Heilbronn Declaration

Corporate Social Responsibility
and the 'Heilbronn Declaration'
“Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Sustainability
Development 2013”, Conference and the establishment of
Shenzen Green Economy R&D Association, October 27 th, 2013,
Peking University HSBC Business School
Prof. Dr. Christopher Stehr
German Graduate School of Management and Law,
GGS, Heilbronn, Germany
The idea of sustainability
'Sustainable development [ … ]
implies meeting the needs of the
present without compromising the
ability of future generations to
meet their own needs…'
World Commission on Environment and Development
1987: 1
The development of the CSR idea
“Corporate social responsibility is
a clear organizational obligation”
(European Commission, 2011)
http://www.headline-themendienst.de/fileadmin/FILES/ibu-nachhaltigkeit%2001.jpg, accessed 27.01.2012, http://www.cbe.wwu.edu/dunn/rprnts.pyramidofcsr.pdf.
http://www.grin.com/object/document.121485/de9242bbc16b31189c3da6de19e1213d_LARGE.png, 12.02.2012, http://www.benefitidentity.de/benefit/img/excellence-model.gif, accessed 12.02.2012.
CSR, Sustainability and then “better World”?
http://www.headline-themendienst.de/fileadmin/FILES/ibu-nachhaltigkeit%2001.jpg, accessed 27.01.2012.
http://www.mallenbaker.net/csr/images/dictionary.jpg, accessed 13.02.2012.
http://findfulfillflourish.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/happiness11.jpg, accessed 27.01.2012.
Why CSR and Sustainability?
What are the benefits?
 Protection of the Environment
cost drivers, cost saving potential
 CSR Social Responsibility
+ longterm success for businesses
+ reduction of employees' fluctuation
+ increase of attractiveness e.g. for customers
+- overall performance?
 Underpinning of values
= perceived meaningful action
+ reliability
+ reduction of corruption
+ optimized porcesses
 Happiness Research: Daniel Gilbert
Happy people are healthier,
are less absent from their working places
 Network Research: Nicholas Christakis
Happy people attract happy people.
„New values for Management“ (02/2012)
and „The Value of Happiness“ (01/02/2012)
Happiness Research: Prof. Daniel Gilbert
Value Management: Prof. Rosabeth Moss Kanter
http://capiche.us/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/HBR-H@W-cover4-370x480.jpg, accessed 28.03.2012.
http://www.harvardbusinessmanager.de/, accessed 11.02.2012.
http://www.harvardbusinessmanager.de/img/0,1020,4920412,00.jpg, Zugriff 13.02.2012.
Good Practices: Hirschmann
Laboratory Instruments
 Our aspiration: Closeness to people
 Environmental protection
Careful use of resources are values from which our employees orient themselves.
 Social Responsibility
We provide our employees with comprehensive social benefits
and emphasize the importance of achieving compatibility between family and career.
 Sustainability
Everybody working at Hirschmann Laborgeräte bears a responsibility.
 Top quality
We offer top quality and strive to achieve perfection in all company areas.
 Reliability
Our deliveries can be relied upon.
 Fairness
We are completely aware of the value of people in the company
and communicate in an open and trustworthy fashion.
http://www.hirschmann-laborgeraete.de/Unternehmen/~/media/Images/Pagepics/unwelt-pic.ashx, accessed 12.04.2012.
http://www.hirschmann-laborgeraete.de/Unternehmen/Mission_und_Vision.aspx, accessed 13.02.2012.
'Heilbronn Declaration': the concept
Historical Approach
Idea, Definition
of Sustainability
Heilbronn Declaration
Failure of
Own research: Authentic CSR the derivation of the Heilbronn Declaration.
State of the art
CSR, Business Ethics
Stake holder dialogue
transparancy, trust
'Heilbronn Declaration':
issues for discussion
 Integrative approach + open findings
 Process of learning together / participatory approach
'Confidence is a core prerequisite for a successful
entrepreneurial creation of value.'
'We want to go far beyond what is considered a matter of
course and set new standards for a corporate sense of
responsibility and social commitment of enterprises.'
„CSR is what we stand for in our tradition as SME,
“Mittelstand” or family-owned enterprises.'
'We are critical of the widespread shareholder value.'
'We want to give consideration to stakeholder needs.'
http://medienblick-bonn.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/DW-nachhaltigkeit-300x300.jpg, accessed 27.01.2012.
'Heilbronn Declaration':
issues during the discussion
 Reaction +/-; 177 persons, 283 changes in the declaration
 “Good ethical thinking” (Individual) vs.
 Governance ethic (Systems/Organization)
ca. 50
ca. 30
ca. 5
ca. 20
http://medienblick-bonn.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/DW-nachhaltigkeit-300x300.jpg, Zugriff 27.01.2012.
First enterprises which signed
“Heilbronn Declaration”
Thank you very much for your attention!
Christopher Stehr
Telefon: +49 7131 - 645636-83
E-Mail: christopher.stehr@ggs.de
'Heilbronn Declaration':
issues for discussion
 Integrative approach + open findings
 Process of learning together / participatory approach
'We obligate ourselves to [ … ] meet with all
participants of this declaration after a period of
one year, start in September 2013, to exchange
experiences, to compare real achievements, to
publicly communicate by which means we have
contributed to the above-mentioned goals of CSR
and, ideally, to develop a follow-up program for the
collective assumption of social responsibility as a
basis for a future CSR balance sheet.‟
http://medienblick-bonn.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/DW-nachhaltigkeit-300x300.jpg, accessed 27.01.2012.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
'A number of companies with good
social and environmental records
indicate that these activities
can result in better performance
and can generate more
profits and growth.'
Green Paper: Promoting an European Framework for
Corporate Social Responsibilty. COM (2001)
'To fully meet their corporate social responsibility,
enterprises should have in place a process
CSR is meant to contribute to sustainable development.
to integrate social, environmental, ethical,
CSR obeys law and regulations and goes beyond compliance.
human rights and consumer concerns into their business
CSR is an organizational approach holistically and individually integrated,
operations and core strategy in close collaboration
recognizing the demands and requirements of the organizations stakeholders,
with their stakeholders [ ... ]'
 CSR includes an economic, ecologic and social dimension.
 to avoid negative consequences and to maximize benefits.
A renewed EU strategy 2011-14 for Corporate Social Responsibility. COM (2011)
http://www.mallenbaker.net/csr/images/dictionary.jpg, accessed 13.02.2012.
The development of the CSR idea
 2000 Lisbon Strategy
 2001 EU Green Paper
Promoting an European Framework for Corporate
Social Responsibility
 2002-2004 European Multi-Stakeholder
Forum (EMSF)
with an EMSF report in 2004
 2005/ 2006 Communication from the
European Commission: Implementing the
partnership for growth and jobs: Making Europe a
pole of excellence on CSR
 2010 ISO 26000 – Social Responsibility
 2010 National Action Plan on CSR in
 2011-2014
A renewed EU Strategy for CSR
http://www.headline-themendienst.de/fileadmin/FILES/ibu-nachhaltigkeit%2001.jpg, accessed 27.01.2012, http://www.cbe.wwu.edu/dunn/rprnts.pyramidofcsr.pdf.
http://www.grin.com/object/document.121485/de9242bbc16b31189c3da6de19e1213d_LARGE.png, 12.02.2012, http://www.benefitidentity.de/benefit/img/excellence-model.gif, accessed 12.02.2012.
Significant voices of the
sustainability debate
 resource productivity/ dematerialization
 'material-input per service unit' (MIPS)
 the concepts of factor 4 and faktor 10
 Ecological footprint/ rucksack
http://www.vol.at/2010/10/Umweltforscher-Friedrich-Schmidt-Bleek-ueber-Nachha.jpg, accessed 28.01.2012.
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/71AX76C6DBL._SS500_.gif, accessed 12.02.2012.
http://media2.libri.de/shop/coverscans/546/5469197_5469197_xl.jpg, accessed 11.02.2012.
CSR – how about you?