NSPCC Thematic Briefings

NSPCC Thematic Briefings
Learning from Serious Case Reviews
The NSPCC has produced a series of thematic briefings highlighting the learning from serious
case reviews. Each briefing focuses on a different topic, pulling together key risk factors and
practice recommendations to help practitioners understand and act upon the learning from case
reviews. The list of themed briefings (as at January 2016) is:
Types of abuse
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
Domestic Abuse
Online Abuse
Children or families at risk
Parents with mental health problems
Culture and Faith
First Generation Immigrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees
Hidden Men (situations where agencies were unaware of men who posed a risk to the child or
who could have protected the child)
Parents who misuse substances
People whose first language is not English
Suicide (where the young people involved have made an attempt on or taken their own lives)
Teenagers (subject to a review)
Challenges to professional practice
Disguised compliance
Returning children home from care
Learning from specific sectors
Housing Services
Voluntary agencies
Health sector
GPs and Primary Healthcare Teams
Paediatrics and accident & emergency
Perinatal Healthcare Teams