Minutes 9-27-12 - Bridgewater College WordPress

October 18, 2012
Bridgewater College Teacher Education Technology Committee
September 27, 2012
Sep 26­2:58 PM
October 18, 2012
Agenda for Today's Meeting:
• Meet & Greet
• Discussion of the current use of Educational Technology in Bridgewater's Teacher Education Program
• Collecting of ideas from committee members on ways we can increase teacher education candidates' knowledge, skills, and dispositions toward educational technology
Sep 26­2:59 PM
October 18, 2012
Bridgewater College Teacher Education Technology
2012­12 Committee:
Mr. Joe Hill, Committee Chair and Instructor in the Teacher Education Program, Bridgewater College
Dr. Mark A. Hogan, Director of the Teacher Education Program, Bridgewater College, Ex officio member
Dr. Karen S. Rogers, Assistant Professor of Education, Bridgewater College
Dr. Jennie M. Carr, Assistant Professor of Education, Bridgewater College
Ms. Kristy K. Rhea, Director of Information Technology, Bridgewater College
Ms. Vickie M. Denlinger, Instructor in Mathematics, Bridgewater College
Mr. Kevin Perkins, Supervisor of Instructional Technology, Rockingham County Public Schools
Ms. Karen Campbell, Instructional Technology Supervisor, Harrisonburg City Public Schools Ms. Alaina Erbaugh, Physics Teacher, Spotswood and East Rockingham High Schools, Rockingham County Public Schools, Bridgewater College Teacher Education Program alumnus
Ms. Katie Baker, 5th Grade Teacher, Skyline Middle School, Harrisonburg City Schools, Bridgewater College Teacher Education Program alumnus
Mr. Beau Cassada, Health and Physical Education (P­12) candidate, Bridgewater College
Mr. Ben Martindell, Physics (6­12) candidate, Bridgewater College
Ms. Anna Lane, Liberal Studies (P­6) candidate, Bridgewater College
Sep 26­2:49 PM
October 18, 2012
Education Department Mission Statement: “The Bridgewater College Teacher Education Program (BC­TEP) seeks to prepare competent, caring and highly qualified teachers. In support of the Bridgewater College mission, we endeavor to educate students who will be equipped to become leaders, who live ethical, healthy, useful, and fulfilling lives with a strong sense of personal and civic responsibility. We provide a curriculum in which future educators are given opportunities to develop the necessary professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions in content, communication, management, assessment, and pedagogy, each encompassing technology and student diversity. Field experiences allow students to apply reflective practice, analyzing pedagogical theory and strategies. The BC­TEP provides a foundation for learning that instills in our graduates the desire to become lifelong learners and instructional leaders.” (revised June 2012)
Bridgewater students should be competent Users, Integrators, and Producers of educational technology. (TEP Technology Plan)
Sep 26­5:03 PM
October 18, 2012
What Educational Technologies do BC Students Use?
• SmartBoards
• Document Cameras
• Smart Response Systems
• Smart Slates
• iPads
• FlipCams
• Scanners, etc. Sep 26­5:32 PM
October 18, 2012
How are these technologies used by BC students/faculty?
• Teacher Ed classes
• Modules developed through Thinkfinity grant
Sep 26­5:32 PM
October 18, 2012
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Dr. Karen Rogers:
EDUC 330 ­ Early Literacy
EDUC 332 ­ Intermediate Literacy
EDUC 334 ­ Content Area Literacy
Smartboards w/ Notebook & Response System, iPads, Camtasia lecture capture, electronic books w/ bookbuilder, avatars, QR Codes, flipcams, Google littrips, Xtranormal, Glogster, Prezi, Spaaze, Smart Slates
Sep 26­4:45 PM
October 18, 2012
Mr. Joe Hill
EDUC 316 ­ Strategies for Teaching Math
> Course Content Delivered via Moodle
> Students learn to integrate various technology uses into lessons: Portaportal, Smart Notebook, NLVM, etc.
EDUC 370 ­ Classroom Management (Secondary)
> Course Content Delivered via Moodle
> Students produce Moodle course of their own with many technology­rich assignments included
> Students teach class members how to use various high­tech tools EDUC 450 ­ Seminar Educational Philosophy
> Course Content Delivered via Moodle
> Students produce a comprehensive online portfolio
> Students produce a self­promotion document/site/presentation
Sep 26­4:58 PM
October 18, 2012
The big question: what else should BC students learn about educational technology in order to be a well­prepared teacher?
Joinme site for conferencing
Use and management of internet­ready handhelds
Text message reminders: Reminder 101
Collaboration tools (Web2.0); e.g. MyBigCampus
iPods used for fluency
Creation of websites using WordPress, GoogleSites
Moodle modules
Sep 26­5:37 PM