ITE 801 Winter, 2013 IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software v4.1 is designed for Cisco Networking Academy® students seeking career-oriented, entry-level hardware and software skills. Target students include those who want to prepare for careers in information and communication technology (ICT) and students who want to gain skills and practical knowledge about how computers work, how to assemble computers, and how to troubleshoot hardware and software issues. Acquired Skills Students who complete this course should be able to demonstrate the following skills: ● Describe the internal components of a computer ● Assemble a computer system ● Install an operating system ● Troubleshoot using system tools and diagnostic software ● Respond to customer inquiries and assist with the resolution of technical issues ● Remove and replace selected components of a laptop ● Upgrade laptop components based on customer needs ● Perform preventive maintenance and advanced troubleshooting ● Remove and replace selected components of a printer/scanner ● Perform preventive maintenance and troubleshooting on components of a printer/scanner ● Install a network; upgrade components based on customer needs and perform preventive maintenance and advanced troubleshooting Evaluation Chapter Tests (15 of them) Hands on labs Practice Exams (2 of them) Written Exams (2 of them) Practical Exam 15% 20% 7% 28% 30% Course Materials Course “text” is in the form of an online text and will be made available to students through their Cisco Academy login. The text can also be made available by means of a jump drive (which must be provided by the student) and students will be given a CD. Handouts (worksheets and labs) will be given frequently. It is necessary that each student have a three ring binder that is specifically and exclusively used for ITE. This binder should also contain loose leaf. Assessment: It is essential that all students read all 16 chapters of this material throughout the course. All but one chapter have a corresponding Chapter test. There are exams at the end of Chapter 10 and again at the end of Chapter 16. The Practical Exam will take approximately three (3) hours. Chapter tests, practice exams and exams are all online. Students will be required to complete all testing with teacher supervision to complete the course. Attendance: All students must complete all of the hands on labs for the course. Absence is not an excuse for not completing a lab. If a student is absent on a lab day, they MUST make arrangements to complete the lab. Any material missed due to absence is the full responsibility of the student. Classroom requirements: Come to class each day ready to work and learn. Bring all materials needed for class to class. Always look for relationships with the material that will provide insight and understanding. Recognize that learning the basics is important to any worthwhile activity. Be diligent in the completion of homework. Be willing to try. Ask questions when you don't understand something. Take down notes and examples so that you have something to look back at when you get stuck. Listen to the teacher's explanations. Be on time for class (inside the room before the class starts) . No headphones at any time (mp3 players, iPods, etc) . Respect classmates and be willing to learn from them. Respect the equipment provided, taking care of it, putting it away, always remembering that others need access and use of the equipment as well.