Minutes of Park Acquisition Corporation

Marin Valley Mobile Country Club
Minutes of Park Acquisition Corporation Meeting date: 3/7/ 2009
A. Call to order: A Board meeting of the PAC was held in the MVMCC on 3/7/2009. The meeting
convened at 10am, President Mike Holland presiding, and Dave Harrington as secretary.
a. Board members in attendance: Mike Holland, Ed Johnson, Sandra Figone, Dave
b. Residents attending: 18
B. Approval of Final Agenda: Motion Ed Johnson, seconded by Sandra Figone 4/0/0
C. Public Comment:
a. There were comments on Senior Debt Ratio reduction and paying off the Subordinate Bonds.
 SUCCESS!!!The PAC has been working for this for the past 18 months.
 The minimum rent increase factor was reduced for 2009 as a first step and we are
all benefiting from this. SUCCESS!!!
D. Approval of previous meetings minutes:
a. Motion Ed Johnson, seconded by Sandra Figone. Motion carried 4/0/0.
E. Treasurers Report:
a. Beginning balance $3,538.10
 $ 807.83 PAC
 $1,437.01 MVEST
 $1,625.00 Dugan-Weissensee Humanitarian Fund.
b. Ending $3,923.84. Report available at Clubhouse.
F. Committee Reports:
1. Administration: YTD SDR is 1.38. There appears to be no issue preventing a Year End 1.5%.
Water Conservation was also discussed. Adrienne Ames volunteered her time & efforts as a new
committee member working with Ed.
2. Election Committee: Time line for coming PAC/NFA Election was distributed.
3. Management: See attached.
4. MVEST: CPR, AED, & Evacuation Plan are a few of the projects being addressed. Evacuation
Plan is being coordinated with Novato police. New volunteers include Gordon Brindley &
Judith Vucci. Watch monthly ECHO for further health/safety/emergency articles.
5. Neighborhood Watch: General discussion. Don’t leave mail in your mailbox and please lock
your car/house.
6. Ownership; No report.
G. Old Business:
1. Web Site; Progress for the new official Marin Valley Website was reviewed. PAC Board
approved purchase of up to $600 in software to support site.
2. Humanitarian Fund; The “Project” Humanitarian Fund has almost been depleted but thankfully
Marv Weissensee continues to contribute to the fund helping those “in need” members of our
community. Currently, Marv has contributed $1,625.00.
New Business:
1. Seat newest PAC Board Member;
a. Sandra Figone went on record as being opposed to filling the vacancy.
b. James Olson of 7 View Ridge Drive, (who has unselfishly volunteered his services to our
community for the past 8 years) was confirmed, 4/0/0.
2. Water Shortage; look for a 25% increase.
Reports from other boards:
1. HOL;
a. Bob Lemon requested the PAC cover the cost of cleaning the Exercise Room carpets.
Mark Pierce was requested to cost this.
b. Comcast has offered to come to the Clubhouse on 3/15 & 3/17 to pass out new cable
boxes and offer technical advice.
2. MarVal; No report but Jeanne Skybrook was recognized as the new ECHO Editor.
3. MVSC, John Wallace has taken a LOA and Owen Haxton is now acting President.
4. NFA, no report.
Board member Comments:
Dave Harrington; The recent recruiting efforts included:
 Announcements at three consecutive meetings
 Article in the ECHO
 Resulted in two submissions & neither person was willing to serve.
 PAC continues to recruit through one on one contact with those who show a history of
contributions to our community.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at noon.