Graduation Test for English Major, Continuing Education College

2012 届上海外国语大学继续教育学院英语专业本科学位考试卷
考试时间: 120 分钟 (样稿)
注意:1. 答案一律做在答题纸上。
2. 考试期间关闭所有通讯工具,不得查阅任何工具。
Part I.
Cloze (20%)
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D.
Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
You may be all these things at the office, and 1______. But when it comes to getting ahead, experts say
the ABCs of business should include a P, for politics as in office politics.
Dale Carnegie suggested as much more than 50 years ago hard 2______ alone doesn’t ensure career
advancement. You have to be able to sell 3______ and your ideas, both publicly and behind the scenes. Yet,
despite the obvious 4______ of engaging in office politics -- a better job, a rise in pay, praise -- many
people are still unable -- or unwilling -- to play the game.
People assume that office politics involves some manipulative behavior, says Deborah Comer, an
assistant professor of management at Hofstra University. But politics comes from the word ‘polite’. It can
mean 5_____ others and forming associations. It can mean being kind and helpful, or even trying to please
your superior and then expecting something 6 ______.
In fact, today experts define office politics as proper behavior used to pursue one’s 7______ in the
workplace. In many cases, this involves some form of being 8______ within the office environment -- not
just in large companies, but in small workplaces as well.
The first thing people are usually 9_____ on is their ability to perform well on a consistent basis, says
Neil P. Lewis, a management psychologist. But if two or three candidates are up for a promotion, each of
whom has 10______ similar ability, a manager is going to promote the person he or she likes best. It’s simple
human nature.
1. A. all
2. A. work
3. A. yourself
4. A. profits
5. A. leading
6. A. in public
7. A. self-improvement
8. A. sociable
9. A. judged
10. A. emotionally
B. much
B. life
B. others
B. rewards
B. hurting
B. in turn
B. self-interest
B. independent
B. depended
B. normally
C. more
C. personality
C. appearance
C. weakness
C. cheating
C. in a hurry
C. self-respect
C. proud
C. focused
C. properly
D. everything
D. luck
D. employers
D. pains
D. impressing
D. in return
D. self-protection
D. humble
D. worked
D. virtually
Part II. Error Correction (10%)
Part III. Reading Comprehension (20%)
(注意:阅读部分共 4 篇文章,20 道选择题,此处仅举一例供参考。)
Questions 1 – 5
The final irony in the case of the Bridgewater Three is that they might have had a far better
chance of a new life if they had committed a crime. As Michael and Vincent Hickey and James
Robinson try to come to terms with the last 18 years, they will receive none of the help or
rehabilitation that convicted criminals could expect.
Psychologists and probation officers say the effect on those wrongfully convicted can be
compared to hostages held in the Middle East. Many face severe depression and post-traumatic
stress disorder. “No amount of compensation will pay for what they’ve been through,” said David
Boag, a chartered forensic psychologist who has worked in prisons for nearly 30 years. “This would
devastate anybody. It is likely to have very, very negative effects on their life for a very long time.
“At the moment they will be very excited about being released, but after a while they could be
overwhelmed by feelings of depression.”
People who were wrongfully held often did suffer post-traumatic stress disorder: “They keep on
going over and over the case. They can’t get shot of it. They keep reliving the experience.”
He said there were four main stages people went through: “Sometimes they go into denial and
can’t believe it’s happened that they have actually been released. Then there is anger and resentment
that it happened in the first place. After that they may become emotionally drained and depressed.
They feel like they are disappearing down the black hole. Then there is the final adjustment and
acceptance but you don’t know how long it can take.”
It is a familiar tale to previous victims of injustice. A year after his release Paddy Hill, one of
the Birmingham Six, said in a newspaper interview: “Sometimes I feel like bursting into tears, or I
have just to walk away ... There are times when I wish I was back in jail.”
In the cases of the Guildford Four, they found different ways of adjusting. While Gerard Conlon
achieved fame and money through his best-selling autobiography, In the Name of the Father, and
Paul Hill married into the Kennedy clan, the other two, Patrick Armstrong and Carole Richardson,
have quietly faded into anonymity.
In purely practical terms the Bridgewater Three will have to adjust to a very different world to
the one they left in 1979. Since then the Cold War has ended, the Berlin Wall has come down and
Nelson Mandela has been released. In day-to-day life back in 1979, simple electronic calculators
were prized pieces of advanced technology, office workers used typewriters and the equivalents of
desk-top PCs took up small rooms. Remote controls for televisions were still a thing of the future as
were hole-in-the-wall cash dispensers. “There have been major changes in society,” said Dr. Gisli
Gudjonsson, reader in forensic psychology at the University of London. “They will not be used to
the increased traffic or the differences in technology. They may find it terrifying to get on a bus or a
train or the Tube. And if people are let out suddenly they have no opportunity to adjust.”
This is the major problem psychologists agree that the Bridgewater Three face. They will not
have had any preparation which long-term prisoners normally receive and they will not be
supervised by the probation service on their release. For the convicted criminal, the probation service
must make sure there is accommodation arranged, that prisoners are signed on at social security and
are connected to employment services. With no such service for the wrongfully convicted, they
could even have problems even with tasks such as opening a bank account.
According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about the Bridgewater Three?
(A) They were jailed eighteen years ago.
(B) They were released after the completion of their prison terms.
(C) They have been found not guilty after 18 years of imprisonment.
(D) They are victims of injustice.
2. The statement “They can’t get shot of it.” (para.4) can be paraphrased as “____.”
(A) They do not know how to face the future.
(B) They are too excited to believe they are free.
(C) They are unable to rid themselves of the emotional disorder.
(D) They do not learn the lesson from their imprisonment.
3. It can be concluded that all of the following statements about the Bridgewater Three, the
Birmingham Six and the Guildford Four are true EXCEPT that ______.
(A) they are the victims of injustice
(B) they face the difficulty of adjustment after release
(C) they were wrongfully held in prison for a number of years
(D) they win their freedom through their own struggle
4. The author listed (in para. 8) a number of changes in political, social and day-to-day life mainly
to show _________.
(A) how difficult it is for the Bridgewater Three to adjust to the world today
(B) how fast the world will have been changing when crimes are under control
(C) how advanced the modern technology has become
(D) how close the relationship is between politics and science
5. In writing the last paragraph of the passage the author _________.
(A) gives the summery of the article
(B) lists more examples of the injustice done to the Bridgewater Three
(C) shows the different treatments the Bridgewater Three and convicted criminals receive
(D) criticizes openly the injustice imposed on the Bridgewater Three
Part IV. English-Chinese Translation (15%)
Translate the following passage into Chinese.
Men often discover their affinity to each other by the mutual love they have for a book -- just as two
persons sometimes discover a friend by the admiration which both entertain for a third. Men can think,
feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite authors. They live in him together, and he
in them. Books are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues decay, but
books survive. Great thoughts are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author's minds,
ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page.
Part V. Chinese-English Translation (15%)
Translate the following passage into English.
Part VI. Writing (20%)
Directions: Write an essay of about 150 words on ONE of the following topics.
1. Why is it important for us to embark on clean and renewable energy projects? (ARGUMENT)
2. The 2010 World Expo (DESCRIPTION)
3. The New Occupations in the 21st Century (DEFINITION)
2012 届上海外国语大学继续教育学院英语专业本科学位考答卷(样稿)
班级_________________ 姓名________________学号_________________ 得分__________
Part I. Cloze (20%)
Part II. Error correction (10%)
Directions: The following passage contains ten errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of
one error. You should proofread the passage and correct the error in the following way.
For a wrong word
underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided
at the end of the line.
For a missing word
mark the position of the missing word with a “^” sign and write the word
you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line.
For an unnecessary word cross the unnecessary word with a slash “/” and put the word in the
blank provided at the end of the line.
Since antiquity, the devastated effects of earthquakes on human lives
1) __________
and property encouraged the search for reliable methods of earthquake
2) __________
And scientists continue to seek methods to pinpoint the time
and place of quakes. One prediction technique involves in an analysis of
3) __________
the recurrence rates of earthquakes for indicators of future seismic
4) __________
5) ___________
Earthquakes are concentrated in certain areas of the world that
tectonic plates meet and create fault zones and it is in these areas that
seismologists focus on their investigations. The plate tectonics model
6) __________
provides other tool for quake prediction by calculating the accumulated
7) ___________
strain at plate boundaries. When the strain reaches one certain magnitude
8) ___________
pressure must be released. Modern seismologists use chemical detection
9) ___________
techniques to establish a link between the rise on the concentration of radon
10) ___________
gas in mineral water and the subsequent earthquake in 1966.
Part III. Reading comprehension (20%)
Part IV. English - Chinese Translation (15%)
Part V. Chinese - English Translation (15%)
Part VI. Writing (20%)