> Maintain a healthy weight to help reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood
pressure and diabetes.
> Practice preventive care. Take advantage of immunizations and preventive
health screenings to ward off disease and/or detect potential health issues
before they advance.
While finding a financial consultant
with whom you are comfortable and
compatible may seem daunting
and somewhat uncomfortable (it’s
never easy to share the intimate
details of your financial life), it doesn’t
have to be difficult. But where do
you begin?
The first step in selecting a financial
consultant is knowing what you want
in life. Do you want to retire at age
58? Are you saving for your children’s
college educations? Do you dream of
owning a second home? By defining –
and prioritizing – your goals, you can
begin your search.
Get referrals from family, friends and
business associates who share goals
similar to yours. Select three or four
highly recommended financial consultants and schedule an appointment
with each. Many financial consultants
will provide an initial consultation
Take an Active Role in
Your Financial Future
It may seem as if your work is now
done. In reality, your work has just
begun – ask questions, review your
portfolio periodically and build a
positive relationship with your new
financial partner.
You’ll Save
Your First Meeting – What
To Expect
as an Educated
Healthcare Consumer
During the consultation, be prepared
to share a snapshot of your current
financial situation and your prioritized
financial goals. The financial consultant should listen attentively, ask
questions about your risk tolerance
and investment philosophy, and
explain things in layman’s terms.
You’ll also want to find out more
about the financial consultant’s
qualifications, risk tendencies,
investment strategies, as well
as his or her approach to financial
planning. It is helpful to create
a list of questions to ensure you
don’t forget to ask about something
At this initial meeting, it is prudent
to ask about the types of clients the
financial consultant works with as
well as any additional services offered
by the individual or his or her firm.
How to Become an Educated
see page 3
Healthcare Consumer
To learn more about selecting a
financial consultant that’s right
for you, you can visit the websites
of the National Association of
Securities Dealers at or
the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission at
to Avoid Crises
Selecting the Right
Financial Consultant –
Take Control
of Your Future
Important Investor Information: Securities
and brokerage services are provided by PNC
Investments LLC, member NASD and SIPC.
Annuities and other insurance products are
offered by PNC Insurance Services, LLC a
licensed insurance agency.
see page 6
> Stay Healthy and Save
> Setting a New
Direction Together
> Don’t smoke! Reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease, cancer and
pulmonary diseases such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis
by not smoking.
The easiest way to save money on
healthcare costs is to invest in a lifestyle
change and stay healthy. Not only will you save,
but you’ll also feel great! To begin saving money
and feeling great consider doing the following:
PNC Directions | SEPT/OCT 2007
by Joe Guyaux
see page 5
> Take time for yourself and do something enjoyable every day!
Dance, read a book, write poetry, walk the dog – if you enjoy it, do it!
You may have to make dramatic changes to live more healthfully. And that’s
not an easy thing to do. But it is worth the effort in the long run. | 1-877-CALL-PNC
©2007 The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. All rights reserved. PNC Bank, Member FDIC
see page 2
FORM 125595
see page 4
You’ll Save Money
as an Educated Healthcare Consumer
Virtually every business has experienced a cash crisis
at some point in time. These crises can be caused by
a variety of factors ranging from an overall economic
slowdown to an expected seasonal decline in business.
However, thoughtful planning and effective cash management can help you avoid many crises and survive those
that are unavoidable.
There was a time – not so long ago
– when every employee was offered
the same healthcare benefit plan.
The only choice available to these
employees was “take it or leave it.”
And the information available for
this plan was contained in one
Today, regardless of whether our
coverage is provided by an employer
or purchased on an individual basis,
we have more choices – and access
to information – than ever before
when it comes to healthcare options.
With a simple phone call or a few
clicks of a mouse we can compare
available choices online, research
the credentials of participating
physicians and hospitals, and even
take advantage of prevention programs that will help us manage
conditions that can adversely affect
our health.
What does it mean to be a
“healthcare consumer”?
Quality healthcare can be expensive
and, at times, it can also be a financial challenge for individuals and
families. Becoming an
educated healthcare
consumer can help you
take care of yourself
and your family while
saving money.
PNC Directions | SEPT/OCT 2007
Forecasting the Future
The first step in effective cash management is forecasting
your future cash flow. Typically done on an annual or
quarterly basis, the cash flow forecast should be realistic
and take into account all cash expected to come into and
go out of your business on a monthly or weekly basis.
This forecast will help you anticipate shortfalls and allow
you to take proactive steps to avoid a crisis.
Evaluate Assets
Evaluate the assets owned outright by the business, and
contemplate selling selected ones. For example, the sale
of excess and/or outdated inventory can help increase
cash flow at any time.
Cash from Credit
A line of credit from your bank provides a convenient and
flexible way to smooth out the peaks and valleys of cash
flow. A small business line of credit can be used just like
cash and, unlike a traditional loan, requires you to pay
interest only on the amount actually used. So consider a
line of credit as a vital tool in your cash management plan
– providing your business with a cash reserve.
Careful planning and management will help you stay in
control of cash flow and help your business thrive.
Speed Up Collections
Timely collections will help to ensure that you have a
steady flow of cash coming in. Invoice clients immediately
upon delivery of goods or job completion. If your business involves project work, project initiation deposits
and progress payments are effective tools that can help
ensure a steady flow of cash throughout the course of
these projects.
How to Become an Educated Healthcare Consumer
Review available healthcare plans,
as well as your financial and medical
situations, to ensure that you select
that which best meets the needs of
you and your family. When considering
healthcare plans, don’t just look at the
amount you must contribute to participate in the plan. Be sure to evaluate
what your likely out-of-pocket expenses
might be. These expenses may include
co-payments, deductibles, prescription
costs, and emergency care costs.
Practice prevention.
Take advantage of immunizations
and preventive screenings as they
apply to the individuals in your family.
Where immunizations can help prevent
disease, preventive health screenings
can help detect disease earlier when
it is often more treatable. The information supplied by preventive screenings
will also provide you with a variety of
information that can help you better
understand how to improve your health
outlook through a lifestyle change.
Look for ways to manage health
conditions on your own. Does your
health insurer provide free advice via
phone or provide educational materials
by mail? Do you have access to health
education seminars that can help
you live more healthfully? If so, take
advantage of these resources to
manage current health conditions
and help to prevent new conditions
from developing.
Keep the conversation going! Your
healthcare providers are your partners
and it is your responsibility to keep
them informed. Communicating openly
and honestly with providers will help
to ensure that you and your family
receive effective and efficient care.
Ultimately, each of us bears responsibility for our own lives – and that includes
our healthcare. When we use the tools
and information available today to make
educated and informed choices about
our healthcare, we are in control and
can feel confident in the knowledge that
the healthcare plan and providers we’ve
selected will provide the care we need,
meet our expectations, and help to save
us money.
Consider offering a modest discount to clients who
pay promptly and charging interest to those who pay
late. Review outstanding debts periodically and step
up collections activities on past due accounts.
Manage Payments
For More Information
The U.S. Department of Health
& Human Services (HHS) offers
additional information on becoming
a more active healthcare consumer
at, the website for the
Agency of Healthcare Research
and Quality. To learn more about
leading a healthier lifestyle, you
can visit, the HHS
Guide to Reliable Health Information,
sponsored by the Office of Disease
Prevention and Health Promotion. | 1-877-CALL-PNC
Prompt payment of your obligations will not only keep
you in good standing with your suppliers and creditors,
but it can save you money by allowing you to take advantage of discounts, and help you avoid late payment and/or
collection fees. However, if you are facing a cash crunch,
consider foregoing a negligible early payment discount
and holding payment until the due date.
Invest in the Future of Your Business
If your cash flow forecast and management practices
are effective, there may be times when you will have
more cash on hand than is required to meet your
obligations. Use these times to plan for the future;
invest this excess cash and you’ll have a reserve that
you can tap into when times are a bit more challenging.
PNC Directions | SEPT/OCT 2007
You’ll Save Money
as an Educated Healthcare Consumer
Virtually every business has experienced a cash crisis
at some point in time. These crises can be caused by
a variety of factors ranging from an overall economic
slowdown to an expected seasonal decline in business.
However, thoughtful planning and effective cash management can help you avoid many crises and survive those
that are unavoidable.
There was a time – not so long ago
– when every employee was offered
the same healthcare benefit plan.
The only choice available to these
employees was “take it or leave it.”
And the information available for
this plan was contained in one
Today, regardless of whether our
coverage is provided by an employer
or purchased on an individual basis,
we have more choices – and access
to information – than ever before
when it comes to healthcare options.
With a simple phone call or a few
clicks of a mouse we can compare
available choices online, research
the credentials of participating
physicians and hospitals, and even
take advantage of prevention programs that will help us manage
conditions that can adversely affect
our health.
What does it mean to be a
“healthcare consumer”?
Quality healthcare can be expensive
and, at times, it can also be a financial challenge for individuals and
families. Becoming an
educated healthcare
consumer can help you
take care of yourself
and your family while
saving money.
PNC Directions | SEPT/OCT 2007
Forecasting the Future
The first step in effective cash management is forecasting
your future cash flow. Typically done on an annual or
quarterly basis, the cash flow forecast should be realistic
and take into account all cash expected to come into and
go out of your business on a monthly or weekly basis.
This forecast will help you anticipate shortfalls and allow
you to take proactive steps to avoid a crisis.
Evaluate Assets
Evaluate the assets owned outright by the business, and
contemplate selling selected ones. For example, the sale
of excess and/or outdated inventory can help increase
cash flow at any time.
Cash from Credit
A line of credit from your bank provides a convenient and
flexible way to smooth out the peaks and valleys of cash
flow. A small business line of credit can be used just like
cash and, unlike a traditional loan, requires you to pay
interest only on the amount actually used. So consider a
line of credit as a vital tool in your cash management plan
– providing your business with a cash reserve.
Careful planning and management will help you stay in
control of cash flow and help your business thrive.
Speed Up Collections
Timely collections will help to ensure that you have a
steady flow of cash coming in. Invoice clients immediately
upon delivery of goods or job completion. If your business involves project work, project initiation deposits
and progress payments are effective tools that can help
ensure a steady flow of cash throughout the course of
these projects.
How to Become an Educated Healthcare Consumer
Review available healthcare plans,
as well as your financial and medical
situations, to ensure that you select
that which best meets the needs of
you and your family. When considering
healthcare plans, don’t just look at the
amount you must contribute to participate in the plan. Be sure to evaluate
what your likely out-of-pocket expenses
might be. These expenses may include
co-payments, deductibles, prescription
costs, and emergency care costs.
Practice prevention.
Take advantage of immunizations
and preventive screenings as they
apply to the individuals in your family.
Where immunizations can help prevent
disease, preventive health screenings
can help detect disease earlier when
it is often more treatable. The information supplied by preventive screenings
will also provide you with a variety of
information that can help you better
understand how to improve your health
outlook through a lifestyle change.
Look for ways to manage health
conditions on your own. Does your
health insurer provide free advice via
phone or provide educational materials
by mail? Do you have access to health
education seminars that can help
you live more healthfully? If so, take
advantage of these resources to
manage current health conditions
and help to prevent new conditions
from developing.
Keep the conversation going! Your
healthcare providers are your partners
and it is your responsibility to keep
them informed. Communicating openly
and honestly with providers will help
to ensure that you and your family
receive effective and efficient care.
Ultimately, each of us bears responsibility for our own lives – and that includes
our healthcare. When we use the tools
and information available today to make
educated and informed choices about
our healthcare, we are in control and
can feel confident in the knowledge that
the healthcare plan and providers we’ve
selected will provide the care we need,
meet our expectations, and help to save
us money.
Consider offering a modest discount to clients who
pay promptly and charging interest to those who pay
late. Review outstanding debts periodically and step
up collections activities on past due accounts.
Manage Payments
For More Information
The U.S. Department of Health
& Human Services (HHS) offers
additional information on becoming
a more active healthcare consumer
at, the website for the
Agency of Healthcare Research
and Quality. To learn more about
leading a healthier lifestyle, you
can visit, the HHS
Guide to Reliable Health Information,
sponsored by the Office of Disease
Prevention and Health Promotion. | 1-877-CALL-PNC
Prompt payment of your obligations will not only keep
you in good standing with your suppliers and creditors,
but it can save you money by allowing you to take advantage of discounts, and help you avoid late payment and/or
collection fees. However, if you are facing a cash crunch,
consider foregoing a negligible early payment discount
and holding payment until the due date.
Invest in the Future of Your Business
If your cash flow forecast and management practices
are effective, there may be times when you will have
more cash on hand than is required to meet your
obligations. Use these times to plan for the future;
invest this excess cash and you’ll have a reserve that
you can tap into when times are a bit more challenging.
PNC Directions | SEPT/OCT 2007
You’ll Save Money
as an Educated Healthcare Consumer
Virtually every business has experienced a cash crisis
at some point in time. These crises can be caused by
a variety of factors ranging from an overall economic
slowdown to an expected seasonal decline in business.
However, thoughtful planning and effective cash management can help you avoid many crises and survive those
that are unavoidable.
There was a time – not so long ago
– when every employee was offered
the same healthcare benefit plan.
The only choice available to these
employees was “take it or leave it.”
And the information available for
this plan was contained in one
Today, regardless of whether our
coverage is provided by an employer
or purchased on an individual basis,
we have more choices – and access
to information – than ever before
when it comes to healthcare options.
With a simple phone call or a few
clicks of a mouse we can compare
available choices online, research
the credentials of participating
physicians and hospitals, and even
take advantage of prevention programs that will help us manage
conditions that can adversely affect
our health.
What does it mean to be a
“healthcare consumer”?
Quality healthcare can be expensive
and, at times, it can also be a financial challenge for individuals and
families. Becoming an
educated healthcare
consumer can help you
take care of yourself
and your family while
saving money.
PNC Directions | SEPT/OCT 2007
Forecasting the Future
The first step in effective cash management is forecasting
your future cash flow. Typically done on an annual or
quarterly basis, the cash flow forecast should be realistic
and take into account all cash expected to come into and
go out of your business on a monthly or weekly basis.
This forecast will help you anticipate shortfalls and allow
you to take proactive steps to avoid a crisis.
Evaluate Assets
Evaluate the assets owned outright by the business, and
contemplate selling selected ones. For example, the sale
of excess and/or outdated inventory can help increase
cash flow at any time.
Cash from Credit
A line of credit from your bank provides a convenient and
flexible way to smooth out the peaks and valleys of cash
flow. A small business line of credit can be used just like
cash and, unlike a traditional loan, requires you to pay
interest only on the amount actually used. So consider a
line of credit as a vital tool in your cash management plan
– providing your business with a cash reserve.
Careful planning and management will help you stay in
control of cash flow and help your business thrive.
Speed Up Collections
Timely collections will help to ensure that you have a
steady flow of cash coming in. Invoice clients immediately
upon delivery of goods or job completion. If your business involves project work, project initiation deposits
and progress payments are effective tools that can help
ensure a steady flow of cash throughout the course of
these projects.
How to Become an Educated Healthcare Consumer
Review available healthcare plans,
as well as your financial and medical
situations, to ensure that you select
that which best meets the needs of
you and your family. When considering
healthcare plans, don’t just look at the
amount you must contribute to participate in the plan. Be sure to evaluate
what your likely out-of-pocket expenses
might be. These expenses may include
co-payments, deductibles, prescription
costs, and emergency care costs.
Practice prevention.
Take advantage of immunizations
and preventive screenings as they
apply to the individuals in your family.
Where immunizations can help prevent
disease, preventive health screenings
can help detect disease earlier when
it is often more treatable. The information supplied by preventive screenings
will also provide you with a variety of
information that can help you better
understand how to improve your health
outlook through a lifestyle change.
Look for ways to manage health
conditions on your own. Does your
health insurer provide free advice via
phone or provide educational materials
by mail? Do you have access to health
education seminars that can help
you live more healthfully? If so, take
advantage of these resources to
manage current health conditions
and help to prevent new conditions
from developing.
Keep the conversation going! Your
healthcare providers are your partners
and it is your responsibility to keep
them informed. Communicating openly
and honestly with providers will help
to ensure that you and your family
receive effective and efficient care.
Ultimately, each of us bears responsibility for our own lives – and that includes
our healthcare. When we use the tools
and information available today to make
educated and informed choices about
our healthcare, we are in control and
can feel confident in the knowledge that
the healthcare plan and providers we’ve
selected will provide the care we need,
meet our expectations, and help to save
us money.
Consider offering a modest discount to clients who
pay promptly and charging interest to those who pay
late. Review outstanding debts periodically and step
up collections activities on past due accounts.
Manage Payments
For More Information
The U.S. Department of Health
& Human Services (HHS) offers
additional information on becoming
a more active healthcare consumer
at, the website for the
Agency of Healthcare Research
and Quality. To learn more about
leading a healthier lifestyle, you
can visit, the HHS
Guide to Reliable Health Information,
sponsored by the Office of Disease
Prevention and Health Promotion. | 1-877-CALL-PNC
Prompt payment of your obligations will not only keep
you in good standing with your suppliers and creditors,
but it can save you money by allowing you to take advantage of discounts, and help you avoid late payment and/or
collection fees. However, if you are facing a cash crunch,
consider foregoing a negligible early payment discount
and holding payment until the due date.
Invest in the Future of Your Business
If your cash flow forecast and management practices
are effective, there may be times when you will have
more cash on hand than is required to meet your
obligations. Use these times to plan for the future;
invest this excess cash and you’ll have a reserve that
you can tap into when times are a bit more challenging.
PNC Directions | SEPT/OCT 2007
Setting a New Direction Together
A small change in direction can make a big difference – but sometimes it can be difficult
to see the forest through the trees. For more than 150 years, we’ve made it our business
to help our customers on their journeys, to uncomplicate their lives and to accelerate their
progress toward their financial aspirations.
With that mission in mind, I’m pleased to welcome you to the new, enhanced look of
PNC Directions. Today’s Directions combines the same quality information that you’ve
come to rely upon, along with a fresh new look that makes it easier to read and locate the articles that are
most important to you.
We’re committed to delivering the information, tools and resources you need to confidently make financial
decisions, and we’re constantly working to improve the products and services we provide to help you set your
direction in life.
Please stop by your local branch, call 1-877-CALL-PNC or visit us online at to learn more about all
of the ways we can help you stay on course and reach your desired destination.
Selecting the Right Financial Consultant –
Take Control of Your Future
Selecting a financial consultant
is an important decision. You
want a qualified professional
who is trustworthy and someone
with whom you are compatible.
Your Financial Consultant
Is Your Partner
A financial consultant is a professional
who works with you to develop a
comprehensive plan to help you
achieve your financial goals. Your
Financial Consultant, in essence,
is your financial partner.
Joseph C. Guyaux
President, The PNC Financial Services Group
Find a Financial Consultant
Compatible With You
> Eat a balanced diet that includes lean proteins, whole grains, low-fat dairy
products and plenty of fruits and vegetables.
> Get enough sleep. Most Americans currently get significantly less than the
seven to nine hours per night that sleep experts recommend.
> Get moving. Exercise can reduce stress, help you lose weight and improve
overall health. A simple walk around the block requires no special equipment
and can easily be worked into your day.
> Maintain a healthy weight to help reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood
pressure and diabetes.
> Practice preventive care. Take advantage of immunizations and preventive
health screenings to ward off disease and/or detect potential health issues
before they advance.
While finding a financial consultant
with whom you are comfortable and
compatible may seem daunting
and somewhat uncomfortable (it’s
never easy to share the intimate
details of your financial life), it doesn’t
have to be difficult. But where do
you begin?
The first step in selecting a financial
consultant is knowing what you want
in life. Do you want to retire at age
58? Are you saving for your children’s
college educations? Do you dream of
owning a second home? By defining –
and prioritizing – your goals, you can
begin your search.
Get referrals from family, friends and
business associates who share goals
similar to yours. Select three or four
highly recommended financial consultants and schedule an appointment
with each. Many financial consultants
will provide an initial consultation
Take an Active Role in
Your Financial Future
It may seem as if your work is now
done. In reality, your work has just
begun – ask questions, review your
portfolio periodically and build a
positive relationship with your new
financial partner.
You’ll Save
Your First Meeting – What
To Expect
as an Educated
Healthcare Consumer
During the consultation, be prepared
to share a snapshot of your current
financial situation and your prioritized
financial goals. The financial consultant should listen attentively, ask
questions about your risk tolerance
and investment philosophy, and
explain things in layman’s terms.
You’ll also want to find out more
about the financial consultant’s
qualifications, risk tendencies,
investment strategies, as well
as his or her approach to financial
planning. It is helpful to create
a list of questions to ensure you
don’t forget to ask about something
At this initial meeting, it is prudent
to ask about the types of clients the
financial consultant works with as
well as any additional services offered
by the individual or his or her firm.
How to Become an Educated
see page 3
Healthcare Consumer
To learn more about selecting a
financial consultant that’s right
for you, you can visit the websites
of the National Association of
Securities Dealers at or
the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission at
to Avoid Crises
Selecting the Right
Financial Consultant –
Take Control
of Your Future
Important Investor Information: Securities
and brokerage services are provided by PNC
Investments LLC, member NASD and SIPC.
Annuities and other insurance products are
offered by PNC Insurance Services, LLC a
licensed insurance agency.
see page 6
> Stay Healthy and Save
> Setting a New
Direction Together
> Don’t smoke! Reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease, cancer and
pulmonary diseases such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis
by not smoking.
The easiest way to save money on
healthcare costs is to invest in a lifestyle
change and stay healthy. Not only will you save,
but you’ll also feel great! To begin saving money
and feeling great consider doing the following:
PNC Directions | SEPT/OCT 2007
by Joe Guyaux
see page 5
> Take time for yourself and do something enjoyable every day!
Dance, read a book, write poetry, walk the dog – if you enjoy it, do it!
You may have to make dramatic changes to live more healthfully. And that’s
not an easy thing to do. But it is worth the effort in the long run. | 1-877-CALL-PNC
©2007 The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. All rights reserved. PNC Bank, Member FDIC
see page 2
FORM 125595
see page 4
Setting a New Direction Together
A small change in direction can make a big difference – but sometimes it can be difficult
to see the forest through the trees. For more than 150 years, we’ve made it our business
to help our customers on their journeys, to uncomplicate their lives and to accelerate their
progress toward their financial aspirations.
With that mission in mind, I’m pleased to welcome you to the new, enhanced look of
PNC Directions. Today’s Directions combines the same quality information that you’ve
come to rely upon, along with a fresh new look that makes it easier to read and locate the articles that are
most important to you.
We’re committed to delivering the information, tools and resources you need to confidently make financial
decisions, and we’re constantly working to improve the products and services we provide to help you set your
direction in life.
Please stop by your local branch, call 1-877-CALL-PNC or visit us online at to learn more about all
of the ways we can help you stay on course and reach your desired destination.
Selecting the Right Financial Consultant –
Take Control of Your Future
Selecting a financial consultant
is an important decision. You
want a qualified professional
who is trustworthy and someone
with whom you are compatible.
Your Financial Consultant
Is Your Partner
A financial consultant is a professional
who works with you to develop a
comprehensive plan to help you
achieve your financial goals. Your
Financial Consultant, in essence,
is your financial partner.
Joseph C. Guyaux
President, The PNC Financial Services Group
Find a Financial Consultant
Compatible With You
> Eat a balanced diet that includes lean proteins, whole grains, low-fat dairy
products and plenty of fruits and vegetables.
> Get enough sleep. Most Americans currently get significantly less than the
seven to nine hours per night that sleep experts recommend.
> Get moving. Exercise can reduce stress, help you lose weight and improve
overall health. A simple walk around the block requires no special equipment
and can easily be worked into your day.
> Maintain a healthy weight to help reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood
pressure and diabetes.
> Practice preventive care. Take advantage of immunizations and preventive
health screenings to ward off disease and/or detect potential health issues
before they advance.
While finding a financial consultant
with whom you are comfortable and
compatible may seem daunting
and somewhat uncomfortable (it’s
never easy to share the intimate
details of your financial life), it doesn’t
have to be difficult. But where do
you begin?
The first step in selecting a financial
consultant is knowing what you want
in life. Do you want to retire at age
58? Are you saving for your children’s
college educations? Do you dream of
owning a second home? By defining –
and prioritizing – your goals, you can
begin your search.
Get referrals from family, friends and
business associates who share goals
similar to yours. Select three or four
highly recommended financial consultants and schedule an appointment
with each. Many financial consultants
will provide an initial consultation
Take an Active Role in
Your Financial Future
It may seem as if your work is now
done. In reality, your work has just
begun – ask questions, review your
portfolio periodically and build a
positive relationship with your new
financial partner.
You’ll Save
Your First Meeting – What
To Expect
as an Educated
Healthcare Consumer
During the consultation, be prepared
to share a snapshot of your current
financial situation and your prioritized
financial goals. The financial consultant should listen attentively, ask
questions about your risk tolerance
and investment philosophy, and
explain things in layman’s terms.
You’ll also want to find out more
about the financial consultant’s
qualifications, risk tendencies,
investment strategies, as well
as his or her approach to financial
planning. It is helpful to create
a list of questions to ensure you
don’t forget to ask about something
At this initial meeting, it is prudent
to ask about the types of clients the
financial consultant works with as
well as any additional services offered
by the individual or his or her firm.
How to Become an Educated
see page 3
Healthcare Consumer
To learn more about selecting a
financial consultant that’s right
for you, you can visit the websites
of the National Association of
Securities Dealers at or
the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission at
to Avoid Crises
Selecting the Right
Financial Consultant –
Take Control
of Your Future
Important Investor Information: Securities
and brokerage services are provided by PNC
Investments LLC, member NASD and SIPC.
Annuities and other insurance products are
offered by PNC Insurance Services, LLC a
licensed insurance agency.
see page 6
> Stay Healthy and Save
> Setting a New
Direction Together
> Don’t smoke! Reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease, cancer and
pulmonary diseases such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis
by not smoking.
The easiest way to save money on
healthcare costs is to invest in a lifestyle
change and stay healthy. Not only will you save,
but you’ll also feel great! To begin saving money
and feeling great consider doing the following:
PNC Directions | SEPT/OCT 2007
by Joe Guyaux
see page 5
> Take time for yourself and do something enjoyable every day!
Dance, read a book, write poetry, walk the dog – if you enjoy it, do it!
You may have to make dramatic changes to live more healthfully. And that’s
not an easy thing to do. But it is worth the effort in the long run. | 1-877-CALL-PNC
©2007 The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. All rights reserved. PNC Bank, Member FDIC
see page 2
FORM 125595
see page 4