Introductory Psychology

FALL 2008
Tues & Thurs
8-11:10 AM
Bldg. 30/ Rm. 14
Introductory Psychology
Psych 101: Section 20904
College Website
Rebecca Talley
245-4271 x 2721
Class Location:
Meeting days/times:
FKCE Website
Liberal Arts Bldg. #30, Rm 14
T & Th 8-11:10 AM
Course Description (No Prerequisite)
An introductory course that covers the multifaceted discipline of psychology and explores the scientific
study of human behavior and mental processes.
Textbook (Recommended)
Plotnik, R. (2005). Introduction to psychology (7th or 8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.
Study Guide (Optional)
Enos, M. (2005). Study guide for Plotnik’s introduction to psychology (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson
Student Responsibilities
Lectures are detailed; class attendance is expected and reading prior to class meetings is greatly
encouraged. If a student finds it necessary to stop coming to class, it is the student’s responsibility to drop
officially by submitting a drop card to the admissions office. Failure to do so may result in an “F” in the
class. Please check with the psych department regarding the last date to withdraw from this class without
receiving a “W.”
Three unexcused absences during the course of the semester can be terms for being dropped from the
class. In addition, a person who chooses to miss three classes in a row without notification will be
dropped from the class. Please contact me to discuss your circumstances.
VVC Attendance Policy
Class attendance is not a measure of performance or proficiency. Whether a student is just physically
present in the class is not a valid basis for grading. Reference Title 5 Section 55002 of the California Code
of Regulations: (A) Grading policy: The course provides for measurement of student performance in
terms of stated course objectives and culminates in a formal, permanently recorded grade based upon
uniform standards in accordance with section 55758 of this Division. The grade is based on demonstrated
proficiency in the subject manner and the ability to demonstrate that proficiency, at least in part, by means
of written expression that may include essays, or, in courses where the curriculum committee deems them
appropriate, by problem solving exercises or skills demonstrations by students.
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Psych 101 Course Grade
4 quizzes
Final exam
4 Journal entries
Extra credit
20 %
5 total possible points
We will learn from each other and your participation is worth 20% of your grade. We need your input
during class.
Five quizzes will be given and the lowest grade will be dropped, therefore, NO MAKEUP quizzes are
given. Quizzes are not cumulative. Many quiz questions will be on final exam. Quizzes will consist of
true-false &/or multiple-choice questions. Take quizzes on Scantron form no. 882-E. Student notes
can be used for quizzes. The highest scores for four quizzes will make up 20% of the total grade.
Final Exam
One cumulative final worth 20% including multiple choice, True/False questions, matching and/or
essay questions, and any information given by guest speakers. Take final exam on Scantron form no.
Work in groups to present information on one influential person in psychology. One grade is given for
the entire group for a total of 20% of final grade.
Write 3 pages each about 5 different topics for 20% of total grade. Journals are reviewed in class
during quizzes. The lowest grade is dropped, therefore, there are NO MAKEUPS. Spelling and
grammar are not important in this format. Please do not write to the instructor—this is your journal.
Extra Credit – 5 points total
1) CURRENT EVENT-Each current event presented is worth 1 point. Two people can present one
current event together (one may do the paperwork and the other presents, for example), for ½ a
point each. Students can earn a total of five points extra credit which will be automatically added
to lowest area (participation, quizzes, exam, presentation, or journal). Presentation of current event
is informal.
2) CLASS PRESENTATION-Present approximately one page from text book worth 1 point each.
Confirm with instructor one class prior to presentation. Present one concept at a time; each is
worth 1 point. Presentation is informal.
3) BACK PACK-Put together a back pack for a foster child and deliver to the VVC Foster and
Kinship Care Education office across the street from campus. Call 760-245-4271 x 2721 to
schedule drop off. See attached list for items to bring in back pack for a total of 5 points.
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Extra Credit –1 point each up to 5 points
1. Copy a relevant current event including source and date of information
2. Present current event: 1 point each up to 5 points total added to lowest grade
3. Turn in a cover page attached to the copied article including:
1. List course number, student name, title, source and date of article
2. Summarize 3 main points of the article
3. Provide personal opinion of the article
A. Valenzuela
Talley wins parent of the year
DAILY PRESS August 20, 2008
1. Single mom of two teenagers wins High Desert Parent of the Year contest sponsored by San
Bernardino County Schools
2. Entries were gathered from students in grades 7-12 throughout the High Desert
3. Talley’s daughter is quoted as saying,” My mom’s not Emeril—what I remember always being in our
fridge is black and white film, disposable cameras and batteries because she’s a great photographer.”
4. I could relate to the article because, although my mom and dad never divorced, my mom was mainly
responsible for raising my brothers and I. (My mom can’t cook either.) I liked the article.
OR—I thought the article was silly. I believe that with most of these contests, we only see one side of
life. I bet it was hard for those kids growing up in a single-parent home. No matter how dedicated a
parent is, he or she usually has to work many hours away from home and is therefore going to be
away from the kids a lot. I didn’t buy it.
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Psychology 101 Current event cover sheet
Name _______________________________ Date presented in class____________________
Title of article ________________________________________________________________
Source/Date of article __________________________________________________________
Main points of article
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
My opinion of the article:
*Copy article and staple to cover sheet
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FKCE Back pack give aways for foster youth
Include at a minimum:
1) Select
appropriate items
for either a
teenage girl or
2) deliver filled back
pack to FKCE
(760) 245-4271 x
3) know you have
made a positive
difference in a
foster youth’s life!
1 roller back pack OR 1 shoulder bag
1 journal
1 stuffed animal
1 small lap blanket
1 toothpaste/toothbrush kit
All items must be developmentally appropriate
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Psych 101: 20904 T/TH 8-11:10 AM LA 14
Assignments and class dates (subject to change)
Course introduction; Module 1: Discovering psychology; Module 2: Psychology and science
Current events; Module 3: Brain’s building blocks; Module 4: Incredible nervous system
Module 5: Sensation; Quiz; Journal Review; Module 6: Perception
Current events; Module 7: Sleep and dreams Module 8: Hypnosis and drugs
Current events; Module 9: Classical conditioning; Module 10: Operant and cognitive approaches
Quiz; Journal Review; Module 11: Types of memory; Module 12: Remembering and forgetting
Current events; Module 13: Intelligence; Module 14: Thought and language
Module 15: Motivation; Quiz, Journal Review; Module 16: Emotion
Current events; Module 17: Infancy and childhood; Module 18: Adolescence and adulthood
Current events; Module 19: Freud & Humanistic Theories; Module 20: Social, Cognitive, and
Trait Theories
Quiz; Journal Review; Review grading structure for presentations; Group time
Group presentations
Current events; Module 21: Health, stress, and coping; Module 22: Assessment and anxiety
Current events; Module 23: Mood disorders and schizophrenia; Module 24: Therapies
Module 25: Social psychology; Quiz; Journal Review; Review for final
Final exam (Cumulative: Modules 1-25 + any guest speaker information)
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