Frost Consulting The Extinction of Sell-Side Research And What It Means to Asset Managers Frost Consulting May 2013 Frost Consulting The Leading Authority on Global Unbundling Frost Consulting is a London-based firm specializing in the equity research procurement value chain. Strategic Consulting: Asset Managers/Plan Sponsors – Alpha Generation - Research Benchmarking - Regulatory/Operational Risk Mitigation Research Content Producers – Digital distribution/optimization Investment Banks/Exchanges/Technology Companies – Revenue Opportunities - Unbundled Strategies Events/Presentations/Publications Head Trader Forum – Amsterdam, September 2010 German and Swiss Pension Forum – Luzern, November 2010 European Chief Investment Officer Roundtable – London March, 2011 Head Trader Forum – Barcelona, September 2011 European Chief Investment Officer Roundtable – Amsterdam April, 2012 Benelux Pension Roundtable – Noordwijk, April 2012 Nordic Pension Roundtable – Stockholm, May 2012 Asset Manager COO/CFO Conference – Frankfurt, June 2012 European Head Trader Forum – Madrid, September 2012 US Head Trader Forum – New York, January 2013 US Chief Investment Officer Roundtable – New York, February 2013 The Extinction of Sell-Side Research – London, May 2013 Inflection Point for Institutional Equities? – London, Feb. 2013 Publications: The Changing Face of Research Procurement – Nov. 2012 2 Frost Consulting Key Questions Could sell-side research really disappear? Is this what asset managers really want? Would it matter to asset managers if this happened? - from an information/alpha generation perspective? - from an asset manager profitability perspective? How is regulatory change likely to influence the asset manager research/spending process? Is there anything that asset managers can do to ensure the sell-side research they want and use - survives? Potential Impacts of “Conflicts of Interest” 3 Frost Consulting Nuclear Winter? Investment Banks Higher cost of capital. Higher regulatory capital requirements. Less leverage – lower returns. ROEs substantially below cost of equity. Equities Cyclical bear market in cash equities, M&A, IPOs. Cyclical/Structural? shift out of active cash equity products. (rise of ETFs, programs, private equity, derivatives). CSAs – Structural – not cyclical. Impacts: - Ends the monopoly of investment banks over asset management research spending. - Significant reduction in the number of equity execution counter-parties. - CSA research payments at lower levels than research commission payments via equity execution. 4 Frost Consulting Overview of the Global Commission Market Institutional Secondary Equity Commissions Global Total 2011e - US$33 Billion Change has happened. Change just beginning. Best X, Exchange Competition CSAs, New ERISA/FSA Rules Non-Execution Execution 33% Regulatory Regimes: “Best Execution” Reg. NMS $ 10.9 Bln 67% $ 22.1 Bln Regulatory Regimes: Historic: None Commencing: ERISA/FSA Plan Sponsor Scrutiny: Plan Sponsor Scrutiny: Level: Level: High Low Means: TCA Means: None Penetration: ~85% Penetration: ~0% Plan Performance Risk: Moderate Plan Performance Risk: High 0-200 Bps per annum 0000s Bps over time Non-execution commission spending is entering the regulatory spotlight. *Frost Consulting Estimates 5 Frost Consulting CSAs: Mechanics (Europe) Typical Trade Client CSA Account 3rd Party Research (Held by CSA Broker) Research Commission – 67% $21.4 Bln $9.1 Bln CSA Execution Broker Execution Commission – 33% Ends the investment bank monopoly over asset manager research spending. Research payment for execution broker: Part of the research commission is often allocated to the CSA execution broker. 6 Frost Consulting Unbundled Commissions: Regional Penetration Percentage of Total Volume Traded Europe (Ex-UK) UK 70% 50% US 40% *Frost Consulting Estimates Large asset managers using CSAs: UK 90%, Europe (ex-UK) 60%, US, 80% 7 Frost Consulting Global Perspective Unbundled Commissions – Penetration by Market > 50% 20 - 50% < 20% Game Over for Bundled Model Growing Rapidly Emerging UK: Global US: Fastest Regulatory growth Leader globally. France EU: Varies by Japan Sweden country Switzerland Germany Canada Netherlands Hong Kong Australia Managers in geographies where there are impediments to unbundling are at a competitive disadvantage globally. *Frost Consulting Estimates 8 Frost Consulting Avg. Number Execution Counter-Parties* (European Asset Managers - Ex Bulge Bracket) European Cash Equities 28.3 16.5 - 41.7% 16.5 CSAs will continue to encourage asset managers to reduce execution counter-party lists. * Greenwich Associates – Average: Large Asset Managers 9 Frost Consulting The UK CSA Experience: Extinction in Action Small/Mid-Cap Brokers Secondary commissions available to the UK small/mid-cap brokers have fallen by an estimated 80% since 2007. 10 Frost Consulting Global Asset Manager Perspective – UK Equities Market Weights – Global Equity Index Widely used global benchmark. How many dedicated UK small/mid-cap execution relationships are necessary for a global asset manager? 11 Frost Consulting Bundled Environment - UK Small/Mid-Cap Multiple Direct Dealing Relationships UK Small/Mid-Cap Broker Universe 2008 Global Asset Manager In a bundled commission environment each research relationship requires a separate execution relationship. Execution Relationships: 22 Is this sustainable? 12 Frost Consulting Intensity of Investment Banking Competition Average Number of Brokers per 1% of Global Market Cap 17.8 * 2008 5.8 4.2 0.7 *Frost Consulting Estimates 0.9 1.1 1.9 13 Frost Consulting Commission Unbundling “End-Game: The Perfect Storm Disintermediation in Mid/Small Cap UK Equities 2007 Traditional Market % of Total Commissions 2012 Impact Market Depreciation Traditional Market % of Total Commissions Evaporated CSA Market Bulge Bracket Shift to CSAs Remaining Available Commission Execution Commission Portion of Compensation via CSA payments: not execution. Most UK small and mid-cap brokers chose not to participate in the CSA market. They were rapidly disintermediated. Available commissions for this group fell by an estimated 80% from 2007 to 2012. 14 Frost Consulting Investment Bank Research: Declining Sell-Side Coverage Evidence From Multiple Sources estimates that 35-40% of publically listed companies have no analyst coverage. Large Research Aggregator Average number of analysts per equity: 2005 2012 4.01 2.02 London-based firm providing “issuer sponsored” research. Clients include: Market Cap: $5.1 billion # of Sell-Side Analysts: 18 Market Cap: $17.3 billion # of Sell-Side Analysts: 12 15 Frost Consulting Transition to the Unbundled Environment Old Model: “Information Bunker Mentality” Asset Manager Approved List: Firewall for Alpha Specialized Research Quants/ Databases Management Consultants/ Expert Networks Investment Bank Research Specialist Investment Banks Regional Brokers $21.4 Bln $9.1 Bln Average asset manager content selection limited to >100 brokers on the manager’s “Approved Broker List”. Global Investment Banks Independent Fundamental Research Sustainability/ SRI Research Managers bombarded by unsolicited input from 250+ brokers. Reluctant to accept content from new sources as each would require an additional (unwanted) execution relationship. Research Procurement: Asset Managers Frost Consulting Traversing the “Alpha Gap” % $ Billions 10.0 9.0 $8.2 billion Aggregate global investment bank research budget. (~600 firms) (Right Scale – Red Line) 8.0 ~40% reduction in capital allocated to sell-side research. 2008 – 2013. 7.0 Alpha Gap 6.0 5.0 $4.8 billion 4.0 3.0 2.0 CSA % of Global Equity Trade 1.0 (Left Scale- Blue Bars) Asset managers that do not unbundle are at a competitive disadvantage. *Frost Consulting Estimates 17 Frost Consulting Asset Manager Plan Sponsor CSAs: Asset Manager View Exploding the Asset Manager Content Universe Client CSA Account (Held by CSA Broker) Universally Distributed Historic Inputs Portfolio Process New Inputs Research Commission $22 Billion Globally $21.4 Bln CSA Broker Execution Commission Key Questions: 1.How do asset managers find nonbrokerage research content? $9.1 Bln Proprietary Network $11 Billion Globally 2. How do research producers penetrate asset manager content firewalls? 18 Frost Consulting Investment Banking Research Perspectives I.I. European CIO Roundtable – Amsterdam March 2012 Asset Managers Know That Investment Bank Research Budgets are in Decline Investment Banking Research Budgets: Expected % Change through 2015 Asset Manager CIO Responses It Is Less Clear What They Are Doing To Find Alternative Solutions How dependent are asset managers on brokerage research? “Percentage of Total Research from Investment Banks” Asset Manager CIO Responses Asset managers remain dependent upon investment banking research. Questions for Pension Funds: What are the implications for asset manager performance? 19 Frost Consulting Future Alpha Generation: Leveraging the Wider Universe Unbundled Research Universe Bundled Research Universe Research Aggregators ~4,600 Question for Pension Funds: Where are your asset managers on this spectrum? Most asset managers buy research from < 100 investment banks. This is the new battleground for differentiated asset manager alpha. Frost Consulting $ Billions Operating Cost Asset Managers/Investment Banks: Profitability Comparison – Global P&Ls Operating Profit Operating Cost Operating Profit Investment banks are losing money in cash equities in part because of research costs. $21.4 Bln $9.1 Bln (5.0) 35.0 Research Cost PT Margin: 23.4% 20.0 10.7 5.7 -2.5 Asset Managers – Active Equities Margin: -11% Investment Banks – Cash Equities 21 Frost Consulting $ Billions Operating Cost Asset Managers/Investment Banks: Profitability Comparison – Global P&Ls Operating Profit Operating Cost Operating Profit What if the cost of sell-side research migrated to the buy-side? Impact on Investment Banks. 5.0 $21.4 Bln Cash equities become profitable. $9.1 Bln Research Cost 5.0 35.0 PT Margin: 23.4% 10.7 15.0 5.7 2.5 -2.5 Asset Managers – Active Equities Margin: -11% Investment Banks – Cash Equities 22 Frost Consulting $ Billions Operating Cost Asset Managers/Investment Banks: Profitability Comparison – Global P&Ls Operating Profit Operating Cost Operating Profit What if the cost of sell-side research migrated to the buy-side? 5.0 Impact on Asset Managers. Impact on Investment Banks. 5.0 40.0 $21.4 Bln $9.1 Bln Shifting the I.B. research cost to the asset management P&L would reduce asset manager operating margins by ~50%. Research Cost Are there ways to avoid this outcome? PT Margin: 23.4% PT Margin: 12.4% 15.0 5.7 2.5 -2.5 Asset Managers – Active Equities Margin: -11% Investment Banks – Cash Equities 23 Frost Consulting Investment Bank Research: Is It Finally Time To Discuss Price? Analyzing Industry Change Reality Check Institutional equities is a very unique market - ~$20 billion worth of product is distributed without any contracts or pricing mechanism. When the cash equity businesses of investment banks were profitable, this was sustainable. Will investment banks be willing to provide unpriced research to asset managers produced by chronically unprofitable cash equity businesses - forever? What will their shareholders say? (Who, by the way, are asset managers). Asset managers are suddenly looking for benchmarks for research spending. This is in response growing pressure from regulators and clients to gain a greater understanding of asset manager research spending. 24 Frost Consulting Accelerating Regulatory Change FSA “Conflicts of Interest for Asset Managers” – Nov. 2012 New Commission Rules: Groundbreaking Implications Frost Consulting The “Regulatory Revolution” In Feb. 2013 the CEOs of 195 UK asset managers had to personally sign-off to the FSA that their firms were compliant with new FSA commission rules. Most thought that would mark the end point of the FSA initiative. They were wrong. UK asset managers are in unknown territory. It’s not clear how vigorously “Conflicts of Interest” will be enforced. But, having given personal guarantees, managers won’t want to take that risk - and will very likely implement it themselves. Commissions allocation regulatory issues have real world consequences: Frost Consulting UK Regulators: Raising the Stakes November 2012 Commission for corporate access is banned … Increased CSA usage is a given … but there is one more major wild card - If this “Best Practice” is enforced it will require UK asset managers to set actual research budgets by provider. This moves towards a quasi-priced research environment……. ….. and may precipitate a global restructuring of the institutional equity business. Frost Consulting Equity commissions are very cyclical. Research Spending Evolution Regulatory Impact Historically, the research component of the commission has mirrored this. Impact: “Conflicts of Interest” - Eliminates “tidal” increase in research commission spending. Fixed research budgets per producer will reduce overall research budgets. - Forces asset managers to be more focused, selective and disciplined in research commission spending. - Likely leads to a “priced” market for research from investment banks. - Lowers cross-cycle ROEs for I.B. research producers. - Further reduction in I.B. research budgets. Produce and deliver only what research is demanded. - Producers must distinguish access/ service levels between purchased and unpurchased research products. - Asset managers must diversify sources of research. - Compliance will force managers to use research budgeting system globally. 2007 Total Commission Spending (Cyclical) 2013 Research Commission Spending (Suddenly Uncyclical) Frost Consulting Asset Manager Research Procurement Evolving Commission Allocation Process Equalizing Apples and Oranges Pricing Bundled Universe Unbundled Universe Unpriced Priced Payment Mechanism Equity Trades Cash Allocation Mechanism Broker Vote ???? Monetary Value Variable Specific (CSA) Research “Pricing” Evolution Have on this universe? What impact does buying products from this universe Asset Manager Challenge: Creating a consistent research valuation framework. Why does this matter? 1. Regulators – (FSA/SEC/ERISA) 2. Clients 29 Frost Consulting Looking Ahead 2013 2015? Evolving Asset Manager Process Likely Future State Consuming “priced” research creates an informal price framework for “unpriced” research. This is already happening – paying brokers via CSA requires the asset manager to assign a specific price to “unpriced” products and services. Ends the binary ON/OFF investment bank research entitlement process.. Establishing a fixed research budget per provider will lower overall research spend, particularly in up markets. It will no longer be practical for even the largest asset managers to “get everything from everybody”. Managers will have to be more selective - some are already limiting the number of sector research teams that PMs/analysts can vote for/(purchase). Managers will continue to dictate research prices – but will specifically identify which products they wish to buy. Previous vote/spending patterns will evolve into a price list managers are willing to pay for varying levels of research services. Future Research Procurement Negotiating Framework Asset Manager: “We would like to buy Tier One Research coverage in sectors A-B-C at $100K each and Tier Two coverage in D/E/F/G for $50K each”. Questions for the Research Provider: 1. Is this profitable at this price (what is the cost and ROI)? 2. What is the policy on providing products/services to this asset manager that they have not purchased? 30 Frost Consulting “Broker Vote” Changing Research Procurement Votes Result Payment Mechanism Bank #1 PMs Analysts Commission Budgeting Bank #1 Commission Allocation System Purchases Bank #1 on Approved List All Bank 1 Research ON Purchase Offers Payment Mechanism Bank #2 PMs Analysts Auto Sector: Tier 1 Service Bank #3 Pharma Sector: Tier 2 Service Equity Orders Equity Orders Commission Allocation System Tier 1 Price Bank #1 Bank #2 Bank 2 Auto Research ONLY Tier 2 Price CSA Payment Bank 3 Pharma Research ONLY Bank #3 Implications Banks will only produce research someone is willing to pay for. Banks will have to restrict access to research that hasn’t been purchased – to protect research that has been. Asset managers will only get research they are willing to pay for - but will want to see what else is available. Current research paradigm – Asset managers turned ON or OFF. Coming environment – Premium services for paying subscribers, Freemium products to attract new customers. 31 Frost Consulting Cyclical Considerations Global Institutional Equity Commissions ($Billions) USA Peak 17.1 Japan/Asia/EM 2012 Peak 2012 Europe Peak 2012 -29% 12.3 12.1 12.0 -48% -58% 6.4 Key Question: 5.0 Global Peak to 2012 Decline: ~43% What is the base level for research budgeting? Commissions more volatile in “ad valorum” markets: (ex-North America) Frost Consulting The Future Is Now The Unbundled Services Vertical Oversight/benchmarking of ~$20 billion per annum in asset manager equity research spending – New ERISA, FSA rules. New research aggregation platform featuring wide content universe and groundbreaking search. Links to commission allocation/CSA tools. Multi-party reporting, management and reconciliation of CSA commissions. Links to commission allocation tools. CSA Payment Custodian - CSA “PayPal” for asset managers. 33 Frost Consulting Conclusion The asset management industry has the unusual luxury of using client money to buy the main raw material in its industrial process. ? Change Required Many asset managers are trying to adapt research procurement processes that were designed primarily for consuming investment banking products to accommodate a wider universe. This is changing decades-old payment methodologies. Economic and regulatory pressures will force a more transparent discussion between asset managers and research producers as to precisely which products are demanded and purchased – and at what price. The post-Glass-Steagall “waterfront” sell-side research coverage model is likely unsustainable. Asset managers must do a better job of identifying which sell-side research they truly value and make sure that they pay enough for it that it remains profitable to produce. Asset managers need research spending benchmarks to help better explain research commission spending to clients, regulators and themselves. 34 Frost Consulting For more information please contact: Neil Scarth UK cell +(44) 774 865 2356 Susan Walton UK cell +(44) 774 865 2456 Legal Disclaimer Notice This document has been produced by Frost Consulting, LLC. Everything in this document is provided "AS IS: and without warranty of any kind. We have made every effort to offer current, correct and clearly expressed information as possible. Inadvertent errors can occur and changes will be made when any error is brought to our attention. By providing this document, Frost Consulting, LLC shall not be held liable, or undertake any responsibility whatsoever, for the content of third party information. All content and material on this site is exclusivity property Frost Consulting, LLC, and may not be republished without expressed written permission. 35