Hormone Handout





2. Thyroid stimulating


3. Growth


4. Prolactin thyrotropin releasing hormone stimulates hormone release from thyroid gland



RELEASING/INHIBITING HORMONES corticotropin releasing hormone growth hormone releasing horm. somatostatin inhibits. release prolactin releasing hormone stimulates hormone release from adrenal cortex stimulates growth, increases muscle mass decreases fatty tissue mass milk production


5. Luteinizing gonadotrophin releasing hormone hormone(LH)

6. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) gonadotrophin releasing hormone maturation of sperm and egg, stimulates sex


1. Antidiuretic hormone ( ADH, vasopressin)- causes kidney water retention

2. Oxytocin – stimulates milk release; contraction of uterus

SUMMARY OF HORMONE ACTIONS hormone release from testes and ovary

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1. THYROID HORMONE ( THYROID GLAND ) (modified amino acid)

Heat production - Increased oxidation of glucose and fatty acids; increased heart output; increased breathing; increased red blood cells.

Promotes growth and nervous system development- increased protein synthesis; stimulates GH secretion.

( excess- high heart rate , low weight , fatigue; defic.-cretinism in children, low metabolism, weight gain; iodine defic -goiter)


(ADRENAL CORTEX) ( steroid)

Increases blood glucose - liver gluconeogenesis from amino acids; decreased glucose uptake into fatty tissue; decreased muscle protein synthesis, release of muscle amino acids into blood.

( excess- Cushings syndrome with hyperglycemia, muscle wasting ,; defic- Addison’s disease with hypogylcemia , weakness)

3. EPINEPHRINE ( ADRENAL MEDULLA)( modified amino acid )

Supplements action of sympathetic nervous system to maximize use of skeletal muscle ( respond to emergency) - Increase availability of metabolic fuel ( muscle glycogen breakdown; liver gluconeogenesis and glycogen breakdown; fat breakdown, release of fatty acids into blood) ; increased heart output, peripheral vasoconstriction ; open lung passages; increased sweating.

4. INSULIN ( PANCREAS) ( peptide)

Decreases blood glucose- Increased glucose uptake into muscle and fat cells; increased glycogen in muscle and liver; decreased gluconeogenesis in liver ; increased glucose catabolism ( breakdown) in many tissues.

Increased conversion of glucose to fatty acids in liver and to triglycerides in fat cells

Increased amino acid uptake into muscle, liver and fat cells, decreased protein breakdown ( this action important for tissue growth ).

( defic- diabetes mellitus)

5. GLUCAGON (PANCREAS) ( peptide)

Increases blood glucose - Increase glycogen breakdown and gluconeogenesis in liver; breakdown of triglycerides, oxidation of fatty acids ; liver protein breakdown, gluconeogenesis from amino acids .


Decreases blood glucose by reducing glucose uptake form intestine
