DEFINITIONS_4 KIDS Act: The main division of a play or musical

Act: The main division of a play or musical.
Audition: A process whereby perspective actors/singers/dancers perform in front of a group of
individuals usually including the director and/or stage manager who are looking to cast specific roles
and chorus. Most auditions require prepared material (monologues, songs) as well as cold readings.
Many dancers must learn a short dance routine taught by the choreographer and then execute it at
performance level within a few minutes.
Backstage: Any area not seen by the audience, including dressing rooms.
Beat: Many scripts will use the parenthetical "(beat)" to interrupt a line of dialog. A "beat" suggests the
actor should pause a moment, in silence, before continuing the scene. "Beats" are often
interchangeable with ellipses "..."
Blackout: Quickly cutting the lights to make the stage area completely dark.
Blocking: Providing the actors with their locations on stage and their actions.
Book: The dialogue-(the script).
Box office: The place where one can purchase tickets to the show.
Break a leg: An old theatrical adage meaning "good luck".
Casting: The process of choosing performers to play the selected roles.
Character: In a screenplay, the name appears in all caps the first time a character is introduced in the
"Action." The character's name can then be written normally, in the action, the rest of the script.
For Example: The limo pulls up to the curb. DAISY, an elderly woman sits in the car as MORGAN, the
driver, steps out and opens the door for her. Daisy is dressed in evening-wear, ready for an Opera.
Characterization: Adding the traits, quirks and mannerisms of a particular character.
Company: Any performers, crew, stage hands, etc. associated with a particular show.
Cue: That which signals when to enter, exit, play music, change lighting, etc.
Curtain call: Final bows at the end of a performance.
Director: The person who visualizes the movie based on the script, creates shots,
suggests how the actors should portray their characters, and helps to edit the final cut.
Basically, the person in charge of putting converting a script into a movie.
Double: To play more than one role in the same production.
Dress Rehearsal(s): A final rehearsal with all make-up, costumes, sets, lighting, sound etc. A dry run
of the exact performance, just without an audience.
Greenroom: A reception lounge for performers, waiting to go on.
House: The place where the audience is seated (often also refers to the audience itself).
Houselights: Those lights that illuminate the audience area and are turned off before the show
Off Book: At a stage in rehearsals when the actors are no longer using their scripts as lines have
been committed to memory.
Run: The number of performances of a particular production.
Run-through: A rehearsal of a part of the script (without interruption).
Scene: An event that takes place entirely in one location or time. If we go outside from inside, it's a
new scene. If we cut to five minutes later, it's a new scene. If both, it's a new scene.
Set: The furniture, props, backdrops etc. that transform the bare stage into the proper
location for the performance.
Spike: Marking the stage with tape to indicate positions of props, furniture etc. (Also referred to as
marking out).
Strike: To dismantle the set. *YOU WILL BE EXPECTED TO HELP-JUNE 26TH
Technical Rehearsal: A rehearsal where lighting, scene changes, sound cues and special effects are
Timing: Being able to deliver words or actions at the most effective moment.