24TH ANNUAL BEE THE TIMES LEADER Program Agenda Welcome Dean Richard Greenlee • Ohio University Eastern Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance Ashley Sarko, Christian Consortium Opening Remarks & Presentation of Cover Design Winner Lisa Stupak, Coordinator of Gifted Programs East Central Ohio ESC Introduction of Spelling Bee Officials Kevin Spears, Superintendent East Central Ohio ESC Introduction of Spelling Bee Participants & Practice Round Amy Vavrock, Pronouncer Explanation of Rules Lynne Mamone, Rules Judge Coordinator of Gifted Programs East Central Ohio ESC Special Request Please...No Applause or Noise THE SPELLING BEE... Presentation of Finalist Awards Lisa Duvall, Associate Pronouncer Kevin Spears, Superintendent East Central Ohio ESC Presentation of Place Awards and Traveling Trophy Lisa Duvall & Sponsors Closing Remarks SPELLING BEE • Page 2 Benediction Maria Ducci, Catholic Consortium Officials - Pronouncer Amy Vavrock, Educator, Bridgeport Schools - Associate Pronouncer Lisa Duvall, Regional Director Governor Strickland’s Office - Judges Becky Thomas Retired Teacher, Barnesville Schools Jeff Mamone High School Teacher, Shadyside Local Schools Shelly Lewicki Middle School Teacher, Martins Ferry Schools - Rules Judge Lisa Stupak Lynne Mamone Gifted Coordinators East Central Ohio ESC - Recorder & Protest Official Leslie Kosanovic Supervisor, East Central Ohio ESC - Sponsors The Times Leader Lori Figurski, Publisher The Times Leader Kim Collette, Classified/Inside Sales Mgr. Riesbeck’s Food Markets Richard Riesbeck, President & CEO Riesbeck’s Food Markets Dennis Kasprowski, Area General Mgr. The Citizens Bank Scott Everson, President & CEO The Citizens Bank Linda Koledin, Asst. V-P, Marketing Director AAA Ohio Auto Club Shawn Yopa Airport Limousine Service, Inc. Renee Dorsey East Central Ohio ESC Kevin Spears, Superintendent East Central Ohio ESC Lisa Stupak, Coordinator of Gifted Programs East Central Ohio ESC Lynne Mamone, Coordinator of Gifted Programs THE TIMES LEADER SPELLING BEE • Page 3 Best of the best square off in 2010 Belmont County Spelling Bee By ERIC AYRES Times Leader News Editor ST. CLAIRSVILLE - The 2010 Belmont County Spelling Bee will take place this Thursday at 7 p.m. in the theater of Ohio University Eastern. Top spellers from schools throughout the county have been preparing for their chance to be named Belmont County’s champion and go on to compete in the 84th annual Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C. May 31-June 6. Each participant on the county level will receive ribbons, plaques and certificates, but the ultimate goal is to attain the first-place title and trophy, a $1,000 U.S. Savings Bond, Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (unabridged), the Samuel Louis Sugarman Award $100 Series EE U.S. Savings Bond, a plaque featuring the two winning words for school display, a traveling trophy for school display (provided by Belmont County Spelling Bee sponsors The Times Leader and Riesbeck’s Food Markets), and a oneyear subscription to the Britannica Kids Online Student Edition and an Amazon.com gift certificate. In addition to those prizes, the first-place winner will travel to Washington, D.C. for an all-expenses-paid trip to include deluxe accommodations for the student, a parent and coach during the week of the national competition. The Scripps National Spelling Bee lasts for two days. The rest of the week, however, will be jam-packed with activities for participating students. Cover Design By: Anna Frazier Union Local Middle School 8th Grade The second place winner of the Belmont County Spelling Bee will take home a $500 U.S. Savings Bond, a second-place trophy, Meriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (11th edition), and a one-year subscription to the Britannica Kids Online Student Edition. For taking home third-place honors, a student will receive a $250 U.S. Savings Bond, a third-place trophy (compliments of Jenkins Sporting Goods in St. Clairsville), and a one-year subscription to the Britannica Kids Online Student Edition. And the fourth-place winner will receive a $150 U.S. Savings Bond, a fourth-place trophy and an Amazon.com gift certificate. All finalists finishing from fifth to 18th place will receive a $50 U.S. Savings Bond, compliments of The Citizens Bank, and all contestants will receive ribbons, plaques and certificates. Travel to Washington, D.C. will be provided by AAA Ohio Auto Club, limousine travel will be provided by Airport Limousine Services Inc. of Wheeling. Stage greenery is courtesy of Ponzani Florist and Greenhouse. The Belmont County Spelling Bee is sponsored by The Times Leader, Riesbeck’s Food Markets, Citizens Bank, AAA Ohio Auto Club, Airport Limousine Inc., the Ohio Lottery and the Belmont County Educational Service Center. Winner of the artwork contest, Anna Frazier, eighth grader from Union Local Middle School, will receive a plaque, a $100 U.S. Savings Bond and the honor of having her artwork displayed on the cover of this publication. There was a tie for second place among artwork contestants Paige Burkette, fifth grader from St. Clairsville Middle School; Sarah McAninch, fifth grader from Bellaire Middle School. The second place artwork submissions can also be seen inside this edition. Good luck to all the spellers! THE TIMES LEADER Barnesville Name: Denise Leach Barnesville Middle School St. Joseph Central SPELLING BEE • Page 4 Coordinators Bellaire Name: Jennifer Kaczor Bellaire Middle School St. Mary Central St. Clairsville Bridgeport Name: Susann Deihl Bridgeport Middle School St. John St. Mary Central Martins Ferry Name: Lisa Yoho St. Mary Central School Martins Ferry Christian Consortium No Photo Available Name: Sharon Flowers St. Joseph Central School Martins Ferry Name: Barbie McKeegan Martins Ferry Middle School Name: Sue Ogden St. Mary’s Central School Name: Jody Campbell St. John Central School Name: Becky Hill Christian Consortium Martins Ferry Christian School THE TIMES LEADER SPELLING BEE • Page 5 Coordinators St. Clairsville Name: Carol Henderson-Drake St. Clairsville Middle School Name: Kathi Kish St. Clairsville Middle School Union Local Name: Sheryl Sonk Union Local Middle School Name: Christine Smith Union Local Elementary School Shadyside Name: Lori Clouse Shadyside Local Schools East Richland Christian Name: Patti Weeks East Richland Christian Academy County Coordinator Name: Lisa Stupak County Coordinator Name: Lynne Mamone County Coordinator THE TIMES LEADER SPELLING BEE • Page 6 Can You Spell These Words? Here are some examples of words that participants may be asked to spell at the Scripps National Spelling Bee. coulomb abutment exacerbated macilent abscission novillada skirmish intarsia evangelary tamale maestro solstice invariant vacatur tallow urbanity studious wickiup gusset terrarium verboten Word Examples Courtesy of Spellingbee.com THE TIMES LEADER Sponsors SPELLING BEE • Page 7 LOCAL PARTICIPANTS and sponsors are preparing to crown a 2010 spelling bee champion. From left are Paul Fitch Riesbeck’s Food Market, Lynne Mamone East Central Ohio ESC, Reese Boyd 2009 Spelling Bee Winner, Lisa Stupak East Central Ohio ESC, Linda Koledin Vice President Marketing The Citizens Bank, Shawn Yopa AAA Ohio Auto Club. Missing from the photo are Renee Dorsey Airport Limousine Service Inc. and Kim Collette The Times Leader.