RUIDOSO MUNICIPAL SCHOOLS Wee Warrior Word Priority Goal #4: Community Involvement Oct 4, 2013 Volume 2 issue 3 Inside this issue: Priority Goals at SVP 1 COMMUNITY 1 PAC Meeting 1 COMMITTEE WORK 2 PRINCIPAL’S PEN: ACADEMIC GOALS 2 Upcoming Events! PRIORITY GOALS FOR 2013-14 Community Involvement Sierra Vista has created 5 Priority Goals for our work this year: How do we get our community involved in our school? This is the essential question that the staff is attempting to answer as we create partnerships with families in the education of their child. 1) DATA DRIVEN INSTRUCTION 2) HIGH STUDENT ENGAGMENT 3) COMMOM CORE READING AND MATH IMPLEMENTATION 4) COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Nov. 5th PAC Meeting 5:30 in the SVP Library 5) SAFE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Nov. 7-8 Parent Teacher Conferences Nov. 7-19 BOOK FAIR Nov. 12– FLU CLINIC Each month, we will highlight one or more goals in the Wee Warrior Word. The priority goal highlighted this month is: Nov. 20th: Feather Lunch Oct. 21 : Wee Warrior Assemblies— ~ Second Grade 1:001:30 ~ First Grade 1:352:00 Nov. 22– 1st Grade Thanksgiving Lunch Nov. 25th– 2nd Grade Thanksgiving Lunch PAC stands for Parent Advisory Council. The PAC supports our school by giving advice on District Initiatives and decisions. The PAC raises money to support our school with extra supplies , technology, and safety devices. The PAC sup- ports our school by volunteering in classrooms to support student academic achievement. We are working to grow our PAC membership. We have several initiatives which include a jump start for students and site construction. We look forward to including your ideas and input as move forward. What Can You Do To Help? Attend our PAC meetings the first Tuesday of every month at 5:30 in the Library. THANKSGIVING LUNCHES– NOV. 22 ~GR. 1 NOV. 25 ~ GR.2 ADULTS 5.00, STUDENTS 3.00 PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES WILL BE HELD THIS WEEK! NOV. 7TH-7:30 AM-7:00 PM NOV. 8TH– 7:30 AM-11:15 CHECK THE BACKBACK FOR YOUR TIME! Literacy & Math Volunteers Needed!! We will have the next Volunteers in Public Schools Training on Tuesday, NOV. 5 before the PAC Meeting. Join us at 5:00 in the SVP Library! PAC COMMITTEES: T-SHIRT SALES SNACKS FUNDRAISING VOLUNTEERS FAMILY NIGHTS ACADEMIC GOALS FOR 2013-14 CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE AT SVP Conscious Discipline is ~School /Classroom Family ~School-wide Language/ Expectations ~School-wide response to students to ensure that they feel connected, supported and safe at school. All teachers have a “Safe Place Zone” in the classroom where students can go to deescalate when they are upset. In the Safe Place Zone, they learn to identify their feelings and make appropriate responses when they are angry or upset. Students are learning to support one another through using words to problem solve. Are we seeing results? Yes!! Our data is showing fewer behavior referrals to the office and fewer altercations on the playground. Page 2 You may have heard your child talking about the weekly assessments in Reading and Math. These assessments are called C ur r i c u l u m B a s ed Measures (CBMs.) Why do we assess students weekly? As part of our district initiatives to raise the school report card grades in RMSD, we have created rigorous academic goals for students. At Sierra allow us to determine which skill sets are not being achieved. We use this data to plan instruction and move forward. We are in the process of consistent improvement. WHAT CAN YOU DO TO SUPPORT STUDENT LEARNING? this time. ~VOLUNTEER AT Vista, we are committed to raising the achievement rate to 85% Proficient in both Reading and Math. Two years ago, the reading proficiency at SVP was approximately 30%. View of Sierra Blanca SCHOOL TO HELP STRUGGLING STUDENTS ~HELP YOUR CHILD COMPLETE HOMEWORK: PRACTICE MATH FACTS AND READ NIGHTLY ~ATTEND SCHOOL EVENTS! SHOW YOUR CHILD THAT SCHOOL Last year, the end of year assessments showed that students at SVP were 65% Proficient. Our new students this year began at 30% Proficiency on the baseline first grade tests. While this is a rigorous goal, the staff is committed to making this happen! We have volunteers who read with students, we take weekly snapshots of student progress (the CBMs) that IS A PRIORITY ~BE ON TIME AND ATTEND REGULARLY All of these things communicate the importance of school to your child. Your child will give 100% if they see that you value their efforts. Principal’s Pen This week at PAC, Ms. Robinson will give a short presentation on the Curriculum Based Measures and the assessment results that Sierra Vista is tracking. Sierra Vista and White Mountain have both been selected to participate in the “Principal’s Pursuing Excellence” program presented by the Priority Schools Bureau at the State Dept. This program guides and supports our efforts to turn our buildings into high performing schools. We will discuss the 90Day Plans that are guiding our work and how our new Superintendent, Dr. Bickert is supporting this initiative. We will look at the goal for Community Involvement at our school and discuss how we might involve PAC in supporting the initiatives that will move our school forward. SEE YOU AT THE PAC MEETING!! YOU ARE THE CORNERSTONE OF OUR WORK! Wee Warrior Word