Front Desk Payment Posting

Front Desk Payment Posting
Front Desk Payment Posting
Revenue Cycle Training
1415 Rhoadmiller Street
Richmond, VA 23220-0232
804.340.1699 • Fax: 804.342.1395
® 2006-2007
When visiting us...
Fire Escape Routes
Training Rooms C/D leave out FRONT DOOR and A/B
will leave out BACK DOOR and meet in the parking lot.
NO SMOKING permitted.
Anywhere but handicapped or reserved spots –
denoted by vertical signs.
Quiet Zone
Training & Work area – when you’re on break,
other people are still working or in class so
please be considerate.
Building Access Code
Please press * (star key) and 0 at the same time followed by keying in 7777.
Smoking Location
In the rear of the building.
Inside the Building: For Your Convenience
•Break room & Lunch room (only use refrigerators in lunch room)
•Available phones for trainee use
Class Standard Operating Procedures (S.O.P.)
Learning is your responsibility!
Manuals are interactive, please write in them for they are yours to keep
Ask questions when you have them, don’t wait!
Speak up if you don’t understand something.
Mobile phones need to remain off during training and may be checked on breaks.
No sidebar conversations
No side work (e-mails or internet usage)
Please be on time!
Please do not drink from the water cooler. It is for Rhoadmiller employees only.
Please do not open the K-cups for the coffeemaker.
Payment Posting Set-Up
Posting Payments in GE-IDX Web
Issuing a Refund
Balancing and Closing a Batch
Completing the User Reconciliation Form
Completing the Clinic Deposit Reconciliation Form
Morning Payment Posting Set-Up Flow...............................3
Accessing the Front Desk Check Out Activity....................4
Generating a Front Desk Batch...........................................5-6
Front Desk Process Flow........................................................7
Posting Payments...................................................................8-10
Issuing a Refund.....................................................................11-12
End of Day Process Flow.......................................................13
Balancing and Closing a Batch...........................................14-17
Printing a Batch Proof Report...............................................17
Completing the User Reconciliation Form..........................18-20
What is Payment Posting in GE-IDX Web?..........................2
Completing the Clinic Deposit Reconciliation Form.........21-23
Front Desk Payment Posting
Icon Legend
Let’s Get Active
Why Is This Important
Front Desk Payment Posting
At the end of this module you will:
Understand the process flow of front desk payment posting
Access Check out and Cash Drawer Functions in GE-IDX Web
Generate a batch in GE-IDX Web
Post a payment in GE-IDX Web
Print receipts fromGE-IDX Web
Issue a credit in GE-IDX Web
Balance and close a batch
Fill out new User Reconciliation form
Fill out new Clinic Deposit Reconciliation form
What is Payment Posting in GE-IDX Web?
The GE-IDX Web Front Desk Payment Posting process allows front desk personnel to identify,
collect, immediately post patient copays to the system, and have the system generate
receipts. Front Desk Payment Posting allows us to complete these processes before the
patient leaves the office and gives us the ability to balance and close-out the cash
drawer at the end of each business day.
The Front Desk Payment Posting Process consists of two activities:
Check out- The Check Out Activity is
used to create an invoice, post patient
copays, and create a patient receipt.
Cash Drawer- When used in
conjunction with the payment
posting batch created with Check Out, the Cash Drawer activity allows the
site to reconcile the day’s receipts and
prepare the bank deposit.
What are the benefits of VCU Health System changing their Front Desk Cash
Collection process?
Improved Customer Service
Decreased likelihood of copayments being posted to incorrect
Decreased credit balance on patient accounts
Increased skill set for front desk staff
Increased efficiencies - no more hand-written receipts!
Decreased paper storage - no more storage needed for receipt books
Front Desk Payment Posting
Payment Posting Set-Up
Payment Posting Set-Up
Morning Payment Posting Set-up Flow
Generating a Front Desk Payment Posting Batch
To access the Front Desk Check Out activity in GE-IDX Web:
1. Log into GE-IDX Web.
2. Pull up a patient using an
appropriate search method.
Click the Check Out hyperlink on the
Patient Services screen. GE-IDX
automatically generates a batch
and displays the Check Out screen.
Record your batch number from the
top of the Check Out screen.
5. Press Cancel. Ge-IDX displays a pop-up window. Click OK to return to Patient
Let’s Get Active
Log in to GE-IDX Web and generate a batch through Check Out.
Front Desk Payment Posting
Payment Posting Set-Up
Updating the Batch in Cash Drawer
Once your batch is created through Check Out, you must navigate to Cash Drawer to
change the Batch Description and add some additional batch information. To update
the batch:
Click the Cash Drawer VTB to
access Front Desk Cash Drawer.
Your user initials will default in the
INITIALS field. Press [Tab].
Accept the default or enter your
batch number in the BATCH field
and press [Tab].
Type the updated batch description
using the following format:
Reconciliation Form Number/User
Initials (ex. 00012345/AQB)
Accept the default of today’s date or type “T” (for today) in the BANK
Select your Deposit Location in the CASH DRAWER field.
Type “T+1” (for tomorrow) or the date of the next banking business day in the
Type “Y” in the CONTROLS OK field.
Type “T” in the ACTION field.
Click OK.
Let’s Get Active
Update your batch in FD Cash Drawer.
Posting Payments in GE-IDX Web
Throughout the day, front desk staff will collect copayments and deposits as usual. Instead
of writing out a paper Patient receipt, the payment will be keyed directly into GE-IDX Web,
and a receipt generated from the system.
Front Desk Process Flow
Front Desk Payment Posting
Posting Payments in GE-IDX Web
Posting Payments
Once you have arrived a patient from
the Appointment Manager screen, you
can access the Front Desk Check Out
activity simply by clicking the Check Out
button at the bottom of the screen.
To post a payment, you must first identify
the patient in the PATIENT NAME field. Type an “R” to recall the patient you had
selected on the Appointment Manager
screen. Ensure the correct visit is selected
as well. The patient’s visit number can be
found on the patient’s encounter form,
labels, or in the patient’s chart.
Not having an existing charge to match
with this co-pay causes a shell invoice to
be created. This shell invoice is where the
payment will reside until a charge is keyed.
A “G” will automatically default in the INVOICE field. Leave the default. The system will
generate the invoice number once the screen is complete.
If the visit number is invalid or if you need to search for the visit number, first search for
the patient. The system will then take you to the visit screen. Search for the correct visit.
You will be able to identify the correct visit by the date. The date of the visit should be
today’s date.
Complete the screen as detailed in the table below:
Field Name
Provider Name
Billing Area
Referring Physician
Service Date
Financial Class
Type of Collection
Post to Inv
Leave blank. Users will not have access to this field.
Verify default or enter the provider’s last name or provider
number - Found on Encounter Form.
Verify default or enter your billing area - Found on Encounter
Verify default or enter the referring physician’s last name or
provider number - Found on Encounter Form.
Verify default or enter the service date (for copayments, this
will be today’s date).
Verify default.
Verify default or enter the service location - Found on
Encounter Form.
Leave blank. Users will not have access to this field.
Enter the type of payment collected.
• For cash payments, enter “1” or “Cash”
• For check payments, enter “2” or “Check”
• For credit card payments, enter “3” or “Credit Card”
• For deposits, enter “4” or “Deposit”
• For hospital payments, enter “5” or “MCVH” Type the dollar amount collected from the patient (ex. 10.00)
This will default from the Payment field.
Type your comment in the following format:
GE-IDX User Initials/Payment Type/Check Number or Last 4
Digits of Credit Card Number (if applicable)
• AQB/CHECK/1234
• AQB/MC/1234
• AQB/VISA/1234
• AQB/AMEX/1234
• AQB/DISC/1234
Print Bill
Print Receipt
Leave blank
Type “Y” to print two copies of the patient receipt.
Front Desk Payment Posting
Posting Payments in GE-IDX Web
Click OK to file the invoice.
You will receive a printer device prompt from
which to print the patient receipt. Select
the appropriate device and click OK.
Other than generating computer receipts, follow your normal department procedures
for accepting payments in the form of cash, check, or credit card including making
change, verifying credit cards and checks, and securing the payment.
If you exit the Check Out activity, your batch will automatically be put on hold until you next
access it. You will get a pop-up box that reads, “Out of balance. Batch # xxx has been
put on hold. Click OK.
What comment would you use for the following:
A Visa payment of $35.00 using credit card number 1234 5678 9012 3456
A Check payment of $15.00 using check number 0807
3. A Cash payment of $50.00
Let’s Get Active
Post the following payments using the information in your activity packet:
• Patient #1 pays today’s copay (Check)
• Patient #2 pays today’s copay (Visa)
• Patient #3 pays today’s $75 self-pay deposit (American Express)
• Patient #4 pays today’s copay (Cash)
• Patient #5 pays today’s copay (Check)
• Patient #6 pays today’s copay (MasterCard)
• Patient #7 pays today’s copay (Cash)
Front Desk Payment Posting
Issuing a Refund
Issuing a Refund
If a patient wants his or her money back the same day after paying a copayment or
deposit that has already been posted in GE-IDX Web, you must issue a refund (or credit). To do so from the Check Out screen:
Access the invoice by performing an invoice search in the PATIENT field
(ex. I8003118).
The system will ask you if want to use the invoice header
information for the filed invoice. Answer “Yes” to this
question and the system will default all of the
information from the original invoice.
select the method of payment
originally received from the
patient (ex. Cash, Check, etc.).
Complete the PAYMENT field
with a minus (-) dollar amount.
For example, if the patient paid
a 10.00 copay that you are
refunding, in the PAYMENT
field you will type “–10.00”.
Once entered, the payment
amount will automatically default in the POST TO INV field.
In the COMMENT field, type your comments using the following format:
REFUND/Your IDX initials (ex. REFUND/SFB).
Tab to the PRINT RECEIPT field and type “Y”. Once you have completed all of the entries, click OK. Select your printer and two copies of
the receipt will print.
Refund the patient money as usual (cash, return voided check, void credit card transaction).
The patient must sign the bottom of our copy of the refund receipt stating that they
received their money back.
It is important that when you issue a refund to a patient that paid with a
credit card, that you continue to use the Void function on the credit card
machine. This function is less expensive to the Health System than using the
Refund function on the machine.
What if... collect $10 in cash from Jane Doe and post the payment in your batch. Soon
after, you leave for lunch. After a long wait, Jane Doe wants a $10 refund because
she is leaving and not waiting any longer for the doctor. How is this handled?
Since the payment was in cash, another cash collector in your department would issue the
refund from their cash drawer and enter the credit in their GE-IDX Web Payment Posting
However, if Jane had paid by check or credit card, a supervisor or manager
will need to have a spare key in order to access your cash drawer to void and
return the check (or access the credit card receipt to run the void through the
machine) and will access your batch in GE-IDX Web to issue the refund. Let’s Get Active
Issue a refund for the following:
• Patient #2 wants a refund for the copay paid by Visa
• Patient #4 wants a refund for the copay paid by cash
Front Desk Payment Posting
Balancing and Closing a Batch
Balancing and Closing a Batch
At the end of each day, you will need to balance your batch to your drawer and close the
batch in the system.
End of Day Process Flow
The Front Desk Cash Drawer Activity is used to balance and close your Front Desk Check
Out batch. This activity will be coupled with a User Reconciliation Report in order to
complete the end-of-day activities for each location.
Balancing and Closing a Batch
You must continue to prepare for balancing
your deposit daily as you do in today’s
world. This means, you will still:
Prepare an individual calculator tape of the total cash, checks/money orders
received for the day.
Verify patient change fund and return to cash box.
Run the Terminal Report and Batch Close from the credit card machine.
To balance and close your batch in GE-IDX Web:
Click FD Cash Drawer on the VTB
and GE-IDX displays the Cash
Drawer Batch screen. Your user
initials are defaulted in, along
with the changes and additions
you made at the beginning of
the day.
Type the number of cash
transactions that you processed
today in the TOTAL CASH (UNITS)
field. Remember, if you issued a
cash refund, that will count as
two transactions (one in which
you collected the money and one in
which you refunded the money).
3. 4. Type the number of check transactions that you processed today in the TOTAL
CHECK (UNITS) field. Remember, if you issued a check refund, that will count
as two transactions (one in which you collected the money and one in
which you refunded the money).
Type the number of credit card transactions that you processed today in the
TOTAL CREDIT (UNITS) field. Remember, if you issued a credit card refund, that will
Front Desk Payment Posting
Balancing and Closing a Batch
5. count as two transactions (one in which you collected the money and one in
which you refunded the money).
6. Type the number of MCVH payment transactions that you processed today in
the TOTAL MCVH (UNITS) field. Remember, if you issued a refund on a MCVH
payment, that will count as two transactions (one in which you collected the
money and one in which you refunded the money).
Type the total (dollar) amount of cash you collected in the TOTAL CASH AMOUNT
field (from your calculator tape minus any deposit or MCVH money you
collected as cash). Press [Tab].
Type the total (dollar) amount of money you received in checks in the TOTAL
CHECK AMOUNT field (from your calculator tape minus any deposit or MCVH
money you collected as checks). Press [Tab].
Type the total (dollar) amount of money you received via credit cards in the
TOTAL CREDIT AMOUNT field (from credit card machine reports minus any deposit
or MCVH money you collected as a credit card). Press [Tab].
Type the total (dollar) amount of deposit money you received in the TOTAL
DEPOSIT AMOUNT field. Press [Tab].
Type the total (dollar) amount of MCVH money you received in the TOTAL
MCVH AMOUNT field. Press [Tab].
Type the number of deposit transactions that you processed today in the
TOTAL DEPOSIT (UNITS) field. Remember, if you issued a refund on a deposit, that
will count as two transactions (one in which you collected the money and one in
which you refunded the money).
Ensure that all balances match by viewing your
DIFFERENCE column. If there is a discrepancy, recount
your collected money. If you still cannot balance your
Cash Drawer, alert your Supervisor.
If the Cash Drawer balances:
13. Type “Y” in the CONTROLS OK? field.
Type “X” in the ACTION field to close the
Use the following information to answer the questions below:
Day One Collections:
• Patient 1 - $10 Cash Payment
• Patient 2 - $15 Check Payment
• Patient 3 - $25 Visa Payment • Patient 4 - $10 Cash Payment
• Patient 5 - $20 Check Payment
• Patient 6 - $25 Discover Payment
• Patient 7 - $35 Visa Payment • Patient 3 - Full Refund • Patient 8 - $15 Cash Payment
• Patient 9 - $20 Visa Payment • Patient 10 - $10 Cash Payment
• Patient 10 - Full Refund
Day Two Collections
• Patient 1 - $15 MC Payment
• Patient 2 - $25 Cash Payment
• Patient 3 - $35 Check Payment
• Patient 4 - $50 AMEX Payment
• Patient 5 - $10 Check Payment
• Patient 6 - $25 Visa Payment
• Patient 7 - $25 Cash Payment
• Patient 8 - $35 Cash Payment
• Patient 9 - $25 Check Payment
• Patient 2 - Full Refund
• Patient 10 - $30 Visa Payment
What are the Total Cash Units on Day 1?
Day 2?
What are the Total Check Units on Day 1? Day 2?
3. What is the Total Cash Amount on Day 1? Day 2?
4. What are the Total Credit Units on Day 1? Day 2?
5. What is the Total Credit Amount on Day 1? Day 2?
Front Desk Payment Posting
Balancing and Closing a Batch
Let’s Get Active
Balance and close your batch as instructed by the Trainer.
Printing a Batch Proof Report
You must print a Batch Proof Report daily
to turn in with your money and paperwork.
From the Cash Drawer screen, type “L” in
the ACTION field and click OK.
GE-IDX displays print options including sort
ability. Leave all fields blank and click OK.
GE-IDX displays the print screen. Type in
the printer or device number where you
want the report to print and click OK.
Let’s Get Active
Print your Batch Proof Report using
the printer information provided by
the Trainer.
Completing the User Reconciliation Form
Bank Deposit No:____________________ Batch Description: ________________________/________________
Receive from Depositing Supervisor / IDX Initials
Beginning Receipt Date _____/_____/______
Ending Receipt Date _____/______/______
Money Collected
User __________________
Total Bank Deposit
$ _______________
MCVP Receipts
MCVH Receipts
$ _______________ + $ _______________
$ ____________
$ _______________
MC / Visa
$ _______________
$ _______________ + $ _______________
$ ____________
$ _______________
$ _______________ + $ _______________
$ ____________
$ _______________
$ _______________ + $ _______________
$ ____________
Grand Total
$ _______________
$ _______________ + $ _______________
= $ _______________
$ ____________
Sum of ALL Cash & Checks
$ _______________ + $ _______________
Total Receipts
Posted Transactions __________
$ ____________
Voided/ Refund Transactions __________
Reason for Voids/ Refunds_______________________________________________________
Instructions / Helpful Hints
? Total Bank Deposit column should match the deposit ticket that goes to the bank.
? Grand Total Money collected & Total Receipts should match
? To calculate the difference, add column A, minus column B, minus column C.
? If there is a difference you must attach a Report of Receipts Overage / Shortage Form.
Special notes: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Employee Name – PLEASE PRINT
Phone number & extension
Date Prepared
This report to include back-up documentation: Cash, Checks, Credit Card Receipts, GE-IDXreceipts&GE-IDXBatchProofReport
Supervisor Initials
Form 0017B (Rev. 10/07)
The User Reconciliation Form must be completed daily by each cash collector to
summarize payment information for each drawer included in the deposit. Fill out the User
Reconciliation Form as detailed below:
1. Bank Deposit No - Write the deposit location number of the receiving location. This number should correspond to the number on the department’s bank deposit slips.
2. Batch Description - Write the Reconciliation form number (obtained from Supervisor)
and your IDX initials. This should match the Batch Description in the system.
3. User - Write your name.
Front Desk Payment Posting
User Reconciliation Form
4. Beginning Receipt Date - Write the beginning date of receipts included in the
5. Ending Receipt Date - Write the ending date of receipts included in the deposit.
6. Money Collected - Write the dollar amount of each type of money you collected
today (from your calculator tape) broken down by Cash, Check, MC/Visa, Discover,
AMEX, and the Grand Total.
7. Total Bank Deposit - Write the sum of the total Cash and Checks from the Money
Collected fields. This should match your deposit ticket.
8. MCVP Receipts - Write the total amount collected for MCVP from the patient
receipts, broken down by Cash, Check, MC/Visa, Discover, AMEX, and the Grand
9. MCVH Receipts - Write the total amount collected for MCVH from the patient
receipts, broken down by Cash, Check, MC/Visa, Discover, AMEX, and the Grand
11. Difference - Write the total of the Money Collected MINUS the MCVP and MCVH
Receipts broken down by Cash, Check, Visa/MC, Discover, AMEX, and the
Grand Total. If there is a difference, you must attach a Report of Receipts
Overage/Shortage Form.
12. Posted Transactions - Write the total number of PAYMENT transactions for your
drawer, for the day.
13. Voided/Refund Transactions - Write the total number of REFUND transactions for
your drawer, for the day.
14. Reason for Voids/Refunds - Write the reason why any receipts were voided.
15. Special Notes - Complete only if an explanation is needed for the MCV Physicians
Finance or Business Office. (i.e., reason for delayed paperwork, pre-payments,
16. Employee Name - Print your name.
10. Total Receipts - Write the sum of the MCVP and MCVH Receipt columns broken
down by Cash AND Check, MC/Visa, Discover, AMEX, and the Grand Total. The
Grand Total for the Total Receipts should equal the Grand Total of the Money
17. Phone Number & Extension - Write your phone number and extension.
18. Date Prepared - Write the date this form was completed.
You must complete this form daily and submit to your Supervisor along with all of your backup documentation:
Credit Card Receipts
GE-IDX Receipts
GE-IDX Batch Proof Report
Your Supervisor will review your form and documents. If everything balances correctly,
he or she will initial and date the User Reconciliation Form and return a copy to you.
Let’s Get Active
Fill out your User Reconciliation Form for your drawer for this posting day.
Front Desk Payment Posting
Clinic Deposit Reconciliation Form
Completing the Clinic Deposit Reconciliation Form
- This section to be completed by Supervisor of Clinical Department -
Description: 20-00001
Date Prepared:_________________________
Department: _____________________________
Site Location: _________________________
Bank Deposit No. __________________________
______ / ______ / ______
Date of Service
______ / ______ / ______
Bank Deposit Date
Batch Payment
Deposit Amount
MC / Visa
*These amounts should balance to Close Report
This report to include back-up documentation:
Terminal Report, Batch Close Report, Drawer reconciliations with Cash, Checks, Credit Card Receipts,
GE-IDXreceipts&GE-IDXBatchProofReport. * If there is an overage or shortage, you must attach a Report of Receipts
Overage / Shortage Form.
Special notes: ________________________________________________________________________________
Depositing Supervisor – PLEASE PRINT
Phone number & extension
___/____/____ ___/____/____
Bank Deposit Date:
$ ___________
Bank Amount
Bank Deposit Date:
Bank Deposit Date:
___/____/____ ____/___/____
Bank Deposit Date:
Bank Deposit Date:
$ __________ $ ____________ $ ____________ $ ___________
Bank Amount
Bank Amount
Bank Amount
Bank Amount
Untimely deposit – receipts dated _________ days before deposit date
Void receipts
Paperwork Late
Combined Dates on Report
CC Term Rpt Missing
Other / Notes ____________________________________________________________________________________
Form 0017 (Rev. 10/07)
The Department Supervisor must validate each User Reconciliation form daily. As confirmation that a Cash Collector turned in the appropriate amount of money with their paperwork,
you must initial and date the form and return a copy to the Cash Collector. This verification
MUST happen PRIOR to filling out the Clinic Deposit Reconciliation Form.
The Clinic Deposit Reconciliation Form must be completed daily by the Department
Supervisor to summarize all payment information for the site included in the deposit. Fill out
the middle section (ONLY) of the Clinic Deposit Reconciliation Form as detailed below:
1. Date Prepared - Write the date the Clinic Deposit Reconciliation Form was
2. Department - Write the name of the department receiving the payment.
3. Site Location - Write the actual location of the cash receiving site.
4. Bank Deposit No - Write the deposit location number of the receiving location. This number should correspond to the number on the department’s bank deposit slips.
5. User - Write the individual Cash Collector’s name on each line.
6. Batch Payment - For each user, write the Total Batch Payment from the Batch Proof Reports.
7. Bank Deposit Amount - For each user, write the Total Bank Deposit (Cash plus
Checks) from the User Reconciliation Forms.
8. MC/Visa - For each user, write the Total MC/Visa money collected from the User
Reconciliation Forms.
9. Discover - For each user, write the Total Discover money collected from the User
Reconciliation Forms.
10. AMEX - For each user, write the Total AMEX money collected from the User
Reconciliation Forms.
11. Overage/Shortage - For each user, write the overage or shortage from the User
Reconciliation Form and attach a Report of Receipts Overage/Shortage Form.
12. Total - Write the totals of the Bank Deposit Amount, MC/Visa, Discover, AMEX, and
Overage/Shortage for all users.
13. Special Notes - Complete only if an explanation is needed for the MCV Physicians
Finance or Business Office. (i.e., reason for delayed paperwork, pre-payments,
14. Depositing Supervisor - Write your name.
15. Phone Number & Extension - Write your phone number and extension.
Front Desk Payment Posting
Clinic Deposit Reconciliation Form
This report must be sent to Finance in the Blue Intercampus envelopes along with all back-up
documentation including:
Terminal Report and Batch Close from the Credit Card Machine
Pink, verified copy of bank deposit ticket
User Reconciliations
GE-IDX Patient Receipts
Copies of checks and credit card receipts
GE-IDX Batch Proof Reports