agriculture the growing of crops and the raising of animals ancestor early family members of present-day American Indians arid extremely dry; so that no vegetation grows artifact an object made by someone in the past ceremony a celebration to honor a cultural or religious event cooperate to work together culture specific ways of living division of labor different people perform different jobs government a system of leaders and laws for making decisions as what is best for a group of people granary special building used to hold grain and acorns How did the Chumash use tar? to make baskets and canoe's waterproof How did the environment shape the ways of life of early CA Indians? Types of homes they built, what they ate, and culture. How did the northern Coastal Region Indians use resources around them? food, shelter, decorations, trade, baskets How was work divided among the Maidu men and women? Men: made arrows and tools Women: prepared food made baskets How were the Mojave and Cahuilla ways of life different from those of other California Indians? They has less resources, less water, smaller animals and harsher climate legend stories handed down over time to explain how everything came to be shaman Indian religious leader silt fine bits of rock and soil specialize to work at one kind of job that a person can do well spring A place where groundwater bubbles or flows out of cracks in the rocks. trade to buy and sell goods and services; to exchange tribe an American Indian group with its own leaders and land weir A fence set in a stream to catch fish What did the people in the northern Coastal Region use for trade? shells What item did the Cahuilla make that most other California Indians did not make? clay pots Why were legends important to CA Indians? Children learned proper behavior and the knowledge they needed to survive. Why were many people able to live in the in Central Valley Region? Plenty of food, resources for shelter, good climate for agriculture