Margaret Dalziel, PhD The Evidence Network; Co-­‐founder, VP Research 2007-­‐present The Evidence Network provides quantitative evidence on the impact of innovation enabling organizations. Such organizations serve to advance local, regional and national economic interests through direct and indirect support to private companies (see Conrad Centre for Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology 2013-­‐present University of Waterloo Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Margaret teaches courses in technology entrepreneurship, and conducts research on inter-­‐organizational relations focusing on the structure of the economy and the effects of government investments in innovation. She has published or presented over 80 papers at international conferences and in leading academic journals and practitioner venues, and has led or participated on four projects funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the total value of which exceeds $3 million. Telfer School of Management 2008-­‐2012 University of Ottawa; Associate Professor Taught entrepreneurship and strategy courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels and conducted research on inter-­‐organizational relations in technology-­‐intensive industries. During 2008-­‐2009 she was a visiting professor at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China. School of Management, University of Ottawa 2001-­‐2007 Assistant Professor PRECARN Inc.; Director, Strategy and Marketing 1996-­‐1999 Responsible for PRECARN’s Proposal for Phase III that was awarded $30 million in funding and for Sector Focus Groups, an initiative designed to elicit understandings of the needs for intelligent systems technologies. PRECARN is an industrial research consortium that promotes and supports collaborative research in intelligent systems. Canadian Space Agency 1994-­‐1996 Technology Development Officer, STEAR The Strategic Technologies for Automation and Robotics (STEAR) Program supported the development of technology for the Mobile Servicing System, Canada’s contribution to the International Space Station. Managed a portfolio of industry-­‐led technology development projects in areas such as machine vision, advanced materials, and robotics. McGill University, Centre for Intelligent Machines 1989-­‐1993 Manager As Manager was responsible for the administration of a 200-­‐member multidisciplinary research institute within the Faculty of Engineering. McGill University, Centre for Intelligent Machines 1987-­‐1989 Computer Graphics Programmer Education: Ph.D. Université du Quebéc à Montréal 2002 A.R.C.T Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto 1994 M.B.A. McGill University 1994 B.Sc. McGill University 1983