Introduction to Doctoral Studies TDGR 289 Meeting Time: T. 1:30-4:20 Place: GH 144 Fall 2005 Nadine George-Graves Office hours: Tuesdays 11.30-1.30 Office: GH 302 Emily Colborn-Roxworthy Office hours: Tuesdays 9-11 a.m. and Wednesdays 2-4 p.m. (through the end of October; thereafter by appointment only) Office: GH 320 As a fundamental introduction to the work of scholars in the field of theater and performance studies, students in this class will investigate methodologies of theater and performance history, theories of scholarship, theories of pedagogy, and critical theories of performance. Books (available from the Price Center Bookstore): Shannon Jackson, Professing Performance Jon McKenzie, Perform or Else Rovit and Goldfarb, Theatrical Performance during the Holocaust Saidiya V. Hartman, Scenes of Subjection bell hooks, Teaching Community June Jordon, Poetry for the People Marvin Carlson, The Haunted Stage: The Theatre as Memory Machine Course Packet (CP) is available from University Readers. Please see the UCSD productions of Bus Stop and Blood Wedding (dates TBA) Assignments: Abstract Assignment (5%) (1-2 pages plus compiled abstracts) Gather three abstracts from Dissertation Abstracts International (DAI) that closely intersect with your own research project or research interests. Write an abstract of your own that enters into the scholarly dialogue between these extant dissertations. Your abstract need not represent your actual dissertation project, but it should offer original research and a theoretical and/or methodological intervention of some sort. Comparative Paper (20%) (10-12 pages on evidentiary use in a chosen subfield) Conduct a survey of the major scholarship in a subfield of theatre and performance studies (e.g., English Renaissance drama, intercultural performance, semiotics, etc.). Compare these major texts to determine which methods are deployed (and avoided), how evidence is analyzed (and overlooked), and what TDGR 289 FA’05 page 2 problems are solved (and left unanswered). From the conclusions you draw in this essay, you should offer projections about the future directions of your chosen subfield, including the gaps that need to be filled by future scholarship. Research Design (15%) (7-9 pages) A cache of primary research materials will be made available to the class at the Geisel Library. Visit this archive and identify a methodological issue and analytical approach for some segment of this material. Write a proposal for conducting (hypothetical) article-length research that would address the issues you identify; include in your proposal a bibliography of secondary sources that you would need to draw upon in your analysis (bibliography included in page count). Journal Presentation (10%) In week 3 each student will select (sign-up for) one of the major academic journals in theatre and performance studies and proceed to carefully read, depending on the frequency of publication, the last two or three volumes it has published. In week 5 each student will then give a 10-minute individual presentation summarizing his/her journal’s editorial approach, methodological and theoretical trends, and preferred content. The presentation should include a handout that reiterates the most important points and lists the journal’s submission policy. Teaching Portfolio (15%) Sample Syllabus: Students will develop the curriculum for an introduction to theater course for firstyear undergraduates. Sample Exam Questions: Students will compose six sample exam questions from The Haunted Stage (2 for first year undergrads, 2 for advanced undergrads, and 2 for PhDs). Sample Paper Assignment: Students will compose a handout for an undergraduate mid-term paper assignment. Performance Review (10%) (5-7 pages) Students will attend the UCSD performances of Blood Wedding and Bus Stop and write a 5-7 page production analysis in the style of performance reviews published in professional journals (i.e. not for the local newspaper). Book Review (10%) (5-7 pages) Students will write a 5-7 page book review for any one of the assigned books in the style of book reviews published in professional journals. Class Participation (15%) TDGR 289 FA’05 page 3 Week 1 Tues. Sept. 27 Week 2 Tues. Oct. 4 Week 3 Tues. Oct. 11 Fri. Oct. 14 Week 4 Tues. Oct. 18 Fri. Oct. 21 Week 5 Tues. Oct. 25 Week 6 Tues. Nov. 1 Genealogy of the Field Reading: • Shannon Jackson, Professing Performance Interdisciplinarity and the Performance Paradigm Reading: • from Julie Thompson Klein, Crossing Boundaries: Knowledge, Disciplinarities, and Interdisciplinarities (CP) • Jon McKenzie, Perform or Else Workshop: Conceiving a research project Abstract assignment due Theatre in a Historical Moment Reading: • Erika Fischer-Lichte, “Some Critical Remarks on Theatre Historiography,” from Wilmer, ed., Writing and Rewriting National Theatre Histories (CP) • Rovit and Goldfarb, eds., Theatrical Performance during the Holocaust: Texts / Documents / Memoirs (read pages 1-10, 28-71, 91-132, 145-158, 167-207, and 250-273) Workshop: Grantwriting and proposals Comparative paper due via email by noon Iconography of Performance Reading: • Introduction and chapter three from Thomas F. Heck, Picturing Performance (CP) • Annabelle Melzer, “‘Best Betrayal’: The Documentation of Performance on Video and Film” Parts I and II from New Theatre Quarterly (CP) Workshop: Differentiating source materials Research design due in Emily’s mailbox by noon Journals in Theatre and Performance Studies Reading: • Latest two volumes of a quarterly journal or latest three volumes of a biannual journal, TBD for individual journal presentations Workshop: Navigating the publishing process (editing and copyright) Journal presentations Library Resources Guest Lecturer: Rob Melton, Bibliographer for Theater and Dance, UCSD Libraries Meet in the Library Electronic Classroom (LEC) Reading: • Saidiya V. Hartman, Scenes of Subjection TDGR 289 FA’05 page 4 Week 7 Tues. Nov. 8 Week 8 Tues. Nov. 15 Life, the University and Everything Reading: • from Jill Dolan, Geographies of Learning (CP) • from Ernest Boyer, Scholarship Reconsidered (CP) • from Theatre Survey: Theatre History in the New Millennium: A Forum (45:2) (CP) • Scholarship for the Discipline of Theatre: An Association for Theatre in Higher Education White Paper (CP) • Susan Leigh Foster “Improvising History” (CP) • Dwight Conquergood, “Performance Studies: Interventions and Radical Research” (CP) • Workshop: CVs, cover letters and the academic job market See Dick Learn. Learn, Dick, Learn! Readings: • bell hooks, Teaching Community • Theater production reviews (CP) See UCSD productions of Bus Stop and Blood Wedding Week 9 Tues. Nov. 22 Week 10 Tues. Nov. 29 Production Review due Teaching Out of the Box Reading: • June Jordon, Poetry for the People • Plato, Lysis, Ion (CP) • from E. Patrick Johnson, Appropriating Blackness (CP) • from Sex and the Slayer (CP) • Bryant Keith Alexander, “Intimate Engagement” (CP) Oh! The Places You’ll Go! Reading: • Marvin Carlson, The Haunted Stage: The Theatre as Memory Machine • Book reviews (CP) Roundtable discussion and presentations of teaching portfolios and production analyses (discuss documenting the classroom) Fri. Dec. 2 Teaching portfolios due Book review due in Nadine’s box by noon