Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Definition 1. venerate to regard with respect, reverence, or as holy or sacred 2. hackneyed made unoriginal or commonplace by overuse 3. rancor bitter hatred, ill will or resentment, malice 4. florid excessively showy, ostentatious OR ruddy, flushed 5. ephemeral lasting a very short time, passing, fleeting 6. surreptitious stealthy, done in a sneaky or sly way, so as to avoid detection 7. deleterious harmful to health, destructive, injurious, detrimental 8. aesthetic pertaining to beauty or art, related to the appreciation of beauty 9. sanguine cheerfully optimistic, confident OR reddish, ruddy 10. solicitous showing care and attention, especially in a worried or anxious way 11. vapid lifeless, dull, boring, flat, empty OR lacking spirit, interest, or flavor 12. brusque rough and abrupt in manner and speech 13. capricious unpredictable, tending to change abruptly for no apparent reason 14. credulous gullible, unaffected simplicity, unsophisticated 15. diffident shy and timid due to lack of confidence, hesitant to speak or act 16. obdurate stubbornly resistant, unyielding to authority 17. perfidious treacherous, traitorous, deceitful 18. repudiate to reject, disown, disavow, have nothing to do with 19. anachronism something out of place in time or history 20. prudent showing good judgment, wise OR cautious, careful Page 1 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Definition 21. digress stray from the point, go off in another direction, get sidetracked 22. intrepid courageous, brave in the face of danger 23. pragmatic practical, concerned with actual practice and everyday affairs 24. archaic extremely old, outdated 25. subtle a gradual change, not obvious OR able to make fine distinctions 26. tenacious persistent, determined not to give up 27. exemplary worthy of imitation, standing out from the norm 28. anecdote a short, entertaining account of an incident that is usually personal 29. compromise to weaken or place at risk OR a settlement of differences by mutual concession 30. opulent exhibiting wealth, verging on ostentatious 31. paucity small in quantity, insufficiency of number 32. didactic instructive, designed or intended to teach 33. extol to praise highly, applaud 34. gregarious outgoing, fond of the company of others, sociable 35. impetuous rash, quick to act without thinking, extremely impatient 36. ineffable inexpressible, a feeling that cannot be put into words 37. licentious lacking moral restraint, especially in sexual conduct 38. nonchalant coolly unconcerned, casually indifferent 39. obstreperous resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner 40. petulant impatient or irritable over petty things, ill-tempered Page 2 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Definition 41. verbose using too many words, wordy 42. spurious false, fake, lacking authenticity 43. preclude to prevent something from happening, to make impossible 44. vacuous lack of content or ideas, empty, vacant, stupid 45. transient temporary, lasting only a short while, momentary 46. prosaic dull, ordinary, uninteresting, unimaginative OR relating to prose (not poetry) 47. provincial limited in perspective, narrow, unsophisticated 48. deride to ridicule, put down, make fun of 49. laconic very brief, using few words, especially to the point of seeming rude 50. recluse a person who leads a secluded or solitary life 51. censorious highly critical, fault-finding, tending to blame and condemn 52. alleviate to relieve, reduce or decrease, usually temporarily or incompletely 53. equanimity composure, calmness, evenness of mind and temper, poise 54. diligent showing care in doing one’s work, attentive and persistent 55. belie to give a false impression, to misrepresent, to show to be false 56. benevolent generous, kind, marked by goodness or doing good 57. zenith highest point, the point of culmination, the peak 58. futile completely useless, hopeless 59. amiable warm, friendly, agreeable, marked by a pleasing personality 60. superfluous extra, unnecessary Page 3 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Definition 61. innocuous harmless, inoffensive, dull and uninspiring 62. ostentatious showy, intended to attract notice, excessive, extremely conspicuous 63. mundane ordinary, commonplace, banal, and prosaic OR of this world, earthly 64. quixotic overly idealistic, foolishly impractical 65. substantiate to establish by proof, to verify, to confirm 66. vindicate to clear from blame 67. temperate moderate, mild, restrained 68. erroneous filled with errors, wrong 69. obsequious excessively compliant or submissive, servile 70. thwart to stop or prevent from accomplishing a purpose, frustrate 71. resilient the ability to bounce back or recover quickly from a setback or loss 72. cerebral intellectual rather than emotional, brainy, intellectually refined 73. assiduous hardworking, industrious, done with persistent, careful, and untiring attention 74. fortuitous accidental, happening by chance, with a positive outcome 75. consensus a general agreement 76. perfunctory something done in an unenthusiastic, careless manner 77. fecund fertile, fruitful, productive 78. cupidity excessive greed, especially for wealth 79. garrulous talkative in a rambling, annoying or pointless way 80. protean readily taking on varied forms and meanings OR displaying great variety Page 4 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Definition 81. contentious argumentative, quarrelsome, belligerent 82. tedious filled with boredom, dull, tiresome 83. duplicitous deceit, cunning, deliberately deceptive 84. vituperate to berate, to use harsh or abusive language 85. conundrum a puzzling question, a difficult problem 86. taciturn silent, not talkative, habitually quiet 87. discerning to perceive or recognize as distinct or different 88. pugnacious quarrelsome, eager and ready to fight 89. execrable detestable, repulsive, extremely bad, of poorest quality 90. myriad countless, innumerable, infinite 91. provocative provoking discussion and stimulating controversy 92. contrition admission of guilt, feelings of sincere and deep regret 93. obfuscate to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy OR to make obscure or unclear 94. dilatory habitually late, causing or intended to cause delay 95. ignominious deserving or bringing disgrace or shame 96. discordant disagreement, conflict, quarreling 97. resolute firmly resolved or determined, showing a fixed, firm purpose 98. eschew to avoid, shun, abstain from 99. cursory done rapidly with little attention to detail 100. idiosyncrasy a peculiarity, habit, or mannerism of an individual Page 5 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Definition 101. parochial narrow outlook, limited in scope 102. demagogue an unprincipled leader who appeals to people's emotions and prejudices 103. improvise to lecture or speak without notes 104. perspicacious shrewdness, perceptive 105. odious arousing or deserving hatred, detestable, repulsive 106. exonerate to free from a charge of guilt, declare blameless 107. hedonist one who believes pleasure should be the primary pursuit of life 108. adept extremely skilled 109. portent an omen, a sign of something about to happen 110. imperious commanding, domineering, and arrogant 111. pernicious deadly, fatal OR causing great harm or injury, ruinous 112. clairvoyant having exceptional powers of perception, unusually clear-sighted 113. acclaim enthusiastic approval, a loud applause 114. capitulate to submit completely and without protest, surrender 115. truculent fierce, cruel, savagely brutal, aggressively hostile 116. ambiguous unclear in meaning, confusing, open to more than one interpretation 117. convivial friendly, agreeable OR fond of partying, sociable 118. polemic a powerful argument often made to attack or refute a specific issue 119. adversity misfortune, poverty, hardship, trouble 120. boon a blessing, something to be thankful for Page 6 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Definition 121. pedestrian undistinguished, conventional, unimaginative OR a person who travels by foot 122. antipathy dislike, hostility, extreme opposition or aversion 123. clandestine kept secret, done in secrecy, especially for an evil, immoral, or illegal purpose 124. disparity different, incompatible, unequal, an imbalance 125. disingenuous insincere, crafty, not straightforward or frank 126. auspicious favorable, promising, pointing to a good result 127. cosmopolitan worldly, sophisticated 128. placate to pacify, to appease, to sooth 129. incontrovertible indisputable, beyond doubt 130. apathy lack of interest in, concern or feeling about something 131. presumptuous disrespectfully bold, overstepping one’s appropriate place 132. ubiquitous being everywhere at the same time 133. scrutinize to examine very carefully 134. repugnant repulsive, offensive, disgusting 135. autonomous independent, self-governing, not under the control of something of someone else 136. convoluted twisted, complicated, intricate 137. indulgent characterized by excessive lenience, overly tolerant or permissive 138. histrionic an overly dramatic display, a display of emotion for effect 139. enigmatic mysterious, puzzling, baffling 140. dissolute immoral, licentious, debauched Page 7 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Definition 141. collaborate to work together on a common project OR to join forces 142. elucidate to explain, clarify 143. inevitable incapable of being avoided or prevented 144. banal common, ordinary, unoriginal, flat, dull, and predictable 145. divergent tending to move apart in different directions 146. evanescent fleeting, vanishing, happening for only the briefest period 147. insidious appealing but imperceptibly harmful, seductive, treacherous 148. ambivalent attracted to and repulsed by something at the same time 149. condescend to stoop to someone else’s level, usually in an offensive way 150. conformist one who behaves the same as others 151. disparage to belittle, speak disrespectfully about 152. empathy sensitivity to another’s feelings as if they were one’s own 153. inconsequential lacking worth or importance, irrelevant 154. mercurial emotionally unpredictable, changeable, volatile 155. precocious characterized by an early development or maturity, esp. in mental aptitude 156. recalcitrant resisting authority or control, unapologetic 157. amicable friendly 158. intransigent very stubborn, uncompromising 159. curt abruptly and rudely short 160. enervate to weaken, drain of energy, deprive of force or vigor Page 8 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Definition 161. propitious favorable, advantageous 162. mitigate to lessen in force or intensity, to make less severe 163. acrimony caustic, stinging or bitter in words or behavior 164. feasible capable of being accomplished 165. prevalent characterized by being everywhere, widespread 166. serene calm, peaceful, tranquil, untroubled 167. divisive causing dissent, discord 168. plausible believable, convincing, reasonable 169. extraneous unnecessary, irrelevant, extra 170. sagacity discerning, shrewd, keen in judgment, wise 171. prosperity an economic state of growth with rising profits and full employment 172. indigenous native to a place, originating in a region 173. quiescent at rest, still, quiet, tranquil, inactive 174. sullen showing ill humor by a gloomy silence or reserve, unsociable withdrawal 175. platitude unoriginal, commonplace, or overused remark 176. disdain arrogant scorn, hold in low esteem, consider beneath oneself 177. pretentious characterized by assumption of dignity or importance 178. upbraid to scold sharply, censure 179. spontaneous happening or arising without apparent external cause 180. trivial small and of little importance Page 9 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Definition 181. dismissive rejecting as beneath consideration 182. reconcile to make friendly again, bring into harmony or agreement 183. querulous inclined to complain, irritable, grumbling 184. prescient knowing things before they happen or come into being 185. indignant angry, furious, incensed, offended 186. restrained cool and formal in manner 187. naïve unaffected simplicity, lacking worldly expertise 188. trite not original, overused, hackneyed, banal 189. scathing bitterly severe, extremely critical, condemning 190. indifferent showing no interest, concern or feeling, unmoved 191. advocate to argue in favor of something 192. nadir the lowest point, time of greatest adversity or dejection 193. reprobate a morally unprincipled person 194. devoid completely lacking in substance or quality, empty 195. venal corrupt, dishonest, open to bribery 196. magnanimous generous in overlooking injury or insult, noble 197. neophyte a beginner or novice 198. circumscribe to draw a line around, to set the limits, to restrict 199. jubilant extremely joyful, happy 200. rhetoric the art of speaking or writing effectively OR inflated discourse Page 10 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Definition 201. wary cautious, watchful, careful 202. decry to put down, denounce, to express strong disapproval 203. partisan one who supports a particular person, cause, or idea OR a person with biased beliefs 204. ascetic a person who gives up material comforts and leads an austerely simple life 205. dissemble to conceal the real nature of OR to act or speak falsely in order to deceive 206. implacable not capable of being placated, appeased, or mollified 207. nefarious extremely wicked, villainous, vile 208. debunk to discredit or disprove, to expose as false 209. iconoclast one who attacks popular beliefs or institutions 210. ominous threatening, foreboding, foreshadowing evil or harm 211. exacerbate to make worse, to increase the severity of OR to irritate, exasperate 212. maudlin effusively or insincerely emotional 213. proponent a person who argues in favor of something 214. exorbitant exceeding the bounds of reason or moderation, esp. in amount or extent 215. indisputable not open to question, uncontestable, impossible to doubt 216. languid lacking spirit, interest, vigor or vitality 217. expunge remove by erasing or crossing out, to wipe out 218. serendipity good luck in making unexpected and desirable discoveries 219. caustic substance that burns or destroys living tissue OR harsh or severely critical or sarcastic 220. inexorable impervious to persuasion or reason Page 11 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Definition 221. sycophant a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage 222. desiccate to dry thoroughly OR to preserve by removing all water and liquids from 223. munificent very generous 224. boorish vulgar, characterized by crude behavior and deplorable manners 225. amalgam a mixture, a combination or blend of diverse things 226. indigent very poor 227. discriminating showing careful judgment and discernment especially in matters of taste 228. momentous of very great significance, filled with importance 229. deft skillful in physical movements 230. surfeit an excessive amount OR overindulgence in eating or drinking 231. cacophony a loud, harsh or strident noise 232. apocryphal of doubtful authenticity, false 233. pertinent having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand 234. laud to praise, glorify, or honor 235. circuitous indirect in language, behavior, or action 236. sinecure an office that involves minimal duties, esp. one that is profitable 237. redolent having a pleasant odor OR serving to bring to mind, reminiscent 238. nonplussed filled with bewilderment, completely confused or puzzled 239. inundate to flood, to fill or cover completely OR to overwhelm 240. propitiate make peace with Page 12 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Definition 241. ingenuous candid, sincere OR lacking in sophistication, artless, innocent 242. predilection preference for something, a predisposition in favor of something 243. belligerent warlike OR characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight 244. cajole to persuade by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering 245. lugubrious excessively mournful, esp. in an affected or exaggerated manner 246. inveterate habitual OR firmly established by long continuance 247. conflagration a very intense and uncontrolled fire 248. visceral obtained through intuition rather than from reasoning or observation 249. captious tending to find and call attention to faults OR difficult to please 250. idyllic excellent and delightful in all respects OR charmingly simple or rustic Page 13 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Synonym 1 Synonym 2 Synonym 3 Synonym 4 1. venerate deify apotheosize idolize exalt 2. hackneyed banal trite platitudinous insipid 3. rancor acrimony antipathy animosity enmity 4. florid ornate grandiloquent gaudy flamboyant 5. ephemeral evanescent transient fugacious transitory 6. surreptitious clandestine furtive covert veiled 7. deleterious pernicious noxious malignant ruinous 8. aesthetic esthetic artistic tasteful gorgeous 9. sanguine positive assured rubicund rosy 10. solicitous concerned attentive devoted earnest 11. vapid prosaic vacuous pedestrian jejune 12. brusque curt dismissive terse abrupt 13. capricious mercurial impulsive whimsical fickle 14. credulous dupable naïve uncritical unwary 15. diffident timorous chary insecure unobtrusive 16. obdurate intransigent recalcitrant intractable obstinate 17. perfidious insidious unfaithful disloyal untrustworthy 18. repudiate recant renounce abjure reprobate 19. anachronism anomalous incongruity prolepsis inappropriate 20. prudent sagacious judicious circumspect provident Page 14 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Synonym 1 Synonym 2 Synonym 3 Synonym 4 21. digress desultory divagate wander deviate 22. intrepid resolute audacious undaunted plucky 23. pragmatic utilitarian unidealistic buisinesslike commonsensical 24. archaic antiquated obsolete superannuated ancient 25. subtle inconspicuous refined tenuous slight 26. tenacious relentless resolute unshakable persevering 27. exemplary meritorious laudable commendable estimable 28. anecdote episode narration recital sketch 29. compromise jeopardize endanger accomodation mean 30. opulent prosperous affluent sumptuous luscious 31. paucity dearth scarcity deficiency paltriness 32. didactic edify pedantic expository hortatory 33. extol laud eulogize panegyrize exalt 34. gregarious amiable convivial affable genial 35. impetuous restive overimpulsive unbridled hasty 36. ineffable unutterable unspeakable indescribable untellable 37. licentious dissolute lubricious promiscuous lascivious 38. nonchalant blasé insouciant dispassionate imperturbable 39. obstreperous boisterous vociferous strepitous unruly 40. petulant querulous captious peevish cranky Page 15 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Synonym 1 Synonym 2 Synonym 3 Synonym 4 41. verbose garrulous loquacious prolix voluble 42. spurious suppositious fabricated illusory fictitious 43. preclude impede obviate avert forestall 44. vacuous superficial inane unintelligent unreasoning 45. transient ephemeral evanescent transitory fugacious 46. prosaic vapid jejune insipid banal 47. provincial parochial insular sectarian hidebound 48. deride ridicule jeer lout mock 49. laconic terse succinct concise pithy 50. recluse hermit eremite anchorite cenobite 51. censorious captious hypercritical reproaching carping 52. alleviate mitigate assuage mollify allay 53. equanimity aplomb unflappable sangfroid imperturbability 54. diligent assiduous sedulous conscientious operose 55. belie distort confute contradict refute 56. benevolent magnanimous altruistic philanthropic beneficent 57. zenith apex pinnacle acme summit 58. futile fruitless nugatory otiose vain 59. amiable affable amicable gregarious genial 60. superfluous extraneous redundant pleonastic gratuitous Page 16 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Synonym 1 Synonym 2 Synonym 3 Synonym 4 61. innocuous innoxious insipid unobjectionable innocent 62. ostentatious pretentious pompous flatulent gaudy 63. mundane unimaginative humdrum sublunary terrestrial 64. quixotic chimerical starry-eyed unrealistic romantic 65. substantiate corroborate authenticate ratify validate 66. vindicate exonerate exculpate acquit absolve 67. temperate equable reasonable medium discreet 68. erroneous fallacious spurious amiss defective 69. obsequious truckling toadying ingratiating sycophantic 70. thwart impede stymie foil trammel 71. resilient elastic flexible irrepressible hardy 72. cerebral analytical erudite recondite scholarly 73. assiduous diligent sedulous indefatigable unflagging 74. fortuitous serendipitous providential fluke unplanned 75. consensus accord unanimity consent harmony 76. perfunctory cursory slipshod lackadaisical negligent 77. fecund prolific flourishing fructiferous propagating 78. cupidity avarice venality covetous rapacity 79. garrulous verbose loquacious prolix voluble 80. protean versatile changeable adaptable multifaceted Page 17 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Synonym 1 Synonym 2 Synonym 3 Synonym 4 81. contentious litigious antagonistic disputatious factious 82. tedious enervating tiresome laborious endless 83. duplicitous chicanery sophistry casuistry mendacity 84. vituperate upbraid castigate lambaste reproach 85. conundrum enigma mystery riddle gordian knot 86. taciturn laconic reticent reserved mute 87. discerning perspicacious prescient shrewd perceptive 88. pugnacious contentious truculent belligerent bellicose 89. execrable odious abominable loathsome atrocious 90. myriad multitudinous endless immeasurable numberless 91. provocative vexing goading inciting irritating 92. contrition compunction remorse penitence repentance 93. obfuscate confound perplex adumbrate tenebrous 94. dilatory tardy procrastination laggard sluggish 95. ignominious debasing degrading despicable inglorious 96. discordant cacophonous dissonant incongruous divergent 97. resolute indomitable tenacious relentless steadfast 98. eschew evade renounce abjure forgo 99. cursory perfunctory slapdash haphazard superficial singularity eccentricity distinction quirk 100. idiosyncrasy Page 18 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Synonym 1 Synonym 2 Synonym 3 Synonym 4 101. parochial insular provincial sectarian small-minded 102. demagogue instigator rabble-rouser agitator firebrand 103. improvise extemporize ad-lib invent contrive 104. perspicacious astute discerning keen savvy 105. odious opprobrious heinous repugnant flagitious 106. exonerate exculpate vindicate acquit liberate 107. hedonist pleasure-seeker glutton epicurean profligate 108. adept dexterous adroit deft proficient 109. portent harbinger presage premonition prognosticate 110. imperious authoritarian despotic tyrannical dictatorial 111. pernicious deleterious noxious injurious nefarious 112. clairvoyant discerning prescient oracular vatic 113. acclaim laud approbation extol commendation 114. capitulate acquiesce truckle yield concede 115. truculent pugnacious belligerent feral bellicose 116. ambiguous equivocal inconclusive enigmatic cryptic 117. convivial genial affable gregarious festive 118. polemic denunciation refutation verbal attack controversy 119. adversity affliction calamity contretemps catastrophe 120. boon benefit windfall largess godsend Page 19 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Synonym 1 Synonym 2 Synonym 3 Synonym 4 121. pedestrian prosaic banal mundane commonplace 122. antipathy enmity rancor animosity abhorrence 123. clandestine surreptitious covert furtive stealthy 124. disparity incongruity divergence dissimilarity variation 125. disingenuous wily deceptive mendacious insidious 126. auspicious propitious halcyon opportune fortunate 127. cosmopolitan cultured urbane metropolitan catholic 128. placate conciliate mollify assuage tranquilize 129. incontrovertible irrefutable unequivocable indubitable incontestable 130. apathy indifference languid passive stoic 131. presumptuous overconfident contumelious insolent supercilious 132. ubiquitous prevalent omnipresent pervasive universal 133. scrutinize assay peruse dissect analyze 134. repugnant execrable odious abhorrent abominable 135. autonomous sovereignty self-government freedom liberty 136. convoluted baroque elaborate labyrinthine serpentine 137. indulgent complaisant forbearing liberal complaisant 138. histrionic theatrical melodramatic overwrought affected 139. enigmatic unfathomable inscrutable recondite cryptic 140. dissolute degenerate lascivious libertine reprobate Page 20 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Synonym 1 Synonym 2 Synonym 3 Synonym 4 141. collaborate cooperate concert conspire collude 142. elucidate explicate illuminate annotate decode 143. inevitable compulsory foreordained ineluctable destined 144. banal platitudinous insipid trite hackneyed 145. divergent aberrant disparate factious variant 146. evanescent ephemeral transient transitory momentary 147. insidious perfidious deceitful duplicitous devious 148. ambivalent uncertain indecisive irresoluteness muddle 149. condescend patronize deign accommodate oblige 150. conformist emulator conventionalist adherent follower 151. disparage denigrate vilify deprecate calumniate 152. empathy communion compassion rapport recognition 153. inconsequential exiguous meager insignificant trivial 154. mercurial capricious fickle impulsive erratic 155. precocious gifted advanced genious premature 156. recalcitrant contumacious refractory defiant unruly 157. amicable affable amiable cordial peaceable 158. intransigent obstinate obdurate intractable inflexible 159. curt laconic brusque terse pithy 160. enervate devitalize debilitate enfeeble vitiate Page 21 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Synonym 1 Synonym 2 Synonym 3 Synonym 4 161. propitious auspicious conducive opportune timely 162. mitigate temper mollify assuage palliate 163. acrimony rancorous discord malice antipathy 164. feasible viable achievable practicable attainable 165. prevalent ubiquitous omnipresent pervasive rampant 166. serene imperturbable placid halcyon phlegmatic 167. divisive polarize controversial alienate disruptive 168. plausible conceivable credible tenable valid 169. extraneous superfluous immaterial peripheral incidental 170. sagacity perspicacious judicious sapient acumen 171. prosperity flourishing thriving abundance easy street 172. indigenous endemic aboriginal innate inherent 173. quiescent repose dormancy fallow motionless 174. sullen morose dour brooding surly 175. platitude trite remark banality cliché triviality 176. disdain contempt despise aversion derision 177. pretentious grandiose affected ostentatious vainglorious 178. upbraid reproach castigate berate reprimand 179. spontaneous unconstrained self-generated automatic impromptu 180. trivial niggling picayune lilliputian minute Page 22 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Synonym 1 Synonym 2 Synonym 3 Synonym 4 181. dismissive contemptuous disdainful scornful indifference 182. reconcile settle resolve conciliate mitigate 183. querulous cantankerous peevish discontent whiny 184. prescient perspicacious augural premonitory foresight 185. indignant irate ireful incensed wrathful 186. restrained temperate unobtrusive unemotional discreet 187. naïve gullible credulous ingenuous unsophisticated 188. trite platitudinous insipid pedestrian vapid 189. scathing excoriating mordant caustic trenchant 190. indifferent apathetic phlegmatic nonchalant aloof 191. advocate champion endorse espouse proponent 192. nadir base bottom pit depth 193. reprobate incorrigible degenerate wanton knave 194. devoid destitute impecunious bereft indigent 195. venal mercenary unscrupulous unprincipled amoral 196. magnanimous altruistic munificent high-minded honorable 197. neophyte tyro fledgling greenhorn tenderfoot 198. circumscribe confine delineate demarcate encompass 199. jubilant euphoric rhapsodic elated enraptured 200. rhetoric eloquence articulateness fustian hyperbole Page 23 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Synonym 1 Synonym 2 Synonym 3 Synonym 4 201. wary chary circumspect vigilant attentive 202. decry depreciate belittle derogate disparage 203. partisan follower adherent fanatic jaundiced 204. ascetic abstemious puritanical spartan disciplined 205. dissemble prevaricate camouflage feign sham 206. implacable inexorable remorseless unrelenting merciless 207. nefarious malevolent iniquitous atrocious execrable 208. debunk confute invalidate excoriate controvert 209. iconoclast dissident nonconformist firebrand insurgent 210. ominous inauspicious portentous baleful apocalyptic 211. exacerbate aggravate embitter provoke enrage 212. maudlin mawkish lachrymose bathetic sentimental 213. proponent advocate exponent champion vindicator 214. exorbitant extortionate surfeit plethora inordinate 215. indisputable absolute incontrovertible irrefutable unassailable 216. languid enervated phlegmatic lackadaisical apathetic 217. expunge efface eradicate extirpate obliterate 218. serendipity fluke windfall godsend fortunate 219. caustic acerbic mordant astringent acrid 220. inexorable unyielding adamant obdurate intransigent Page 24 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Synonym 1 Synonym 2 Synonym 3 Synonym 4 221. sycophant toady lackey flatterer minion 222. desiccate dehydrate arid deplete lifeless 223. munificent magnanimous philanthropic boutiful beneficient 224. boorish uncouth churlish loutish crass 225. amalgam composite mishmash salmagundi alloy 226. indigent destitute impoverished impecunious penurious 227. discriminating differentiating fastidious discerning persnickety 228. momentous epochal consequential substantial crucial 229. deft adroit dexterous adept nimble 230. surfeit plethora profusion glut surplus 231. cacophony discordance clamor din harshness 232. apocryphal spurious dubious equivocal fictitious 233. pertinent germane appropriate relevant applicable 234. laud extol eulogize panegyrize exalt 235. circuitous roundabout circular oblique labyrinthine 236. sinecure -- -- -- -- 237. redolent evocative resonant ambrosial odorous 238. nonplussed befuddle confound dumbfound perplex 239. inundate deluge engulf envelop swamp 240. propitiate appease conciliate alleviate assuage Page 25 of 26 Essential SAT Vocabulary 3.0 - compiled by The Boonswang Group, Inc. Word Synonym 1 Synonym 2 Synonym 3 Synonym 4 241. ingenuous naïve unaffected guileless frank 242. predilection penchant propensity proclivity partiality 243. belligerent truculent bellicose pugnacious antagonistic 244. cajole beguile wheedle coax inveigle 245. lugubrious doleful funereal elegiac dismal 246. inveterate chronic entrenched ingrained customary 247. conflagration inferno blaze holocaust torrid 248. visceral intuitive intrinsic automatic nonrational 249. captious carping querulous censorious hypercritical 250. idyllic bucolic pastoral arcadian halcyon Page 26 of 26