CHEMISTRY PracticeReactions: l.Ag + KNO3 2.Zn + AgNO3 3.Al + H2SO4 4. Cl't + K I 5. Li + H2O 6. Cu + FeSO4 7. Na + H2O 8. Fe + Pb(NO3)2 -----> 9 .C u + H 2 O 10.Cu + AI2(SO4):----> SINGLE REPLACEMENT REACTION WORKSHEET CHEMISTRY ll. Al + Pb(NO:)z ----> 12. Cl2 + NaI 1 3 .F e + SINGLE REPLACEMENT REACTION WORKSHEET AgC2H302---> 1 4 . A l + CuCl2 ---> 15. Br2 + CaI2 ---> 1 6 .A l + H C I 1 7 .M g + H C I l8.Zn + HZSOa 19. Fe + CuSO4 20.Cl2 + MgI2 ---> CHEMISTRY SINGLE REPLACEMENT REACTION WORKSHEET SINGLE REPLACEMENT REACTION CATEGORY In these reactions, a free element reacts with a compound to form another compound and release one of the elements REACTION DESCRIPTION of the original compound in the elemental state.There are two different possibilities: 1. One cation (+ ion) replacesanother. 2. One anion (- ion) replaces another. I.AB + C 2.4 + BC ----> BA + C REACTION FORMAT l. In a singlereplacementreactionatomsof one elementrepla< the atomsof a secondelementin a compound. Whetherone metalwill replaceanothermetalfrom a compoundcan be dete mined by the relativereactivitiesof the two metals. To help ur determinethis, an activity seriesof metalsarrangesmetalsin c der of decreasingreactivity.A reactivemetal will replaceany metal listedbclow it in the activity series. ACTIVITY SERIES OF METALS REACTION GUIDELINES METAL SYMBOL Lithium Potassium Calcium Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Zinc Ircln Lead (Hydrogen) Copper Mercury Silver Li K Ca Na Mg AI Zn Fe Pb (H)* Cu Hg Ag *Metals from Li to Na will replaceH from acids and water; from Mg to Pb they will replaceH from acidsonly. 2. A nonmetalcan also replaceanothernonmetalfrom a compound.This replacementis usuallylimited to the halogens(F2 as y( Cl2,Br2, and 12). The activity of the halogensdecreases go down the Group (17) of the periodictable. 1. Mg + Zn(NO3)2----> Mg(NO!2 + Zn Mg replacesZn; Mg is aboveZn on thechart M g + 2 A g N O 3 - - - - - > M g ( N O 3 )+2 2 A g Mg replacesAg; Mg is aboveAg on thechart Mg + LiNO3 Mg cannotreplaceLi; Li is aboveMg on the chart 2. Cl2+ 2NaBr ---> 2NaCl + Br2 REACTION GUIDELINE EXAMPLES