Meeting Notes for: Date: Attendees: Notes (Actions in bold)

Meeting Notes for:
First meeting for Defra project WU0128 - Crop Improvement for Resource-Use Efficiency
Date: 01/10/09
Attendees: Andrew Thompson, John Hammond, James Lynn, Carol Ryder, Helen Bowen,
Martin Sergeant
Notes (Actions in bold)
AT and JH updated everyone on the progress of the proposal and responses to the
reviewers comments. No major changes were need, just additional detail on how
phenotyping will be carried out, how we will interact with industry and more detailed and
specific milestones. As part of the response to one of the reviewers’ comments AT has
suggested including an additional irrigation treatment into the final years field trial, which if
we included would mean moving the trial to polytunnels. This will have cost implications.
AT will look into the costs of modifying the field trial before responding to Defra and
the reviewers’ comments. AT, JH and MG to meet next week to finalise SID3 and
return to Defra.
The allocation of staff was discussed in the project. It was confirmed that MS would work on
the project for 137 days from now and that Howard Hilton would be involved in growing
Arabidopsis in the CE and conducting the field trial in the final year with assistance from Will
Spracklen and Rory Hayden.
JH updated everyone with which lines were currently being backcrossed and selfed for P
(and Ca and Mg) QTL. Lines 118, 122, 134, 141 and 173 have all been backcrossed to the
A12 parent and were now being selfed. It was noted that the genotypes currently in the
glasshouse required genotyping to confirm their identity.
CR will obtain original RFLP scoring data for lines 122, 134, 141 and 173 from Elaine
(University of Birmingham). HB to genotype these lines with assistance from CR and
CR updated everyone on the progress of the current phenotyping of lines derived from
AGSL118, with single introgressions on C7, C6 and C1. AGSL118 has low WUE. These will
be phenotyped by HH in the glasshouse between now and December. Plant material will be
available at the end of the trial that can be phenotyped for elemental composition by ICPMS.
JH to inform HH that we will require plant material after harvest.
Glasshouse requirements were discussed. AT currently has 20m2 compartment in GH15 for
phenotyping. Need additional 20m2 to continue backcrossing and selfing AGSL lines. The
project allows for 40 m2 for three years. AT compartment currently used for tomato work
(E2, with a/c) has been ear-marked with Pete Watson for use in the project from 1st April,
and all project work can move to a single compartment.
JH to contact Pete Watson to arrange an additional 20m2 compartment.
AJT to firm-up booking of E2 from April 2010.
Association mapping was discussed and JH updated everyone on the current data available
for association mapping (1,200 Arabidopsis ecotypes, genotyped with 250k SNPs). It was
agreed that once data from 363 accessions was published, a comparison could be made
between association mapping techniques to gauge the level of sensitivity of the various
JL to compare association mapping approaches when data becomes available.
JL will design a more focused Arabidopsis diversity collection during the first 3 months of the
project. Whilst this is ongoing, it was agreed that all 1,200 Arabidopsis accessions currently
genotyped would be obtained from NASC/ABRC and that a seed bulking programme would
be started by the project group. MS will look into the ordering and costs of this.
JL to identify more focused Arabidopsis diversity collection based on SNP data and
phenotype data.
MG to provide phenotype data to assist JL genotype selection.
MS to investigate ordering and costs of 1,200 Arabidopsis accessions from NASC.
We need a project code and project-specific shared area available to all staff involved in the
project ASAP.
MG to chase Finance team for a ledger code and request new shared area from IT
once the code is released.