Authorization for Elevated ICON Access

 ITS-­‐Office of Teaching, Learning & Technology Authorization for Elevated ICON Access In order to better serve the University of Iowa community, administrative duties within ICON (Iowa
Courses Online) may be assigned to staff members at the College or Department level. These rights
vary based on role and level, and are described in detail in the ICON Handbook: Administrative
Conventions and Procedures. To authorize such access for a staff member, please fill out the form
below, have it signed by your area’s IT Director, and return it to ITS-Instructional Services.
(name and hawkID) of ___________________________________________________________________________
(college, department, or organizational unit)
is hereby authorized to have elevated rights at the level indicated below, in compliance with FERPA
and other applicable regulations, for courses with the following departmental code(s):
(list department name(s) and code(s), e.g., 22M Mathematics) Check to indicate level of access:
Collegiate Admin (more rights, FERPA & Collegiate Admin training required) Support Staff (less rights, FERPA training required) Level 1 - high
Level 1 - high
(all course tools, add & impersonate users) (content, dropbox & discussions, grades) Level 2 - medium
Level 2 - medium
(all course tools, add users) (content, dropbox & discussions) Level 3 - low
Level 3 - low
(all course tools) (content) __________________________________________________
(signature of IT Director) ________________________
(date) __________________________________________________
(printed name IT Director) Return via email or campus mail to:
David Long, ICON (LMS) Technical & Support Team Lead
Enterprise Instructional Technology
ITS Office of Teaching, Learning & Technology
2800 University Capitol Centre | 319-335-5552
V6, 2015 