Research Project Option in place of final exam - Biotechnology If you don’t want to take a written final exam, here is your opportunity to design, execute and interpret an experiment involving a topic of your choice. You are encouraged to work in pairs, but you may work by yourself. I recommend expanding upon any of the experiments we have done in class, or you may choose anything else related to biotechnology that interests you. This experiment can be simple or sophisticated, but should be reasonable in scope and expense. You are encouraged to solicit materials from local laboratories if necessary, or from our classroom supplies, if available. This experiment is to take place outside of normal class hours. You must commit to this by the 8th week of your semester, and you may not change your mind once you commit. Your mission is: • a sound experimental design with suitable controls • a well reasoned hypothesis • reliable data • logical interpretation and discussion • suggestions for improvement and further research A few ideas are listed below: • • • • • • • • DNA staining techniques optimization Plant biotechnology – Arabidopsis Mutants: • classical breeding of variegated mutant • starch overproduction • temperature response • decreased DNA methylation • Dwarf Molecular modeling design project with Rasmol software (in conjunction w/ Milwaukee School of Engineering Food fermentation (cheese, sauerkraut, kim chee, expansions on the yogurt or root beer experiment) molecular biology techniques • RNA isolation and RT-PCR of of Arabidopsis • Genotyping of arabidopsis mutants Bacterial gene regulation factors affecting gel electrophoresis restriction enzyme analysis of DNA REQUIREMENT: A Lab Report (1 per group, Due exam week) must be typed (double spaced) including: • purpose, question or problem you are investigating • a description of the design of the experiment, which gives a brief overview of the general method and your hypothesis with rationale. • detailed protocol such that someone else could follow it. • a copy (or original) of your raw data from your notebook, dated. • summary and interpretation of results • conclusion based on data, including a discussion of validity and reliability • discussion of implications and limitations of this research; suggestions for improvement • bibliography of references • acknowledgments Biotechnology Research Project Grading Criteria Lab report ____/ 1 purpose, question or problem you are investigating ____/ 3 a description of the design of the experiment, which gives a brief overview of the general method and your hypothesis with rationale. ____/ 3 detailed protocol such that someone else could follow it. ____/ 5 a copy (or original) of your raw data (sufficient number of trials) from your notebook - dated. ____/ 4 analysis of results ____/ 6 conclusion based on data, including a discussion of validity and reliability ____/ 6 discussion (implications, limitations, suggestions) ____/ 2 bibliography of references, acknowledgments ____ / 30 TOTAL Biotech Main Page Biotech Course Overview West High Home Page Last update: June, 2003 Author: John Rademacher Publisher: John Rademacher Webmaster: