Contents 1 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen ............................................................1–1 1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................1–1 1.2 The Main Display...........................................................................................................................1–2 1.2.1...............................................................................................................................................1–3 1.2.2 PURCRT Function Area ......................................................................................................1–3 1.3 Adding a Purchase Requisition/Purchase Order .............................................................................1–4 1.4.........................................................................................................................................................1–9 1.5 Using the Viewing Capabilities of PURCRT .................................................................................1–9 1.5.1 Viewing Requisitions and Purchase orders ..........................................................................1–9 1.5.2.............................................................................................................................................1–10 1.5.3 Viewing the Different Quantity Displays ...........................................................................1–10 1.6 Changing Vendors on a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER .........................................................1–12 1.6.1 Viewing the Vendors Available to You..............................................................................1–12 1.6.2.............................................................................................................................................1–14 1.6.3 Adding a Vendor to the Vendor File Using PURCRT .......................................................1–14 1.7.......................................................................................................................................................1–14 1.8 Changing the Billing Accounts.....................................................................................................1–14 1.8.1 Viewing and Changing the Accounts on the Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER ...............1–15 1.8.2.............................................................................................................................................1–16 1.8.3 Adding Accounts to the Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER...............................................1–16 1.8.4.............................................................................................................................................1–16 1.8.5 Dropping Accounts from a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER..........................................1–16 1.9.......................................................................................................................................................1–17 1.10 Changing the Line Items on a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER..............................................1–17 1.10.1 Viewing the Line Items of a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER ......................................1–17 1.10.2...........................................................................................................................................1–18 1.10.3 Adding, Changing, and Dropping Line Items in a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER.....1–18 1.10.4...........................................................................................................................................1–19 1.10.5 Adding Annotations to a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER.............................................1–19 1.11.....................................................................................................................................................1–20 1.12 Transfering Accounts and Line Items from One Requisition to Another ...................................1–20 1.12.1 Transfering Accounts .......................................................................................................1–20 1.12.2...........................................................................................................................................1–21 1.12.3 Transfering Line Items .....................................................................................................1–21 1.13.....................................................................................................................................................1–22 1.14 Dropping a Requisition from the File .........................................................................................1–22 1.15 Merge Requisitions.....................................................................................................................1–22 1.15.1...........................................................................................................................................1–23 1.15.2 Merge currently displayed requisition ..............................................................................1–23 i Contents 1.15.3...........................................................................................................................................1–23 1.15.4 Merge Requisitions for the Displayed Vendor Only ........................................................1–23 1.15.5...........................................................................................................................................1–24 1.15.6 Merge Requisitions regardless of Vendor ........................................................................1–24 1.16.....................................................................................................................................................1–24 1.17 Example of Merging Requisitions ..............................................................................................1–24 1.18 Sending, Updating, Printing, and Canceling a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER.....................1–27 1.18.1 Sending a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER...................................................................1–27 1.18.2 Updating a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER.................................................................1–28 1.18.3...........................................................................................................................................1–28 1.18.4 Printing a PURCHASE ORDER ......................................................................................1–28 1.18.5...........................................................................................................................................1–29 1.18.6 Canceling/Closing Requisitions/Purchase orders .............................................................1–29 1.19 Using the Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER Control Screen(REQCRT) ..................................1–30 1.19.1 Changing the Requisitions/Purchase orders Using REQCRT ..........................................1–30 1.19.2 Adding, Viewing, Changing, and Dropping Accounts Using REQCRT ..........................1–31 1.19.3 Other Capabilities of REQCRT........................................................................................1–31 2 Purchase Order Reports and Listings ...................................................................................2–1 2.1 POFONT - Preset Local Laser Printer Fonts for PURCHASE ORDERs.......................................2–3 2.2 POLIST-Printing Purchase Orders on Plain Paper .........................................................................2–3 2.3 PUR01 - Print Purchase Requisition List .......................................................................................2–5 2.4 PUR03 - Expenditure Status Report...............................................................................................2–5 2.5 PUR06 - Print Purchase Order .......................................................................................................2–6 2.6 PUR07 - Select Purchase Order Requisitions for Board Approval ................................................2–7 2.7 PUR08 - Print Board Purchase Order Approval List......................................................................2–7 2.8 PUR10 - Encumber Purchase Orders in Specified Journal.............................................................2–9 2.9 PUR11 - Create Blocks of Reserved PURCHASE ORDER Numbers...........................................2–9 2.10 PUR30 - Print Open Purchase Order List...................................................................................2–10 2.11 PUR31 - Print Closed Purchase Order List ................................................................................2–11 2.12 PUR32 - Print Master Purchase Order List ................................................................................2–12 2.13 VND01 - Print Vendor List by Number .....................................................................................2–13 2.14 VND04 - Vendor Payment Summary .........................................................................................2–14 2.15 VND05 - Update Vendor On-Order and Expenditure Amounts.................................................2–16 3 VNDCRT - VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER...................................................................................3–1 3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................3–1 3.2 Starting VNDCRT ..........................................................................................................................3–3 3.3 The VNDCRT Screen ....................................................................................................................3–3 3.4 VNDCRT Function Codes .............................................................................................................3–3 3.5 Adding a Vendor/Client .................................................................................................................3–4 3.6 BILL/REMIT .................................................................................................................................3–7 3.7 ACTIVITY AREA .........................................................................................................................3–9 3.8 PRODUCTS ...................................................................................................................................3–9 3.9 Vendor Tax Amounts ...................................................................................................................3–11 3.10 Changing a Vendor or Client......................................................................................................3–12 3.11 Dropping a Vendor or Client......................................................................................................3–12 3.12 The Vendor Activity Screen .......................................................................................................3–13 ii 1 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen 1.1 Introduction The PURCRT program is used for creating and manipulating both purchase requisitions and Purchase Orders. In a typical automated purchasing system, users at remote sites using PURCRT create purchase requisitions. The users then send their requisitions electronically to the Purchasing department. A buyer in the Purchasing department then transforms the requisition into a Purchase Order, also using PURCRT. When the Purchase Order has been printed, the requisition electronically moves to the Accounts Payable Department; where it awaits payment. The path followed by a purchase requisition throughout its lifetime is defined by entries in the Requisition Location Map (RLM) file. Your system manager can quickly authorize new flow paths for requisitions by making appropriate entries into this file. The flow diagram can be simple, as in the Originator à Purchasing à Accounts Payable scheme outlined above, or arbitrarily complex with many additional electronic stops between the originator and Purchasing. The PURCRT program contains many features to assist in the creation and maintenance of Purchase Orders. In addition, PURCRT is interfaced with the stores warehouse and receiving systems so that quantities on order from the vendor are properly recorded in the stock file (STK) when stores are replenished. 1–1 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen The Main Display 1.2 The Main Display The videoform below is an example of the main PURCRT display. To bring the screen up and start the PURCRT program type PURCRT at the prompt ($) and press ↵. $ PURCRT ↵ FY99 PURCRT Purchase Order Control System 04/19/95 15:41 NUMBER REQUESTED BY (0100) VENDOR ATTN: REQ 89003720 ROBERT BURKS 003750 COMPUTER DATACOM INC PO 00450005 02/05/91 NEEDED: 6.00% 17422 ARMSTRONG AVENUE BRD Y ...SHIP TO:1300......... USE IUSD - WAREHOUSE IRVINE CA 92714JRNL#PU00000108 STS:ENCUMBERED/PRINTED NOW@:ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LIN PSEUDO ACCOUNT-NUMBER ENCUMBRANCE EXPENDITUR INITIAL-AMT 450005 01-4500-112-1100-110 -200.00 ________ Contact=(Added by RQACHK) --- TOTALS: 535.00 535.00 LIN (Page 1 of 1) DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. UNIT COST T1 1 Widget EA 2 200.00 2 Widget cleaner EA 3 25.00 3 Widget Travel Case EA 1 60.00 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jrnl#PU00001016 SubT: 535.00+Tax: +Ship: = 535.00 FUNCTION DATA Ad Bk C D Ex Fw G Hlp Jrn Kop Ls Mg Nx Op Prt Qty Rq Sd Tfr Upd Vd Wd Xcan Y Z The screen is divided horizontally into three main areas separated by bright horizontal bars. From top to bottom, these areas are as follows: 1. The Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER heading area, containing general information applicable to the requisition or Purchase Order as a whole (for example, requisition and PURCHASE ORDER numbers, vendor number, and delivery information). See Below. FY99 PURCRT Purchase Order Control System 03/26/91 09:09 NUMBER REQUESTED BY (0100) VENDOR ATTN: REQ 89003732 ROBERT BURKS PO NEEDED: 6.00% BRD Y ...SHIP TO:1300......... USE IUSD - WAREHOUSE JRNL# STS: NOW@:ALDERWOOD BASICS PLUS 2. The Cost Distribution area, listing the accounts which will be charged for the cost of the order. See Below. Most requisitions will have one account, so the main screen is designed with room for only one distribution line. However, there are commands to let you view and enter more than one account for a requisition. 1–2 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen The Main Display JRNL# STS: LIN PSEUDO ACCOUNT-NUMBER ---------- Contact= LIN (Page 1 of 1) 3. NOW@:ALDERWOOD BASICS PLUS PREENCUMBR EXPENDITUR INITIAL-AMT DESCRIPTION --- TOTALS: UNIT QTY. UNIT COST T1 The Order Description area specifies the items, quantities, and amounts of items being ordered. See Below. LIN (Page 1 of 1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jrnl#PU00000101 SubT: DESCRIPTION +Tax: UNIT QTY. +Ship: UNIT COST T1 = 1.2.1 PURCRT Function Area The purchasing screen is complicated because so much information and functionality is packed into one program. This means that almost everything you need for purchasing is at your fingertips. The very bottom section of the screen is where the functions that you are allowed to use are displayed. FUNCTION DATA Add Bak Chg Drop Exit Fwd Get Help Kopy Last Next Send Vendor Width The functions that you are allowed to perform depend on your capabilities as defined by your user record. The functions that you are allowed to perform will be listed in the function area. You only need concern yourself with the functions that are listed on your screen. The other functions will not work. The function area has three different fields in it. From left to right, they are as follows: • The FUNCTION code area. This is the area you enter the functions into. • The DATA area. This is the area you enter data that goes along with your function. • The message area. This is the area the program displays any messages it may have. 1–3 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Adding a Purchase Requisition/Purchase Order A brief description of the functions and what they do: Ad Bk C D Ex Fw G Help Jrn Kop Ls Mg Nx Op Prt Qty Rq Sd Tfr Upd Vd Wd Xcan Z Add new purchase orders, line items, accounts to be charged, and vendor information. Back up to previous PURCHASE ORDER records. Change existing purchase orders, line items, accounts to be charged, and vendor information. Drop Purchase orders. Exit the program. Forward to next PURCHASE ORDER record. Get a specified Requisition – PURCHASE ORDER – Line Item – Vendor. Displays an on-line tutorial. Switches to the Journal Control Screen. Copy Requisitions and Purchase orders. Displays last page of accounts or line items. Merge Requisitions. Displays next page of accounts or line items. Allows you to limit the Purchase orders that you see. Prints the purchase order. Displays different quantities concerning the line items. Switches to requisition information screen. Sends the PURCHASE ORDER to another location. Transfers PURCHASE ORDER accounts and line items from one PURCHASE ORDER to another. Updates encumbrance and pre-encumbrance. Searches for vendors by product. Toggle Width. Cancels or closes Purchase orders. Adds annotations that are not printed onto the vendor copy of the PURCHASE ORDER 1.3 Adding a Purchase Requisition/Purchase Order The adding of a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER can be done all at once or in stages. First we will cover how to add a requisition all at once, then we will cover how to add a requisition piece by piece. To add a requisition, follow this procedure: 1. Enter “A” in the function code area, and press ↵. 2. The first area to fill out is the Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER heading area. 1–4 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Adding a Purchase Requisition/Purchase Order FY99 PURCRT Purchase Order Control System 03/26/91 09:09 NUMBER REQUESTED BY (0100) VENDOR ATTN: REQ 89003732 ROBERT BURKS PO NEEDED: 6.00% BRD Y ...SHIP TO:1300......... USE IUSD - WAREHOUSE JRNL# STS: NOW@:ALDERWOOD BASICS PLUS If you are only making a requisition and not a PURCHASE ORDER, you can leave this area with the defaults and go on to the next area. To do this, just press ↵. If your making a PURCHASE ORDER or the defaults are not what you want on the requisition, you need to fill out the fields. REQ 89003731 3. The REQ, requisition number, field will have a number assigned to it automatically. You are not able to change this field, the program always fills it in. 1. PO The cursor is now in the PO, PO number, field. You can enter your own PURCHASE ORDER number if you wish. Just enter the desired number and press TAB. OR Just press TAB. The system will fill in the PURCHASE ORDER number automatically when the requisition is converted into a PURCHASE ORDER 5. BRD Y The cursor will now be in the BRD, Board approval flag field. What this field tells you is whether or not the Board must approve this purchase itself. The default for this field is “Yes. Which means the Purchase Order will show up on the Boards approval list. You can accept the default by pressing TAB. OR You can change the value to “N” and then press TAB. USE 6. The cursor will now be in the USE field. This is the field where you would enter the code for the PURCHASE ORDER to be used. (i.e. BL–Blanket) The codes for your district can be found using CODCRT. Enter the desired code or leave blank and press TAB. 1. ROBERT BURKS The cursor will now be in the REQUESTED BY field The program will automatically default to your user name. The number in our example ((0100)) is the location number found in the user record of the person adding the requisition. You can accept the default by pressing TAB. REQUESTED BY (0100) OR You can change the name by entering it in now. This can come in handy for specifying the person who really wanted the merchandise. 8. The cursor will now be in the NEEDED: field 1–5 NEEDED: This is for the PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Adding a Purchase Requisition/Purchase Order date that the requested items are needed by. This field is not vital, so you do not have to enter anything if you do not feel it is necessary. ...SHIP TO:1300......... 1. IUSD - WAREHOUSE The cursor will now be in the SHIP TO: field. This field will have the default of the current location in it. You can accept this location by pressing TAB. OR You can change the ship to location. The ship to location must be changed using the number of he new location. The text area is the default for the number of the location. Even though you can change the text to make the comment more specific or accurate, the ship to location will still be the same. 10. The cursor will now be in the ATTEN: field of the vendor area. If ATTN: there is a particular employee that the PURCHASE ORDER should go to, you would enter that employee's name here and press TAB. If not, just press TAB. VENDOR 11. The cursor will now be in the vendor number area. vendor number if you know the number of the vendor you wish to use. You can enter a OR You can press TAB and leave the field blank. 12. The cursor will now be in the vendor name and address area. - If you entered a valid vendor number in the previous field, the name and address of the vendor will automatically be put into their respective fields when you press ↵. You can enter in the name and address of the vendor if you know it. OR You can just leave the field blank. 13. When you are sure of the data you have entered, press ↵. 14. You will now be in the Cost Distribution area. JRNL# STS: LIN PSEUDO ACCOUNT-NUMBER ---------- Contact= LIN (Page 1 of 1) NOW@:ALDERWOOD BASICS PLUS PREENCUMBR EXPENDITUR INITIAL-AMT DESCRIPTION --- TOTALS: UNIT QTY. UNIT COST T1 If you creating a requisition and not a PURCHASE ORDER, you can leave this area blank. To do that just press ↵. If you are creating a PURCHASE ORDER, this area must be filled in with at least one valid account. 1–6 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Adding a Purchase Requisition/Purchase Order 15. The cursor will now be in the LIN area. This is where you put in what line LIN number on the PURCHASE ORDER this account will be paying for. This area is for reference only, and does not affect the accounts or the Purchase orders. You can also leave this area blank by pressing TAB. 16. The cursor should now be in the PSUEDO field. This is the six-digit alternate account number. If you know the PSUEDO number enter it here. Once you have entered the number, you can test to see if it is right by pressing SELECT. If the PSUEDO number was accurate, the full account number will appear in the ACCOUNT-NUMBER field. OR You can just press TAB and fill in the ACCOUNT-NUMBER field yourself. ACCOUNT-NUMBER INITIAL-AMT 17. The cursor will now be in the INITIAL-AMT field. certain amount that you want this account to pay, enter that in here. If there is a Contact= 1. The cursor will now be in the Contact= area. If there is a certain person to contact when the goods arrive, you should enter that in here. 2. These are all the fields you can enter here. If the entries are correct, press ↵. If the entries are not correct, TAB to the problem fields and make your corrections. 3. You will now be in the Order Description area. LIN (Page 1 of 1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jrnl#PU00000101 SubT: DESCRIPTION +Tax: UNIT +Ship: QTY. UNIT COST = This is the area that you enter in the merchandise you want. Whether or not you are entering a requisition or a PURCHASE ORDER, you LIN (Page 1 of 1) DESCRIPTION need to fill this area out. 1 21. The cursor will be in the DESCRIPTION field. This is the field that you enter in the name or description of the item you want. When finished entering, press TAB. 1–7 T1 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Adding a Purchase Requisition/Purchase Order 1. The cursor will now be in the UNIT field. how many of an item per billing unit. (i.e. field does not affect anything. It is for After you have entered the unit, press TAB. In this field you should put in Staples 500 per box) This informational purposes only. UNIT QTY. 1. The cursor will now move to the QTY field. This is where you enter in the amount of units you wish to purchase. It is important to remember that the order quantity is in billing units not in TAB. UNIT COST 1. The cursor will now be in the UNIT COST field. This is where you enter the cost per unit of the item. If you are creating a requisition, you do not need to fill this in. You can fill it in if you want, but it is not necessary. You can just press TAB. If you are creating a PURCHASE ORDER, you need to fill this field in. Enter in the price per unit and press TAB. T1 25. The cursor will now be in the T field. This field declares whether or not the item to be purchased is taxable or not. This field also tells the program whether or not this line item is a shipping charge. The codes for this field are as follows: T S Anything else — — — Taxable Shipping Nontaxable The default for this field is “T”. If you are just entering a requisition, you do not need to worry about this field. If you are entering a PURCHASE ORDER, you need to make sure you have the right code in this field. 26. You have now entered all the information you need for this item. You can enter more items by just pressing the TAB. If want to enter more items than the screen has room for, you use the ↓ key to make the screen scroll down. If you are finished entering in items, press ↵. You can also add requisitions/Purchase orders by copying them from one to another. To copy one requisition/PURCHASE ORDER to another, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “K” in the FUNCTION area and press ↵. 2. The program will assign a new requisition/PURCHASE ORDER number to the copy. 1–8 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Using the Viewing Capabilities of PURCRT 1.4 Using the Viewing Capabilities of PURCRT If you decide you need to drop, send, or make changes to any requisitions or Purchase orders, you will need to know how to view them. PURCRT has many different ways to view the requisitions and Purchase orders. All of which will be discussed in the next subsection. PURCRT's screen also does not show you all the information that it contains. Because of size constraints, the screen could not contain all the information that is available to you. Fortunately, PURCRT does have functions that allow you to see all this information. Will discuss that a little later. 1.4.1 Viewing Requisitions and Purchase orders The PURCRT screen allows for very versatile viewing. The screen allows you to browse forward, backward, get specific records, view by vendor, and to limit the requisitions you can see. To view forward through the records, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “F” in the function code area and press ↵. 2. The screen will display the next record. The records are organized according to their requisition numbers. 3. To continue to advance forward, just press ↵. Once the “F” function has been entered, you do not need to re-enter it. To view backwards through the records, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “B” in the function code area and press ↵. 2. The screen will display the previous record. The records are organized according to their requisition numbers. 3. To continue to view the previous records, just press ↵. Once the “B” function has been entered, you do not need to re-enter it. To get a specific record, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “G” in the function code area and press ↵. 2. The cursor will move to the REQ field. Enter the requisition number and press ↵. OR Press TAB. Enter the PURCHASE ORDER number and press ↵. To view requisitions and Purchase orders by vendor, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “F” or “B” in the function code area. Then enter “V” in the data area and press ↵. 1–9 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Using the Viewing Capabilities of PURCRT 2. The screen will display either forwards or backwards through the records by vendor and requisition number. 3. To continue to view in the same direction, just press ↵. You do not need to re-enter the functions. To limit the requisitions you can see, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “O” in the function area, and then enter one of the following into the data area and press ↵. blank — Displays the current settings without changing them. J — Journal Reference: to select Purchase orders with a specific journal reference. L — Location: to select records at a specific location. U — User: To select records created by a specific user. X — To select only requisitions or Purchase orders that are opened or closed. 2. The program will now prompt you to enter in the specifics for the delimiter you have chosen. Enter that in and press ↵. 3. To return to the defaults, choose that delimiter and enter in spaces. 1.4.2 Viewing the Different Quantity Displays The PURCRT screen has so much information packed into it, that there was not enough room on it to display all the different fields. PURCRT gives you two different ways to view these fields. One is to change the width of the screen, so that everything can fit. The other is to switch or toggle the fields so you can view the missing ones one at a time. To change the width of the screen, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “W” in the function code area and press ↵. FY99 PURCRT Purchase Order Control System 03/28/91 09:40 PO/REQ INFO: REQUESTOR INFO: VENDOR ATTN: REQUISITION #: 89003732 REQUESTED BY: ROBERT BURKS (0100) 008142 DIGITRONICS PURCHASE ORDER #: REQUEST DATE: 6.00% 420 WEST LAMBERT BOARD REPORT: Y DATE NEEDED: SUITE G USE FLAG: SHIP TO: (1300)IUSD - WAREHOUSE BREA CA 92621JOURNAL REF#: PO STATUS: NOW AT: ALDERWOOD BASICS PLUS LIN PSEUDO ACCOUNT-NUMBER CONTACT PREENCUMBR EXPEND INITIAL-AMT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTALS: LIN (Page 1 of 1) DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. UNIT COST TOTAL T RCVD CANCEL PAID ITEM# WHSE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jrnl#: PU00000101 SubTot: +Tax: +Ship: =TOTAL: FUNCTION [ ] DATA [ ] Add Back Change Drop Exit Forwd Get Help Journal Kopy Last Next Opt Print REQCRT Send Transfer Update Vendor Width X=cancel Y Z 2. The screen will display the following: 3. To switch back to the normal screen, enter “W” in the function code area and press ↵. 1–10 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Using the Viewing Capabilities of PURCRT If you do not have a terminal that can display in 132 column mode, or if you just do not like the way 132 columns look, PURCRT has a way of viewing the extra fields without going into 132 column mode. It switches(toggles) the extra fields with the fields that are all ready being displayed. To toggle between fields, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “Q” in the function area, and then enter one of the following into the data area: 1 — Brings up the original fields. (See Fig. 1) 2 — Brings up the TOTAL field. (See Fig. 2) 3 — Brings up the RCVD, CANCEL, and ITEM# WHSE fields. (See Fig. 3) blank — Brings up the other fields in sequential order. LIN (Page 1 of 1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jrnl#PU00000101 SubT: DESCRIPTION UNIT +Tax: QTY. +Ship: UNIT COST T1 TOTAL T2 = Fig. 1 LIN (Page 1 of 1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jrnl#PU00000101 SubT: DESCRIPTION UNIT +Tax: QTY. +Ship: = Fig. 2 LIN (Page 1 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jrnl#PU00000101 1) DESCRIPTION SubT: QTY. +Tax: RCVD CANCEL +Ship: PAID ITEM# WHSE3 - = Fig. 3 2. Please note the number in the upper right hand corner of the figures. This number indicates which screen your looking at. 1–11 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Changing Vendors on a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER The fields that appear when these options are used are defined as follows: TOTAL — The total cost for the corresponding line item. RCVD — The total units that have been received. PAID — Not yet implemented. ITEM# WHSE — If the item is being purchased to replenish warehouse stock, enter the stock number of the item. The stock number allows the Warehouse Stock Status to be updated automatically when receipts are recorded on the Receiver screen (RCVCRT). 1.5 Changing Vendors on a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER If when you added a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER to the file, you did not enter the vendor, or you found a better vendor in which to buy the requested merchandise from, you can change it. PURCRT gives you the ability to both add a vendor to the vendor file and to change the vendor that is on the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER There are two ways to change the vendor that is on your requisition/PURCHASE ORDER One is to add a new vendor to the vendor file. The other is to view through the vendors that are available to you, until you find the one you wish to use. We will not be covering what information is supposed to go into the individual fields in this section. For more information on that, see sec: 1.3 Adding a Purchase Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER 1.5.1 Viewing the Vendors Available to You PURCRT gives you several different ways to locate vendors. You can look for a vendor by the product it sells. You can go forward or backward through the vendor file. Lastly you can get a specific vendor. The vendor that is being displayed on the screen is the vendor that will be used on the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER To select a vendor by product, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “V” in the function code area and press ↵. 2. The system will prompt you to enter in a product name (i.e. Pencils, Computers, Paper). Product Name: Enter the desired product name and press ↵. 3. If there is a vendor with that product in its product list, a window will appear in the center of the screen. 1–12 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Changing Vendors on a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER FY99 PURCRT Purchase Order Control System 03/28/91 11:52 NUMBER REQUESTED BY (0100) VENDOR ATTN: REQ 89003732 ROBERT BURKS 890427 TEST VENDOR PO NEEDED: 6.00% 420 WEST LAMBERT BRD Y ...SHIP TO:1300......... SUITE G USE IUSD - WAREHOUSE BREA CA 92621JRNL# STS: NOW@:ALDERWOOD BASICS PLUS LIN PSEU NITIAL-AMT VENDOR VENDOR NAME RATING ACTIVITY -------- 008142 DIGITRONICS 4050810.51 LIN (Pa 890418 ROBERT BURKS (OFFICE SUPPLIES) COST T1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FUNC [ ][ ] (Last Next Quit Use) COMPUTERS 10 Jrnl#PU00000101 SubT: +Tax: +Ship: = FUNCTION V DATA Product Name: COMPUTERS Ad Bk C D Ex Fw G Help Jrn Kop Ls Nx Op Prt Qty Rq Snd Tfr Upd Vnd Wd Xcan Y Z The window will have a list of vendors that supply that product. 4. If the list is too large to fit in the window, you will have to use the Next and Last functions to browse through them. • To look at the next screen of vendors, enter “N” and press ↵. • To look at the previous screen of vendors, enter “L” and press ↵. 5. Once you have found the desired vendor, enter “U” and the vendor’s number and press ↵. The vendor you chose will now be on the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER, and the window will be gone. 6. If the vendor you want is not on the list, enter “Q” and press ↵. To change and view the vendors, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “C” in the function area. Then enter “V” in the data area and press ↵. 2. If you want to make your own changes to the vendor, make them and press ↵ twice. The changes will be on the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER 3. If you want to view through the vendor file, press ↵ once. 4. The system will now prompt you to enter a command. Vendor Search (B,F,G,R,<ret>): Nx Op Prt Qty Rq Snd Tfr Upd Vnd Wd Xcan Y Z This prompt is located in the message field of the function area. 5. To execute the command simply enter the letter of the desired command. The commands are as follows: B — Backwards through the file. 1–13 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Changing the Billing Accounts F — Forwards through the file. G — Get a specific vendor. R — Restore the original vendor. The vendor number organizes the file. It is not in alphabetical order. Remember this when going through the file. 6. If you chose the “G” command, you can retrieve the vendor either by number or by name. 7. To select the vendor, make sure it is on the screen and press ↵. 1.5.2 Adding a Vendor to the Vendor File Using PURCRT PURCRT gives you the ability to add vendors to the vendor file. Even though the program gives you the ability to add vendors, we recommend you use the program VNDCRT program to add vendors. Before you add a vendor using PURCRT make sure that it is not already in file. It is very easy to duplicate vendors using PURCRT. To add a vendor to the vendor file, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “A” in the function code area. Then enter “V” in the data area and press ↵. 2. The cursor will be in the vendor number area. 3. If the vendor you wanted to add was already on the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER, press ↵. 4. If the there is no vendor on the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER, or the vendor that is there is not the one you want to add, make the desired changes using the TAB to get around. When you have completed the changes press ↵. 1.6 Changing the Billing Accounts PURCRT will allow you to change the accounts that are to be charged with the cost of the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER You can add and drop accounts from the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER You can also view and change accounts that are already on the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER We will not be covering what information is supposed to go into the individual fields in this section. For more information on that, see sec: 1.3 Adding a Purchase Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER Note – You must have the multiple requisition account capability defined in your user record in order to perform these functions. 1–14 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Changing the Billing Accounts 1.6.1 Viewing and Changing the Accounts on the Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER Before you add or drop any accounts from the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER, you should know what accounts you already have on the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER To view and change the accounts on the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER 1. Enter “C” in the function area. Then enter “A” in the data area and press ↵. 2. The account window will appear in the middle of the screen. FY99 PURCRT Purchase Order Control System 03/28/91 14:02 NUMBER REQUESTED BY (0100) VENDOR ATTN: REQ 89003732 ROBERT BURKS 890427 TEST VENDOR PO NEEDED: 6.00% 420 WEST LAMBERT LIN PSEUDO ACCOUNT-NUMBER PREENCUMBR EXPEND AMOUNT Contact= Contact= Contact= Contact= ------------------------------------ TOTALS: 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jrnl#PU00000101 SubT: +Tax: +Ship: = FUNCTION C DATA A Ad Bk C D Ex Fw G Help Jrn Kop Ls Nx Op Prt Qty Rq Snd Tfr Upd Vnd Wd Xcan Y Z 1. If there are more accounts than the window can handle, you can use the paging and scrolling capabilities. • The up-arrow key ↑ to scroll up one account at a time. • The down-arrow key ↓ to scroll down one account at a time. • The next page/screen key NEXT PAGE key to page forward one page at a time. • The previous page/screen key PREV PAGE key to page backwards one page at a time. 2. To change an account, find the desired account using the viewing capabilities. 3. Enter the desired changes. 4. If you want to change more accounts, repeat the previous two steps. 5. When finished making changes, press ↵. 1–15 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Changing the Billing Accounts 1.6.2 Adding Accounts to the Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER When adding accounts to the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER, be sure to first use the viewing capabilities to insure that you do not duplicate any accounts. To add an account to the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “A” in the function code area. Then enter “A” in the data area and press ↵. 2. As with the change function, a window will appear in the center of the screen. FY99 PURCRT Purchase Order Control System 03/28/91 14:02 NUMBER REQUESTED BY (0100) VENDOR ATTN: REQ 89003732 ROBERT BURKS 890427 TEST VENDOR PO NEEDED: 6.00% 420 WEST LAMBERT LIN PSEUDO ACCOUNT-NUMBER PREENCUMBR EXPEND AMOUNT Contact= Contact= Contact= Contact= ------------------------------------ TOTALS: 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jrnl#PU00000101 SubT: +Tax: +Ship: = FUNCTION C DATA A Ad Bk C D Ex Fw G Help Jrn Kop Ls Nx Op Prt Qty Rq Snd Tfr Upd Vnd Wd Xcan Y Z This function works the same as the change function, and can be used the same as the change function. 3. When adding an account, you check to see if an account is valid without having to press ↵ and leave the process. 4. After you have entered either the PSEUDO number or the actual account number, press SELECT (ESC if you do not have a select key). If the account is valid, either the account number or PSEUDO number will be filled in. If the account is not valid the program will tell you of this. 5. When finished adding accounts, press ↵. 1.6.3 Dropping Accounts from a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER Dropping accounts from a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER can be done in two ways. The first is to use the change function and simply replace the desired account with spaces. The second is to use the drop function. When using the drop function, it is easy to drop the wrong account. Take care when using it. To drop and account from a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER, proceed as follows: 1. In order to drop an account, that account must be in the area that displays the accounts normally. 1–16 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Changing the Line Items on a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER JRNL# STS: LIN PSEUDO ACCOUNT-NUMBER ---------- Contact= LIN (Page 1 of 1) NOW@:ALDERWOOD BASICS PLUS PREENCUMBR EXPENDITUR INITIAL-AMT DESCRIPTION --- TOTALS: UNIT QTY. UNIT COST T1 To get the desired account into this area, you must use the viewing capabilities to position the desired account in the top area of the window. When you leave the window, the account that was in the top position of the window will now be in the normal display area. 2. If the desired account is in the normal display area, enter “D” in the function area. Then enter “A” in the data area and press ↵. 1.7 Changing the Line Items on a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER When we say changing line items on a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER, we mean adding lines, changing lines, and dropping lines. All these processes can and are accomplished by the change function. Before you find out how to do these things, first you must find out how to view the lines. You need to know this so you can find the lines you want to change. We will also cover how to add annotations (comments) to the line items. We will not be covering what information is supposed to go into the individual fields in this section. For more information on that, see sec: 1.3 Adding a Purchase Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER 1.7.1 Viewing the Line Items of a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER On many occasions, there will be more line items on your requisition/PURCHASE ORDER than can fit on the screen. To view the lines that do not fit, you will need to use the various viewing capabilities. To view the next page of lines, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “N” in the function code area and press ↵. 2. To continue to page forward, press ↵. You do not need to enter “N” again. 3. You may also use the NEXT PAGE key. To view the previous page of lines, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “L” in the function code area and press ↵. 2. To continue to page backwards, press ↵. You do not need to enter “L” again. 3. You may also use the PREV PAGE key. To scroll one line at a time, proceed as follows: 1. Use the up arrow key to scroll up. 1–17 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Changing the Line Items on a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER 2. Use the down arrow key to scroll down. 1.7.2 Adding, Changing, and Dropping Line Items in a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER PURCRT uses the same command to add, change, and drop line items from a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER To change line items in a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “C” in the function code area. Then enter “L” in the data area and press ↵. LIN (Page 1 of 1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jrnl#PU00000101 SubT: DESCRIPTION +Tax: UNIT QTY. +Ship: UNIT COST = 1. The cursor will be in the upper left-hand corner of the Order Description area. 2. Use the viewing capabilities to position the cursor on that item. 3. Make the desired changes and press ↵. To add line items to a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “C” in the function code area. Then enter “L” in the data area and press ↵. 2. The cursor will be in the upper left-hand corner of the Order Description area. 3. Use the viewing capabilities to position the cursor at the end of the list. 4. Enter in the new line item and press ↵. To drop a line item from a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “C” in the function code area. Then enter “L” in the data area and press ↵. 2. The cursor will be in the upper left-hand corner of the Order Description area. 3. Use the viewing capabilities to position the cursor on the desired item. 4. Delete the item by replacing all information concerning that item with spaces. Then press ↵. 1–18 T1 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Changing the Line Items on a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER 1.7.3 Adding Annotations to a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER Annotations are simply comments that go along with a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER They are there to provide information and are not necessary for the process. To add annotations to the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “Z” in the function code area and press ↵. 2. A window will appear in the center of the screen. FY99 PURCRT NUMBER REQ 89003732 PO Purchase Order Control System REQUESTED BY (0100) VENDOR ATTN: ROBERT BURKS 008142 DIGITRONICS NEEDED: 6.00% 420 WEST LAMBERT REQUISITION ANNOTATION 03/29/91 11:30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 Jrnl#PU00000101 SubT: +Tax: +Ship: = FUNCTION Z DATA Ad Bk C D Ex Fw G Help Jrn Kop Ls Nx Op Prt Qty Rq Snd Tfr Upd Vnd Wd Xcan Y Z The cursor will be blinking in the upper left-hand corner of the window. 3. You can just start entering text. It does not matter what the text says. 4. When you are finished with a line, press TAB to move to the next line. 5. When you are finished enter annotations, press ↵. Viewing the annotations: • To scroll up, use the up-arrow key ↑. • To scroll down, use the down-arrow key ↓. • To view the next screen, use the NEXT PAGE key. • To view the previous screen, use the PREV PAGE key. 1–19 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Transferring Accounts and Line Items from One Requisition to Another 1.8 Transferring Accounts and Line Items from One Requisition to Another It is possible to transfer information from one requisition to another. This can come in very handy. Let's say someone issued a requisition for computer paper, and another person issued a requisition for printer ribbon. Chances are, these items are purchased from the same vendor, so it would make sense to include these items on the same requisition. PURCRT has the ability to do this. PURCRT gives you the ability to transfer both accounts and line items. It necessary to transfer both items because the accounts that are to be charged must be on the requisition. 1.8.1 Transferring Accounts Before you start this process, you should know the number of the requisition you wish to transfer from. You should also know the accounts that you wish to transfer. To transfer accounts from one requisition to another, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “T” in the function code area. Then enter “A” in the data area and press ↵. 2. The program will prompt you to enter in the number of the requisition you want to transfer from. Requisition Number: Nx Op Prt Qty Rq Snd Tfr Upd Vnd Wd Xcan Y Z Enter in the number and press ↵. 3. A window will appear on the screen. FY99 PURCRT Purchase Order Control System 03/29/91 13:32 NUMBER REQUESTED BY (0100) VENDOR ATTN: REQ 89003732 ROBERT BURKS 008142 DIGITRONICS PO NEEDED: 6.00% 420 WEST LAMBERT BRD Y ...SHIP TO:1300......... SUITE G USE IUSD - WAREHOUSE BREA CA 92621JRNL# STS: NOW@:ALDERWOOD BASICS PLUS LIN PSEUDO ACCOUNT-NUMBER PREENCUMBR EXPENDITUR INITIAL-AMT 450007 01-4500-112-1100-116 ---------- Contact= --- TOTALS: LIN (Page 1 of 1) DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. UNIT COST T1 1 Widget Cleaner EA 10 20.00 T 2 3 LIN PSEUDO ACCOUNT-NUMBER 450010 01-4500-112-1100-128 Req#P89003776 FUNCTION [ ] (End Last Next Select) CONTACT AMOUNT 10 Jrnl#PU00000101 SubT: 200.00+Tax: 12.00+Ship: = 212.00 FUNCTION T DATA A Ad Bk C D Ex Fw G Help Jrn Kop Ls Nx Op Prt Qty Rq Snd Tfr Upd Vnd Wd Xcan Y Z This is where the system will prompt you to select the accounts that you wish to transfer. 1–20 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Transferring Accounts and Line Items from One Requisition to Another 4. To move through the accounts that are on that requisition, use the “L” for last and “N” for next functions. 5. When the account you want to transfer is visible, press “S” to select it. 6. You can select as many accounts as you want by repeating the last two instructions. 7. When you are finished, press “E”. 1.8.2 Transferring Line Items Before you start this process, you should know the number of the requisition You should also know what lines you want to transfer, and you should know where, in the next requisition, you want t position these line items. To transfer line items from one requisition to another, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “T” in the function area. Then enter “L” in the data area and press ↵. 2. The program will prompt you to enter in the number of the requisition you wish to transfer from. Requisition Number: Nx Op Prt Qty Rq Snd Tfr Upd Vnd Wd Xcan Y Z Enter the number and press ↵. 3. The screen will display the line items of the requisition you are transferring. 4. The program will be prompting you to enter a command. Req#89003776 (G,L,N,S,<ret>): Nx Op Prt Qty Rq Snd Tfr Upd Vnd Wd Xcan Y Z 1. Enter “N” to display the next page of lines. Enter “L” to display the previous page of lines. Enter “G” and a line number to display that particular line number. 2. When you find the lines that you want to select, enter “S” to select them. 3. A window will appear in the middle of the screen. 1–21 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Dropping a Requisition from the File FY99 PURCRT Purchase Order Control System 03/29/91 13:37 NUMBER REQUESTED BY (0100) VENDOR ATTN: REQ 89003732 ROBERT BURKS 008142 DIGITRONICS PO NEEDED: 6.00% 420 WEST LAMBERT BRD Y ...SHIP TO:1300......... SUITE G USE IUSD - WAREHOUSE BREA CA 92621JRNL# STS: NOW@:ALDERWOOD BASICS PLUS LIN PSEUDO ACCOUNT-NUMBER PREENCUMBR EXPENDITUR INITIAL-AMT 450007 01-4500-112-1100-116 ---------- Contact= --- TOTALS: LIN (Page 1 of 1) DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. UNIT COST T1 1 Super Widgets EA 3 350.00 T 2 3 4 5 6 7 Copy through to 8 9 10 Jrnl#PU00000101 SubT: 200.00+Tax: 12.00+Ship: = 212.00 FUNCTION T DATA L Req#89003776 (G,L,N,S,<ret>): S Ad Bk C D Ex Fw G Help Jrn Kop Ls Nx Op Prt Qty Rq Snd Tfr Upd Vnd Wd Xcan Y Z This is where you enter the range of line you wish to transfer. 8. The first area is the beginning of the range. The second area is the end of the range, and the last area is the line to which you want to copy the selected range to. When you have entered the range and destination line, press ↵. 9. Continue the process of selecting lines or press ↵ to quit. 1.9 Dropping a Requisition from the File Dropping a requisition is extremely easy to do. The only requirement is that it has to be a requisition. You can drop a printed PURCHASE ORDER When a requisition is dropped, it is gone. Be sure you want to drop it before you do. To drop a requisition, proceed as follows: 1. Bring up the requisition using the viewing capabilities of PURCRT. 2. Enter “D” in the function code area and press ↵. 1.10 Merge Requisitions PURCRT gives the ability to merge requisition into one another. The user has the ability to combine one or more requisitions (and their dependent records) into this new requisition. 1–22 Merge Select (C,L,N,Q,E,<ret>): PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Merge Requisitions Requisition Selection Req# Sequence# 1 89004105 [01] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Merge into REQ There are three methods used to merge requisitions are as follows: 1. Combine the currently displayed requisition into another requisition of your choice. 2. Select requisitions for the displayed vendor only. 3. Select all valid requisitions regardless of vendor number. 1.10.1 Merge currently displayed requisition This command combines the requisition you are in to another requisition of your choice. The requisition that you wish to merge into, must have the same user location and also have a status of either “ blank” or “S”. 1. Enter “M” in the function area and press ↵. 2. A window will appear. Press “C”. 3. Press TAB until the cursor is in the “Merge into REQ” field. Enter the number of the requisition you want to merge this requisition into, and press ↵. 4. Press “E”. The Requisition will be merged. 1.10.2 Merge Requisitions for the Displayed Vendor Only Combine all the requisitions with the same vendor and the same location as the user's location. The requisitions that you wish to merge, must have a status of either “blank” or “S”. 1. Enter “MV” in the function area and press ↵. 2. A window will appear with the requisitions that can be merged. 3. The order that they will be merged is to the right of the REQ number. If you want to change the order, use the “C” command to do this. 1–23 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Example of Merging Requisitions 4. If there is a requisition that you do not want to merge, you can take it off the list by spacing the corresponding order field. 5. If you want to specify the requisition to merge into, press TAB until the cursor is in the “Merge into REQ” field. Enter the number of the requisition you want to merge this requisition into, and press ↵. 6. Press “E”. The Requisitions will be merged. 1.10.3 Merge Requisitions regardless of Vendor Combine all the requisitions with the same location and a status of either “blank” or “S”. 1. Enter “MA” in the function area and press ↵. 2. A window will appear with the requisitions that can be merged. 3. The order that they will be merged is to the right of the REQ number. If you want to change the order, use the “C” command to do this. 4. If there is a requisition that you do not want to merge, you can take it off the list by spacing the corresponding order field. 5. If you want to specify the requisition to merge into, press TAB until the cursor is in the “Merge into REQ” field. Enter the number of the requisition you want to merge this requisition into, and press ↵. 6. Press “E”. The Requisitions will be merged. 1.11 Example of Merging Requisitions The requisition that you wish to merge into must have the same user location and status as the currently shown requisition. The following example demonstrates merging a requisition for music books with a requisition for art books. Below shows the first requisition. 1–24 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Example of Merging Requisitions FY99 PURCRT Purchase Order Control System 03/08/96 15:24 NUMBER REQUESTED BY (1300) VENDOR ATTN: REQ 89123526 JAMES ENGEBRETSON 000054 ACCREDITING COMMISSION PO 03/08/96 NEEDED: 6.00% 1614 ROLLINS ROAD BRD Y ...SHIP TO:1300......... USE IUSD - WAREHOUSE BURLINGAME CA 94010JRNL# STS:PRE-ENCUMBERED NOW@:IUSD - WAREHOUSE LIN PSEUDO ACCOUNT-NUMBER PREENCUMBR EXPENDITUR INITIAL-AMT 1 220119 01-2200-241-6140-005 360.00 360.00 ________ Contact= --- TOTALS: 360.00 LIN (Page 1 of 1) DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. UNIT COST T1 1 Grade 3 music books EAC 30 12 N 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jrnl#PU00000092 SubT: 360.00+Tax: +Ship: = 360.00 FUNCTION DATA NOW ACCESSING A FUTURE FISCAL YEAR Ad Bk C D Ex Fw G Hlp Jrn Kop Ls Mg Nx Op Prt Qty Rq Sd Tfr Upd Vd Wd Xcan Y Z Next shows the second requisition. FY99 PURCRT Purchase Order NUMBER REQUESTED BY (1300) REQ 89123527 JAMES ENGEBRETSON PO 03/08/96 NEEDED: BRD Y ...SHIP TO:1300......... USE IUSD - WAREHOUSE JRNL# STS:PRE-ENCUMBERED LIN PSEUDO ACCOUNT-NUMBER 1 310001 01-3110-112-0000-900 ________ Contact= LIN (Page 1 of 1) DESCRIPTION 1 Grade 3 arts and crafts books 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jrnl#PU00000092 SubT: 450.00+Tax: FUNCTION DATA Ad Bk C D Ex Fw G Hlp Jrn Kop Ls Mg Nx Control System 03/08/96 15:25 VENDOR ATTN: 000054 ACCREDITING COMMISSION 6.00% 1614 ROLLINS ROAD BURLINGAME CA 94010NOW@:IUSD - WAREHOUSE PREENCUMBR EXPENDITUR INITIAL-AMT 450.00 450.00 --- TOTALS: 450.00 UNIT QTY. UNIT COST T1 EAC 30 15 N +Ship: = 450.00 Op Prt Qty Rq Sd Tfr Upd Vd Wd Xcan Y Z While showing the first requisition use the Merge Vendor function to merge the first requisition into a new requisition. 1–25 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Example of Merging Requisitions FY99 PURCRT Purchase Order Control System 03/08/96 15:25 NUMBER REQUESTED BY (1300) VENDOR ATTN: REQ 89123526 JAMES ENGEBRETSON 000054 ACCREDITING COMMISSION PO 03/08/96 NEEDED: 6.00% 1614 ROLLINS ROAD BRD Y ...SHIP TO:1300......... USE IUSD - WAREHOUSE BURLINGAME CA 94010JRNL# STS:PRE-ENCUMBERED NOW@:IUSD - WAREHOUSE LIN PSEUDO ACCOUNT-NUMBER Requisition Selection INITIAL-AMT 1 220119 01-2200-241-6140-005 Req# Sequence# 360.00 ________ Contact= 1 89123526 [01] 360.00 LIN (Page 1 of 1) DESCRIPTION 2 89123527 [ ] T COST T1 1 Grade 3 music books [ ] 12 N 2 [ ] 3 [ ] 4 [ ] 5 [ ] 6 [ ] 7 [ ] 8 [ ] 9 10 Merge into REQ Jrnl#PU00000092 SubT: 360.00+Tax: 360.00 FUNCTION M DATA V Merge Select (C,L,N,Q,E,<ret>): C Ad Bk C D Ex Fw G Hlp Jrn Kop Ls Mg Nx Op Prt Qty Rq Sd Tfr Upd Vd Wd Xcan Y Z Next, while showing the second requisition use the Merge Vendor function to merge the second requisition into the recently added third requisition. FY99 PURCRT Purchase Order Control System 03/08/96 15:27 NUMBER REQUESTED BY (1300) VENDOR ATTN: REQ 89123527 JAMES ENGEBRETSON 000054 ACCREDITING COMMISSION PO 03/08/96 NEEDED: 6.00% 1614 ROLLINS ROAD BRD Y ...SHIP TO:1300......... USE IUSD - WAREHOUSE BURLINGAME CA 94010JRNL# STS:PRE-ENCUMBERED NOW@:IUSD - WAREHOUSE LIN PSEUDO ACCOUNT-NUMBER Requisition Selection INITIAL-AMT 1 310001 01-3110-112-0000-900 Req# Sequence# 450.00 ________ Contact= 1 89123527 [01] 450.00 LIN (Page 1 of 1) DESCRIPTION [ ] T COST T1 1 Grade 3 arts and crafts books [ ] 15 N 2 [ ] 3 [ ] 4 [ ] 5 [ ] 6 [ ] 7 [ ] 8 [ ] 9 10 Merge into REQ 89123528 Jrnl#PU00000092 SubT: 450.00+Tax: 450.00 FUNCTION M DATA V Merge Select (C,L,N,Q,E,<ret>): C Ad Bk C D Ex Fw G Hlp Jrn Kop Ls Mg Nx Op Prt Qty Rq Sd Tfr Upd Vd Wd Xcan Y Z Below shows the results of merging the two requisitions into the third requisition. 1–26 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Sending, Updating, Printing, and Canceling a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER FY99 PURCRT Purchase Order Control System 03/08/96 15:29 NUMBER REQUESTED BY (1300) VENDOR ATTN: REQ 89123528 JAMES ENGEBRETSON 000054 ACCREDITING COMMISSION PO NEEDED: 6.00% 1614 ROLLINS ROAD BRD Y ...SHIP TO:1300......... USE IUSD - WAREHOUSE BURLINGAME CA 94010JRNL# STS: NOW@:IUSD - WAREHOUSE LIN PSEUDO ACCOUNT-NUMBER PREENCUMBR EXPENDITUR INITIAL-AMT 4 220119 01-2200-241-6140-005 360.00 89123526 Contact= --- TOTALS: 810.00 LIN (Page 1 of 1) DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. UNIT COST T1 1 REQ NUMBER: P89123526 FOR LOC:1300 2 REQUESTED BY: JAMES ENGEBRETSON 3 4 Grade 3 music books EAC 30 12 N 5 REQ NUMBER: P89123527 FOR LOC:1300 6 REQUESTED BY: JAMES ENGEBRETSON 7 8 Grade 3 arts and crafts books EAC 30 15 N 9 10 Jrnl#PU00000092 SubT: 810.00+Tax: +Ship: = 450.00 FUNCTION DATA Ad Bk C D Ex Fw G Hlp Jrn Kop Ls Mg Nx Op Prt Qty Rq Sd Tfr Upd Vd Wd Xcan Y Z 1.12 Sending, Updating, Printing, and Canceling a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER The purchasing system uses a type of electronic mail to send things from one place to another. (i.e. Sending a requisition for athletic equipment from the Physical Ed. Dept. to the Purchasing Dept.) Whenever you send, update, print or close/cancel requisitions/Purchase orders, they go along one of these paths. The direction these travel in is determined in the RLM, Request Location Map, file. This file determines where the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER is to go, and it determines what is to happen along the way. (i.e. When the requisition goes from the Physical Ed. Dept. to the Purchasing Dept., the account that is being charged is pre-encumbered.) There can be several different paths that a requisition could take. To deal with this possibility, the RLM records are assigned a priority rating. This way if there is more than one possible destination for the same requisition, the system will choose the highest priority rating. This, of course, can be suppressed by entering in the specific destination location yourself. 1.12.1 Sending a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER When the send function is used, it is usually used to transfer a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER to a different location. (i.e. The location a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER was created to another for approval.) Some actions can be taken along the path as well. (i.e. When the requisition goes from the Physical Ed. Dept. to the Purchasing Dept., the account that is being charged is pre-encumbered.) To Send a requisition, use the following procedure: 1. Enter “S” in the function code area. If you know the specific location code of the destination, enter that into the data area and press ↵. 1–27 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Sending, Updating, Printing, and Canceling a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER If you do not specify the location, the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER will take the path with highest priority. 2. If there is a RLM record for the path you have chosen, the requisition will now be at the destination location. 3. The status line will indicate what has taken place and to where the requisition is now located. JRNL# STS: NOW@: JRNL# — The journal reference number of any transactions that may have taken place along the route. (i.e. Pre-encumbrance) STS — A description of what has taken place along the route. (i.e. Pre-encumbered, Printed and Encumbered) NOW@ — Displays the location the requisition is currently at. 1.12.2 Updating a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER Whenever you change a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER that was sent to you, you should update that requisition/PURCHASE ORDER When you use the update function, the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER is sent in a circle, returning to your location. Along the path, the amounts are updated. (i.e. preencumbrance, encumbrance) To update a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “U” in the function code area and press ↵. 2. If you are updating a printed PURCHASE ORDER, the system will ask you if you are going to print the PURCHASE ORDER again. The system will not allow you to update a printed PURCHASE ORDER unless you are going to print that PURCHASE ORDER again. 3. Enter “Y” if you are going to print it again. 1.12.3 Printing a PURCHASE ORDER A PURCHASE ORDER can be printed in a couple of different ways. It can either be printed instantly with an on-line system, or it can be printed in a batch job (all at once) with other Purchase orders. It all depends on your system's setup. If your system is set up with on-line printing, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “P” in the function area and press ↵. 2. The accounts will be encumbered, and the PURCHASE ORDER will be printed. If your system does not have on-line printing, proceed as follows: 1–28 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Sending, Updating, Printing, and Canceling a Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER 1. Enter “P” in the function area and press ↵. 2. This encumbers the accounts and sets a flag that tells the system this PURCHASE ORDER needs to be printed. 3. Take note of the journal number found in the status line. 4. Run the PUR06 program. (See sec: 2.5 PUR06 - Print Purchase Order) 1.12.4 Canceling/Closing Requisitions/Purchase orders When requisitions are canceled, they are simply sent back to their source. When Purchase orders are canceled, they are closed. When you cancel a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER you may give a reason for the cancellation. To cancel/close a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “X” in the function code area. 2. Enter the 3-digit cancellation code, if any, and press ↵. 1–29 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Using the Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER Control Screen(REQCRT) 1.13 Using the Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER Control Screen(REQCRT) The requisition/PURCHASE ORDER control screen, also called REQCRT, is a function of the PURCRT program. It displays more detailed information about the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER than the PURCRT screen. It displays things like where the requisition has been, the date of printing, the date of board approval, etc. While it does display the accounts that are on a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER, it does not show the line items. REQUEST# [P89003732] D I G I T R O N I C S S O F T W A R E REQUISITION SYSTEM CONTROL DOCUMENT# PRIO USER REQUESTED-BY [PO89002704] [ ] [ROBERT ] [ROBERT BURKS .FLAGS. AC/LOC ACCESS-LIST STS [E] [0100] [ PRT [P] BRD [Y] JRNL-REF# RS-LOC PREENCU GEN [ ] [PU00000108] LAST [2010] ENCUMBR USE [ ] CURR [2010] EXP/INC REASON [ ] TOTAL ATTENTION:[ SHIP-TO:[1300][IUSD - WAREHOUSE [ [ [ [ ] SUBMITTED REQUIRED ] APPROVED 1378.00 ] INIT-PRT ] PRINTED:2 1378.00 ] COMPLETED ] DATE [04/01/91] [ ] [ ] [04/01/91] [04/01/91] [ ] ] ] LIN PSEUDO ACCOUNT CONTACT [ ] [450010] [01-4500-112-1100-128 ] [ ] ______________(PRE) 1378.00(ENC) ______________(E/I) 1378.00 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ______________(PRE) ______________(ENC) ______________(E/I) ______________ FUNCTION [ ] DATA [ ] Add Bak Chg Drp End Fwd Get Hlp Jrnl Kopy Last Next Opt Print Send Updt Xcan To switch from the PURCRT screen to the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER control screen, enter “R” in the function code area and press ↵. The above videoform will appear on your screen. 1.13.1 Changing the Requisitions/Purchase orders Using REQCRT With the change function alone, you can only change the basic information involved with a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER This function, used alone, will not allow you to change the accounts that are on the requisition/PURCHASE ORDER To change a requisition/PURCHASE ORDER, proceed as follows: 1. Enter “C” in the function code area. 2. The cursor will be in the REQUEST# field. 3. Use the TAB to move from field to field. REQUEST# [ ] 1–30 PURCRT—Requisition and Purchase Order Screen Using the Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER Control Screen(REQCRT) 4. Make the desired press ↵. changes and APPROVED BRD Y [ ] Please note the BRD field and the APPROVED field These are the fields that you are most likely to change. The is used by The PUR07 program uses the BRD (Board) field to know whether or not the purchase order has been approved by the board. The APPROVED field is the date the board will approve the purchase order. This date should be the date of a board meeting. 1.13.2 Adding, Viewing, Changing, and Dropping Accounts Using REQCRT The process of adding, viewing, changing, and dropping accounts with REQCRT is the same as with PURCRT. The only difference is that the “A A” function does not work with REQCRT. For more information see sec: 1.6 Changing the Billing Accounts. 1.13.3 Other Capabilities of REQCRT With the exception of line items, REQCRT has the same capabilities as PURCRT. The processes for using these capabilities are also the same. Please refer to the respective prior sections on the mechanics of these capabilities. 1–31 2 Purchase Order Reports and Listings This section is intended to familiarize you with purchase order reports, listings, and set up programs available in the purchasing system. Here is a list of programs covered in this section: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 15. 16. POFONT POLIST PUR01 PUR03 PUR06 PUR07 PUR08 PUR10 PUR11 PUR30 PUR31 PUR32 VND01 VND04 VND05 Set up local laser printer with fonts for printing purchase orders. Print Purchase Orders on plain paper. Print Purchase Requisition List. Expenditure Status Report. Print Purchase Order. Select Purchase Order Requisitions for Board Approval. Print Board Purchase Order Approval List. Encumber Purchase Orders in specified Journal. Create Blocks of Reserved PURCHASE ORDER Numbers. Print Open Purchase Order List. Print Closed Purchase Order List. Print Master Purchase Order List. Print Vendor List. Vendor Payment Summary. Update Vendor On-Order and Expenditure Amounts. There are two ways to execute any of the above programs. 1. You can enter each program through Digitronics Business System Menu. Enter MENU at the System Prompt, usually $ and press ↵. A menu will be displayed. Enter a number to select another menu or program. To move back to a previous menu simply press ↵ and the previous menu will be displayed on your terminal. $ MENU ↵ To select Purchasing, locate Purchasing within the menu options displayed and enter the corresponding number. 2. Enter any program name from the System Prompt, usually $. $ POLIST ↵ 2–1 Purchase Order Reports and Listings Using the Requisition/PURCHASE ORDER Control Screen(REQCRT) If you entered a valid program the system will execute the program. 2–2 Purchase Order Reports and Listings POFONT - Preset Local Laser Printer Fonts for Purchase Orders 2.1 POFONT - Preset Local Laser Printer Fonts for Purchase Orders This program will initialize fonts for printing purchase orders on a laser printer. It is not absolutely necessary to run this program as fonts are initialized when you print the first purchase order of the day. If you do not run this program, and you print a purchase order to your laser printer for the first time of the day, the program may be slightly delayed, as the fonts are being initialized to the laser printer. Moreover, after you have printed your first purchase order, the next time you print purchase orders there will be no delay. 2.2 POLIST - Printing Purchase Orders on Plain Paper This program has been provided for those who would like to print purchase orders on a 132-column printer. The program is simple to use so we will not go into much detail. Here is an example: Enter POLIST from the systems prompt and press ↵ or enter the program from the menu option. The screen should display: Loading REQ Records .. Sorting <OUTPUT DIRECTED TO Phh/mm.LST> . Each dot displayed on your terminal will represent 100 records processed. As you can see, the <OUTPUT DIRECTED TO Phhmm.LST> refers to the time that the report was created. In our example we ran this program at 11:30 A.M. and the file name created was P1130.LST. To print this report we entered PRINT P1130.LST ↵. The system responded with a message regarding the print status. JOB P1130.LST(queue DS1$HP, ENTRY 462)STARTED ON DS1$HP Your System should display a message similar to the above. Here is a test sample of output generated by POLIST: 2–3 Purchase Order Reports and Listings POLIST - Printing Purchase Orders on Plain Paper Vendor Name ASCD P O BOX 27415 WASHINGTON Ship To ALDERWOOD BASICS PLUS DC 20038 Requested By ALDERWOOD/ANGIE HAMEL Line # 2 2 3 Document Number PO89000665 Req Number P89000845 Submit Date 7/01/88 Description Required Date 7/30/88 Units User E100AB Unit Cost Quantity 5 CASSETTES AND THE CONVENIENT VINYL 5 CASSETTES AND THE CONVENIENT VINYL BINDER. 2–4 Total Tax Qt Rec. Qt. Canl Item# Warehouse Purchase Order Reports and Listings PUR01 - Print Purchase Requisition List 2.3 PUR01 - Print Purchase Requisition List To print a list of all current Requisitions Enter PUR01 at the system prompt. Again, you may access the program from the Digitronics Business Systems Menu System. The program will create the file name “PUR01.LST”. To print the file type: PRINT PUR01 at the systems prompt. $ PRINT PUR01 ↵. Here is a test sample of the Purchase Requisition List taken from the top portion of page 1. PUR01 DATE:08/30/93 D I G I T R O N I C S S O F T W A R E T E S T PURCHASE REQUISITION LIST D I S T R I C T PUR01 PAGE: 1 REQ NUMBER REQUESTED BY VENDOR LOC SHIP-TO STATUS PRI ************************************************************************************************************************ P89000090 BETH DATE DATE DATE DATE ANN CABRAL REQUESTED: DESIRED: COMPLETED: APPROVED: INVALID POI-REQ NUMBER 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 1300 IUSD - WAREHOUSE PRINT DATE: 4/12/93 E 00 00000 ACCOUNT ENCUMBRANCES INITIAL-AMOUNT ============================ CATALOG QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TAX TOTAL ============================ TOTAL P89000092 CATALOG BETH ANN CABRAL DATE REQUESTED: PRINT DATE: DATE DESIRED: DATE COMPLETED: DATE APPROVED: QUANTITY INVALID POI-REQ NUMBER 0/00/00 6/28/93 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 1300 IUSD - WAREHOUSE ACCOUNT 01-8094-100-0000-000 DESCRIPTION TAX TOTAL E 00 00000 ENCUMBRANCES INITIAL-AMOUNT 13,050.00 13,050.00 ============================ 13,050.00 13,050.00 ============================ TOTAL 2.4 PUR03 - Expenditure Status Report The PUR03 Report will print a list off all accounts that have gone over their expenditure limits. Our example will display a heading and list an account number that has gone over its expenditure. The example used is just one account. Your system may have more than one account that falls into the over expenditure category. 2–5 Purchase Order Reports and Listings PUR06 - Print Purchase Order PUR03 DATE:08/30/93 JOURNAL: PU00000119 D I G I T R O N I C S S O F T W A R E T E S T EXPENDITURE STATUS REPORT D I S T R I C T PUR03 PAGE: 1 PSEUDO ACCOUNT NUMBER REQUISITION EXPENDITURE COMMENT ********************************************************************************************************************** 220119 01-2200-241-6140-005 P89000095 230465 01-2310-241-6140-005 P89000095 230467 01-2350-213-6140-005 P89000095 P89000095 P89000095 310033 01-3110-113-0000-900 P89000095 P89000095 320553 01-3210-241-6140-005 P89000095 P89000095 340591 01-3420-230-6140-005 410001 01-4110-112-1000-100 P89000095 P89000095 P89000095 P89000095 430006 01-4310-112-1000-110 P89000095 430007 01-4310-112-1000-112 P89000095 430008 01-4310-112-1000-116 P89000095 430009 01-4310-112-1000-120 P89000095 450005 01-4500-112-1100-110 P89000095 460003 01-4622-244-6402-005 P89000095 640015 01-6400-112-1000-144 P89000095 P89000095 P89000095 950001 01-9501-000-0000-900 P89000095 2.5 PUR06 - Print Purchase Order Depending on how your system is set up, an option is available to print purchase orders in batch mode instead of printing them interactively from the PURCRT program. Check with your systems manager to see how your system is setup. If you are set up to print purchase orders in batch mode, then enter PUR06 at the systems prompt, or enter the program through the menu system. The screen will display: Enter journal reference [ PU00000103]: 2–6 Purchase Order Reports and Listings PUR07 - Select Purchase Order Requisitions for Board Approval Press ↵ to except the default or enter another journal reference number. The program will proceed to print all purchase orders that are available for printing. When each purchase order is printed there are two things that may happen. Either purchase orders will be encumbered while printing or you will have to run an update in PUR10. Your systems manager sets up these parameters. 2.6 PUR07 - Select Purchase Order Requisitions for Board Approval This program will select purchase order requisitions for board approval. Once this program is ran and the records are updated PUR08 can be run to print a listing of requisitions to be approved by the board. Let’s take a look at the program. Enter PUR07 at the Systems prompt usually $ or enter program from the menu system. $ PUR07 ↵ The program will display: PUR07 – Select PO's for board approval Enter Board Meeting Date MM/DD/YY 06/30/91 Enter Old Board Meeting Date MM/DD/YY 03/31/91 The system will search the database to locate files from the last meeting date. After a short time the program will return to the systems prompt or the menu system if you entered the program through the menu system. When this program is completed running PUR08 can generate the purchase approval list. 2.7 PUR08 - Print Board Purchase Order Approval List PUR08 will print a purchase order list for board approval. The listing first has to be generated using PUR07. Upon completing PUR07, PUR08 will print a complete list off Purchase Orders. Before printing the purchase order approval list, create a heading for your report using the editor on your system. For our example we typed in a short test heading and named the file STEVES.LST. When running, the program will ask for input of a file name. If no file name is included the system will issue an error. Furthermore, if you enter a file name that does not exist, the system will continue and not include a heading for your report listing. Lets look at the program. Enter PUR08 ↵ at our systems prompt. The program displayed: 2–7 Purchase Order Reports and Listings PUR08 - Print Board Purchase Order Approval List PUR08 – Board of Trustees Purchase Order Report Enter Board Meeting Date MM/DD/YY 06/30/91 Enter File Name \underline{STEVES.LST} Enter First Warrant No. 450000 Enter Last Warrant No. 500000 < Output directed to PUR08.LST > The heading file that we created appears at the top of the report. Here is what the beginning of our report looks like: D I G I T R O N I C S SO F T W A R E T E S T D I S T R I C T Board of Trustees Purchase Order Listing PUR08 08/31/93 PAGE 1 12:05 PM Board of Trustees Purchase Order Report PO-NUMBER PO-DATE VENDOR ACCOUNT AMOUNT ====================================================================================================== 89002899 10150000 89002899 7/26/93 8/23/93 7/26/93 ** 89002896 89002898 89002897 ** DIGITRONICS DIGITRONICS 101.87 40.54 1,769.09 ________ 1,911.50 ============ 01-4500-112-1100-100 01-4500-112-1100-100 107.25 107.25 _________ K - 8 Program Alderwood Basics 214.50 ============ DIGITRONICS T O T A L T O T A L 01-2310-241-6140-005 01-2310-241-6140-005 01-3210-241-6140-005 Data Processing Deputy Supt. Business Support Services T O T A L 7/09/93 ** PUR08 08/31/93 T O T A L 7/09/93 7/09/93 ** ALLYN & BACON MCINNIS PHILLIP ALLYN & BACON 01-4500-112-1100-110 10.73 ___________ 10.73 ============ K - 8 Program Brywood ____________ 2,136.73 ============ General Fund D I G I T R O N I C S S O F T W A R E T E S T D I S T R I C T Board of Trustees Purchase Order Listing PAGE 2 12:05 PM Board of Trustees Meeting ..... 08/31/93 *** T O T A L S 01-231001-321001-4500- - *** - 142.41 1,769.09 225.23 ===================== 2,136.73 Remember you can print your report by entering: $ PRINT PUR08.LST The system will display a message similar to below. JOB PUR08.LST(queue DS1$HP, ENTRY 468)STARTED ON DS1$HP 2–8 Purchase Order Reports and Listings PUR10 - Encumber Purchase Orders in Specified Journal 2.8 PUR10 - Encumber Purchase Orders in Specified Journal In most cases this program will not be used as purchase orders can be encumbered when they are printed. If your systems manager has the option set up to print purchase orders in batch mode, then it may be that they will be encumbered using PUR10. If so, Enter PUR10 from the systems prompt or from the menu system. The program will display: ENTER JOURNAL # IF OTHER THAN [ PU00000103]: After a short time the program will display journal numbers being encumbered. When the program completes processing a total number of Purchase Orders Encumbered will be displayed. If your system is set up to encumber journals when printing then this message will be displayed: P O JOURNALS ARE ENCUMBERED IN THE PURCHASE ORDER PRINT PROGRAM (PUR06) 2.9 PUR11 - Create Blocks of Reserved PURCHASE ORDER Numbers This program will create blocks of reserved PURCHASE ORDER Numbers for specified users at one location each time you run the program. Let’s create a block of three Purchase Order Numbers. Enter: $ PUR11 ↵ The screen displays. [PUR11] - - GENERATE PO Numbers ENTER Location to generate PO's for == > ENTER PO Number to begin with == > 450001 ENTER number of PO's to generate == > ENTER user name for PO's == > 1300 3 STEVEN Generating 003 PO's For 1300 beginning with 450001 Is this correct Y/N [Default = N] Y ENTER the Vendor name for PO0045001 == > DIGITRONICS ENTER the Vendor name for PO0045002 == > DIGITRONICS ENTER the Vendor name for PO0045003 == > DIGITRONICS Generations Completed! 2–9 Purchase Order Reports and Listings PUR30 - Print Open Purchase Order List Continue Generating more PO numbers [Default = Y] N PUR11 Request(s) Completed 2.10 PUR30 - Print Open Purchase Order List PUR30 will generate a list of all open purchase orders in your system. Once they have been generated into a file you may print them. Enter the program name from your systems prompt or enter the program from the menu system. PUR30 will display a menu offering 3 sorting options. PUR30 – Create Open PO Listing 1. Vendor Number Order 2. PURCHASE ORDER Number Order 3. Vendor Name Order Enter Sort Type [1] 1 The system will create a file name in a time format. P for print, Hour and Minute for the time the file was generated. P1205.LST Here is a sample of the report: 2–10 Purchase Order Reports and Listings PUR31 - Print Closed Purchase Order List PUR30 08/31/93 O p e n P u r c h a s e O r d e r s By Vendor Number Order 12:25 Page 1 Vendor PURCHASE ORDER PURCHASE ORDER Remaining Number Number Date Vendor Name Account Number Amount Expenditure Encumbrance ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ———————————— 000007 000050 000134 89002826 89002713 89002899 89002899 1/07/92 A-W ELECTRIC MOTORS 4/11/91 ACADEMIC THERAPY PUBLICATIONS 7/26/93 ALLYN & BACON 7/26/93 01-4310-112-1000-108 01-9210-000-0000-900 01-2310-241-6140-005 01-3210-241-6140-005 106.75 ————– 106.75 ————– 106.75 ————– 106.75 4,028.00 ————– 4,028.00 ————– 4,028.00 ————– 4,028.00 101.87 1,769.09 ————– 1,870.96 ————– 101.87 1,769.09 ————– 1,870.96 000193 00114102 8/18/87 AMERICAN LOCK & SUPPLY INC 01-9501-000-0000-900 56.18 ————– 56.18 56.18 ————– 56.18 -56.18 ————– -56.18 000204 89002690 7/05/91 AMSCO SCHOOL PUBLICATION 01-4500-112-1100-120 50.00 ————– 50.00 60.00 ————– 60.00 ————– 24.55 106.75 ————– 131.30 106.75 ————– 106.75 000305 000327 000346 000572 89002850 89002858 89001908 89000541 89002738 89002878 5/13/92 B J BINDERY 6/18/92 9/07/88 BALLARD & TIGHE INC 7/19/88 BARNELL LOFT LTD 5/08/91 CAL'S CAMERA 2/04/93 01-4310-112-1000-100 01-4310-112-1000-100 01-4500-220-4090-017 01-4310-122-3000-017 01-4310-112-1000-112 01-4310-112-1000-112 24.55 ————– 24.55 1,229.60 ————– 1,229.60 ————– 1,229.60 ————– 1,229.60 150.55 ————– 150.55 ————– 150.55 ————– 150.55 1,378.00 1,394.25 ————– 2,772.25 1,378.00 1,394.25 ————– 2,772.25 15.37 ————– 15.37 000784 88007964 5/05/88 CONLIN BROTHERS 01-9501-000-0000-900 15.37 ————– 15.37 001045 88007822 88008297 88008297 89002420 89002708 89002709 89002773 89002773 6/10/88 EASTMAN INC 6/03/88 6/03/88 9/20/88 4/05/91 4/10/91 6/20/91 6/20/91 01-9501-000-0000-900 01-9501-000-0000-900 01-9501-000-0000-900 01-4310-113-5200-606 01-9210-000-0000-900 01-9210-000-0000-900 01-4310-112-1000-112 01-4310-112-1000-120 327.55 60.24 44.52 78.98 318.00 6.30 6.30 ————– -15.37 ————– -15.37 44.52 78.98 318.00 6.30 6.30 2.11 PUR31 - Print Closed Purchase Order List PUR31 will generate a list of all closed purchase orders in your system. Once they have been generated into a file you may print them. Enter the program name from your systems prompt or enter the program from the menu system. PUR31 will display a menu offering 5 sorting options. PUR31 1. By 2. By 3. By 4. By 5. By – Create Closed PO Listing Vendor Number Order PURCHASE ORDER Number Order Vendor Name Order Account Program Order Object Order Enter Sort Type [1] 2 2–11 Purchase Order Reports and Listings PUR32 - Print Master Purchase Order List The system will create a file name in a time format. P for print, Hour and Minute for the time the file was generated. P1406.LST Here is a sample of the report: PUR31 08/31/93 C l o s e d P u r c h a s e O r d e r s By Vendor Number Order 12:36 Page 1 Vendor PURCHASE ORDER PURCHASE ORDER Invoice Invoice Warrant Warrant Warrant S Number Number Date Vendor Name Warrant Account Number Number Date Number Date Amount T —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————— 000000 00-0000-000-0000-000 .00 00-0000-000-0000-000 .00 ————.00 000572 89000897 7/25/88 CAL'S CAMERA 00-0000-000-0000-000 .00 ————.00 000751 89000866 7/25/88 COLLEGE BOARD PUBLICATIO 00-0000-000-0000-000 .00 ————.00 001045 89000122 89000658 89001563 89001852 89002774 89002776 6/23/88 7/19/88 8/18/88 9/01/88 6/19/91 6/19/91 EASTMAN INC 00-0000-000-0000-000 00-0000-000-0000-000 00-0000-000-0000-000 00-0000-000-0000-000 00-0000-000-0000-000 00-0000-000-0000-000 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ————.00 001050 89001417 8/09/88 EBSCO SUB SERVICE 00-0000-000-0000-000 .00 ————.00 001325 89000501 7/14/88 GOFFS EDUCATIONAL SUPPLI 00-0000-000-0000-000 .00 ————.00 001605 89000499 7/14/88 IRVINE RANCH WATER DISTR 00-0000-000-0000-000 .00 ————.00 001617 89000433 7/11/88 IUSD CAFE ACCOUNT 00-0000-000-0000-000 .00 ————.00 001740 89002802 8/22/91 Remitted To: 89002802 8/22/91 Remitted To: 89002802 8/22/91 Remitted To: KNOX INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES (008142) DIGITRONICS 01-4500-242-6209-005 8/22/91 01-4500-242-6209-005 8/22/91 88003928 LAKESHORE CURRICULUM COM 001771 7/22/88 -284.64 984.64 (008142) DIGITRONICS 01-4500-242-6209-005 1248672 10/16/91 99904486 10/16/91 (008142) DIGITRONICS 00-0000-000-0000-000 25.00 ————725.00 .00 ————.00 2.12 PUR32 - Print Master Purchase Order List PUR32 will generate a master list of purchase orders in your system. Once they have been generated into a file you may print them. Enter the program name from your systems prompt or enter the program from the menu system. PUR32 will display a menu offering 3 sorting options. 2–12 Purchase Order Reports and Listings VND01 - Print Vendor List by Number PUR32 – Create Master PO Listing 1. Vendor Number Order 2. PURCHASE ORDER Number Order 3. Vendor Name Order Enter Sort Type [1] 1 The system will create a file name in a time format. P1501.LST P for print, Hour and Minute for the time the file was generated. Here is a sample of the report: PUR32 08/31/93 M a s t e r 12:37 P u r c h a s e O r d e r By Vendor Number Order L i s t i n g Page 1 PURCHASE ORDER PURCHASE ORDER PURCHASE ORDER Vendor Number Date Status Number Name Invoice Invoice Warrant Warrant Warrant S PURCHASE ORDER Account Number Acct. Amount Warrant Account Number Number Date Number Date Amount T ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 89002826 1/07/92 ENCUMBERED/PRINTED 000007 A-W ELECTRIC MOTORS 01-4310-112-1000-108 106.75 .00 ————– ————– 106.75 .00 89002713 4/11/91 ENCUMBERED/PRINTED 01-9210-000-0000-900 10000000 01-2310-230-6140-005 01-2310-230-6140-005 000050 4,028.00 ————– 4,028.00 000128 ACADEMIC THERAPY PUBLICA .00 ————– .00 ALLIED FENCE COMPANY .00 .00 ————– .00 ————– .00 89002899 7/26/93 ENCUMBERED/PRINTED 01-3210-241-6140-005 01-2310-241-6140-005 99999991 01-2200-241-6140-005 01-2310-241-6140-005 99999992 01-2310-241-6140-005 01-3210-241-6140-005 99999993 01-3340-241-6140-005 01-3310-241-6140-005 000134 1,769.09 101.87 ALLYN & BACON .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ————– .00 ————– 1,870.96 00114102 8/18/87 ENCUMBERED/PRINTED 01-9501-000-0000-900 000193 56.18 ————– 56.18 AMERICAN LOCK & SUPPLY I 89002690 7/05/91 ENCUMBERED/PRINTED 01-4500-112-1100-120 000204 50.00 AMSCO SCHOOL PUBLICATION 01-4500-112-1100-120 01-4500-112-1100-120 .00 ————– .00 898989 1212121 3/27/91 6/19/91 99900309 6/26/91 6/18/92 99904493 6/18/92 ————– 50.00 89002850 5/13/92 ENCUMBERED/PRINTED 01-4310-112-1000-100 89002858 6/18/92 ENCUMBERED/PRINTED 01-4310-112-1000-100 000305 B J BINDERY 24.55 106.75 ————– 131.30 50.00 10.00 ————– 60.00 .00 01-4310-112-1000-100 2.13 VND01 - Print Vendor List by Number VND01 will print a list of all vendors in your system by Vendor number. Lets take a look at the program. We entered VND01 at the systems prompt. $ VND01 2–13 106.75 ————– 106.75 Purchase Order Reports and Listings VND04 - Vendor Payment Summary .. The screen displayed: < Output directed to VND01 > We entered $ PRINT VND01 Here is a look at a Vendor listing sample: 08/31/93 FY 1999 DIGITRONICS SOFTWARE TEST DISTRICT Vendor Listing VND01 Page: 1 ====================================================================================================== Number: 890072 Type: VENDOR Name: 1A PAYROLL C/L Phone No: (000)000-0000 Ext: Addr: TEST ADDRESS Alt Phone: (000)000-0000 Ext: Contact: History: This Year Last Year Expd: .00 .00 On-order: .00 .00 ====================================================================================================== Number: 890074 Type: VENDOR Name: 1B-PAYROLL C/L Phone No: (000)000-0000 Ext: Addr: Alt Phone: (000)000-0000 Ext: Contact: CA History: This Year Last Year Expd: .00 .00 On-order: .00 .00 ====================================================================================================== Number: 006775 Type: VENDOR Name: 20TH CENTURY PLASTICS INC Phone No: (000)000-0000 Ext: Addr: P O BOX 30643 Alt Phone: (000)000-0000 Ext: Contact: LOS ANGELES CA 90030-0000 History: This Year Last Year Remit to information: Expd: .00 62.77 Number: 006777 On-order: .00 .00 Name: REMI VEND CA ====================================================================================================== 2.14 VND04 - Vendor Payment Summary VND04 prints listing of vendors and the payments made. Entered VND04 at the systems prompt. $ VND04 .. The screen displayed: <Output directed to VND04.LST> ENTER DESIRED TYPE V Enter: $ PRINT VND04.LST 2–14 Purchase Order Reports and Listings VND04 - Vendor Payment Summary Here is a look at a Vendor Payment Summary sample: 2–15 Purchase Order Reports and Listings VND05 - Update Vendor On-Order and Expenditure Amounts DATE:05/12/95 VENDOR PAYMENT SUMMARY VND04 PAGE: 1 VENDOR NAME DATE WAR-# PURCHASE ORDER-# REQ-NO AMOUNT NO. ****************************************************************************************************** 000134 000204 000305 ALLYN & BACON 1213 WATERSFORD LANE ROCHLEIGH NJ 076470000 04/27/94 99904519 04/27/94 99904519 05/01/95 99904564 00/00/00 00000000 TOTALS 89002899 89002899 99999993 99999993 AMSCO SCHOOL PUBLICATION 315 HUDSON STREET NEW YORK NY 100130000 06/26/91 99900309 89002690 TOTALS B J BINDERY 1302 HUNTER SANTA ANA CA 927050000 06/18/92 99904493 89002858 TOTALS 101.87 1769.09 100.00 10.00 3841.92 10.00 10.00 106.75 106.75 2.15 VND05 - Update Vendor On-Order and Expenditure Amounts VND05 updates the on-order and expenditure convenience totals in the VND file. The Purchase Order Encumbrances are summed and stored in VND-ON-ORDER. The Warrant Expenditures are summed and stored in VND-EXPEND-OR-INCOM. Totals for remit-only vendor records are summed into the totals of their parent order-from vendors. 2–16 3 VNDCRT - VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER 3.1 Introduction VNDCRT is the Master File maintenance for both Vendors and Clients. A Vendor is a person or company from which you purchase supplies or get services from. A good example would be the Paper Supply company you get computer paper from or the software company that provides hardware or software support. Often an outside consultant may be needed to perform special services, they too would fall under the Vendor category. A Client is usually the recipient of a vendors goods or services, so your District would be the Client of the Paper Supply company mentioned above. If your district is renting or leasing some property to a company or person, then that person or company, would be your Client. To either purchase goods or receive moneys you need to set up a Vendor or Client in the system. VNDCRT allows you to do both. We will be describing the methods for setting up a vendor and a client simultaneously as the requirements for both are basically the same. This section will be organized in the following manner: • Starting VNDCRT. • The VNDCRT Screen. • The VNDCRT Functions. • Adding a Vendor or Client. • Changing a Vendor or Client • Dropping a Vendor or Client. • Setting up REMIT/BILL Vendor or Client. • Vendor or Client activity information. • Vendor or Client Products. 3–1 VNDCRT - VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER Introduction • Vendor Tax Amounts. • Warrants Screen. 3–2 VNDCRT - VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER Starting VNDCRT 3.2 Starting VNDCRT VNDCRT can be selected from the Purchasing Menu or run directly from the system prompt, usually a $. To start VNDCRT from the system prompt enter VNDCRT and press ↵ . $ VNDCRT 3.3 The VNDCRT Screen A screen similar to this should appear on the screen: FY99 VNDCRT NUMBER [ NAME [ ADDRESS [ [ CITY [ TERMS [ ALT# NAME ADDRESS CITY [ [ [ [ [ ] ] VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER FILE 04/18/95 15:58 TYPE:[ ] RATING:[ ]PHONE: [( ) ][ ] CAT: ]ALT: [( ) ][ ][ ] ]CONTACT:[ ] ]CONTACT:[ ] ] [ ]FOB: [ ] ] SHIP VIA:[ ] REMIT/BILL TYPE:[ ] RATING:[ ] AREA TELEPHONE EXTN CATEGORY ] [( ) ][ ] [ ] ] CONTACT-NAMES.......... ] [ ] ] [ ] [ ] JIM ACTIVITY AS OF [ ] THIS YEAR LAST YEAR EXP/INC: [ ][ ON-ORDER:[ ][ PRODUCTS [ [ ENTER FUNCTION [ ] [ Add Back Change Drop LAST-DOCUMENT ][ ] ] ][ ][ End ][ ][ ] Forward TAX INFO: USE TAX: SALES TAX RATE: [ 1099: [ ] TAX#: [ ][ ][ [ ] ] ] ] ] NOW ACCESSING A FUTURE FISCAL YEAR Get Help Last Next Q:Prod/Tax Warrants 3.4 VNDCRT Function Codes The function codes are displayed on the bottom portion of the screen. The picture below is an excerpt of the VNDCRT screen: ENTER FUNCTION [ ] [ Add Back Change Drop End ] Forward NOW ACCESSING A FUTURE FISCAL YEAR Get Help Last Next Q:Prod/Tax Warrants These functions are the available options or processes you can choose to perform on a Vendor/Client. We will explain them briefly here, later we will go into more detail as we use each of these functions. 3–3 VNDCRT - VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER Adding a Vendor/Client Add Back Change Drop End Forward Get Help Last Next Q:Prod/Tax Warrants Add a Vendor/Client or a Product. Scroll back through the Vendor/Client database. Change a Vendor/Client or Product. Drop a Vendor/Client or Product. Exit the program. Scroll forward through the existing Vendor/Client database. Get or select a specific Vendor/Client. Display the Help Screen. Display the previous screen of Products. Display the Next screen of Products. Switch between Products and Tax fields. Change to the Vendor Activity (Warrants) Screen. Most of the functions are invoked by pressing the first letter of the function and then pressing the return key. For example, to Add a Vendor or Client : Enter “A” in the Function area and press ↵. A few of the Functions may require additional input. When adding a PRODUCT you need to enter A in the Function area and the name of the PRODUCT in the blank area just to the right of the Function area. As we come across the need for various functions we will describe them in more detail. 3.5 Adding a Vendor/Client The procedures for adding a Vendor or a Client are virtually the same. Any differences will be noted, otherwise all instructions apply to both Vendors and Clients. In our example we will add Coast Computer Supply Company to our Vendor database. The instructions will be step by step, explaining individual fields as we encounter them. To add a Vendor or Client: Note: To go from one field to another use the TAB. Only press ↵ when the instructions show the ↵ symbol. 1. Enter “A” (for Add) in the Function area and press ↵. 2. NUMBER This is the Vendor/Client number you wish to use. If you wish to let the system assign a number press TAB. OR You may enter a number here. The system will check to make sure this number is not currently in use 3. NAME Enter the Vendor/Client here. 4. ADDRESS 3–4 VNDCRT - VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER Adding a Vendor/Client You may enter 2 lines of text here. The second line may be used for suite or building numbers. 5. CITY On this line type in the City, 2 digit State code and the Zip code including the 4-digit extension if you choose. 6. TYPE This is the Vendor or Client type. There are five codes you may use here. SPACE B C R V Blank space. This will disallow purchasing to use this vendor. This is useful if the Vendor has poor service. Billing. This is used if the billing address is different than the Client address. Client. This is used for normal Client interaction where the invoices are sent to the Client address. Remit. This is used if the Vendor wants the remittance to go to another address other than the order point. Vendor. This is the normal set up for Vendor interaction where the Vendor does not require remittance to go to another location. Enter the type, normally you would choose C for a client and V for a Vendor. 7. RATING This field may be used to rate a Vendor in terms of their performance or product quality. In the BPS SETUP you can add a specific rating to identify bad vendors. The default is XXX for a bad Vendor. Any other ratings are arbitrary, meaning that you can choose whatever ratings system you desire. This may be useful when printing reports as you can do a sort to group Vendors of a specific rating together. 8. AREA TELEPHONE Enter the Vendor or Client phone number here. 9. CATEGORY This is another arbitrary code that you may use. This field may be used to identify different categories of Vendors or Clients. Perhaps you may identify primary Vendors with a category of P and secondary Vendors with a code of S. 10. CONTACT NAMES Enter the contact name for the Vendor or a Client. You may enter 2 lines of text. 11. TERMS Enter the payment or purchase terms for the Vendor or Client. 12. ALT# This field is used if the vendor or client has a different bill-to or remittance address. For this example we will assume that the remittance address is the same, so we will TAB through this field to the next field. We will talk about the REMIT/BILL in it's own section. 13. SALES TAX RATE 3–5 VNDCRT - VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER Adding a Vendor/Client Enter the sales tax rate. If you leave this field blank it will default to the rate defined in BPS SET-UP. 14. A 1099 is similar to the W-2 forms passed out to employees in that the 1099 lists the amount of untaxed money you have paid to a Vendor. Usually there is a minimum amount to be reported. If this amount exceeds the limit, a 1099 must be filed to the tax authorities. At the end of the Calendar year a program is run to generate 1099's for all Vendors that have an “Y” in this field. Enter Y or leave blank and press TAB. The next field over on the same line is where you enter the override amount for the Retiree Federal 1099 Withheld. The system has programs to calculate the Retiree Federal 1099 Withheld automatically, however if you would like a different amount to appear on the Retiree Federal 1099 Withheld enter that amount here. 15. TAX# Enter the Federal Tax id number for a Vendor or Client. You are now done with entering the basic information for a Vendor or Client. If you have made a mistake in any of these fields, use the backspace or TAB to get to a particular field and type in your changes. To end the Add process press ↵ . Let's take a look at the screen and compare notes: FY99 VNDCRT VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER FILE 04/18/95 16:10 NUMBER [890429] TYPE:[V] RATING:[ ]PHONE: [(714)555-1212][ ] CAT: NAME [ACME SCHOOL SUPPLIES ]ALT: [( ) ][ ][ ] ADDRESS [1234 MAIN ]CONTACT:[JOE ACME ] [ ]CONTACT:[ ] CITY [SANTA ANA ]CA[92704-0000]FOB: [ ] TERMS [2/10 n/30 ] SHIP VIA:[ ] REMIT/BILL ALT# [ ] TYPE:[ ] RATING:[ ] AREA TELEPHONE EXTN CATEGORY NAME [ ] [( ) ][ ] [ ] ADDRESS [ ] CONTACT-NAMES.......... [ ] [ ] CITY [ ] [ ] [ ] JIM ACTIVITY AS OF [ ] THIS YEAR LAST YEAR EXP/INC: [ ][ ON-ORDER:[ ][ PRODUCTS [PENCILS [ ENTER FUNCTION [ ] [ Add Back Change Drop LAST-DOCUMENT ][ ] ] ][ ][ End ][ ][ ] Forward Get Help TAX INFO: USE TAX: [-] SALES TAX RATE: [ 6.00%] 1099: [Y] TAX#: [12-333333 ] ][ ][ Last ] ] Next Q:Prod/Tax Warrants In this example we let the system assign a Vendor number. This number did not appear until after the ↵ was pressed. Since this is a Vendor, we put V in the TYPE field. We gave this Vendor a RATING of 10 and identified it as a primary Vendor with a P in the CATEGORY field. In this case the Vendor has the remittance sent to the same address so we left the REMIT/BILL area blank. We have put an X in the 1099 field and entered the Vendors Tax ID number. 3–6 VNDCRT - VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER BILL/REMIT This is the basic information needed for a Vendor or Client. The next sections will cover in detail the BILL/REMIT, ACTIVITY and PRODUCTS areas of the screen. 3.6 BILL/REMIT This middle section of the screen is where you would enter the REMIT Vendor or BILL-to Client information. For vendors, this would be used if the address for remittance (payments) of Vendor Invoices is different than the address on the Purchase Order. For instance, you order merchandise from a warehouse but the Vendors corporate offices are located somewhere else. Then you would enter the REMIT Vendor number in the ALT# field. The same thing may occur with clients. Let's say your district is leasing a building. The address of the Client would be that particular location. However this company may lease several properties through out the area and want all invoices sent to a centralized location. In this case you would enter the BILL Client number in this field. To create a REMIT Vendor or BILL-to Client you would add this entry to the Vendor or Client database, using the procedures in the Add a Vendor/Client Section. Then you would enter the REMIT or BILL to number in the ALT# field. Suppose that Coast Computer Supply has now moved their administrative office to a different location than their warehouse. Let's go through the following steps to add a REMIT Vendor. First we will enter the information for the REMIT Vendor using the Add function. Look at the following screen: FY99 VNDCRT VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER FILE 04/18/95 16:14 NUMBER [890420] TYPE:[R] RATING:[ ]PHONE: [(714)555-1212][ ] CAT: NAME [ACME COMPUTER SUPPLIES ]ALT: [( ) ][ ][ ] ADDRESS [1234 CORPORATE WAY ]CONTACT:[BILL BYTES ] [SUITE #211 ]CONTACT:[ ] CITY [COSTA MESA ]CA[92627-0000]FOB: [ ] TERMS [2/10 NET 30 ] SHIP VIA:[ ] REMIT/BILL ALT# [ ] TYPE:[ ] RATING:[ ] AREA TELEPHONE EXTN CATEGORY NAME [ ] [( ) ][ ] [ ] ADDRESS [ ] CONTACT-NAMES.......... [ ] [ ] CITY [ ] [ ] [ ] JIM ACTIVITY AS OF [05/08/91] THIS YEAR LAST YEAR EXP/INC: [ 1037.12][ ON-ORDER:[ -798.62][ LAST-DOCUMENT ][PO89002742] ] PRODUCTS [COMPUTER PAPER ][PRINTER SUPPL [ ][ ENTER FUNCTION [ ] [ Add Back Change Drop End ] Forward Get 3–7 TAX INFO: USE TAX: [-] SALES TAX RATE: [ 6.00%] 1099: [Y] TAX#: [12-33333-45666 ] ][TAPES, DISKS ][ Help Last ][ ][ ] ] Next Q:Prod/Tax Warrants VNDCRT - VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER BILL/REMIT This Vendor number is 890424. We also added P in the category field, as this is a Primary Vendor. Notice that the address is different too. Now we will pull up the original Coast Computer Supply entry and add the REMIT Vendor (#890424) to it. First we will need to GET the original Coast Computer Supply Co. There are several ways to do this. a) If you know the exact Vendor number enter G (for Get) in the Function area and press ↵. In the NUMBER field enter the Vendor number. If this entry exists the Vendor information will display on the screen. b) You can also Get a Vendor by name. Enter G in the Function area and press ↵ . TAB through to the NAME field and enter in the Vendor name. Now that we have the original Coast Computer Supply company (#80423) we want to add Vendor #890244 as the REMIT Vendor. First we will enter C (for Change) in the Function area and press ↵. Then we will TAB to the ALT# and enter the REMIT Vendor number, in this case #890424 and press ↵. The information for #890424 will display in the REMIT/BILL area of the screen. Let's see how this looks: FY99 VNDCRT VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER FILE 04/18/95 16:15 NUMBER [890421] TYPE:[V] RATING:[ ]PHONE: [(714)555-1313][ ] CAT: NAME [ACME COMPUTER SUPPLIES W/H ]ALT: [( ) ][ ][ ] ADDRESS [3456 INDUSTRIAL AVE ]CONTACT:[LARRY LASER ] [ ]CONTACT:[ ] CITY [BREA ]CA[92621-0000]FOB: [ ] TERMS [2/10 NET 30 ] SHIP VIA:[ ] REMIT/BILL ALT# [890420] TYPE:[R] RATING:[ ] AREA TELEPHONE EXTN CATEGORY NAME [ACME COMPUTER SUPPLIES ] [(714)555-1212][ ] [ ] ADDRESS [1234 CORPORATE WAY ] CONTACT-NAMES.......... [SUITE #211 ] [BILL BYTES ] CITY [COSTA MESA ]CA[92627-0000] [ ] JIM ACTIVITY AS OF [08/01/91] THIS YEAR LAST YEAR EXP/INC: [ ][ ON-ORDER:[ 3013.31][ PRODUCTS [ [ ENTER FUNCTION [ ] [ Add Back Change Drop LAST-DOCUMENT ][PO89002798] ] ][ ][ End ][ ][ ] Forward Get Help TAX INFO: USE TAX: [ ] SALES TAX RATE: [ 6.00%] 1099: [1] TAX#: [123456789 ] ][ ][ Last ] ] Next Q:Prod/Tax Warrants Now whenever we order merchandise from Coast Computer Supply we would use Vendor #890243 on the Purchase Order. Then all remittance will go to 12344 Corporate Way address for the REMIT Vendor #890244. Notice how we have removed the 1099 flag and the TAX# from the original entry #890423. This is because all financial transactions will recorded under the REMIT Vendor #890424 and we do not want to report duplicate tax information for the same company. 3–8 VNDCRT - VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER ACTIVITY AREA It is not unusual for a company, such as a supplier, to have several warehouse locations and one centralized administrative location. Suppose this central location had a vendor number of 890500. Then we would set up several different Warehouse Vendor entries each using the #890500 as the REMIT Vendor number. In this manner all remittance would go to the centralized address no matter where the order came from. 3.7 ACTIVITY AREA This is an information only area of the screen. Let's examine the individual fields: ACTIVITY AS OF This is the last day any type of transaction has occurred involving this Vendor. EXP/INC: THIS YEAR LAST YEAR For a vendor these fields would display the expenditure amounts for this year and last year. For a Client the income received for this year and last year would be shown. LAST-DOCUMENT This will display the last document issued with the Vendor or Client number. ON-ORDER This is the amount of goods on order from the Vendor for this year and last year. The above amounts are not updated interactively. They are only updated when certain systems programs are run. See your Business Systems Manager for more information on the update procedures. 3.8 PRODUCTS This area lists the various products that this vendor may sell. This information is used in Purchasing to find a Vendor that offers the type of merchandise needed. You can add or drop Products for each Vendor. When adding or dropping a product you can use one of two methods. 1. Enter Add or Drop function, then enter a P in front of the product name to specify that a product is being added or dropped. 2. Enter Add or Drop function, then enter a P in the adjust field. The system will prompt for the product name. Enter the name and press ↵. Let’s add a Product using the second method. To Add a Product: Enter “A” in the Function area. DO NOT HIT ↵. Enter a “P” and press ↵. 3–9 VNDCRT - VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER PRODUCTS The following is an excerpt of the entire screen. PRODUCTS [ [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ENTER FUNCTION [A] [P Enter the product name. PAPER ][ ][ ] ] ] Enter the product to add and press ↵. The screen will display the first 8 product classes for this vendor. Note: When entering more than 8 product classes the screen will not display all entries, until you use the Next or Last function to view the entries. Here is an example: PRODUCTS [PAPER [MODEMS ][MEDIA ][PRINTERS ENTER FUNCTION [A] [P Enter the product name. FAX ][CABLES ][TERMINALS ][COMPUTER STANDS] ][CPU ] ] Here we already have 8 entries on the screen and we want to enter FAX as a product class. After pressing ↵ the screen will look like this: PRODUCTS [MEDIA [PRINTERS ENTER FUNCTION [ ] [ Add Back Change Drop ][COMPUTER STANDS][MODEMS ][CPU ][FAX ][CABLES ][TERMINALS End ] Forward Get Help Last ] ] Next Q:Prod/Tax Warrants Notice the PAPER entry is not shown on the screen. Where did it go ? Let's use the Last function to display the beginning of product classes. Enter L in the Function area and press ↵ . PRODUCTS [PAPER [MODEMS ENTER FUNCTION [ ] [ Add Back Change Drop ][MEDIA ][PRINTERS End ] Forward ][CABLES ][TERMINALS Get Help Last ][COMPUTER STANDS] ][CPU ] Next Q:Prod/Tax Warrants There it is! Now you can use the Next Function to display next screen of product entries. To Drop a product using the second method: Enter D in the Function area and P in the next area, then press ↵. The system will prompt for a Product name: Enter the Product name and press ↵. Then this message will appear on the screen: Really drop this product 3–10 VNDCRT - VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER Vendor Tax Amounts Enter “Y” to drop the product or “N” if you have made a mistake. 3.9 Vendor Tax Amounts This area list the various 1099-Miscellaneous Income Amounts to be reported. The nine amounts, along with the Retiree Federal 1099 Withheld, are reported on a 1099 form, which lists the amount of untaxed money paid to a Vendor. If the County Office processes 1099-Miscellaneous Income Amounts,, the district should leave this section alone. Below is a list of the nine Miscellaneous Income Amounts: 1. Rents 2. Royalties 3. Other income 4. Federal income tax withheld (backup withholding) 5. Fishing boat proceeds 6. Medical and health care payments 7. Non-employee compensation or crop insurance proceeds 8. Substitute payments in lieu of dividends or interest 9. Excess golden parachute payments To see the tax amount fields: Enter “Q” in the Function area and press ↵. The VNDCRT screen will refresh with the TAX AMTS showing at the bottom of the screen, replacing the PRODUCTS. The following is an excerpt of the entire screen. TAX AMTS ENTER FUNCTION [ ] [ Add Back Change Drop End ] Forward Get Help Last Next Q:Prod/Tax Warrants Now that the TAX AMTS are displayed on screen, you can enter the override amounts for each of the Miscellaneous Income Amounts, by using the change function. The system has programs to calculate the nine Miscellaneous Income Amounts automatically, however if you would like a different amount to appear on the 1099 Miscellaneous, enter those amounts in the corresponding tax fields. To toggle back to the PRODUCTS display, enter “Q” in the function area and press ↵. 3–11 VNDCRT - VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER Changing a Vendor or Client 3.10 Changing a Vendor or Client Occasionally you will need to change a Vendor's address, tax rate, phone number, etc. This is accomplished by using the Change Function. If you need to change the Products see section 3.8, Products. To change a Vendor or Client follow these simple steps: 1. Get the Vendor or Client by entering G in the Function area and press ↵ . 2. Enter the Vendor or Client number and press ↵. OR 3. TAB to NAME field and enter the Vendor or Clients name and press ↵ . 4. If the Vendor or Client is in the database it will display on the screen. OR If it is not in the database the next Vendor or Client in the database with the closest number or name similar to the name or number you entered will appear. 5. Once you have located the Vendor or Client to change enter C in the Function area and press ↵ . 6. Now use the TAB to move to the field or fields to change and enter your changes. You can change the ALT# Vendor or Client number to use but you cannot change any of the fields of the REMIT/BILL Vendor. If you need to change any fields of the REMIT/BILL Vendor or Client repeat the entire Change procedure on the REMIT/BILL Vendor or Client itself. 3.11 Dropping a Vendor or Client You can drop any Vendor that is not, or has not, been assigned to a Purchase Order for the current fiscal year. If the Vendor has any non-printed warrants generated you may not drop it either. These restrictions are necessary for audit purposes. If there is no activity for this Vendor or Client in the past fiscal year: 1. Use the Get Function to select the correct Vendor or Client. 2. Enter D in the Function area and press ↵ . 3. If there really is no activity for this Vendor or Client you will see the message: Really Drop record? Answer “Y” if you want to drop the record. If there is activity the system will display this message: Vendor's assigned to PO's cannot be dropped 3–12 VNDCRT - VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER The Vendor Activity Screen 3.12 The Vendor Activity Screen Entering “W” value at the “FUNCTION” prompt and pressing accesses the Vendor activity screen ↵. FY99 VNDCRTA VENDOR ACTIVITY 03/28/91 11:29 NUMBER [890424] TYPE:[R] RATING:[10 ] TELEPHONE EXTN CATEGORY NAME [COAST COMPUTER SUPPLY ] [(714)555-3344][ ] [P ] ADDRESS [12334 CORPORATE WAY ] [SUITE #213 ] EXPENDITURE ON-ORDER CITY [IRVINE ]CA[92714-0000] [ .00] [ .00] PO-NUM REM-ENCUMBR WARRANT# DATE F T S R INV-DATE INVOICE# 089002698 PO ------> 99900076 03/28/91 X X P 03/28/91 111222 Total ---> 089002700 424.00 PO ------> 99900088 03/28/91 X P 03/28/91 123444 Total ---> FUNCTION [ ] Add Back Change Drop End Forward Get Last Next AMOUNT 318.00 318.00 318.00 848.00 424.00 424.00 W/Xscreen This screen shows the vendor activity for the Vendor displayed in the top portion of the screen. Notice that Vendor #890424 is displayed because, as the remit vendor for Coast Computer Supply, they receive the payments. If we had selected the order-from Vendor #8900423, this screen would show no activity. This screen has many of the same functions as the VENDOR/CLIENT screen. Here you can add, change , drop or get a Vendor/Client. You can also use the Back and Forward functions to browse through the Vendor/Client database. You can also use the Next and Last Functions to scroll the Line activity screen for each Vendor or Client. The fields in the top portion of the screen are the same as the fields in the previous screen, however the middle section of the screen has some new fields to review: PO-NUM This is the Purchase Order number. REM-ENCUMBR For a Vendor this is the amount pre-encumbered for a Purchase Order. For the Client this is the remittance amount. WARRANT This is the warrant number, if any, used to pay this Purchase Order. DATE This is the transaction date for this line. F If this transaction is the final payment of an invoice there would be some type of character in this column. T If this Purchase Order is taxable some character will appear in this column. S This is the status of the Purchase Order. E = Encumbered, P = Printed, C = Closed, 3–13 VNDCRT - VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER The Vendor Activity Screen etc. R If this warrant has been reconciled a character will appear in this column. INV-DATE This is the date on the invoice you received from the Vendor. INVOICE# This is the invoice number received from the Vendor. Additional symbols may appear in this column such as PO —–> and TOTAL ——>. AMOUNT Several different amounts may appear in this column depending on the status of the PURCHASE ORDER Let's take a closer look at the line items on the screen: PO-NUM REM-ENCUMBR WARRANT# DATE F T S R INV-DATE INVOICE# 089002698 PO ------> 99900076 03/28/91 X X P 03/28/91 111222 Total ---> 089002700 424.00 PO ------> 99900088 03/28/91 X P 03/28/91 123444 Total ---> AMOUNT 318.00 318.00 318.00 848.00 424.00 424.00 These lines show the warrants issued to the Vendor selected in the above portion of the screen. Let’s examine each line: 1. Entry 1. Each entry is composed of three or more lines, depending on the number of warrants generated per Purchase Order. The first line is the Purchase Order Header information. This is for PO-NUM 089002698. The PO ——> amount is the Total amount of the Purchase Order. The next line displays the detail of each warrant generated for this Purchase Order, in this example only one warrant was used to pay. WARRANT# 9990076 was generated on 3/28/91. This was the final payment, indicated by the X in the F (for Final Payment) column. This was a taxable invoice so there is an X is in the T (for Taxable) column. The P in the S (for Status) column indicates that the Warrant has actually been printed. The INVOICE-DATE is 3/28/91. The Vendor INVOICE# is 111222. The Vendor Invoice AMOUNT is 318.00 If there was more than one warrant generated for this Purchase Order the next line would have an number in the warrant column. The third line displays the Total —> amount of current expenditures for this Purchase Order. 2. Entry 2. This entry differs from entry 1 in that only a partial payment was made on the Purchase Order. This is for Purchase Order # 089002700. Notice the 424.00 in the REM-ENCUMBER column, this is the amount still encumbered (or not paid). The PO —–> is 848.00, again this is the total amount of the PURCHASE ORDER The warrant AMOUNT is 424.00, this was the amount paid by warrant # 99900088. The Total —> is the total expenditures for this PURCHASE ORDER, in this case only 1/2 of the amount was paid. 3–14 VNDCRT - VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER The Vendor Activity Screen 3–15 Index A ACCOUNT-NUMBER, 1–7 ACTIVITY AREA, 3–9 Adding A Vendor/Client, 3–4 APPROVED, 1–31 ATTEN, 1–6 B BILL to Client, 3–7 BRD, 1–31 BRD, 1–5, 1–31 C CANCEL, 1–11 Changing a Vendor or Client, 3–12 CODCRT, 1–5 Create Blocks of Reserved P.O. Numbers, 2–9 D DESCRIPTION, 1–7 Dropping a Vendor or Client, 3–13 E Encumber Purchase Orders, 2–9 Expenditure Status Report, 2–5 I INITIAL-AMT, 1–7 ITEM# WHSE, 1–11, 1–12 J JRNL#, 1–28 L LIN, 1–7 M MENU, 2–1 Merge currently displayed requisition, 1–23 Merge Requisitions for the Displayed Vendor Only, 1–23 Merge Requisitions regardless of Vendor, 1–24 N NEEDED:, 1–5 NOW@, 1–28 P PAID, 1–12 PO, 1–5 POFONT, 2–1 POFONT - Preset Local Laser Printer Font for P.O.s, 2–3 POLIST, 2–1 Print Board Purchase Order Approval List, 2–7 Print Closed Purchase Order List, 2–11 Print Master Purchase Order List, 2–12 Print Open Purchase Order List, 2–10 Print Purchase Order, 2–6 Print Purchase Requisition List, 2–5 Print Vendor List By Number, 2–13 Printing Purchase Orders on Plain Paper, 2–3 PRODUCTS, 3–10 PSEUDO, 1–16 PSUEDO, 1–7 PUR01, 2–1 PUR03, 2–5 PUR03, 2–1 PUR06, 1–29, 2–1, 2–6 PUR07, 1–31, 2–1, 2–7 PUR08, 2–1, 2–7 PUR10, 2–1, 2–7, 2–9 PUR11, 2–1, 2–9 PUR30, 2–1, 2–10 PUR31, 2–1, 2–11 PUR32, 2–1, 2–12 Purchase Order Reports and Listings, 2–1 List of Reports, 2–1 PURCRT, 1–1, 1–2, 1–9, 1–10, 1–12, 1–14, 1– 18, 1–20, 1–22, 1–30, 2–6 Adding Line Items to a Requisition/P.O., 1– 18 Adding Requisitions/P.O.'s Using the Kopy Function, 1–8 Canceling/Closing Requisitions/P.O.'s, 1–29 Changing Line Items in a Requisition/P.O., 1–18 Changing the Vendor on a Requisition/P.O, 1–13 Changing the Width of the Screen, 1–10 Index-1 Cost Distribution Area, 1–3 Data Area, 1–3 Dropping a Line from a Requisition/P.O., 1– 18 Dropping Requisitions from the File, 1–22 Function Area, 1–3 Function Code Area, 1–3 Getting a Specific Record, 1–9 Limiting the Requisitions/P.O.'s that You Can See, 1–10 Order Description Area, 1–3 Printing a P.O. with a Batch System, 1–29 Printing a P.O. with an On-Line System, 1– 28 REQCRT, 1–30 Requisition/P.O. Heading Area, 1–2 Selecting a Vendor by Product, 1–12 Sending a Requisition/P.O., 1–27 Transfer Accounts from One Requisition to Another, 1–20 Transferring Line Items from One Requisition to Another, 1–21 Updating a Requisition/P.O., 1–28 Viewing and Changing the Accounts on a Requisition/P.O., 1–15 Viewing Backwards Through the Records, 1–9 Viewing Forward Through the Records, 1–9 Viewing the Additional Fields One at a Time, 1–11 Viewing the Annotations, 1–19 Viewing the Requisitions/P.O's by Vendor, 1–9 PURCRT, 1–2 Adding a Vendor to the Vendor File, 1–14 Adding Accounts to the Requisition/P.O., 1– 16 Adding Requisitions/P.O.'s, 1–4 Dropping Accounts from a Requisition/P.O., 1–16 Functions Description, 1–4 Viewing the Line Items of a Requisition/P.O., 1–17 PURCRTAdding Annotations to a Requisition/P.O., 1–19 REMIT Vendor, 3–7 REQ, 1–5, 1–9 REQCRT, 1–31 REQUESTED BY, 1–5 RLM, 1–1, 1–27, 1–28 S Select Purchase Order REQs for Board Approval, 2–7 SHIP TO:, 1–6 Starting VNDCRT, 3–3 STK, 1–1 STS, 1–28 T The Vendor Activity Screen, 3–13 TOTAL, 1–11, 1–12 U UNIT, 1–8 UNIT COST, 1–8 Update Vendor On-Order and Expenditure Amounts, 2–16 USE, 1–5 V VDNCRT Function Codes, 3–3 Vendor Payment Summary, 2–14 Vendor Tax Amounts, 3–11 VND, 2–16 VND01, 2–1, 2–13 VND04, 2–1, 2–14 VND05, 2–1, 2–16 VNDCRT, 1–14, 3–1, 3–3, 3–12 VNDCRT - VENDOR/CLIENT MASTER FILE, 3–1 VNDCRT Screen, 3–3 VND-EXPEND-OR-INCOM, 2–16 VND-ON-ORDER, 2–16 Q QTY, 1–8 R RCVCRT, 1–12 RCVD, 1–11, 1–12 Index-2