DOKUZ EYLUL UNIVERSITY MARITIME FACULTY MBA 3010 INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Asst. Prof. Dr. Serdar AYAN TEXT: : Gomez-Mejia, L.R., Balkin, D, and Cardy, R.L. (2012). Managing Human Resources (7th Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. OTHER REFERENCES : CREDITS : Three Hours / Friday 9:25 – 12:00 OFFICE HOURS : Tuesday , 15.30-17.00 or by appointment R. Wayne Mondy ( 2012) Human Resource Management ( 12th Edition ) ; Prentice Hall Dessler Gary (2009) Fundamentals of Human Resource Management ( 1th Edition) ; Prentice Hall A. COURSE OBJECTIVES Describe and explain key terms associated with the practice of human resource management for international Companies, explain how a firm’s human resources influence its performance. Why and how organizations need to integrate diverse perspectives while managing human resources in its internal and external environments. Identify and explain factors that influence job design within the international company B. COURSE DESCRIPTION Work flows and job analysis, Understanding equal opportunity and the international legal environment, Managing diversity, Recruiting and selecting employees, Compensation and benefits, Appraising and managing performance, Training and development, Employee separations, downsizing and outplacement, Employee relations, rights and discipline. C.COURSE OUTCOMES This course is designed to develop a fundamental understanding of the principles of international human resource management. Concepts such as “Work flows and job analysis,” “Recruiting and selecting employees,” and “Appraising and managing performance” will be examined in order to provide a comprehensive background in human resource management 1 D. ASSIGNMENTS Term Paper: The topic of the term paper must be approved by the instructor and must select from the text book ( Managing Human Resources). Each paper will be typed, having a minimum of five references and not exceeding ten ( doubled-spaced ) pages ( not including the cover sheet and exhibits, tables and figures). The grades on term papers will be based upon content, organization and writing. E. EVALUATION Mid-Term Exam Final Exam Total Weight 40% 60% ______ 100% F. RULES FOR ATTENDANCE All students are expected to attend classes punctually and regularly. Access to the final exam will be granted to students who attain an attendance in excess of 70 %. The content of the syllabus can be changed by the instructor at any time by informing the related department’s head. Class participation includes attendance, discussion and participation. Role is taken at the beginning of class using a seating chart. Students arriving late may request partial credit by seeing me after class. Excessive lateness or absences will result in a geometrically reduced grade. Please make your travel plans accordingly. As one shrewd person once put it, “Never underestimate the value of showing up.” Your presence enriches not only yourself, but also your classmates. Class time is generally devoted to Socratic discussion and debate. You will be called upon frequently: in fact, you can expect be called on in every class session. If you are a bit shy, this can be intimidating. I hope that over time you will grow in confidence to speak up and be heard. Sometimes the quietest students have the most interesting and important things to say. STUDY HINTS: There are no surprises about how to excel in international human resource management. Come to class prepared each day. You should actively practice retrieving stored information and applying it. The more you practice, the easier it gets. A Study Guide is an excellent learning tool; use it to the fullest. Obviously, you cannot master everything at once, but it will become quite apparent if you are preparing for class or not. If you are unavoidably absent, please arrange to get the notes and assignments from a classmate in time for the next session. 2