Mount Mourne School 7th Grade Homework Policy

Mount Mourne School 7th Grade Homework Policy
Is assigned to reinforce and consolidate work covered in the lesson
Encourages independent learning
Will be assigned regularly as an independent activity to allow students to
practice and apply what has been learned in class
Varies in frequency among classes and grade levels (ranges from 30-60
minutes per class)
There are three types of homework assigned in 7th grade core classes at Mount
Mourne IB – daily, collected, and long term
Daily Homework – Daily homework is an assignment due the next class that is
checked for completion and reviewed during class. The teacher does not collect
this homework.
Consequence for Not Completing Daily Homework:
Students will be issued 3 late homework passes at the beginning of each quarter.
These passes can be used in any of their core classes for daily homework
assignments. Late homework passes will not be replaced if they are lost. If a
student fails to complete an assignment and uses a late homework pass, they
will be expected to turn in their late homework by the next class. Students who
use all their late homework passes or fail to turn in the assignment the following
class will be assigned after school detention. Late homework passes cannot be
saved for the next quarter. At the end of each quarter, students that have
remaining passes will turn them in to the designated teacher, and they will be
entered into a drawing as an incentive for completing their work. The teacher has
the discretion to identify some assignments as ineligible for late homework
passes. These assignments will be identified when assigned.
Collected Homework – Collected homework is turned in to the teacher during
class and the teacher scores the work for accuracy and/or completion. Collected
homework may be used as a formative assessment to check student’s
understanding or to provide feedback. Some homework may also be assessed
as an MYP grade. Students will receive a scoring rubric for all graded homework
Consequence for Not Completing Collected Homework:
These assignments will not be accepted late. If the work is scored as an MYP
grade, the assignment will be deemed as non-scoreable (does not meet any of
the criteria). The teacher has the discretion to assign after school detention for
the missing work or to decide not to provide any feedback on the assignment.
Long Term Assignments – Long term assignments are tasks, such as summer
homework, and projects that students have several weeks to complete. Long
term assignments not turned in on the due date will not be accepted late.
Consequence for Not Completing Long Term Homework Assignments:
These assignments will not be accepted late. If the work is scored as an MYP
grade, the assignment will be deemed as non-scoreable (does not meet any of
the criteria). The teacher has the discretion to assign after school detention for
the missing work or to decide not to provide any feedback on the assignment.
Please read and sign the information below. Students will return this portion to
their humanities teacher (Clarissa Doughtie) during the first week of school.
Students are responsible for completing all the assigned homework for their classes. Homework will be discussed in class and posted on the website. After school detention will be assigned for late or incomplete assignments as indicated above. Each time that a student misses an assignment they will send an e-­‐mail to their parent/guardian, and will copy the 7th grade team on their e-­‐mail so that teachers are aware if a student is missing multiple assignments. Repeated missed deadlines will be reported to Dr. Nutting and may result in an academic contract. These missed assignments will also be reported to coaches and club leaders at BMS, LMS, or MMS for any students that are participating in extra-­‐curricular activities. The 7th grade team also takes cheating very seriously. If students are caught copying another student’s homework, they will receive an office referral and it will be recorded as a violation of the Mount Mourne School Honor Code ( I have read and understand the 7th Grade Homework Policy:
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: _______________________________________
Student’s Signature: _______________________________________________