ARTS 1100 Online Art Appreciation Dr. Masoud Nourizadeh Office

ARTS 1100 Online Art Appreciation
Dr. Masoud Nourizadeh
Telephone (678) 359-5297
Office: Fine Arts 203
Office Hours: See Faculty Credentials and Web Pages link below:
Course Syllabus
Text: ARTFORMS: An Introduction to the Visual Arts, 11th edition, by Patrick
Frank, taken from Prebles’ ARTFORMS.
Course Content: An introduction to the visual arts, including a study of the formal
elements, design principles, media, and a brief history of art.
Course Objectives: To develop and increase the perceptual skills of students in
the field of the visual arts through an examination of subject, form, and content in
each art by means of a critical method of analysis. Students will leave this course
having a better understanding and appreciation for the visual arts.
Gordon State College is committed to making reasonable efforts to assist
individuals with disabilities in their efforts to access a high quality post-secondary
education. Gordon State College will provide reasonable accommodations for
persons with documented qualifying disabilities in accordance with the policies of
the University System of Georgia and Gordon State College. If you have a
disability and feel you need accommodations in this course, you must present a
current letter to me from Accessibility Services, indicating the existence of a
disability and the approved accommodations. To register a disability contact
Accessibility Services, Student Center, Room 212, 678-359-5585.
1. You must purchase a textbook for this course.
2. Students are required to use Desire to Learn and log into the course every
3. Students are required to use only Gordon Email address to contact me.
Students should check their e-mails regularly. Do not use Desire to Learn Email
4. Tests are multiple-choice in format. Do not open a test until you are ready to
take it. Prepare and review for a test first and then take it. Tests are timed. You
will only get one attempt. There will be no make-up tests (with or without
excuse). There will be four tests, not including the final exam, on Desire to Learn.
Each test (25 images) is worth 25 points. The tests will cover the art works
(images) in your textbook. These tests are set up like slide shows. Study guides
will be provided for these tests. You are not required to come to campus for these
tests. You will take all of the tests, including the final exam, which is worth 40
points, online. There is no make-up for final exam.
5. In addition to tests, there are four quizzes. While the tests cover art images in
your textbook, the quizzes cover reading homework assignments. There will be no
make-up for quizzes (with or without excuse).
6. Students are required to complete assigned readings before doing the online
activities. There is no make up for assignments (with or without excuse).
7. Please monitor your grade and let me know if you see any inconsistencies.
8. Students are required to come to Gordon State College during the last two
weeks of classes (before the finals) to submit their paper project (see more details
about this paper below). Please do not sign for this course if you cannot come to
Gordon State campus. There is no make up for this project (with or without
Tips for using Desire2Learn:
A. It is suggested that you use Mozilla Firefox 7 browser with Desire2Learn.
Internet Explorer is NOT recommended. There is a document on the Desire2Learn
Homepage in the “News” area that will show you where to download Firefox for
free (for PC, Mac, or Linux). Firefox is on all of the lab computers at Gordon.
B. If you add a course during add/drop, it will take up to 48 hours for you to be
added into the class in Desire2Learn.
C. It is suggested that you submit papers and take quizzes on a computer with
hard-wired internet connection (not wireless). If your wireless is weak it may
prevent you from submitting your test/document. You may need to use your
Ethernet cable if you use a laptop.
D. It is suggested that you clear your web browser’s history before beginning a
quiz in Desire2Learn.
E. Desire2Learn can time out, so it is suggested that you type long documents
inside of Microsoft Word and then copy/paste it into Desire2Learn. You cannot
copy/paste using a mouse in Firefox. You will need to “Ctrl C” to copy and “Ctrl V”
to paste.
F. When taking a test in Desire2Learn it is suggested that you “save” after each
response instead of wait until the end to save.
G. In order to see the course’s content, you must click on the “content” tab on the
top navigation bar.
H. A training video and manual for students on how to navigate Desire2Learn is
located on the Desire2Learn homepage’s news area.
Participation means sharing your ideas, helping other students and learning from
each other. It is important that you participate by asking questions, reading and
responding to the comments of other students and posting your ideas.
Participation helps to build social interaction in this learning community.
Main Posts and Responses
What makes for a good post? Here are some general guidelines:
Excellent: Reveals a good understanding of the topic as evidenced by thoughtful
original posts, responses and questions. Provides new information on a regular
basis. The posts show solo exploration.
Good: Reveals an adequate understanding of the topic. Provides new information
from time to time. The posts show that the student has completed the readings.
Fair: Reveals a restricted understanding of the topic limited to information that
could be derived from only online material.
Replying to other people’s posts: After you post your assignment in the
discussion area, you are required to reply to two other classmate’s answers.
Please do not write “I agree” or “I like it”. You need to give feedback and make
comments. Write at least a paragraph.
Grading Policy:
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Quiz 1
Quiz 2
Quiz 3
25 points
25 points
25 points
25 points
30 points
30 points
30 points
Grading Scale:
A = 450-500 Points
B = 400-449 Points
C = 350-399 Points
D = 300-349 Points
= 0-299 Points
Quiz 4
10 Assignments (Participation)
Paper Project
Final exam
30 points
125 points
115 points
40 points
500 points
Note: For a complete syllabus, see the online course on Brightspace/D2L.