Creating a Heritage Minute Rubric Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Research and preparation of topic Script research shows limited accuracy and use of texts Script research is mostly accurate and shows moderate evidence of use of texts Script research is accurate and shows evidence of competent use of texts Script research is extremely historically accurate and shows an abundance evidence of information from sources other than provided texts (Knowledge) -storyboard -storyboard lacks -storyboard needs provides a detail and barely a more detailed proficient provides an outline and outline and outline for the synopsis for the synopsis of the Minute Minute Minute Writing Skills Language is Language is Language is occasionally sometimes frequently (Communication) concise and concise and concise and suitable; suited to the suited to the grammar and topic; grammar topic; grammar spelling are and spelling are and spelling are rarely correct sometimes usually correct correct Organization Poor shift from Awkward shift Good shift from scene to scene; from scene to scene to scene; (Application) actors move scene; actors actors move aimlessly or move with some with purpose; stand still; poor degree of appropriate use use of space; purpose; of space, props, poor or no use of awkward use of costumes and costumes or space and lack of setting props props and costumes Creativity / Minute has Minute is Minute is wellOriginality limited interest somewhat developed and or excitement; interesting; needs presented in an (Application) needs some interesting considerable development manner development Connection to -production -adequate -proficient historical defining lacks any real production of the production of moment historical SGA to show the SGA to show relevance or historical the historical (Thinking / meaning to the meaning of the meaning of the Inquiry) topic topic topic -storyboard provides an exceptional outline and synopsis of the Minute Language is concise and suited to the topic and time frame; grammar and spelling are correct Seamless shift from scene to scene; actors move with skill and purpose; skilful and creative use of space, props, costumes and setting Minute is well developed and presented in an interesting and exciting manner -exceptional production of SGA to portray the historical importance / meaning of the topic