Ecology, 78(6), 1997, pp. 1684–1695 q 1997 by the Ecological Society of America POLLEN AND RESOURCE LIMITATION OF COMPENSATION TO HERBIVORY IN SCARLET GILIA, IPOMOPSIS AGGREGATA THOMAS JUENGER1,2 AND JOY BERGELSON1 1 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Chicago, 1101 E. 57th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637 USA 2Mountain Research Station, University of Colorado, 818 County Road 116, Nederland, Colorado 80466 USA Abstract. This study was motivated by an interest in herbivore–pollinator interactions, and in the potential of pollination ecology and the physical environment to influence levels of tolerance to herbivore damage in scarlet gilia, Ipomopsis aggregata. To investigate these potential interactions, we performed a factorial combination of clipping treatments, fertilizer additions, and hand pollinations in a natural population of scarlet gilia in 1994 and 1995. Clipping imposed the strongest treatment effect on plants and acted by delaying phenology, altering plant architecture, and reducing plant fitness in both years. Hand pollinations increased the production of fruits and seeds in 1995 only, suggesting that our population was pollen limited in that year. Clipped plants could compensate for damage, but only under a restrictive set of environmental conditions, including fertilizer and hand pollinations in 1994, and hand pollinations in 1995. We did not detect significant overcompensation in either year of study, even under conditions releasing plants from nutrient and pollen limitation. A phenotypic selection analysis was conducted in 1995 to investigate several traits thought to influence fitness in the presence and absence of herbivore damage. Clipped plants were under strong selection for early flowering and increased plant height. We did not detect a significant association between branch production or plant size and fitness in grazed plants, suggesting that other factors determined the ability of plants to compensate for damage in 1995. We suggest that clipping-induced changes in plant architecture and phenology altered interactions between damaged plants and pollinators. We offer several hypotheses to explain these patterns and highlight the complexity of pollinator- and herbivoremediated selection in natural plant populations. Key words: compensatory growth; herbivory; Ipomopsis aggregata; Polemoniaceae; pollen limitation; pollination biology; scarlet gilia; tolerance. INTRODUCTION Most plants experience herbivore damage during some part of their life history (Crawley 1983), and this damage generally causes a decrease in the fecundity of individuals (Marquis 1992). Plants may reduce the fitness impact of herbivores by escaping them in space or time, or by coping with the damage they impose. Recent authors have defined these two strategies as defense (the ability to decrease the frequency of attack) and tolerance (the ability to maintain fitness after experiencing damage) (Rosenthal and Kotanen 1994, Fineblum and Rausher 1995). Although numerous studies have investigated the ecology and evolution of plant defense, particularly via chemical or morphological mechanisms (Karban and Meyers 1989, Fritz and Simms 1992), much less is known about the incidence, ecology, and evolutionary dynamics of tolerance. The purpose of this study is to experimentally investigate the effects of the physical environment and pollination ecology on levels of tolerance to herbivore damage in a natural plant population. Manuscript received 29 April 1996; revised 18 September 1996; accepted 25 November 1996. Plant tolerance to herbivory can arise from the interaction of a variety of plant traits and external environmental factors. Several studies have documented compensatory regrowth via the release of lateral dormant buds (Inouye 1982, Islam and Crawley 1983, Paige and Whitham 1987a, Benner 1988, Doak 1991, Bergelson and Crawley 1992a, b, Rosenthal and Welter 1995), through increased growth and photosynthetic rates (Welter et al. 1989, Oesterheld and McNaughton 1991), or through postdamage resource allocation patterns (Bilbrough and Richards 1993). In most cases, the degree of physiological or developmental compensation is also influenced by the amount of nutrient and/or water resources available to an individual for regrowth (Cox and McEvoy 1983, Benner 1988, Maschinski and Whitham 1989, Mutikainen and Walls 1995). Such results have led to the development of a ‘‘compensatory continuum hypothesis’’ (Maschinski and Whitham 1989, Whitham et al. 1991), which posits that the fitness effects of herbivore damage will vary with the degree of resource limitation. In general, plants in nutrient-rich habitats with low competition are expected to compensate more effectively for herbivory than those plants growing in stressful, nutrient-limited conditions. 1684 September 1997 TOLERANCE TO GRAZING IN IPOMOPSIS One factor not commonly considered in discussions of tolerance to herbivory is the potential for pollinators to limit reproduction in obligately outcrossing species, due to decreases in pollinator visitation or effectiveness. If pollen limitation is general (Bierzychudek 1981, Zimmerman and Pyke 1988, Burd 1994), the fitness consequences of herbivory may be determined primarily by impacts on mating success, rather than on leaf or flower production. For instance, the loss of small amounts of leaf tissue via herbivore damage may have minimal fitness effects if species naturally overproduce reproductive structures because of pollen limitation or fruit abortion (Stephenson 1981). Alternatively, herbivore-induced decreases in plant fitness could be large as a result of decreases in mating success. This could occur if, for example, phenological delays associated with the activation and growth of axillary buds (Collins and Aitken 1970, Harnett and Abrahamson 1979, Islam and Crawley 1983, Marquis 1988, Marquis 1992) cause damaged plants to miss peaks in the abundance of pollinators (English-Loeb and Karban 1992, N. M. Waser, personal communication). Likewise, herbivore damage may alter floral display (total number of flowers, number of flowers open at a given time, floral morphology, or pollinator rewards) and thereby influence pollinator effectiveness or the overall attractiveness of a damaged plant to pollinators (Karban and Strauss 1993, Strauss et al. 1996). Under these conditions, a key component of tolerance to herbivory may be the ability to maintain high levels of pollination after experiencing damage. One of the most striking examples of tolerance to herbivory comes from field studies of ungulate grazing on the perennial wildflower, scarlet gilia, (Ipomopsis aggregata, Polemoniaceae). Elk and mule deer browse the single bolting inflorescence of scarlet gilia and stimulate the growth of additional flowering stalks from axillary buds. In a widely debated study, Paige and Whitham (1987a) experimentally demonstrated that seed production and subsequent seedling survival of naturally grazed and artificially clipped plants increased to 2.4 times that of undamaged control plants. The authors concluded that this fitness benefit, or ‘‘overcompensation,’’ was due to grazing-induced changes in plant architecture and flower production. Since that time, various clipping experiments (conducted by several researchers, at many populations, and with several subspecies of Ipomopsis aggregata) have failed to detect significant overcompensation in this species. Nevertheless, it is frequently the case, in these studies, that scarlet gilia can compensate for clipping in terms of flower or fruit production, indicating that individuals may be highly tolerant of grazing (Maschinski and Whitham 1989, Bergelson and Crawley 1992a, b, Bergelson et al. 1996; A. K. Brody, personal communication). Although the issue of ‘‘overcompensation’’ in scarlet gilia remains contentious (Belsky 1986, Bergelson and Crawley 1992a, b, Belsky et al. 1993, Paige 1994, Ber- 1685 gelson et al. 1996), all parties agree that there is enormous variation among populations in the ability of scarlet gilia to compensate for herbivore damage. There is reason to believe that both nutrient levels and the activity of pollinators can influence tolerance in Ipomopsis aggregata. First, several published studies have shown that levels of regrowth depend on nutrient and water availability (Maschinski and Whitham 1989) and competition from neighboring plants (Maschinski and Whitham 1989, Paige 1992b). Second, field experiments have demonstrated experimentally that the fruit set and total seed production of scarlet gilia can be pollen limited under natural conditions (Hainsworth et al. 1985, Paige and Whitham 1987b, Campbell 1991, Campbell and Halama 1993). Moreover, phenotypic selection studies have demonstrated that the pollinators of scarlet gilia, hummingbirds and moths, respond to several traits that might be affected by grazing, such as reproductive phenology, flower number, plant height, and the spatial patterns of flowering (Campbell 1989, 1992, Campbell et al. 1991, Wolf and Hainsworth 1991, Mitchell 1992, 1993, 1994). Despite intensive research programs that have independently investigated the regrowth potential and pollination biology of scarlet gilia, little is known about the interaction between herbivores and pollinators on scarlet gilia fitness (but see Hainsworth et al. 1984, Brody 1992, with respect to pre-dispersal seed predation). We utilized experimental manipulations to explore the single and interactive effects of an artificial clipping treatment, fertilizer additions, and hand pollinations on fitness in scarlet gilia. The primary purpose of this study was to determine whether levels of nutrient or pollen availability influence the degree of tolerance to ungulate herbivory in a natural scarlet gilia population, and whether grazed and ungrazed individuals respond similarly to the availability of limiting resources. To further investigate traits influencing the compensatory ability of damaged plants, we conducted a selection analysis, examining the effect of natural selection on various plant traits in the presence and absence of grazing. METHODS Study system We studied a large population of scarlet gilia, Ipomopsis aggregata subssp. candida (Polemoniaceae), located on the Colorado Front Range just north of the University of Colorado Mountain Research Station. Scarlet gilia is a common monocarpic, perennial wildflower of western montane habitats. At this site, it grows in large montane meadows interspersed with small patches of ponderosa pine forest occurring at ø2500 m elevation. After germination, scarlet gilia grows as a hardy rosette for 2–5 years until it bolts an indeterminate flowering stalk, reproduces, and dies (D. H. Wilken, personal communication). Scarlet gilia has 1686 THOMAS JUENGER AND JOY BERGELSON flowers that are hermaphroditic, protandrous, and selfsterile (D. H. Wilken, personal communication; T. Juenger, unpublished data). The flowers in this Front Range subspecies range in color from pure creamy white to light shades of pink. They are pollinated by the white-lined hawkmoth (Sphingidae: Hyles lineata) and, to a lesser extent, by resident and migratory hummingbirds, including Broadtailed Hummingbirds ( Selaphorus platycerus), Rufous Hummingbirds (Selaphorus rufus), and Calliope Hummingbirds (Stellulla calliope) (Elam and Linhart 1988; T. Juenger, personal observation). This montane population is frequented by mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), and ø44% of bolting scarlet gilia shoots experience early-season grazing (Bergelson et al. 1996). In addition to ungulate herbivory, plants on the Front Range are attacked by a seed fly (Anthomyiidae: Hylemya sp.), two lepidopteran fruit predators (Noctuidae: Heliothis phloxiphagus; Tortricidae: Olethreutes sp.), green aphids, and an unidentified dipteran root borer. For additional details on the natural history of scarlet gilia, see Pleasants (1983) and Wilken and Allard (1986). Experimental design We randomly selected eight young, bolting shoots of scarlet gilia in each of 10 5 3 10 m blocks in the early spring of 1994 and again in 1995. All blocks consisted of homogeneous open-meadow habitat. Within each block, plants were randomly allocated to one of eight treatments representing a full-factorial cross of two grazing levels (control vs. experimentally clipped), two resource levels (control vs. fertilizer and water addition), and two pollination levels (natural pollination only vs. hand pollination plus natural pollination). Thus, there were 10 replicates of each treatment combination. We collected initial measurements on the height of bolting inflorescence shoots, rootstock diameter (measured just below the vegetative rosette), and inflorescence stem diameter (measured at the base of the flowering stalk) for all experimental plants. ANOVAs on each of these measures confirmed that plants were randomly assigned to treatments with respect to initial size (in all cases, P . 0.10). Plants that were allocated to the clipping treatment were clipped with scissors so that 1 cm of the growing inflorescence remained. Clipping treatments were applied on 17 May 1994 and 11 June 1995, at which time mule deer were observed browsing in the population. At the time of the clipping treatments, plants had recently initiated bolting (shoots were, on average, 5 cm tall in 1994 and 6 cm in 1995) and no bud or flower formation had occurred. The large difference between the experiments in clipping treatment dates is due to natural differences in reproductive phenology across years (scarlet gilia rosettes were still under snow cover on 17 May 1995). Although our experiments entailed an artificial clipping treatment, several previous studies Ecology, Vol. 78, No. 6 (Paige and Whitham 1987a, Paige 1992a, b) have documented that scarlet gilia responds similarly to appropriate clipping treatments and to natural grazing by deer and elk. In this population, both naturally grazed plants and experimentally clipped plants exhibit the characteristic regrowth morphology described in early studies of scarlet gilia regrowth and compensation (Paige and Whitham 1987a, Bergelson and Crawley 1992a, b). We began fertilizer treatments on 31 May 1994 and 14 June 1995, shortly after rosettes initiated bolting in both years. Plants in the fertilizer addition treatment received 400 mL of liquid 20-20-20 NPK fertilizer (Peter’s Professional) at the manufacturer’s recommended concentration once per week throughout the reproductive season. Thus, our fertilizer treatment increased natural levels of both water and mineral nutrient availability. Following Campbell and Halama (1993), drip emitters attached to plastic cup reservoirs were utilized to restrict fertilizer delivery to the root zone of treatment plants. The final fertilizer addition was applied on 6 September 1994 and on 30 August 1995. This regime resulted in a total of 14 and 12 fertilizer treatments in 1994 and 1995, respectively. Hand-pollinated plants received supplemental pollen to female-phase flowers (stigmas exerted from corolla tube and stigmatic lobes expanded) every other day throughout the flowering season. We used wooden tooth picks to collect pollen from two pollen donors located ø3–10 m away from a treatment plant. This distance has been shown to result in maximum seed set in experimental studies of I. aggregata subsp. aggregata (Waser and Price 1989). This experimental protocol tests for the effects of pollen supplementation on whole-plant seed set (Zimmerman and Pyke 1988). To investigate seasonal patterns of reproduction, we recorded the first day of flowering for each plant and censused flower production each week throughout the season. At the time of census, flower sepals were marked with a different colored ink for each week of the study. Plants were allowed to grow until all fruits that were produced matured, or until the plant died. Throughout the season, we collected mature fruits that were ready to dehisce seed and counted the total number of fully developed seeds produced for each plant. This is the first study of the fitness consequences of grazing on scarlet gilia that has measured female fitness as the total number of seeds produced. Reproductive success via male function (seed siring) was not estimated. All experimental plants were monocarpic; thus, data on reproductive success collected over a single season represent lifetime maternal fitness. The number of branches and the final height of each plant were recorded at the end of the growing season; only stout stems derived from rootstock tissue were considered to be branches. To examine treatment effects on seed quality, we selected a random sample of 100 seeds (or as many as September 1997 TOLERANCE TO GRAZING IN IPOMOPSIS available) from the pooled seeds of each experimental plant. These seeds were collectively weighed to the nearest 0.001 mg using a Mettler (AE 1000) scale. The total mass was divided by the number of seeds in the sample to estimate the mean seed mass per seed for each plant. The entire experimental plot was electrically fenced and repeatedly live-trapped to deter natural deer, elk, and ground squirrel herbivory of experimental plants. In spite of these efforts, 17 plants had to be excluded from the analysis due to late-season herbivory and unexplained mortality (possibly due to a fungal pathogen), thus leaving a total experiment sample size of 73 plants in 1994 and 70 in 1995. In both years, Heliothis and Olethreutes fruit predators were removed from experimental plants to reduce their effect on plant female fitness. Selection analysis To further investigate the role of several plant traits on tolerance to herbivory, we conducted a two-environment selection experiment in 1995 (Arnold and Wade 1984a, b, Wade and Kalisz 1990, Dudley 1996). We selected 110 young, bolting scarlet gilia shoots from our study population and randomly allocated them to an experimental clipping treatment or left them as control plants. Plants that were allocated to the clipping treatment were artificially clipped with scissors on 12– 13 June 1995 so that 1 cm of the growing inflorescence remained. An ANOVA of clipping treatment on initial rootstock diameter confirmed that experimental plants were randomly allocated to treatments (F 5 1.796; df 5 1, 107; P . 0.15). We collected data on initial rootstock diameter, date of first flower, final plant height, number of branches, and total fruit production for each plant. These variables were chosen for study because of several a priori hypotheses concerning how herbivory might influence plant growth and reproduction, particulary via interactions with pollination, as suggested by our preliminary studies and work presented in several published studies (Campbell 1989, 1991, Campbell et al. 1991, de Jong et al. 1992, Mitchell 1993, Mitchell 1994). STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Field experiment We used a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) to conservatively test for the effects of year, block, clipping, fertilizer, and hand pollination on the growth and reproduction of scarlet gilia, using the GLM procedure of SuperAnova (Abacus Concepts 1990). In all cases, the independent variables were considered fixed effects. We chose to consider Block a fixed effect in our analysis because our sampling of blocks covered an entire scarlet gilia meadow, and, thus, blocks were not a random sample across some larger universe about which we wished to generalize our results. The MAN- 1687 OVA considered simultaneously the following seven response variables: seed production, fruit production, flower production, mean mass per seed, plant height, number of branches, and initial date of flowering. When necessary, response variables were transformed to ensure normality and to homogenize variances. The initial model contained all possible interactions between year, clipping, fertilizer, and pollination factors. Since significant interactions involving year were detected (Year 3 Nutrient and Year 3 Clipping), we subsequently performed the analysis on each year individually. The response variable mass per seed was excluded from the MANOVA for 1995 data because of numerous missing values (several experimental plants failed to set seed in 1995). Detection of a significant treatment effect with MANOVA indicates that differences exist among treatments, but it does not indicate which response variables in the analysis contribute most to the differences. Therefore, each MANOVA was followed by univariate ANOVAs to explore which variables contribute to significant MANOVA effects. To determine the degree to which plant tolerance to herbivory was influenced by pollen and nutrient availability, we made planned comparisons between the total seed production of control plants contrasted with that of clipped plants in each of the four nutrient and pollination treatments: control vs. clipped, control vs. (clipped 1 fertilizer), control vs. (clipped 1 hand pollination), control vs. (clipped 1 fertilizer 1 hand pollination). These nonorthogonal planned comparisons were performed with a adjusted to 0.0125, because of the nonindependence of the contrasts. Selection analysis We performed a multiple regression analysis to estimate the strength of selection on each of the measured response variables in both clipped and unclipped treaments (Lande and Arnold 1983, Arnold and Wade 1984a, b, Wade and Kalisz 1990, Dudley 1996). Standardized selection gradients were calculated as the partial regression coefficients of plant size (initial rootstock diameter), final plant height, date of first flowering, and number of branches produced on relative female fitness. Lifetime female fitness was estimated as the total number of fruits; this is a good estimate of female fitness in scarlet gilia, because fruit set and total seed production are tightly associated in this study population (1994: R2 5 0.826, P , 0.0001; 1995: R2 5 0.917, P , 0.0001). All independent variables were normally distributed and did not require transformation; however, the dependent variable, female fitness, was log-transformed to eliminate problems of heteroscedacity. All significance tests were performed using the log-transformed relative fitness. According to the methods of Lande and Arnold (1983) and Mitchell-Olds and Shaw (1987), linear selection gradients were calculated using untransformed relative female fitness. In these THOMAS JUENGER AND JOY BERGELSON 1688 FIG. 1. Results of planned comparisons contrasting seed production in control vs. clipped scarlet gilia plants in each of the four pollination), and nutrient treatments: control vs. clipped, control vs. (clipped 1 hand pollination), control vs. (clipped 1 nutrients), and control vs. (clipped 1 hand pollination 1 nutrients). These nonorthogonal planned comparisons were performed with a adjusted to 0.0125, because of the nonindependence of the contrasts. models, we investigated both linear and quadratic coefficients. Because none of the quadratic terms was statistically significant, they were removed from the model. The results of this selection analysis are presented as path diagrams (Li 1975, Kingsolver and Schemske 1991) in Figs. 1 and 2. The model utilized in the analysis included all possible direct and indirect paths; for clarity, only significant path and correlation coefficients are presented in the path diagrams. Each significant path coefficient is diagrammed by a singleheaded arrow and represents the selection gradient, or direct selection on a trait, holding all other traits constant. The double-headed arrows represent the phenotypic correlations among traits, and were calculated as the Pearson correlation coefficient. We tested for significant differences between the path coefficients in grazed and ungrazed environments using an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to test for heterogeneity of slopes between treatments. RESULTS Field experiment Results of the MANOVA indicated a significant effect of block, clipping, hand pollination, and fertilizer Ecology, Vol. 78, No. 6 on the growth and reproduction of scarlet gilia. No significant interactions were detected (Table 1). The actual mean values for each response variable for all treatments are given in Table 2. Results from each univariate ANOVA are given in Table 3. Control plants in 1995 produced only half as many seeds (311 6 41 seeds, mean 6 1 SE) as those in 1994 (616 6 123 seeds). Overall, clipping significantly reduced total seed production to 62% and 68% of the production of control plants in 1994 and 1995, respectively. Hand pollinations had no effect on total seed production in 1994, but led to a 52% increase in seed production in 1995, demonstrating that our study population was pollen limited in 1995. Surprisingly, fertilizer additions did not significantly influence total seed production in either 1994 or 1995. The clipping treatment significantly influenced plant architecture by decreasing the final height of plants and increasing the number of branches produced from lateral meristems. Clipped plants were consistently shorter in stature (45% reduction, averaged across both years) and had a shrubby growth form in comparison to unclipped controls (4 vs. 2.3 branches, averaged across both years). Fertilizer additions did not influence final plant height, but did increase branch production. This result suggests that apical dominance in scarlet gilia is determined not only by hormonal suppression of lateral buds, but also by competition among meristems for limiting nutrients. In 1995, there was also a significant interaction between the nutrient and pollination treatments on the number of branches produced, with plants that received both pollen and nutrients initiating fewer lateral branches than those receiving only fertilizer. The detrimental consequences of early-season clipping on female fitness were due, at least in part, to direct negative effects on flower and fruit production in both years (Table 3). In both years, the clipping treatment significantly reduced flower production to ø49% that of control plants. Likewise, clipping reduced the production of fruits to ø62% of the production of control plants. Fertilizer additions significantly increased flower production by 37% in 1994, but had no effect on fruit production in that year. In 1995, fertilizer additions significantly increased fruit production, although they had no effect on flower production. Hand pollinations had no effect on flower production or fruit production in 1994, but led to a 41% increase in fruit production in 1995. Our two study years differed substantially in length of the growing season. In particular, 1995 was an extremely short season, due to an unusually cold, wet spring followed by an early killing frost in the fall. This phenological difference may have had large effects on the importance of pollination biology in the two study years, by affecting pollinator abundance and efficacy. For example, at the Rocky Mountain Biological Research Station (RMBL), a ø75% reduction in TOLERANCE TO GRAZING IN IPOMOPSIS September 1997 1689 FIG. 2. Path diagram of standardized linear selection on plant height, date of first flower (phenology), plant size (initial rootstock diameter), and number of branches in the absence of clipping. Only significant path and correlation coefficients are presented. Dashed lines represent negative relationships. * P , 0.05, *** P , 0.001, **** P , 0.0001. hummingbird population size was observed in 1995, presumably due to starvation mortality from the unusually late season (W. A. Calder, personal communication). On the Front Range, plants flowered for an TABLE 1. Results of MANOVA on growth and reproduction in scarlet gilia: response variables include seed production, fruit production, flower production, final plant height, number of branches produced, phenology, and mean seed mass. Mean seed mass was excluded from the 1995 model. Wilks’ l F ratio P Source df 1994 Block Clipping (C) Hand pollination (H) Nutrient (N) C3H C3N H3N C3H3N 63, 270 7, 47 7, 47 7, 47 7, 47 7, 47 7, 47 7, 47 0.092 0.233 0.666 0.627 0.889 0.820 0.940 0.955 2.272 22.146 3.365 3.993 0.836 1.470 0.425 0.316 0.0001 0.0001 0.0054 0.0017 0.5631 0.2013 0.8816 0.9430 1995 Block Clipping (C) Hand pollination (H) Nutrient (N) C3H C3N H3N C3H3N 54, 249 6, 48 6, 48 6, 48 6, 48 6, 48 6, 48 6, 48 0.297 0.172 0.713 0.835 0.880 0.889 0.835 0.814 1.243 38.601 3.225 1.586 1.094 1.004 1.580 1.834 0.1375 0.0001 0.0096 0.1719 0.3798 0.4339 0.1736 0.1124 average period of 61 d in 1994 but only 24 d in 1995. Overall, plants were more tolerant of clipping in 1994, when the growing season was relatively longer. Clipped plants were significantly delayed in initial date of flowering in both years of study (9.3-d delay in 1994, 8.8-d delay in 1995). The ANOVA investigating the effects of treatments on mean mass per seed revealed significant effects of hand pollination in both years. Mean mass per seed and mean number of seeds per fruit show a significant negative correlation (1994: r 5 20.44, P 5 0.0001, n 5 70; 1995: r 5 20.26, P 5 0.056, n 5 52). This result suggests a trade-off in resource allocation between seed size and number, as mediated by pollinator effectiveness, a result previously demonstrated in scarlet gilia by Hainsworth et al. (1984) and Wolf et al. (1985), but not detected by Campbell and Halama (1993) or A. K. Brody and R. J. Mitchell (personal communications). We also detected a significant positive effect of clipping on seed mass in 1995 (control plants 0.10 6 0.04 mg, mean 6 1 SE; clipped plants 1.15 6 0.05 mg), and a significant interaction between hand pollination and nutrient addition treatments. Plants that received both hand pollination and fertilizer had significantly smaller seeds than did control plants or plants that received either pollen or nutrients singly. Our analysis also revealed a significant block effect on mean seed mass in both years of study, perhaps indicating that local en- THOMAS JUENGER AND JOY BERGELSON 1690 Ecology, Vol. 78, No. 6 TABLE 2. The effect of experimental clipping, pollen, and nutrient additions on fitness components, inflorescence architecture, and reproductive physiology of scarlet gilia. Each value reported is a mean (6 1 SE) across 7–10 plants. Treatment Clipping Other response variables Fitness response variables Pol- Nutrilen† ents‡ No. seeds No. flowers No. fruits Mass/seed (mg) No. branches Height (cm) Date of first flower 1994 Control Control Control Control Clipped Clipped Clipped Clipped C H C H C H C H C C N N C C N N 616 630 545 986 158 286 158 444 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 123 122 116 261 44 87 37 110 259 224 445 394 158 118 206 195 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 34 29 131 112 29 25 33 38 80 68 81 99 24 31 32 54 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 8 19 25 6 9 7 14 1.56 1.40 1.49 1.37 1.51 1.35 1.43 1.23 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0.10 0.08 0.12 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.11 0.07 2.5 2.1 3.9 4.0 4.1 3.9 3.8 4.3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1.20 0.90 1.50 1.10 0.54 0.42 0.36 0.52 80 72 74 71 51 48 49 49 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 5 4 2 3 4 5.6 3.6 7.0 5.7 14.8 13.1 16.1 14.6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1.2 0.6 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.9 2.2 0.91 1995 Control Control Control Control Clipped Clipped Clipped Clipped C H C H C H C H C C N N C C N N 311 405 425 797 81 181 98 328 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 41 108 76 104 113 144 132 294 140 146 208 179 51 85 103 94 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 25 35 26 30 11 21 29 22 45 52 62 85 9 25 15 39 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 11 11 11 5 11 7 12 1.10 0.92 1.14 0.86 1.06 1.16 1.37 1.08 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0.10 0.07 0.09 0.05 0.11 0.12 0.06 0.09 1.1 1.6 2.9 1.3 3.0 3.4 4.7 4.4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0.12 0.49 0.75 0.19 0.33 0.57 0.58 0.46 78 74 78 77 40 50 41 47 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 5 5 3 3 3 2 5 8.4 8.0 8.3 8.3 18.5 17.0 18.0 13.9 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1.5 1.4 1.2 0.79 1.5 2.0 1.8 1.8 † Pollination treatments were natural control (C) vs. hand pollination (H). ‡ Nutrient treatments were control (C) and nutrient (fertilizer) addition (N). § Date of first flower is the number of days after 28 June and 17 July (the day of initial flowering in experimental populations in 1994 and 1995, respectively) before a plant first came into bloom. vironmental conditions influence resource allocation to seeds. The degree to which clipped plants could compensate for herbivore damage depended greatly on the environment in which plants experienced damage (Fig. 1, Table 4). Planned contrasts revealed that additions of either pollen or fertilizer alone could not ameliorate the negative effects of clipping in 1994. For instance, clipped plants that received supplemental pollination produced significantly fewer seeds than did unclipped control plants. Likewise, clipped plants that received supplemental fertilizer still produced fewer seeds when compared to unclipped controls. However, plants that received both pollen and nutrient supplementation TABLE 3. Results (F ratios) of univariate ANOVAs for seed production, flower production, fruit production, branch production, final plant height, and mean seed mass in scarlet gilia. Type III sums of squares were used. Source Flowers† Fruits† Mass/seed Seeds† 1994 Block Clipping (C) Hand pollination (H) Nutrients (N) C3H C3N H3N C3H3N Residual 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 56 1.194 21.921*** 1.697 0.965 0.629 1.114 1.531 0.610 0.863 18.765*** 1.405 8.290** 0.131 0.036 0.350 0.142 1.131 17.217*** 1.614 0.196 2.337 0.765 0.011 0.131 2.627* 1.590 8.542** 1.743 0.378 0.087 0.016 0.009 7.040*** 3.866* 0.007 4.067* 0.051 2.459 0.415 0.025 1.391 85.554*** 1.636 0.278 0.449 0.413 0.499 0.030 1.912 88.784*** 3.822 3.331 0.058 0.202 0.059 0.024 1995 Block Clipping (C) Hand pollination (H) Nutrients (N) C3H C3N H3N C3H3N Residual 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 53 1.664 33.206*** 9.849** 2.657 2.712 0.139 0.019 1.289 1.260 26.386*** 0.054 3.363 0.137 0.184 0.999 0.353 1.480 44.277*** 9.684** 4.033* 3.131 0.020 0.008 0.392 2.178* 8.805** 6.681* 0.222 0.433 0.773 4.977* 0.756 1.226 40.043*** 0.248 8.551** 0.976 0.806 4.277* 1.022 1.536 147.814*** 0.501 0.035 1.587 0.236 0.070 0.132 0.558 63.219*** 1.851 0.633 1.091 1.107 0.101 0.728 * P , 0.05; ** P , 0.01; *** P , 0.001. † Total numbers of flowers, fruits, and seeds were log(y 1 1)-transformed. Branches Height Date of first flower df TOLERANCE TO GRAZING IN IPOMOPSIS September 1997 TABLE 4. ANOVA statistics accompanying the nonorthogonal planned comparisons presented in Fig. 1. Seed production in control vs. clipped scarlet gilias is compared under four pollination and nutrient treatments. Abbreviations are: C, clipped, H, hand pollination, and N, nutrients added. Treatment df F P 1994 Control Control Control Control vs. vs. vs. vs. C C1H C1N C1H1N 1, 56 1, 56 1, 56 1, 56 7.774 7.572 8.178 0.695 0.0072 0.0080 0.0059 0.4081 1995 Control Control Control Control vs. vs. vs. vs. C C1H C1N C1H1N 1, 53 1, 53 1, 53 1, 53 22.428 0.989 12.567 1.093 0.0001 0.3246 0.0008 0.3005 could counteract the detrimental effects of early-season clipping. In 1995, clipped plants that received supplemental fertilizer produced significantly fewer seeds than did unclipped control plants. In contrast, there was no significant difference in seed production between unclipped control plants and clipped plants that received supplemental hand pollinations. Likewise, there was no 1691 significant difference in seed production between unclipped control plants and clipped plants that received both hand pollinations and fertilizer additions. Under conditions of population-wide pollen limitation, hand pollinations alone were sufficient to ameliorate the detrimental effects of early-season clipping in this year. Selection analysis The results of the 1995 selection analysis are presented as path diagrams in Figs. 2 and 3. In the clipped treatment, there was a strong selection gradient on plant height and on initial date of flowering, with plants that reproduced earlier and that were taller having increased female fitness. There was no significant association between female fitness and either initial plant size or branch production. This suggests that factors other than regrowth capability or resource reserves dominated the ability of plants to tolerate clipping in 1995. Initial plant size and the number of branches produced influenced female fitness indirectly via phenotypic correlations with plant height and phenology. In particular, plant size and branch production were negatively associated with reproductive phenology. Large, bushy plants reproduced earlier than did small, single-stalked plants. Branch production significantly influenced rel- FIG. 3. Path diagram of standardized linear selection on plant height, date of first flower (phenology), plant size (initial rootstock diameter), and branch production in clipped plants. Path coefficients were estimated using relative fitness as the dependent variable. Significance of the path coefficients in the model was tested using log(1 1 relative fitness) as the dependent variable. Only significant paths and correlation coefficients are presented. Dashed lines represent negative relationships. * P , 0.05, ** P , 0.01, *** P , 0.001. THOMAS JUENGER AND JOY BERGELSON 1692 ative female fitness via an indirect positive relationship between branch production and final plant height. In the absence of grazing, there was a strong directional selection gradient on plant height and a weak selection gradient on initial plant size and branch production, with plants that were taller, initially larger, and that reproduced earlier having greater female fitness. Date of first flower was negatively correlated with both measures of plant size, with tall and large plants reproducing earlier in the season. There was a significant positive relationship between plant size and plant height. Although our estimates of selection gradients on the same trait in different environments were often quite different (e.g., final plant height, b grazed 5 0.482 vs. b undamaged 5 0.130), our power to detect statistically significant differences was low because of the relatively small sample size in our selection experiment. However, a negative selection gradient for plant size on female fitness in the grazed environment was significantly larger and in the opposite direction to the gradient in the absence of herbivore damage (F 5 4.003; df 5 1,99; P , 0.0481). DISCUSSION Clipping had an overall greater effect on female fitness than did either nutrient or pollen limitation in both years of study. In all cases, the fitness reduction associated with clipping outweighed that of the effects of natural levels of nutrient or pollen limitation, suggesting that early-season browsing is one of the dominant selective pressures on this scarlet gilia population. Our results support the compensatory continuum hypothesis (Maschinski and Whitham 1989) by demonstrating that the female fitness consequences of clipping were dependent on the pattern of nutrient and pollen availibility in our study population. Clipped plants were able to compensate for damage under only a very restrictive set of environmental conditions, involving hand pollinations and nutrient additions in 1994, and hand pollinations in 1995. In contrast to the results of Paige and Whitham (1987a) and Maschinski and Whitham (1989), we did not find evidence of ‘‘overcompensation,’’ even under conditions releasing clipped plants from both pollen and nutrient limitation. This result rejects the notion that damaged plants with multiple active meristems can more efficiently utilize limiting resources in comparison to apically dominant, undamaged plants in our Front Range population. The negative effect of clipping on female fitness was primarily due to a lower production of flowers and lower pollination. Clipped plants produced fewer flowers, turned fewer of their flowers into fruits, and set fewer seeds. Our experimental results suggest that the reduced flower production associated with clipping was due to increased nutrient limitation. Clipped plants that received fertilizer produced as many flowers as did control plants. Likewise, the decreased fruit and seed Ecology, Vol. 78, No. 6 production in clipped plants was due, at least in part, to increased pollen limitation. Clipped plants that received hand pollinations set nearly the same proportional amount of fruit and seed as did control plants, irrespective of natural or supplemented nutrient levels. The strongest and most consistent pattern we observed was an interplay between pollination and tolerance to herbivory. In both study years, clipped plants were only able to compensate for damage when receiving supplemental hand pollinations, suggesting that pollinator visitation and effectiveness can be critical factors in determining the female fitness consequences of damage. One plausible hypothesis explaining this effect is that the clipping-induced delays in date of first flowering caused clipped plants to miss the natural peak in pollinator or pollen donor abundance at our study population. This idea is supported by the significant negative selection gradient on date of first flowering in our 1995 selection analysis, and by recent phenotypic selection analysis of flowering date in Ipomopsis aggregata subssp. aggregata (Campbell 1991). This hypothesis would gain further support from observational data confirming a discordance between the timing of flower production in damaged individuals and the seasonal abundances of hawkmoth and hummingbird pollinators. A competing explanation for the reduction in female fitness evident in grazed plants is that clipping altered the floral display of damaged individuals. For example, Maschinski (1990 unpublished abstract) has observed that many of the flowers on damaged Ipomopsis arizonica plants face inward and, subsequently, have a lower probability of receiving pollen (lower pollinator visitiation) than outward-facing flowers. It is possible that such herbivore-induced changes in floral display (e.g., reduction in final height, increased inflorescence production, reductions in the number or orientation of flowers presented to pollinators) influence pollinator effectiveness or behavior, and thus have resultant effects on plant female fitness. In particular, we observe that clipped Ipomopsis aggregata are often overgrown by competing grasses, potentially reducing the ability of pollinators to visit all of their open flowers. This notion is supported by the strong selection gradient on plant height in the presence and absence of grazing damage, and by recent observational studies that have documented a strong influence of plant height on hummingbird visitation in Ipomopsis aggregata subssp. aggregata (Wolf and Hainsworth 1991, Mitchell 1992, 1993, 1994). Again, these mechanistic hypotheses would gain support from behavioral observation documenting pollinator preference for particular floral display characteristics at our study population, or by conducting experimental manipulations of these traits for damaged and undamaged plants. A third hypothesis explaining reduced seed production in clipped plants is that they experience an increase in within-plant pollinator movement and associated September 1997 TOLERANCE TO GRAZING IN IPOMOPSIS geitonogamous (within-plant) pollen transfer. Waser and Price (1991) have experimentally demonstrated that scarlet gilia can experience up to a 43% reduction in female fitness from self-pollen movement within an individual, purportedly due to a late-acting self-incompatibility system that usurps ovules. Similarly, de Jong et al. (1992) experimentally observed reductions in seed set due to self-pollen movement in scarlet gilia, with plant height influencing the degree of geitonogamous pollen transfer. Hummingbird and hawkmoth pollinators tend to forage in inflorescence clumps (Wolf and Hainsworth 1991; T. Juenger, personal observation) and may, therefore, make more frequent movements between branches of the same damaged individual in comparison to movement within a single-stalked plant. This effect might be particularly important in scarlet gilia, because grazing also causes a decrease in ovule production (data not presented here), presumably increasing the cost of ovule loss due to self-pollination. This hypothesis is currently being tested using emasculation and clipping manipulations in the field. Our observation that Front Range populations of Ipomopsis aggregata subssp. candida were primarily limited by pollen and grazing over the two years of our study contrasts with Campbell and Halama’s (1993) observation that Western Slope populations of Ipomopsis aggregata subssp. aggregata can be jointly limited by pollen and nutrients. Under natural levels of pollination, our fertilizer addition did not lead to an increase in total seed production, despite its positive effect on number of flowers. Regardless, we agree with the conclusions of Campbell and Halama (1993) that it is overly simplistic to categorize a plant species as ‘‘pollen’’ or ‘‘resource’’ limited. It is clear from several field experiments that both processes can act within a population (de Jong and Klinkhamer 1989, Campbell and Halama 1993), across space or time (Campbell 1987, Johnston 1991, Campbell and Halama 1993), and at different stages of reproduction (Campbell and Halama 1993). Our selection analysis suggests that differences may exist between standardized selection gradients in the presence and absence of grazing. Plants that were damaged by early-season clipping were under strong phenotypic selection for early flowering and increased plant height in 1995. Unexpectedly, we did not detect a female fitness benefit of branch production or large initial size in clipped plants. We hypothesize that, although branch production is crucial for compensatory regrowth of reproductive structures (e.g., inflorescence and flower production) in scarlet gilia, its efficacy can be limited by pollinator availability in pollen-limited years. One of the more interesting outcomes of this study is that considerable spatial and temporal variation may exist for factors influencing plant reproduction. This highlights the potential complexity of selection, acting through pollinators and herbivores, on traits influencing compensatory regrowth and pollinator at- 1693 traction within plant populations (see also Campbell 1991, Waser et al. 1996). In conclusion, scarlet gilia is largely herbivore and pollen limited on the Front Range. Plants that experience early-season clipping have delayed reproduction, altered plant architecture, and reduced fecundity. The reduced female fitness of damaged plants comes not only from decreases in the resources available to damaged plants for reproduction, but also through effects on the interaction between plants and pollinators. Scarlet gilia can compensate for herbivory, but only under favorable environmental conditions that allow damaged plants to maintain adequate pollination. A full understanding of this effect will only come with additional natural history information and simultaneous behavioral observation of plant–pollinator and plant– herbivore interactions. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Diane Campbell, Martin Kelly, Peter Kotanen, Colin Purrington, Irene Shonle, Nick Waser, and Juliete Winterer for helpful comments on the manuscript. We thank dancing Sammy Machula, Jon Juenger, Jackie Juenger, and staff and researchers at the Mountain Research Station for help with field work and fun times in the mountains. The U.S. Forest Service and Dick and Marjorie Morroni kindly provided access to our field population. This work was supported by a Packard Fellowship and NSF grant DEB 9496331 to J. Bergelson and a Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research to T. Juenger. LITERATURE CITED Abacus Concepts, SuperAnova. 1990. Abacus Concepts, Berkeley, California U.S.A. Arnold, S. J., and M. J. Wade. 1984a. On the measurement of natural selection: theory. Evolution 38: 709–719. 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