If you choose to provide your own laptop, please consider the following information before making that decision. There is a required yearly Networking and Access fee of $150.00 for students using their own laptop.
Minimum Hardware / Software Requirements:
Processor / Speed: Intel Pentium-M / 1.5 GHz
Memory: 1 GB
Hard Drive: 40 GB
Network: Internal Wireless 802.11b/g
Warranty and accidental protection are strongly recommended
Operating System (not provided by Lausanne) o Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP2, or Windows 7. o All updates and security patches must be kept up-to-date. o Operating system must be licensed and activated.
Apple computers must be running Bootcamp, Parallels, or VMWare Fusion with a Windows
Operating System installed. You are required to purchase a license for Windows (XP, Vista, or
Windows 7) and are responsible for the setup of your laptop.
* PLEASE NOTE: Lausanne does not provide or resale Windows Operating Systems, Parallels, or
VMWare. Bootcamp is an included utility within Mac OS X 10.5+.
What is included in the Networking and Access Fee?
Software: o Latest Microsoft Office Suite o Antivirus o DyKnow (for rising 5 th
graders only) o First Class E-mail Client and mailbox
Access to wireless Internet while on campus
Access to shared printers while on campus
Access to the subscription services, databases, and electronic resources through the library.
Access to a loaner laptop if service is required on personal laptop (for up to two weeks only).
Please note : Because of licensing requirements, all software provided by Lausanne must be removed when the student leaves Lausanne. Upon Graduation you will receive a copy of the latest version of Office but other software must be removed. It is the responsibility of the student to remain compliant with all licensing requirements.
Other Information:
No repairs will be made to laptops purchased outside Lausanne. Limited technical support and diagnostics will be available through the Lausanne Tech Center, but any further repairs are the responsibility of the user.
A loaner will be issued for up to two weeks. Loaners kept longer than two weeks incur a daily rental charge of $20.00