KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY CSC 010 Computer Applications, Summer 2010 Distance Learning Course taught using Desire2Learn https://desire2learn.kutztown.edu/ Instructor: E-mail: University Office: Phone: Hours Online: Course Duration: Dr. Joo Tan tan@kutztown.edu 247 Old Main 610-683-4413 MTWH 10:00AM – 12:00PM July 6 – Aug 5, 2010 - Monday through Thursday only COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides an introduction to microcomputers and their applications, including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, graphics, and the integration of software in a page layout package. Using either Macintosh or IBMcompatible microcomputers, the students will gain “hands-on” experience with current equipment and software. The type of microcomputer to be used in each section will be designated in each semester’s master schedule. To be of greatest benefit, this course should be taken early in the student’s college program. This course can only be counted under category V of General Education. COURSE OBJECTIVES The objectives of this course are as follows: Use a word processing application to edit a research paper in MLA style Use a word processor to create an announcement with clip art Use a word processor to create a curriculum vita or resume Use a spreadsheet application to create a worksheet to organize data, perform calculations, graph the data, enter formulas and functions for a worksheet as well as perform Web queries Use a database application to create a database, create table structures, enter table data, create queries of various complexities, create forms, and generate reports. Use a presentation application to create a slide show using features such as design templates, clip arts, animation schemes, headers and footnotes on the slides TEXT BOOK REQUIRED: Microsoft Office 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques, Windows XP Ed., Shelly, Cashman, Vermaat, Thomson Course Technology, 2008, ISBN: 978-1-4188-4327-4 NOTE: Students are required to have the textbook by the 2nd day of the course, July 7. GRADING: The number of point allocation is as follows: Assignments: 30% Projects: 20% Quizzes: 35% Final Examination: 15% Your final grade in the course will be given according to the following scale: A >= 90%, B >= 80%, C >= 70%, D >= 60%, F < 60% COURSE POLICIES This course is taught 90-95% online using the Desire2Learn System (see hyperlink above). Note that this is a fourday per week course – Monday through Thursday only. Students are required to check the Desire2Learn System daily for announcements, assignments, projects, and/or quizzes. I will be available on campus in my office (Old Main 247) from 9:00AM to 11:00AM on Tuesdays only. All assignments are due at the 12:00pm (noon) on the due date. Any submission after this deadline is considered late. Late assignments are deducted 25% per calendar day. No assignment is accepted after it is more than one day late. Participation on the Desire2Learn discussion board is highly recommended. MANDATORY PHYSICAL CLASS MEETING ON FIRST DAY The first day of this course is a mandatory in-class meeting, scheduled for 9:00AM on July 6, 2010. We will meet in Grim Hall, room 307 at the Kutztown University campus. It is extremely important that you attend this meeting. FINAL EXAMINATION DATE The final examination for the course will be held on Thursday, August 5. It will be available on Desire2Learn for exam taking on that day. Hours will be posted at a later date. MICROSOFT (MS) OFFICE SUITE Students are recommended to have the Microsoft (MS) Office 2007 Suite installed on their computers. In the event that you do not have MS Office 2007, OpenOffice may be used, downloadable from http://www.openoffice.org/index.html ON-CAMPUS LABS The MS Office 2007 Suite is available at several Kutztown University campus locations, including: Old Main 24 Hour Lab (next to the Health Center) Lytle 215 Lab, hours are posted outside the lab Grim 307 Computer Classroom/Lab Old Main 206-A Computer Science Lab (~8:30AM – 4:00PM) HOMEWORK SUBMISSION ON Desire2Learn Students must use Desire2Learn’s Dropbox feature to submit assignments and projects. Submitting assignments/projects by e-mail will NOT be accepted. QUIZZES ON Desire2Learn Students will have specific time(s) for taking quizzes on Desire2Learn. This will be announced by the instructor using Desire2Learn’s News feature. It is your responsibility to take a quiz during those times. If you are unable to take the quiz due to valid reasons, you must inform the instructor PRIOR to the quiz date/time. Except for medical or family emergencies, there are no make-up quizzes. Note that a formal documented excuse must be given to me within 24 hours. TAKING QUIZZES Note that quizzes are usually given on either Wednesdays or Thursdays. While taking quizzes on Desire2Learn students are reminded to close all other non-essential windows and applications. This will help prevent problems/issues that may arise with computer memory and/or respond time. In the event that your window freezes, you must notify the instructor immediately, either using the discussion board or by e-mail. E-MAIL CORRESPONDENCE Students are REQUIRED to use their Kutztown University e-mail account for all e-mail correspondence with the course instructor. If you have problems with your KU e-mail account, contact the KU IT department immediately. Due to spam filters there is no guarantee that I will receive or respond to your private web-based e-mail account. COURSE ETIQUETTE AND BEHAVIOR: Students will demonstrate respect for the instructor and other students while using the Desire2Learn Discussions board. This includes the use of unacceptable language usage. The course instructor will report behavior that is disruptive to the positive learning environment. A warning will be issued on the first instance and the student will be reported to the department chairperson. On a second instance, the student will be referred to the university Provost’s office and appropriate action will be taken. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Plagiarism and cheating are serious offences and may be punished by failure on exam, paper or project; failure in the course; and/or expulsion from the University. Academic dishonesty includes the following actions, as well as other similar conduct aimed at making false representation with respect to the student’s academic performance: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Cheating on an exam or quiz, Collaborating with other students on work to be presented, if contrary to the stated rules of the course, Submitting, if contrary to the rules of the course, work previously submitted in another course, Copying or changing programs done by other students and submitting it as their own, Plagiarism. Please read the Academic Integrity Policy that is used in the area of Computer Science currently located at: http://cs.kutztown.edu/pdf/AcademicIntegrityPolicy.pdf. Students may also refer to http://www.kutztown.edu/admin/kuvc/academichonesty.html for additional information. Offenders will be given a failing grade in the course and be reported to the Dean/Provost’s office. Refer to the Kutztown University Student Handbook for further information.