East Bridgewater Ice Hockey Parents Association
P O Box 371
East Bridgewater MA 02333
You are hereby authorized to publish our advertisement in the Boston Bruins Alumni Games program.
Our advertisement will occupy the page area checked below for which payment has been received by the East Bridgewater Ice Hockey Parents Association. In accepting this order, the East Bridgewater Ice
Hockey Parents Association and the Boston Bruins Alumni reserve the right to determine position and assume no responsibility for composition or printing errors.
Make checks payable to East Bridgewater Ice Hockey Parents Association
Ad to appear as shown below:
Full page $500 _____
Half page $250 _____ Artwork to be attached to this sheet.
1/4 page $125 _____
1/8 page $100 _____
Advertiser Name:____________________________________________________________________
Solicited by:________________________________________________________________________
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