北美中華福音神學院 China Evangelical Seminary N.A. Our Dear

 北 美 中 華 福 音 神 學 院 China Evangelical Seminary N.A.
1520 W. Cameron Ave., Ste 275, W. Covina, CA 91790 • Tel :(626)917-9482 • Fax :(626)851-1371 • E-mail : info@cesnac.org• Website : www.cesnac.org
Our Dear Friends of CESNA,
On behalf of CESNA, we would like to share with you a good news. We sincerely
hope that you will rejoice with us, and give thanks to our Lord for His wonderful act!
On February 1 (Wednesday), President Dr. Leung, together with Board member
Brother Law, and a professional team from Wellsfargo bank had a long talk regarding the 2
property loans CESNA carries and tried to find a way to lighten our monthly financial stress.
Since the proposal didn’t work out, the two sensed the urge from the Holy Spirit that CESNA
ought to pay off at least the 2nd loan which is currently $570,000, and we are paying a high
interest rate of 6%. After consulting with our school accountant, the fact is, we only have
$140,000 reserved building fund, there is a $430,000 short. In our prayer, we agreed to try
negotiate with the lender Mr. Forgette see if he accepts our proposal of taking a payment of
$500,000 to write off the 2nd loan. But even if we drained every penny of our general fund,
we still don’t have the sum. We talked to our agent Andy and shared with him our dream,
asking him to approach Mr. Forgette. Prayers went on.
On February 2 (Thursday), negotiation going on back and forth between Mr. Forgette
and Andy, the two knew each other through the transaction of the school property three years
ago. And prayers going up to the Lord who is the Master of human hearts. A wonderful thing
happened! The final decision of Mr. Forgette shocked us all! He sent a written offer to us
showing that he will drastically cut down the 2nd loan into $245,000. All he expects is
CESNA has to pay him in cash latest Feb 10 (Friday), and the 2nd loan ($570,000) will be
write off!
Is this not a wonderful act by God or not? Besides what we have in our reserved fund,
all that on our shoulder is but $105,000. Will God provide us with the fund? Yes! Because
what He started, He will accomplish! Our School Board and Foundation Board unanimously
support and try their best to commit their donation to this time-sensitive campaign, and we
are inviting you to participate and be a part of this legacy in the history of CESNA building
program. You are offered a chance to retell the story of how real God is in this 21st century!
If the Spirit of the Lord inspires you to offer a donation, please let us know as soon as
possible. Hopefully by this Friday, we will raise enough amount to accomplish the deal.
Thank you.
Please send you offering to:
CESNA (attention: Lana Leung)
1520 W. Cameron Ave., #275
West Covina, CA 91790
Tel. (626) 917-9482 x 123 Lana
Serving the Great God with you,
Peter Chen, Chair of CESNAF Board
Samuel Chung, Chair of CESNA Board
Katheryn Leung, President