UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA Kolej Teknologi Pulau Peperiksaan Semester Kedua Sidang Akademik 2OO7 I2OOB April 2008 Program llazah Luaran ljazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) AMP342 - Perlakuan Pengguna [Consumer Behaviour] Masa: 2 jam [Duration: 2 hours] Sila pastikan bahawa kertas peperiksaan ini mengandungi ENAM rnuka surat yang bercetak sebelum anda memulakan peperiksaan. [Please check that this examination paper consrsfs of SIX pages of printed material before you begin the examinationl. Arahan: Jawab SEMUA soalan. tlnstrucUon : Answer ALL questionsl. at ...Lt- -2 [AMP342l - Sila baca kes berikut dan jawab soalan yang diberikan: Please read the following case carefully and answer the questions: SoalanllOuestion I Bentuk strategi pemasaran untuk Revlon menerokai pasaran kosmetik lelaki dengan mengemukakan lini produk yang komprehensif. Develop a marketing strategl complete product line. for Revlon to enter the men's cosmetics markets with a ll0 mark#marlcsf Soalan2lOuestion 2 Buat penilaian terhadap lini produk dan strategi jenama Clinique untuk kaum lelaki. Buat perubahan di mana sesuai. Evaluate Clinique's men's product line and branding strategy. Suggest changes where appropriate. lI0 markah/marksl Soalan3/Ouestion 3 Jikalau Revlon ingin menerokai pasaran kosmetik lelaki, strategi jenama bagaimanakah yang harus digunakan? Bincangkan. If Revlon were to enter to enter the men's cosmetic market, what branding strategt should it use? Discuss. I l0 markah/marksl ...3/- IAMP342l -3Soalan4lOuestion 4 Bincangkan bagaimana Revlon boleh menggunakan konsep berikut sebagai asas untuk "appeal" kepada lini kosmetik lelaki. How, if at all, could Revlon use thefollowing as the basisfor its appealfor men's cosmetic line? o o . Personaliliti (personality). Emosi (Emotion). Konsep kendiri (Self-concept). ll0 markah/marks) Soalan 5lOuestion 5 : Apakah motif yang perlu digunakan oleh Clinique untuk mempromosikan lini produk lelaki? Berikan j ustifi kasi. wat motives should clinique appeal to in promoting its men's line? Justify. I l0 markah/marks l Soalan6lOuestion 6 Memujuk lelaki untuk menggunakan produk rawatan kulit memerlukan perubatran sikap yang ketara. Apakah teknik perubahan sikap yang paling sesuai? Yang mana pula paling tidak sesuai? Bincangkan. Persuading mqny men to use skin care products will require a significant attitude change. Which attitude change techniques would be most appropriate? Which would be least appropriate? Discuss. I l0 malka]/marks] SoaIanT/Ouestion 7 kulit lelaki Revlon. Terangkan bagaimanakah ianya dapatdigunakapakaipadasetiap peringkat proses tanggapan. Rekabentuk satu iklan untuk produk penjagaan Design an adfor a line of men's sbin care products by Revlon. Explain how it will work at each stage ofthe perception process. I l0 markah/marks ] ...4/- lAMP342l -4SoalanBlOuestion I Apakah teori pembelajaran yang sesuai untuk mengajar "target market" untuk melakukan penjagaan kulit secara betul? Bincangkan. What learning theories would you use to teach your target market to take proper care their skin? Discuss. [ 10 of markah/zarksl Soalan9/Ouestion 9 Berdasarkan jenama Revlon atau Clinique, terangkan di antara berikut yang manakah o'target sasaran pasaran market" yang sesuai? Beri justifikasi j awapan anda. Based on Revlon and Clinique brands, which of the following would be the best target market? Justify your answers o o . . Kumpulan demografik (Demograhic groups). Kategoripekerjaan(Occupationalcategories). Segmeb Vals (VALS segments). Segmen PRIZM (PRIZM segments). I l0 markah/marks l Soalanl0lOuestion l0 Terangkan perbedaan kegunaaan kumpulan demogarfik dalam jadual"A". How would you explain the dffirences in usage ocross the demographic groups in table A? I l0 markah/marlcsf ...51- I -)Males hhve threereasons fortryingto lookgood (which, inAmerican society, also implies looking young). First, one's career may be enhanced by looking good, which inchrdes being ettactive, fit appearing, and.energetic (yomg). One busiaesswouun buy andexpaiment wlth allkinds and almost typesof new fragrances and colognes, butthey 6wiltingto ,ioifo-ryao not want anythiqg th€tsinells too shoDg * io -y *"y draws attention to fteFselves' Accordirg to one exp€rt' tbe challeqge is state4 Ho* Any gry who goes irb eonsulting has to b€ attractive. It struck mE one dalr Evcry *ime I4ct a good-looking guy 'dod.asked him "So, liftlc boy, what do you do?' he was a consdtanl The ugly ones ars all accountarts. ': :' A second l€ason for men's coocem about looks is to be attractive to women.IVIany middle-aged pen who go tbrough divorce engage,in a wide vadety of 'teaut5f' enhancement activities. Most wonen no longer need to rely on mcn for financial supporq which allows th€m to focus morp on the physical and personal' charac'tetistics of poteitial partn€rs. A final reason is a combination of ego and competitivedess. If tooks mamdr, then competitivc me,lr will compcte to look good. Knowing trat one lonlcs good oi receiving Complimcnts or "adniring Elsnq€s'is also grat'dyiug to aperson's ego. IB 2003, the me,n's grooming markct wqs appgoximately $7.7 billion, up from $3.3 biltrion.in 1995. The madcet can be broken orrt as fq-llorqq-($,ggfqs below in ',millions of dofldrs): Fraemrrc€r Shadng D€odoranf Hafrcam Sldn care Bathandshouff E1,9(l5 3,560 1,470 &1 154 n As yoir can see, the skin carc market remains a relatively small part of the overall men's grooming nrkcting. And growth inthe skincte ma*et has beeu a soundbutnot overwhelming 7 percent a year since 1995. In the spring of 2000, me'n were using the following facial care prodrca (see Table A for deuils): Comderdon cate (al[ 25.0% Ol€ans€rg ro.5 Cnam Scrub Msgk Toher [at to entie"'por" ncn to snoll good, put gooey-thingsin lai4 aad oily lotions on their fafcs without ftcling some&owumanlY? Deqplb such challenges' nuqeroub ftmo1 are e'lrterrhat ate ing witi a vciety of beauty'enhancing Ptq-ucb gei€raly positioned as ekin care pro&rcc' Nivea's itoa""tiii" and approqch are describod in the opening soall iignene for Chapdr f+. mere sp nunerous online sales Earkercrs serving this mrket tbrough niJlrc for 'tncn's skin carc prodocts')' frrse a search engine ione of fre uiajor participants in frio c'nerging Earket re ilescribedbelow. , Cliniqgpromotes a tbree'stcp skin care process for nen'feairrring Clinique Facial Soap' Clinique Scmffing Loti6n (a fasial'cle8rstr)' and Clinque M Iotion i" noist*izing lotion)' It also offers a compl'*e line of shaving-related {odtrts' including gels)' Cream Shave and M ShaveAloo Gel (sbaving Face Scnrb (a facial cleaner), Post-Shave llealer' Ilappy for Men After Shane Balrn, aod Tlmaround Lo.e;. In additio!' it nadsetl Eye Treatneut Formula, Srrge Extra Oit-Free Gel (a moisturizer); Somo: Barod o lnforordou ft@'?'tr. U'5. Ma*.tfor Me* gtoonbe Pradrcrs Q{cw Yck Prclogod Ftsi!, Ialmry 2gQ{). pp. 51 md 62" Ldon [AMP342I 5.6 5.9 3.6 25 2.6 Research and obs€flation hsve ledthose in tbe industry to reach several conclusions. One is that men Non-Streak Brsnz6, asd deodonrts' MErcii focwes exclusively on men's egsmeti; frod' ucts. its slogan is'Men don't weat oakarp' they we MEnaji." fts proaucc include tbe foUowing' CAI\'IO in Concealer, fto shades, is dqsiEneil to hiie da* razq btrn' 9U Eye Jell or darkness rond the eye area in circles, age sPots, and rcduces Erm"is, tbe about 36 minutes. Glycolic Skin Foner retluces lvlask Mtoaji wrinkles' and qppeantrce of fiae lines iJ'used otrce a week o. thorobghly deqr clean one's face. H-D.P.V. Dual Actirc Powd6 is rued rate oily sbine without looldtrg like b elimipancake pslishing Scrub is-dcsigned to bo nakzup. M6naj[ ' used twice a week to deep cleo onre's face' Nanmgau Men ofra:s aiue producB for den' shaving severat of which are versions of taditional n: Skin'Cleadng Face Em, Skiu Clcring itoat -face Skin Wasn, Razir Defe'nse Daily Face Squb' Cfrrtl"" Snave eean" Razc Dofense Shave Gel' SfCt-CfI^i"g Asaingeut After ShNve, Skin Cleuing OA"* treatnent, and Raeor Defense Daily FaceLotion i*i"t rse of TbbleAcontains nat€rial relaled to the beauty items bY men. ...61- lAMP342l -6- Demographics and Male Cosmetlo Use. 10"E% 1.O7 109 91 86 '95 .€8 57 71 66 1m B9 80 90 g9 109 105 4e ip 1.40 94 64 '65 100 loo tnil .104 88 100 105 113 107 130 114 .s6 90 102 94 lroe 117 107 96 102 92 105 100 9{t 91 s2, 141 d5 98 EO 92 90 ,170 140 149 'l6tt 108 111 114 116 '14S 88 80 80 63 63 s4. ,90 .81 .92 82 119. Jrs 's8 104 ss 1.!8 120 .9e' ' ' 128' :88 73 6B 112 93 113 uec or consumption unless a porcont is - mmplc sizc too smsll for a GlisDlo irdox. Sotrro: Sprlry 2000 McdiunukRosoarEh Isc. SS 110 93 ii3 NoE: too = Awragp 172 17e 121 89 85 . ,.96 i .'., :ri:1. . .: ' '. 150 c7 94 88 105 98 115 -oooOooo- pa 7ts 81 127 117 s4 114 126 ss 117 ss ss ,111 117 SS ss 115 112 1gl 14It 1ftt 97 100 99 89 98 98 137 106 77 86 75 97 s0 '95 sl 117 95 105 indicaled 101 8S 71 89 1U g0 116 94 117 92 126 95 107