ROSE BRUFORD COLLEGE Module Specification 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Title Sound for Theatre Module code PS501 Credit rating 20 Level 5 Indicative scheduled learning and teaching activities 40 hours Pre-requisite modules N/A Co-requisite modules N/A School responsible Design, Management and Technical Arts Member of staff responsible Milo Taylor ECT* 10 Notional hours of Learning** 200 2. AIMS The module aims to: Further develop the core sound skills you acquired during Level 4 and give you the opportunity to apply them in the context of theatre sound Explore such issues as live microphone mixing techniques, synchronising sound to action, working with a play script, working within theatre organisational models and the historical precedents and cultural identity of the work the theatre sound designer and operator. 3. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE MODULE PS501 will provide you with an introduction to the skills, technologies, processes, and terminology of designing sound for theatre production. Topics covered within the module will include: The foundation and evolution of theatrical sound design Approaching a script for sound (interpretation, composition, technical requirements and research) Working with directors and other designers to develop and realise the production Designing sound to synchronise with stage action Creative approaches to theatre sound design (realistic, representational, stylistic and abstract) The vocabulary of theatre sound design (such as framing effects, underscoring, transitional sound, spot effects and cues) Creating a cue sheet and working with an operator to realise a sound design plan * ECT (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): There are 2 UK credits for every 1 ECT credit, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA). Therefore if a module is worth 20 UK credits, this will equate to 10 ECT. ** Notional hours of learning: The number of hours which it is expected that a learner (at a particular level) will spend, on average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. It is expected that there will be 10 hours of notional study associated with every 1 credit achieved. Therefore if a module is worth 20 credits, this will equate to 200 notional study hours, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA). ROSE BRUFORD COLLEGE Module Specification The role of the sound designer and sound operator in a live theatre environment Using software to create and execute cues during a live performance The budgetary and resource considerations of sound design for theatre 4. INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES Category of outcome Knowledge and understanding On successful completion of this module, you will be able to: Explain the basic business, financial and organisational models that influence the work of a theatrical sound designer (A1, A3) Locate the work of the sound designer within the broader social, artistic and historical context of theatre performance (A3) Justify your artistic and technical choices in relation to established performance conventions and traditions (A2) Describe and contrast a range of theatre sound systems (A6) Intellectual skills Contextualise your own practice within the wider field of practice and a range of conceptual frameworks (B5, C11) Use research and analysis to identify creative and technical approaches to developing an appropriate sound design for a given theatre playtext and production concept (B1, B2, B3) Practical skills Transferable skills and personal qualities Specify the design and use of audio technologies in written, oral or diagrammatic forms in response to a brief or script (C1, C2, C3, A6) Independently manage a project to a clearly defined brief and schedule (D1) Present ideas, specifications and plans using communication techniques appropriate to the intended audience (D4) 5. LEARNING AND TEACHING PROCESSES (INCLUDING THE USE OF E-LEARNING) This module will make use of the following modes of delivery: A series of lectures and seminars Site visits to theatrical sound design companies and live performances Workshops and practical projects, where you will explore the possibilities of sound design in the theatre from a practitioner’s viewpoint. Your learning will be supported by materials available on the College’s VLE. PS501 Sound for Theatre 2 ROSE BRUFORD COLLEGE Module Specification 6. ASSESSMENT (INCLUDING THE USE OF E-LEARNING) Assessment task Formative Assessment Outline design proposal, responding to a given script and brief Summative assessment: Design proposal, responding to a given script, performance venue and brief, with sample audio content, speaker plot and full technical specifications. Length Weighting 1500-2000 words proposal, sample audio content, speaker plot and technical specifications 100% 500 words Date of current version 13 Sept 2013 PS501 Sound for Theatre 3