Introduction to International Management

Introduction to International Management
Course Registration Number: 940107
Contact Hours:
Course Description:
On completion of this course, students should be able to project
their understanding of basic business concepts into the global
arena. They should understand the strategic and operational
challenges of organizations operating internationally. - The
course intends to provide students with a working knowledge of
the subject of international business and not just a textbook
background. As a result, students will be expected to test their
knowledge practically through group discussion as well as the
compilation of case briefings. Students will therefore be expected
to demonstrate a clear ability to translate theory into practical
application of the concepts covered. In addition, the students will
be able to hone their skills in - analysis and problem solving research - presentation - negotiation & discussion.
The following topics will be discussed in great detail:
 Introduction into the impact of globalization
 The political, economic, legal, and technological environment
 Social responsibility and ethics
 The role of culture in international management
 Strategy formulation for international markets
 Cross-border alliances and strategy implementation
 Organizational structure and control systems (including
organizational culture)
 Managing diversity (if sufficient time is available)
Teaching Methods:
Interactive lectures - case studies - simulations - exercises video sessions - real-life case briefings
Griffin, R. W.; Pustay, M.W.: International Business. A
managerial perspective. International Edition. 5th edition / 6th
revised edition, Pearson International / Prentice Hall, Upper
Saddle River, 2007/2009 - Deresky, H.: International
Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures. 5th
edition / 6th edition. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River,
2006/2008 - Adler, N. J.: International Dimensions of
Organizational Behavior, South-Western, Cincinnati, 2002 - Hill,
C.W.: International Business: Competing in the Global
Marketplace, Seventh International Student Edition. Irwin,
Heilbronn University
Max-Planck Straße 39
74081 Heilbronn
Boston, 2008 - Varner, I., Beamer, L.: Intercultural
Communication in the Global Workplace. Third edition. McGrawHill Irwin, Boston, 2005