Analyzing credit risk Optimizing opportunities Why Asset Management Firms Rely On Moody’s KMV Working with you. Whether managing mutual funds, hedge funds, institutional accounts or any other type of investment, portfolio managers need quality information and reliable credit risk tools to: Th e N e e d f o r C r e d i t R i s k Ma n a g e m e n t Enhance investment returns by identifying improving n The ever-changing investment marketplace offers a broad array of opportunities across a number of asset classes — from traditional debt instruments to structured products. Regardless of investment orientation, understanding and managing credit risk is fundamental to making investment decisions and determining fair pricing. or deteriorating credits, performing “rich/cheap” analyses and “stress testing” portfolios across industries, sectors and indices. Provide a structured, unbiased framework to highlight relative value opportunities and examine fundamental assumptions. n Conduct thorough capital and credit structure analysis n of complex deals such as structured products and leveraged buyouts to determine the accuracy of implied value and identify capital structure arbitrage. Identify riskiest exposures and provide early warnings n of credit deterioration in their own portfolios and with counterparties, through continued monitoring and surveillance of credit quality. Track, monitor and report risks in portfolios, and in n those of clients. Hedge appropriately against downside risk and n generate additional income through the purchase and/or sale of structured credit products, a growing business among asset managers seeking to increase absolute returns. RESULTS FOR OUR ASSET MANAGEMENT CLIENTS Moody’s KMV serves more than 1,800 clients in 85 countries, including some of the world’s best-known institutional money managers, mutual fund companies and hedge funds. Our clients best demonstrate how our credit risk solutions help manage their portfolios and those of their clients. “ MKMV forms an integral part of Pioneer’s investment process. In particular, MKMV is an input into credit risk assessment, applied as part of a wider quantitative screening tool, incorporated within relative value analysis and overall helps to shape portfolio construction and bottom-up security selection.” Francesco Sandrini Senior Vice President Head of Financial Engineering Pioneer Global Asset Management “ Being a global corporate bond investor with an intense focus on name diversification, Moody’s KMV plays a vital role in our investment process. Their tools help us in finding deteriorating credits and identifying relative value opportunities.” “ Moody’s KMV helps us identify anomalies in the capital markets and is a valuable tool in our investment process.” Michael Fischer Head of Quantitative Research CQS Arne W. Eidshagen CFA Portfolio Manager KLP Asset Management Moody’s KMV solutions are used by asset management firms to bring greater transparency to credit risk exposures and enhance relative value pricing capabilities that, in turn, improve investment returns. ILLUMINATING RISK AND RETURN Working with us. Moody’s KMV is the global standard in credit risk management. We transform vast amounts of data and cutting-edge models into enterprise-class solutions that cut across the credit risk spectrum. As the industry leader, our clients gain a critical competitive advantage through our deeper, consistent and reliable insight. We provide professional consulting, thought leadership, client service and expert training that keep our clients “ahead-of-the-curve” in implementing credit strategies. We offer asset managers a number of credit risk solutions to manage both individual and portfolio counterparty risk. Clients rely on us because we offer: n n n n n “Moody’s KMV is the top risk management systems vendor of the past 20 years.” Risk magazine A dedicated team of sales and credit risk specialists who understand the needs of the asset management business. Superior quantitative metrics to conduct in-depth analyses and manage credit risk exposures. Models built upon the largest, most robust collection of public and private company default information available anywhere in the world. Valuation tools from an independent source of credit risk analysis to enhance pricing for investment decisions. Internet solutions that can be immediately utilized as well as enterprise-class systems that can be implemented in as little as six months. ASSET MANAGEMENT FIRMS Moody’s KMV offers asset management firms a range of solutions that cut across the credit risk spectrum. SIN G L E - R I S K A S S E S S M E N T VALUATION Our solutions. PORTFOLIO RISK MANAGEMENT MOODY’S KMV: A UNIQUE COMP E T I T I V E A D V A N T A G E Moody’s KMV solutions measure and identify key Moody’s KMV offers a number of tools that enable Moody’s KMV has a comprehensive methodology for EDF % 35% credit risk drivers. These are available via XML asset managers to evaluate credit risk within measuring and benchmarking credit portfolio risks. 20% to facilitate an efficient way to perform multiple individual instruments and at the portfolio level. market scenario analyses. solution that offers insights into the contribution of individual exposures to portfolio risk; credit migration analysis and risk/return analysis for hedges and trades; full portfolio loss and value distributions, both in absolute terms and relative to a benchmark; Monte Carlo-based calibrations drawn from the world’s richest credit data sources; and scenario analysis to stress-test a portfolio and perform what-if analyses. RiskFrontier covers a wide range of asset classes, including loans, bonds, credit default swaps, CDO tranches and equity. updates on Moody’s KMV EDF™ (Expected Default Frequency) measures and implied ratings for more than 30,000 public companies globally. It is also available through a data file service format for use within client proprietary systems allowing further data manipulation and customization to suit individual client needs. leverages default, migration, and correlation modeling; calculates “fair value,” first-dollar-loss probability, loss severity, and the internal rate of return for both cash flow and synthetic CDO tranches. By utilizing industry-leading pricing techniques, it computes breakeven spreads and hedge ratios for the protection against movements in the underlying collateral or index. Moody’s KMV RiskCalc® is an Internet tool that Loan Valuation Web Service™ is an Internet tool combines financial statement information and market data with in-depth knowledge of default drivers to produce EDF measures and implied ratings for private companies in country-specific models. that allows investors to use EDF measures and LGD data to mark their loan portfolios for pricing or fair valuation. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CreditEdge® Plus is an Internet tool for calculating Moody’s KMV also provides consulting services daily EDF implied spread values. In addition to single-risk management assessment, it provides a “fair valuation” pricing framework for evaluating loan, bond and credit default swap (CDS) instruments and can be used to perform stress tests and sensitivity analyses on entire portfolios. CreditEdge Plus is available with both data file service and XML features. that help clients customize their credit risk Moody’s KMV LossCalc™ is an Internet tool that offers predictive estimates of loss given default (LGD) for bonds, loans and preferred stocks. It is powered by market and security level information on rated and unrated public and private firms. LossCalc is available through a data file service format for use within client proprietary systems allowing further data manipulation and customization to suit individual client needs. 5 RiskFrontier™ is a “next generation” enterprise-class CDO Analyzer™ is a downloadable solution that CreditEdge® is an Internet tool providing daily 10 management processes. Ca-C 2 Illustration: Defaulted company EDF measure versus industry group median EDF measure 1.0 .5 Caa .20 .10 .05 .01 07/12/06 08/23/06 10/04/06 11/15/06 12/27/06 02/07/07 03/21/07 05/02/07 06/13/07 Sample Company EDF Industry Peer Group EDF Data: Moody’s KMV database, used for all of our models, is the most comprehensive in the industry containing information on both public and private institutions around the world. The Moody’s KMV CRD® (Credit Research Database) of private company data is routinely cleansed and filtered to ensure that only the highest quality data is used in our solutions. EDF measures: Moody’s KMV is the inventor of EDF (Expected Default Frequency) measures. More granular and mathematical than ordinal ratings, clients consider EDF measures to be the most powerful and forward-looking in the industry for forecasting default probabilities. The most recent model version (EDF 8.0) comprises more than 30,000 public companies globally, scoring them daily on a scale of .01 to 35 percent, as determined by enterprise value, enterprise volatility and liability structure. Private company EDF measures are built on financial statement data reflecting a number of variables including profitability, activity, leverage, liquidity, size, growth variables and debt coverage. B Baa A Aa Aaa North and South America +1 (866) 321-MKMV (6568) or +1 (415) 874-6000 Europe, the Middle East and Africa +44 (20) 7280-8300 Asia-Pacific +852 3551-3000 Japan +81 (3) 3218-1160 E-mail Copyright © 2007 Moody’s KMV Company. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise designated, all trademarks are owned by MIS Quality Management Corporation and used under license. Analyzing credit risk Managing Portfolios Why Banks Rely On Moody’s KMV Working with you. As banks strive to maintain regulatory compliance, improve their capital management and maximize performance, they require tools to help them: THE NEED FOR CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT n Is there a business that understands the importance of credit risk management better than a bank? Accuracy and consistency in credit risk management are the linchpins of success or failure in the world of banking. It is fundamental to ensuring that a bank’s balance sheet not only meets regulatory standards but that it is optimized to generate more income and deliver profitable results. of enterprise-wide capital to improve overall portfolio performance and shareholder value. n Today’s global marketplace has exacerbated this need as major corporations and small-and mediumsized enterprises alike now experience the free flow of capital across borders and the impact of foreign market interdependence on their business cycles. These factors have sharpened the need for banks to understand more complex credit risk issues and have inspired regulators to raise the bar for credit standards that ensure global comparability. Identify the riskiest credit exposures and concentrations to provide early warnings of credit deterioration in loan books and investment portfolios. n Anticipate changes in the credit environment to modify underwriting and portfolio parameters. n Ensure the performance accuracy of internal rating models. n Conduct stress tests to determine how well portfolios can withstand various stress scenarios n “Better risk management may be the only truly necessary element of success in banking.” Alan Greenspan, October 2004 Calculate economic capital to maximize the efficient use Make efficient and informed risk-based pricing decisions for all bank products from corporate loans to structured credits. Basel II In 2002, Basel II set forth recommendations on capital adequacy and the development of an efficient framework to support analytical integrity on a global basis. Since then, Moody’s KMV has helped banks around the world comply with these guidelines to facilitate regulatory approval. Our solutions help banks in developed economies and emerging markets achieve best practices in credit risk management. IMPROVING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Working with us. Moody’s KMV is the global standard in credit risk management. We transform vast amounts of data and cutting-edge models into enterprise-class solutions that cut across the credit risk spectrum. For more than 20 years, we have helped banks manage credit risk — the most fundamental element of their business — and have received multiple awards for our industry leadership. We provide professional consulting, thought leadership, client service and expert training that keep our clients “ahead-of-the-curve” in implementing their credit strategies. RESULTS FOR OUR BANKING CLIENTS Moody’s KMV serves more than 1,300 banks in more than 85 countries, from global institutions and regional money centers to small community organizations. Our clients best demonstrate how we serve a broad spectrum of credit risk needs to improve business operations and results. “ Most of our investors are happy if they see that you assessed the portfolio with RiskCalc because it is one of the best known products in the market, not just locally but in the rest of Europe and Asia as well.” Michael Auracher Head of the Structured Solutions Group HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt AG “ Our partnership with Moody’s KMV has more than paid for itself. It has enabled us to make better and faster lending decisions that are good for the Bank and good for our customers. As a result, we are a better financial partner to the residents and businesses in our community.” “ We’re in a partnership with Moody’s KMV and it’s been very beneficial to us. I think this gives us a tremendous competitive advantage. It’s everything we’ve hoped it would be.” Dr. Terry Benzschawel Head of Credit Modeling Group Citi Markets and Banking Tom Sommer Senior Vice President and Chief Credit Officer Central Valley Community Bank Banking clients work with us because we offer: n A dedicated team of professionals focused strictly on the unique needs of the banking industry. The Benefits of Economic Capital n n Models built upon the largest, most robust collection of public and private company default information available anywhere in the world. n “Moody’s KMV is the top risk management systems vendor of the past 20 years.” n Superior methodologies to evaluate probabilities of default and loss given default, from loan origination to portfolio management. Risk magazine n n n n Valuation tools from an independent source of credit risk analysis to enhance pricing insights on bank loans and other instruments. Portfolio management capabilities that measure and benchmark credit portfolio risk as well as calculate economic capital on an enterprise-wide basis. Consulting capabilities to plan, develop and implement customized credit risk systems, as well as validate and calibrate existing internal models. Internet solutions that can be immediately utilized as well as enterprise-class systems that can be implemented in as little as six months. A client reported loan loss savings of roughly six times the cost of purchasing portfolio management tools over a three-year period. As a result, the bank was able to originate three times as many loans on the same capital base. A client eliminated “non-core” customers, which reduced the size of its portfolio by 35% and economic capital by 70%. This significantly increased returns and the capacity to use the bank’s balance sheet more profitably. Moody’s KMV helps banks build new internal ratings-based credit risk models as well as validate and calibrate their existing models to assess single obligor credit risk, monitor holdings and maximize overall portfolio performance. Moody’s KMV offers banks a range of solutions that cut across the credit risk spectrum. Our solutions. BANKS DAT A C O L L E C T I O N & A N A L Y S I S VALUATION Moody’s KMV solutions help banks to easily collect and effectively analyze data. Moody’s KMV offers solutions in determining the value of loans, bonds and credit default swap instruments. RiskAnalyst™ is a tool that provides a foundation for CreditMark® is an Internet solution that provides a robust developing an internal rating system. It improves the speed, accuracy and consistency of data capture, analytics and the storage of borrower and facility information. Through its rating module, RiskAnalyst stores industry templates and scorecards so all credit data can reside within one platform. mark-to-market platform to accurately value thousands of credit instruments on a daily basis by combining their terms and conditions with valuation models, market data and portfolio information. CreditEdge® Plus is an Internet tool that provides a “fair- Moody’s KMV solutions measure and identify key risk drivers. These are available via XML to facilitate an efficient way to perform multiple scenario analyses. Moody’s KMV RiskCalc® is an Internet solution that PORTFOLIO RISK MANAGEMENT delivers country-specific models utilizing financial statement information and market data with in-depth knowledge of default drivers to produce Moody’s KMV EDF™ (Expected Default Frequency) measures and implied ratings for small and medium enterprises. CreditEdge® is an Internet tool that compiles data from a variety of forward-looking, timely sources and delivers daily EDF measures and implied ratings on more than 30,000 corporate firms globally. It is available through a data file service format for use within client proprietary systems allowing further data manipulation and customization to suit individual client needs. MOODY’S KMV: A UNIQUE COMP E T I T I V E A D V A N T A G E EDF % 35% Moody’s KMV provides consulting services that help clients customize their credit risk management programs. Clients can benefit from three areas of expertise: 20% 10 5 Ca-C 2 Advisory Services provides counsel on how best to Illustration: Defaulted company EDF measure versus industry group median EDF measure optimize a client’s credit risk management practices from risk evaluation to active portfolio management. 1.0 .5 Caa .20 valuation” pricing framework for evaluating loan, bond and credit default swap (CDS) instruments facilitating a relative value credit risk comparison to existing marketplace valuations. It is also available with both data file service and XML features and provides the ability to perform stress tests and sensitivity analyses on entire portfolios. SIN G L E - R I S K A S S E S S M E N T PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Moody’s KMV also provides tools for analyzing credit portfolio risk. RiskFrontier™ is a “next-generation” enterprise-class solution that measures credit portfolio risk, concentrations and the management of economic capital. Covering a wide range of asset classes, including loans, bonds, credit default swaps, CDO tranches, and equity, it offers insights into the contribution of individual exposures and concentrations to portfolio risk; risk/return analysis for hedges and trades; full portfolio loss and value distributions, both in absolute terms and relative to a benchmark; and Monte Carlo-based calibrations drawn from the world’s richest credit data sources. RiskFrontier is used to perform routine portfolio analysis and reporting; conduct scenario analyses for stress testing; support capital allocation and pricing decisions, and manage strategic portfolio planning. DealAnalyzer® is a solution that evaluates a prospective loan in the context of an institution’s current portfolio to facilitate credit risk capital allocation and diversification at the origination level. Modeling Services develops models and provides the .10 validation and calibration of internal credit risk models. .05 Implementation Services works with clients to plan software customization and the installation of credit risk management solutions into their existing systems. .01 07/12/06 08/23/06 10/04/06 11/15/06 12/27/06 02/07/07 03/21/07 05/02/07 06/13/07 Sample Company EDF Industry Peer Group EDF Data: Moody’s KMV database, used for all of our models, is the most comprehensive in the industry containing information on both public and private institutions around the world. The Moody’s KMV CRD® (Credit Research Database) of private company data is routinely cleansed and filtered to ensure that only the highest quality data is used in our solutions. EDF measures: Moody’s KMV is the inventor of EDF (Expected Default Frequency) measures. More granular and mathematical than ordinal ratings, clients consider EDF measures to be the most powerful and forward-looking in the industry for forecasting default probabilities. The most recent model version (EDF 8.0) comprises more than 30,000 public companies globally, scoring them daily on a scale of .01 to 35 percent, as determined by enterprise value, enterprise volatility and liability structure. Private company EDF measures are built on financial statement data reflecting a number of variables including profitability, activity, leverage, liquidity, size, growth variables and debt coverage. B Baa A Aa Aaa North and South America +1 (866) 321-MKMV (6568) or +1 (415) 874-6000 Europe, the Middle East and Africa +44 (20) 7280-8300 Asia-Pacific +852 3551-3000 Japan +81 (3) 3218-1160 E-mail Copyright © 2007 Moody’s KMV Company. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise designated, all trademarks are owned by MIS Quality Management Corporation and used under license. Managing Credit Risk Maximizing Performance Why Corporations Rely On Moody’s KMV Working with you. The adoption of meaningful credit risk programs can shape greater consistency, assist hedging strategies and improve capital management across an organization to substantially increase firm value. As corporations seek to enhance business performance and, in some cases, address regulatory compliance, they require credit risk solutions to: THE NEED FOR CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT In today’s marketplace, corporations experience the free flow of capital across borders and the impact of foreign market inter-dependence on their business cycles. As boundaries disappear, corporate executives require quality information and sophisticated analytical tools to measure and manage their credit risk. From pre-screening customers and suppliers to diversifying an overall portfolio of business exposures, credit risk solutions need to cut across a worldwide horizon. And because one event can devastate business performance and negatively impact a company’s stock price, corporate executives recognize that early-warning indicators of deteriorating credits are the best defense. n Identify high-risk exposures or the weak financial condition of counterparties that are crucial to their business process. n Introduce efficiency and consistency to distill financial data and execute a meaningful scale to measure credit risk across the firm. n Anticipate changes in the credit environment when addressing new business scenarios in light of changing market dynamics. n Qualify new customers and suppliers both on a regional and global basis. n Address credit reserve parameters to strengthen fiscal responsibility and improve overall performance. RESULTS FOR OUR CORPORATE CLIENTS Moody’s KMV serves more than 1,800 clients in 85 countries, including major corporations across a variety of industries ranging from technology and energy to healthcare and large industrials. Our clients best demonstrate how we serve a broad spectrum of credit risk needs to improve business operations and results. “ With approximately 15 internal entities creating risk with over 600 counterparties, we needed a rapid, market-based view of an organization’s financial strength. We selected Moody’s KMV CreditEdge because it includes daily market measures, rather than relying solely on financial information that can be three months old at best. CreditEdge has significantly improved the efficiency and accuracy of our credit review process.” “ By using Moody’s KMV RiskCalc, we gain significant value in two ways: improvement in the overall quality of our credit risk management process across the company and the continuous expansion of our global credit risk analysis knowledge.” Zhe Nie Analyst Essent Energy Trading B.V. “ Our internal risk policy is built around Moody’s KMV EDFs. A customer is placed on ‘pre-pay’ status once an EDF goes above 1.00%. We reduced exposure to Dana Corporation over six months prior to their March 2006 default, saving our company over $2 million in credit losses. We also saved time and legal costs by not having to be a claimant in their bankruptcy.” Energy Company F. Scott Wilkerson Director of Enterprise Credit Risk Management NiSource Inc. MAKING CORPORATIONS MORE COMPETITIVE Working with us. Moody’s KMV is the global standard in credit risk management. We transform vast amounts of data and cutting-edge models into enterprise-class solutions that cut across the credit risk spectrum. As the industry leader, our clients gain a critical competitive advantage through our deeper, consistent and reliable insight. We provide professional consulting, thought leadership, client service and expert training that keep our clients “ahead-of-the-curve” in implementing credit strategies. Corporations choose to work with Moody’s KMV because we offer: n n n n n n “Moody’s KMV is the top risk management systems vendor of the past 20 years.” Risk magazine A dedicated team of sales and credit risk specialists focused exclusively on corporate clients. Industry-leading models supported by robust data that forecast default probabilities and provide implied ratings. Valuation tools from an independent source of credit risk analysis to enhance pricing insights on credit instruments. Portfolio management capabilities that measure and benchmark credit portfolio risk to justify credit capital reserves. Consulting capabilities to plan, develop and implement customized credit risk models and systems. Internet solutions that can be immediately utilized as well as enterprise-class systems that can be implemented in as little as six months. Moody’s KMV offers corporations credit risk solutions that enhance shareholder value. We provide early warning indicators of customer and supplier credit quality that bring greater efficiency and consistency to the management process. CORPORATIONS Moody’s KMV offers corporations a range of solutions that cut across the credit risk spectrum. DAT A C O L L E C T I O N & A N A L Y S I S VALUATION Our solutions. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MOODY’S KMV: A UNIQUE COMP E T I T I V E A D V A N T A G E Moody’s KMV solutions easily collect and score Moody’s KMV offers a tool to price credit risk Moody’s KMV provides consulting services for EDF % 35% financial data. with efficiency. the development and customization of credit risk 20% management systems. Clients can benefit from three 10 RiskAnalyst™ is a system that provides a foundation CreditEdge® Plus is an Internet tool that provides for internal credit ratings. It improves the speed, accuracy and consistency of capturing, analyzing and storing financial and non-financial information on counterparties. a framework for evaluating credit pricing and facilitating a comparison to existing marketplace valuations. It is also available through a data file service and XML formats for use within client proprietary systems. SIN G L E - R I S K A S S E S S M E N T Implementation Services works with clients to plan Advisory Services provides counsel on how best to measuring and benchmarking credit portfolio risks. optimize a client’s credit risk management practices from risk evaluation to active portfolio management. available via XML to facilitate an efficient way to EDF measures and implied ratings on more than 30,000 publicly traded firms globally. It is available through a data file service for use within client proprietary systems allowing further data manipulation and customization to suit individual client needs. RiskFrontier™ is a “next-generation” enterprise-class solution that offers insights into the contribution of individual exposures; concentration risks from industries and geographies; hedging strategies; capital reserve adequacies; and the potential level of catastrophic losses. By performing routine portfolio analysis and reporting, as well as scenario analyses for stress testing, RiskFrontier supports capital allocation and pricing decisions for strategic portfolio planning. Caa .20 .10 .05 .01 07/12/06 08/23/06 Moody’s KMV has a comprehensive methodology for CreditEdge® is an Internet tool that delivers daily .5 validation and calibration of internal credit risk models. identify and measure key risk drivers. These are utilizes financial statement information and market data with in-depth knowledge of default drivers to produce Moody’s KMV EDF™ (Expected Default Frequency) measures and implied ratings on private companies in country-specific models. 1.0 software customization and the installation of credit risk management solutions into their existing systems. customers, Moody’s KMV solutions help them Moody’s KMV RiskCalc® is an Internet tool that Illustration: Defaulted company EDF measure versus industry group median EDF measure Modeling Services develops models and provides the PORTFOLIO RISK MANAGEMENT Ca-C 2 As corporations consider extending credit to perform multiple scenario analyses. 5 areas of expertise: 10/04/06 11/15/06 12/27/06 02/07/07 03/21/07 05/02/07 06/13/07 Sample Company EDF Industry Peer Group EDF Data: Moody’s KMV database, used for all of our models, is the most comprehensive in the industry containing information on both public and private institutions around the world. The Moody’s KMV CRD® (Credit Research Database) of private company data is routinely cleansed and filtered to ensure that only the highest quality data is used in our solutions. EDF measures: Moody’s KMV is the inventor of EDF (Expected Default Frequency) measures. More granular and mathematical than ordinal ratings, clients consider EDF measures to be the most powerful and forward-looking in the industry for forecasting default probabilities. The most recent model version (EDF 8.0) comprises more than 30,000 public companies globally, scoring them daily on a scale of .01 to 35 percent, as determined by enterprise value, enterprise volatility and liability structure. Private company EDF measures are built on financial statement data reflecting a number of variables including profitability, activity, leverage, liquidity, size, growth variables and debt coverage. B Baa A Aa Aaa North and South America +1 (866) 321-MKMV (6568) or +1 (415) 874-6000 Europe, the Middle East and Africa +44 (20) 7280-8300 Asia-Pacific +852 3551-3000 Japan +81 (3) 3218-1160 E-mail Copyright © 2007 Moody’s KMV Company. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise designated, all trademarks are owned by MIS Quality Management Corporation and used under license. Managing Capital Enhancing Returns Why Insurance Companies Rely On Moody’s KMV Working with you. From life, and property and casualty, to reinsurance and monolines, insurance companies need quality information and reliable credit risk tools that help them better manage both the investment and liability management requirements of their businesses. Specifically, effective credit risk management can help to: THE NEED FOR CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT n Who understands the importance of managing risk better than an insurance company? From the threat of natural disasters to the uncertainties of credit and equity markets, insurance companies routinely deal with a number of risky “unknowns” that can significantly affect their success. Credit risk demands the full attention of insurance companies because it impacts both sides of their balance sheet. As a result, meaningful credit risk management strategies are required to: n Manage Investments: Diversify risk and enhance returns. This is especially important as all types of insurance companies move more aggressively from traditional fixed income investing to more active participation in highyield and structured credit products such as credit-linked notes, credit default swaps and synthetic collateralized debt obligations (CDOs). n Manage Liabilities: Improve risk-based pricing and capital allocation decisions to optimize results within regulatory constraints. Specific to property and casualty and specialty providers, Moody’s KMV can help insurers better understand the credit risk exposures embedded in their product lines that lead to better pricing, collateral setting and portfolio management. n n Build a structured, unbiased framework to highlight n Basel II and the European Union’s Solvency II initiative, Identify riskiest exposures and provide early warnings which are likely to influence similar standards throughout the world. of credit deterioration in their insured exposures and investment portfolios through continued monitoring and surveillance of credit quality. n Enhance investment returns by identifying improving n n Hedge appropriately against downside risk and generate additional income through the purchase and/or sale of structured credit products, an option that is being used more frequently by insurance companies. n Calculate economic capital to maximize the efficient use of enterprise-wide capital to improve overall portfolio performance and shareholder value, assuring that the company will be able to confidently sustain financial “shocks” brought about by excessive claims or market conditions. Qualify prospects and improve policy pricing through the use of fair and accurate credit assessments. or deteriorating credits, performing “rich/cheap” analyses and “stress testing” portfolios across industries, sectors and indices. n Implement risk-based approaches prompted by opportunities and examine fundamental assumptions. More effectively manage the correlation between the financial health of a client and the probability of future claims. Anticipate broader changes in the credit environment in light of changing market indicators. “INSURANCE” FOR MANAGING CREDIT RISK Working with us. Moody’s KMV is the global standard in credit risk management. We transform vast amounts of data and cutting-edge models into enterprise-class software solutions that cut across the credit risk spectrum. As the industry leader, our clients gain a critical competitive advantage through our deeper, consistent and reliable insight. We provide professional consulting, thought leadership, client service and expert training that keep our clients “ahead-of-the-curve” in implementing credit strategies. RESULTS FOR OUR INSURANCE CLIENTS Moody’s KMV serves more than 1,800 clients in 85 countries, including life insurance, property and casualty, and reinsurance companies. Our clients best demonstrate how we serve a broad spectrum of credit risk needs to improve business operations and results. “ Moody’s KMV provides us with user-friendly, customizable tools that will serve as the foundation of our group’s credit management processes worldwide, enabling us to make more informed decisions regarding economic capital allocation.” Raj Singh Credit Risk Officer Allianz Group “ Spurred on by Solvency II, insurance companies are refining their approach to managing credit risk. As a result, some insurers’ credit risk management methods are beginning to converge with those favoured by banks. Insurers such as Swiss Re, Munich Re and ING Insurance were early adopters of credit portfolio modelling practices, and have put in place measurement tools such as Moody’s KMV Portfolio Manager, a credit portfolio risk measurement tool. Companies like ours, with a strong focus on economic capital, started, like banks, to look at credit portfolio management in the late 1990s as a way to identify and measure risk from an economic point of view, instead of from a regulatory or a rating agency point of view.” Davide Crippa Head of Credit Solutions Portfolio Management and Analytics Swiss Re Insurance companies rely on Moody’s KMV because we offer: n n “Moody’s KMV is the top risk management systems vendor of the past 20 years.” n Risk magazine n n n n A dedicated team of sales and credit risk specialists who understand the needs of the insurance industry. Models built upon the largest, most robust collection of public and private company default information available anywhere in the world. Correlated default analysis is critical to insurance companies that are required to maintain high quality agency ratings. With the breadth and depth of our data, Moody’s KMV provides a portfolio modeling and correlation framework that stands without peer, and is recognized as “best of class” in default analysis. Superior methodologies to evaluate probabilities of default and loss given default from underwriting decisions through to portfolio management. Valuation tools from an independent source of credit risk analysis to enhance pricing insights on policies and investments. Portfolio management capabilities that measure and benchmark credit portfolio risk as well as calculate economic capital on an enterprise-wide basis. Consulting capabilities to plan, develop and implement credit risk models and systems. Internet solutions that can be immediately utilized as well as enterprise-class systems that can be implemented in as little as six months. Moody’s KMV provides insurance companies with solutions that assist in accurately measuring and managing credit risk to enhance value and maximize returns. In addition, Moody’s KMV helps insurance companies deploy an economic capital framework to maintain a competitive edge while satisfying regulatory requirements. INSURANCE COMPANIES Moody’s KMV offers insurance companies a range of solutions that cut across the credit risk spectrum. INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Our solutions. LIABILITY MANAGEMENT MOODY’S KMV: A UNIQUE COMP E T I T I V E A D V A N T A G E Moody’s KMV provides a suite of proven credit risk solutions to improve portfolio performance and enhance investment returns. Credit risk management tools offered by Moody’s KMV include: CreditEdge Plus is an Internet tool that delivers daily ® Moody’s KMV EDF™ (Expected Default Frequency) measures and implied ratings on more than 30,000 publicly traded firms globally and provides a “fair valuation” pricing framework for evaluating bond and CDS instruments. It also performs stress tests and sensitivity analyses on entire portfolios. Moody’s KMV RiskCalc® is an Internet tool that combines financial statement information and market data with in-depth knowledge of default drivers to produce EDF measures for private companies in countryspecific models. RiskCalc is also used to arrive at implied ratings for private companies and “shadow ratings” for unrated collateralized debt/loan obligation assets. Moody’s KMV LossCalc™ is an Internet tool that offers predictive estimates of loss given default (LGD) for bonds, loans and preferred stocks. Loan Valuation Web Service™ is an Internet tool that allows investors to use EDF measures and LGD data to mark their loan portfolios for pricing or fair valuation. CDO Analyzer is a downloadable solution that ™ leverages default, migration and correlation modeling; calculates “fair value,” first-dollar-loss probability, loss severity, and the internal rate of return for both cash flow and synthetic CDO tranches. By utilizing industry-leading pricing techniques, it computes breakeven spreads and hedge ratios for the protection against movements in the underlying collateral or index. RiskFrontier™ is a “next-generation” enterprise- class solution that measures credit portfolio risk, concentrations and the management of economic capital. Covering a wide range of asset classes, including loans, bonds, credit default swaps, CDO tranches, and equity, it offers insights into the contribution of individual exposures and concentrations to portfolio risk; risk/return analysis for hedges and trades; full portfolio loss and value distributions, both in absolute terms and relative to a benchmark; and Monte Carlobased calibrations drawn from the world’s richest credit data sources. RiskFrontier is used to perform routine portfolio analysis and reporting; conduct scenario analyses for stress testing; support capital allocation and pricing decisions, and manage strategic portfolio planning. In addition to the tools that calculate probability EDF % 35% of default, Moody’s KMV offers a framework that 20% can help insurance companies to manage the data 10 5 required for their credit risk management system: Ca-C 2 Illustration: Defaulted company EDF measure versus industry group median EDF measure RiskAnalyst is a tool that provides the foundation ™ 1.0 .5 for developing an internal rating system. It improves the speed, accuracy and consistency of data capture, analytics and the storage of financial and non-financial information on counterparties. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Moody’s KMV offers services that help clients customize their credit risk management systems. Clients can benefit from three areas of expertise: Advisory Services provides counsel on how best to optimize a client’s credit risk management practices from risk evaluation to active portfolio management. .10 .05 .01 07/12/06 08/23/06 10/04/06 11/15/06 12/27/06 02/07/07 03/21/07 05/02/07 06/13/07 Sample Company EDF Industry Peer Group EDF Data: Moody’s KMV database, used for all of our models, is the most comprehensive in the industry containing information on both public and private institutions around the world. The Moody’s KMV CRD® (Credit Research Database) of private company data is routinely cleansed and filtered to ensure that only the highest quality data is used in our solutions. Modeling Services develops models and provides the EDF measures: Moody’s KMV is the inventor of EDF validation and calibration of internal credit risk models. (Expected Default Frequency) measures. More granular and mathematical than ordinal ratings, clients consider EDF measures to be the most powerful and forward-looking in the industry for forecasting default probabilities. The most recent model version (EDF 8.0) comprises more than 30,000 public companies globally, scoring them daily on a scale of .01 to 35 percent, as determined by enterprise value, enterprise volatility and liability structure. Private company EDF measures are built on financial statement data reflecting a number of variables including profitability, activity, leverage, liquidity, size, growth variables and debt coverage. Implementation Services works with clients to plan software customization and the installation of credit risk management solutions into their existing systems. 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