Bukit Panjang Government High School Lower Secondary Core Curriculum 2014 ENGLISH LANGUAGE Express / Normal Academic Learning Objectives The English Language Programme aims to develop the students to communicate effectively in English and achieve the following skills: The English Language Programme aims to develop the students to achieve functional fluency in English and achieve the following skills: Receptive Skills Listen, read and view critically and with accuracy, understanding and appreciation a wide range of literary and informational/functional texts from print and non-print sources. Receptive Skills Listen, read and view critically and with accuracy and understanding a wide range of literary and informational/functional texts from print and non-print sources. Productive Skills Speak, write and represent in internationally acceptable English that is grammatical, fluent, mutually intelligible and appropriate for different purposes, audiences, contexts and cultures. Knowledge about Language Understanding and use internationally acceptable English grammar and vocabulary accurately and appropriately as well as understand how speakers/writers put words together and use language to communicate meaning and achieve impact. READ Programme Normal Technical Productive Skills Speak, write and represent in internationally acceptable English that is grammatical, fluent, mutually intelligible and appropriate for different purposes, audiences, contexts and cultures. Knowledge about Language Understanding and use internationally acceptable English grammar and vocabulary accurately and appropriately as well as understand how speakers/writers put words together and use language to communicate meaning. The READ programme is part of the English Language Instructional Programme where students will read 2 to 4 novels a year. These pre-selected novels are purchased via Edusave. (Estimated cost: $10 for Express and NA streams, $16 for NT stream) 15 minutes have been set aside for English READ on Wednesdays and Fridays. Express / Normal Academic SEMESTER ONE Normal Technical SEMESTER ONE Continual Assessment [15%] Continual Assessment [15%] 1. Common Test [Task: Composition] 1. Common Test [Grammar and 2. 2 Class Tests [Tasks: Composition and Composition/Functional Writing] Comprehension] 2. 2 Class Tests [Tasks: Composition and Comprehension] Semestral Assessment [30%] Paper One: 1. Grammar (Editing) 2. Situational Writing 3. Continuous Writing (Composition) Semestral Assessment [30%] Paper One: 1. Form-filling 2. Functional Writing 3. Guided Writing Paper Two: 1. Comprehension 2. Grammar / Language Use Paper Two: 1. Grammar and Language Use 2. Comprehension Paper Three: Listening Comprehension Secondary One Assessment Tasks & Format SEMESTER TWO SEMESTER TWO Continual Assessment [5%] 2 Class Tests (Tasks: Composition and Comprehension) Continual Assessment [5%] 2 Class Tests (Tasks: Form-filling, Grammar/Language Use and Writing) Semestral Assessment [50%] Paper One: 1. Grammar Editing 2. Situational Writing 3. Continuous Writing (Composition) Semestral Assessment [50%] Paper One: 1. Form-filling 2. Functional Writing 3. Guided Writing Paper Two: 1. Comprehension 2. Grammar /Language Use Paper Two: 1. Grammar and Language Use 2. Comprehension Paper Three: Listening Comprehension Paper Three: Listening Comprehension Paper Four: Oral Communication Paper Four: Oral Communication Express / Normal Academic Secondary Two Assessment Tasks & Format Normal Technical SEMESTER ONE SEMESTER ONE Continual Assessment [15%] 1. Common Test [Task: Composition] 2. 2 Class Tests [Tasks: Composition and Comprehension] Continual Assessment [15%] 1. Common Test [Grammar and Functional Writing] 2. 2 Class Tests [Tasks: Composition and Comprehension] Semestral Assessment [30%] Paper One: 1. Grammar Editing 2. Situational Writing 3. Continuous Writing (Composition) Semestral Assessment [30%] Paper One: 1. Form-filling 2. Functional Writing 3. Guided Writing Paper Two: 1. Visual Comprehension 2. Comprehension 3. Summary Paper Two: 1. Grammar and Language Use 2. Comprehension Paper Three: Listening Comprehension SEMESTER TWO SEMESTER TWO Continual Assessment [5%] 2 Class Tests (Tasks: Composition and Comprehension) Continual Assessment [5%] 2 Class Tests (Tasks : Form-filling and Writing, Grammar/Language Use and Comprehension) Semestral Assessment [50%] Paper One: 1. Grammar Editing 2. Situational Writing 3. Continuous Writing (Composition) Semestral Assessment [50%] Paper One: 1. Form-filling 2. Functional Writing 3. Guided Writing Paper Two: 1. Visual Comprehension 2. Comprehension 3. Summary Paper Two: 1. Grammar and Language Use 2. Comprehension Paper Three: Listening Comprehension Paper Three: Listening Comprehension Paper Four: Oral Communication Paper Four: Oral Communication LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH Subject Learning Objectives Instructional Programme Areas of Study LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH EXPRESS / NORMAL ACADEMIC The Literature-in-English Programme will enable students to: Discover the joys of reading Literature and become aware of new ways of perceiving the world around them. Appreciate the aesthetic value of language. Engage personally with a variety of texts and draw connections between self, texts and the world in order to develop intellectual, emotional, socio-cultural and global awareness. Articulate perceptive and analytical thinking when discussing and writing about literary texts. Explore how the elements of different genres function in literary works to achieve specific effects. Appreciate the importance of the contexts in which literary texts are written and understood. Sec One Sec Two 1. ANIMAL FARM by George Orwell 1. ANIMAL FARM by George Orwell 2. 3 Plays: AH BAH’S MONEY, A 2. Selected Prose and Poetry CASE OF DURIANS & IN THE REPAIR SHOP 3. Enrichment Programme – Drama Course (Semester 1 only) Plot Elements of Plot Narrative Structure Plot Plot Devices Conflict Character Characterisation Character Traits Character Character Development Relationships Setting and Atmosphere Time Place Physical Details Setting and Atmosphere Situations Mood Theme Identify Central Ideas Theme Explore Main Concerns Style Point of View Style Figurative Language Use of Sound Irony Sec One Assessment Tasks Sec Two SEMESTER ONE SEMESTER ONE Continual Assessment 1 [15%] Continual Assessment 1 [15%] Common Test based on AH BAH’S MONEY & Common Test based on ANIMAL FARM A Case of Durian 1. Essay Question OR Text-based Question 1. Short Answer Questions 2. Text-based Questions 2 Class Tests 2 Class Tests 1. Drama assessment based on A CASE OF 1. Oral Presentation based on ANIMAL DURIANS FARM 2. Text-based Question based on IN THE 2. Unseen Poetry REPAIR SHOP Semestral Assessment 1 [30%] Semestral Assessment 1 [30%] Mid-Year Examination based on IN THE Mid-Year Examination REPAIR SHOP 1. Essay Question OR Text-based Question 1. Text-based Questions based on ANIMAL FARM 2. Short Answer Questions 2. Unseen Poetry SEMESTER TWO SEMESTER TWO Continual Assessment 2 [5%] Continual Assessment 2 [5%] 2 Class Tests 2 Class Tests 1. Post reading quiz based on ANIMAL 1. Essay Question OR Text-based Question FARM based on ANIMAL FARM 2. Essay Question based on ANIMAL FARM 2. Unseen Prose Semestral Assessment 2 [50%] Semestral Assessment 2 [50%] End-of-Year Examination based on ANIMAL FARM 1. Text-based Question 2. Essay Question End-of-Year Examination 1. Essay Question OR Text-based Question based on ANIMAL FARM 2. Unseen Poetry OR Unseen Prose CHINESE LANGUAGE Learning Objectives 1. 总目标 :热爱母语 弘扬文化 1.1 加强学生听、说、读、写等方面的能力,并提高他们学习华文的兴趣。 学生听得懂日常生活话题、新闻、报告等 使学生能以流畅、准确的华语与人交谈、讨论、辩论、发表意见、即席演讲等 学生能阅读一般新闻、评论、通俗的文学作品等,同时培养他们具有广泛的阅读 兴趣及欣赏文学作品的能力 学生能以华文写文章(描写文、记述文、说明文、议论文)、公函、私函、报告 等 学生能独立思考并掌握自学能力 通过华文的学习,让学生进一步认识及吸收华族文化与传统价值观。 学生深入了解华族文化 学生吸收并体现优良的传统价值观 学生明白在多元种族、文化、宗教社会里,应该与人和睦相处等社交技能 学生认识并实践新加坡五大共同价值观纲目的精神 1.2 Syllabus Activities Sec One 拫据教育部课程纲要 (学习技能详见课本) 教学活动 晨光伴读 朗读/朗诵 口头填充/口头造句 组句成篇 讲述及专题报告 看图说话/看图写作 简单戏剧表演/角色扮演 讨论时事话题/辩论 欣赏录象或录音节目 电脑教学/网上学习 仿作 组织与整理要点 专题作业 听力活动 语文活动比赛 网上学习日 Sec Two 拫据教育部课程纲要 (学习技能详见课本) 教学活动 晨光伴读 朗读/朗诵 口头填充/口头造句 组句成篇 讲述及专题报告 看图说话/看图写作 简单戏剧表演/角色扮演 讨论时事话题/辩论 欣赏录象或录音节目 电脑教学/网上学习 仿作 组织与整理要点 专题作业 听力活动 语文活动比赛 网上学习日 Assessment Format Remarks 作业分量建议(全年) 1.作文 高级华文8篇 快捷华文7 篇 普通华文7 篇 2. 实用文 4-5 篇 3. 读书报告 高级华文:3 篇 快捷/普通华文:2 篇 4 读报作业/文笔练习:每两周1次 5. 语文练习 :每课或每单元1次 作业分量建议(全年) 1.作文 高级华文8篇 快捷华文7 篇 普通华文7 篇 2. 实用文 4-5 篇 3. 读书报告 : 高级华文:3 篇 快捷/普通华文:2 篇 4 读报作业/文笔练习 :每两周1次 5. 语文练习 :每课或每单元1次 课程评鉴 以下列两种方式进行测试 平时测试:在第一学段(统一测 验)、第二学段(课堂测验)和第三 学段(课堂测验)。 学校考试:在第二学段及第四学段举 行。 课程评鉴 以下列两种方式进行测试 • 平时测试:在第一学段(统一测 验)、第二学段(课堂测验)和第三 学段(课堂测验)。 • 学校考试:在第二学段及第四学段举 行。 Mid- Year Exam 试卷一:90% 作文:70% 应用文:20% Mid- Year Exam 试卷一:90% 作文:70% 应用文:20% 试卷二:110% 综合填空:20% 理解测验2-3篇:40% 理解问答2 篇:50% 试卷二:110% 综合填空:20% 理解测验2-3篇:40% 理解问答2 篇:50% End-of-Year Exam 试卷一:70% 作文:50% 应用文:20% End-of-Year Exam 试卷一:70% 作文:50% 应用文:20% 试卷二:90% 综合填空:10% 理解测验2-3篇:40% 理解问答2 篇:40% 试卷二:90% 综合填空:10% 理解测验2-3篇:40% 理解问答2 篇:40% 试卷三:口试和听力考试:40% 口试:30% 听力:10% 试卷三:口试和听力考试:40% 口试:30% 听力:10% (注:各项目分数的比例也许会有更动) (注:各项目分数的比例也许会有更动) 字典 考试时,试卷一学生可以携带字典。所采用 的字典或电子辞典须符合教育部所批准的版 字典 考试时,试卷一学生可以携带字典。所采 用的字典或电子辞典须符合教育部所批准 本。( 详见附录) 选修高级华文事宜 中三高级华文的学生年底时须参加教育部普 通水准快捷华文的考试。 华文“B"课程 学生选修华文“B”课程须经校方同意。 的版本。( 详见附录) 选修高级华文事宜 中三高级华文的学生年底时须参加教育部 普通水准快捷华文的考试。 华文“B"课程 学生选修华文“B”课程须经校方同意。 字典 考试时,学生可以携带字典。所采用的字典须符合教育部所批准的版本。 1 最新现代汉语词典 世界书局 2 汉语字典 3 最新学生词典 4 现代汉语词典 商务印书馆 5 新华字典 6 通用新字典 7 现代华语词典 上海书局 8 新编学生字典 9 实用汉语词典 胜利书局 10 华语规范字典 11 最新常用汉语词典 胜友书局 联邦出版社 16 17 18 时代汉语词典 时代学生词典 时代学习汉语词典 时代高级汉语词典 最新汉语字典 汉语词典 新编学生实用词典 19 新编华语词典 智力出版社 20 最新通用词典 威世出版社 21 22 23 24 25 26 联营出版有限公司 27 新汉语字典 最新汉语大词典 最新学生词典 学生汉语词典 新汉语词典 现代汉语辞典 时代新汉语词典 28 现代汉语学习词典 上海外语教育出版社 29 新纪元汉语词典 牛津大学出版社 30 HansVision PX2051 – e-dictionary - 31 Besta Chinese e-dictionary - 12 13 14 15 泛太平洋出版社 新亚出版社 联邦出版社/华语教学出版社 MALAY LANGUAGE Matlamat Pembelajaran KEMAHIRAN MENGARANG Para pelajar menulis sekurang-kurangnya 14 buah karangan dalam satu semester (7 karangan sepenggal) untuk membina kemahiran mengarang pelbagai jenis karangan seperti: catatan pengalaman peribadi deskriptif/pemerian (tentang manusia, tempat, benda & perasaan) naratif imaginatif fakta perbincangan/argumentatif berdasarkan peribahasa prosa ekspositori puisi, skrip & cereka penulisan fungsian (pesanan, laporan, e-mel rasmi/tidak rasmi, ulasan) dialog, ucapan, ceramah KEMAHIRAN KEFAHAMAN Para pelajar menjawab soalan-soalan kefahaman berdasarkan sekurangkurangnya 14 buah petikan kefahaman dalam satu semester (7 petikan sepenggal) untuk membina kemahiran menjawab soalan-soalan yang mencungkil: pengetahuan inferens aplikasi analisis, sintesis & penilaian pendapat/sebab/alasan/fikiran kontekstual pengetahuan kosa kata/perbendaharaan kata KEMAHIRAN PERINGKASAN (BAHASA MELAYU LANJUTAN) Para pelajar menulis sekurang-kurangnya 10 peringkasan dalam satu semester (5 peringkasan sepenggal) untuk membina kemahiran: mengenal pasti isi-isi penting dalam petikan teks menyusun isi-isi dalam bentuk yang sistematik dan kronologis menggunakan ayat sendiri tanpa mengubah maksud petikan asal KEMAHIRAN TATABAHASA Para pelajar membuat latihan tatabahasa secara berterusan sepanjang tahun persekolahan untuk membina kemahiran menggunakan tatabahasa yang betul dalam aspek morfologi (kata) dan sintaksis (ayat) KEMAHIRAN BERTUTUR Para pelajar akan melalui latihan bertutur secara berterusan sepanjang tahun persekolahan. Kemahiran bertutur dibina melalui:perbincangan kumpulan penyampaian sesi bercerita main peran/lakonan ucapan berdasarkan tema/tajuk tertentu pentafsiran gambar/carta/graf ulasan selari (seperti acara sukan dan liputan berita) bahas & forum KEMAHIRAN MEMBACA Para pelajar akan melakukan aktiviti membaca pelbagai bentuk teks bacaan secara berterusan sepanjang tahun persekolahan. Kemahiran membaca secara lantang berfokus kepada penggunaan sebutan baku dan intonasi yang sesuai. KEMAHIRAN KEFAHAMAN MENDENGAR Para pelajar akan melalui latihan mendengar rakaman bacaan/petikan untuk mengenal pasti butir-butir kenyataan dengan tepat. Sukatan Pelajaran Aktiviti Tugasan Penilaian Menengah Satu Meliputi secara menyeluruh aspek-aspek mengarang, kefahaman, peringkasan, tatabahasa, pertuturan, pembacaan & pendengaran. Menengah Dua Meliputi secara menyeluruh aspek-aspek mengarang, kefahaman, peringkasan, tatabahasa, pertuturan, pembacaan & pendengaran. AKTIVITI-AKTIVITI TAMBAHAN Bacaan senyap (Mother Tongue Read Period) dalam kelas – 30 minit setiap minggu Bacaan buku dalam Bahasa Melayu (sekurang-kurangnya 10 buah buku setahun) Ulasan buku dan mereka kulit buku Membuat portfolio bahasa Projek berkumpulan berdasarkan tema/topik Ulasan keratan akhbar – 2 kali sebulan Bengkel Penulisan Kreatif (Sajak & Cerpen), Gamelan Perkhemahan Bahasa Minggu/Bulan Bahasa Peraduan bersajak/ berbalas pantun/ bahas AKTIVITI-AKTIVITI TAMBAHAN Bacaan senyap (Mother Tongue Read Period) dalam kelas – 30 minit setiap minggu Bacaan buku dalam Bahasa Melayu (sekurang-kurangnya 10 buah buku setahun) Ulasan buku dan mereka kulit buku Membuat portfolio bahasa Projek berkumpulan berdasarkan tema/topik Ulasan keratan akhbar – 2 kali sebulan Bengkel Pidato Peraduan berpidato/berbalas pantun/bahas Minggu/Bulan Bahasa Men 1 HML/ML/BML Penilaian Berterusan / Ujian Semasa / Ujian Kelas CA1 (15%) Common Test (70%) Ujian Kelas (30%) Men 2 HML/ML/BML Penilaian Berterusan / Ujian Semasa / Ujian Kelas CA1 (15%) Common Test (70%) Ujian Kelas (30%) Mid-Year Exam (30%) Mid-Year Exam (30%) CA2 (5%) Ujian Kelas CA2 (5%) Ujian Kelas Format Penilaian End-of-Year Exam (50%) Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun SA1 (Mid-Year Exams) (30%) End-of-Year Exam (50%) Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun (Mid-Year Exams) (30%) BAHASA MELAYU LANJUTAN BAHASA MELAYU LANJUTAN Kertas 1 (90 Markah) Kertas 1 (90 Markah) Bahagian A (20 markah) E-mel Formal & E-mel Tidak Formal Bahagian B (70 markah) Karangan Deskriptif, Perbincangan & Naratif Bahagian A (20 markah) E-mel Formal & E-mel Tidak Formal Bahagian B (70 markah) Karangan Deskriptif, Perbincangan & Naratif Kertas 2 (110 Markah) Bahagian A (30 markah) Imbuhan & Prosedur Kloz Bahagian B (10 markah) Peribahasa Bahagian C (50 markah) Kefahaman Subjektif, Kefahaman Objektif & Kosa Kata Bahagian D (20 Markah) Peringkasan Kertas 2 (110 Markah) Bahagian A (30 markah) Imbuhan & Prosedur Kloz Bahagian B (10 markah) Peribahasa Bahagian C (50 markah) Kefahaman Subjektif, Kefahaman Objektif & Kosa Kata Bahagian D (20 Markah) Peringkasan BAHASA MELAYU BAHASA MELAYU Kertas 1 (60 Markah) Bahagian A (20 markah E-mel Formal & E-mel Tidak Formal Bahagian B (40 markah) – Karangan Deskriptif, Perbincangan & Naratif Kertas 1 (60 Markah) Bahagian A (20 markah E-mel Formal & E-mel Tidak Formal Bahagian B (40 markah) – Karangan Deskriptif, Perbincangan & Naratif Kertas 2 (70 Markah) Bahagian A (30 markah) Imbuhan, Peribahasa, Bina Ayat & Prosedur Kloz Bahagian B (10 markah) Pemahaman Objektif Bahagian C (30 markah) Kefahaman Subjektif & Kosa Kata Kertas 2 (70 Markah) Bahagian A (30 markah) Imbuhan, Peribahasa, Bina Ayat & Prosedur Kloz Bahagian B (10 markah) Pemahaman Objektif Bahagian C (30 markah) Kefahaman Subjektif & Kosa Kata Nota: Kertas 3 – Lisan 50 markah Kertas 4 – Kefahaman Mendengar 20 markah Nota: Kertas 3 – Lisan 50 markah Kertas 4 – Kefahaman Mendengar 20 markah BAHASA MELAYU ASAS BAHASA MELAYU ASAS Kertas 1 (50 Markah) Bahagian A (20 markah) Pemahaman Objektif Bahagian B (20 markah) Pemahaman Objektif & OE Bahagian C (10 markah) Penulisan e-mel Kertas 1 (50 Markah) Bahagian A (20 markah) Pemahaman Objektif Bahagian B (20 markah) Pemahaman Objektif & OE Bahagian C (10 markah) Penulisan e-mel Nota: Kertas 2 – Lisan 50 markah Kertas 3 – Kefahaman Mendengar 30 markah Nota: Kertas 2 – Lisan 50 markah Kertas 3 – Kefahaman Mendengar 30 markah Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun SA2(50%) (End-of-Year Exam) Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun SA2(50%) (End-of-Year Exam) Kertas 1 (90 Markah) Kertas 1 (90 Markah) Bahagian A (20 markah) E-mel Formal & E-mel Tidak Formal Bahagian B (70 markah) Karangan Deskriptif, Perbincangan & Naratif Bahagian A (20 markah) E-mel Formal & E-mel Tidak Formal Bahagian B (70 markah) Karangan Deskriptif, Perbincangan & Naratif Kertas 2 (110 Markah) Bahagian A (30 markah) Imbuhan & Prosedur Kloz Bahagian B (10 markah) Peribahasa Bahagian C (50 markah) Kefahaman Subjektif, Kefahaman Objektif & Kosa Kata Bahagian D (20 Markah) Peringkasan Kertas 2 (110 Markah) Bahagian A (30 markah) Imbuhan & Prosedur Kloz Bahagian B (10 markah) Peribahasa Bahagian C (50 markah) Kefahaman Subjektif, Kefahaman Objektif & Kosa Kata Bahagian D (20 Markah) Peringkasan BAHASA MELAYU BAHASA MELAYU Kertas 1 (60 Markah) Bahagian A (20 markah E-mel Formal & E-mel Tidak Formal Bahagian B (40 markah) – Karangan Deskriptif, Perbincangan & Naratif Kertas 1 (60 Markah) Bahagian A (20 markah E-mel Formal & E-mel Tidak Formal Bahagian B (40 markah) – Karangan Deskriptif, Perbincangan & Naratif Kertas 2 (70 Markah) Bahagian A (30 markah) Imbuhan, Peribahasa, Bina Ayat & Prosedur Kloz Bahagian B (10 markah) Kertas 2 (70 Markah) Bahagian A (30 markah) Imbuhan, Peribahasa, Bina Ayat & Prosedur Kloz Bahagian B (10 markah) Catatan Pemahaman Objektif Bahagian C (30 markah) Kefahaman Subjektif & Kosa Kata Pemahaman Objektif Bahagian C (30 markah) Kefahaman Subjektif & Kosa Kata Nota: Kertas 3 – Lisan 50 markah Kertas 4 – Kefahaman Mendengar 20 markah Nota: Kertas 3 – Lisan 50 markah Kertas 4 – Kefahaman Mendengar 20 markah BAHASA MELAYU ASAS BAHASA MELAYU ASAS Kertas 1 (50 Markah) Bahagian A (20 markah) Pemahaman Objektif Bahagian B (20 markah) Pemahaman Objektif & OE Bahagian C (10 markah) Penulisan e-mel Kertas 1 (50 Markah) Bahagian A (20 markah) Pemahaman Objektif Bahagian B (20 markah) Pemahaman Objektif & OE Bahagian C (10 markah) Penulisan e-mel Nota: Kertas 2 – Lisan 50 markah Kertas 3 – Kefahaman Mendengar 30 markah Nota: Kertas 2 – Lisan 50 markah Kertas 3 – Kefahaman Mendengar 30 markah Penekanan & pemberatan diberikan kepada pembacaan untuk meluaskan lagi pengetahuan dan penguasaan kemahiran dalam setiap aspek bahasa. Penekanan & pemberatan diberikan kepada pembacaan untuk meluaskan lagi pengetahuan dan penguasaan kemahiran dalam setiap aspek bahasa. MATHEMATICS Learning Objectives The course should enable students to : 1. acquire the necessary mathematical concepts and skills for continuous learning in mathematics and related disciplines, and for applications to the real world; 2. develop the necessary process skills for the acquisition and application of mathematical concepts and skills; 3. develop the mathematical thinking and problem solving skills and apply these skills to formulate and solve problems; 4. recognise and use connections among mathematical ideas, and between mathematics and other disciplines; 5. develop positive attitudes towards mathematics; 6. make effective use of a variety of mathematical tools (including information and communication technology tools) in the learning and application of mathematics; 7. produce imaginative and creative work arising from mathematical ideas; 8. develop the abilities to reason logically, to communicate mathematically, and to learn cooperatively and independently. Sec One EXPRESS 1. Primes, Highest Common Factor and Syllabus Lowest Common Factor 2. Integers, Rational Numbers and Real 1. 2. 3. Numbers 3. Approximation and Estimation 4. Basic Algebra and Algebraic Manipulation 5. Linear Equations and Simple Inequalities 6. Functions and Linear Graphs 7. Number Patterns 8. Percentage 9. Ratio, Rate and Speed 10. Basic Geometry 11. Triangles, Quadrilateral and Polygons 12. Geometrical Constructions 13. Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 14. Volume and Surface Area of Prisms and Cylinders 15. Statistical Data Handling 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Sec Two EXPRESS Direct and Inverse Proportions Linear Graphs and Simultaneous Linear Equations Expansion and Factorisation of Quadratic Expressions Further Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions Quadratic Equations and Graphs Algebraic Fractions and Formulae Congruence and Similarity Pythagoras Theorem Trigonometric Ratios Volume and Surface Area of Pyramids, Cones and Spheres Probability of Single Events Statistical Diagrams Averages of Statistical Data 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. NORMAL (ACADEMIC) Factors and Multiples Real Numbers Approximation and Estimation Introduction to Algebra Algebraic Manipulation Simple Equations in One Variable Angles and Parallel Lines Triangles and Polygons Ratio, Rate and Speed Percentage Number Patterns Coordinates and Linear Functions Simple Inequalities Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures Volume and Surface Area of Solids Data Handling NORMAL TECHNICAL Integers The Four Operations of Integers Fractions Decimals Ratio Percentages Algebra Angles and Parallel Lines Symmetry Perimeters and Areas Surface Areas and Volumes of Cubes and Cuboids 12. Statistics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 10. 11. NORMAL (ACADEMIC) Proportion Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions Simple Algebraic Fractions Quadratic Functions and Equations Linear Equations in Two Variables Congruence and Similarity Pythagoras Theorem Trigonometric Ratios of Acute Angles Mensuration of Pyramids, Cones and Spheres Data Analysis Probability 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. NORMAL TECHNICAL Algebraic Manipulation Linear Equations in One Variable Functions and Graphs Proportion Rate and Speed Triangles and Quadrilaterals Congruency and Similarity Pythagoras’ Theorem Prisms and Cylinders Data Analysis Probability 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Activities Activities include Use of IT for selected topics. GenSing: Incorporating Generative activities using Graphing Calculators and Motion Detectors to engage students for Express and Normal Academic students. Enrichment Programmes for whole cohort. Talent Management Programmes for high-ability students. School-wide Competition for Australian Math Competition. Other competitions include Singapore Mathematical Olympiad, American Mathematics Competition. Assessment Tasks Assessment Tasks include testing candidates’ abilities to understand and use mathematical concepts and skills in a variety of contexts; organise and analyse data and information; formulate problems into mathematical terms and select and apply appropriate techniques of solution, including manipulation of algebraic expressions. solve higher order thinking problems; interpret mathematical results and make inferences; write mathematical explanation and arguments. Scheme of In each semester, tests and exam will be conducted for computation of Continual Assessment Assessment and Semestral Assessment. Semester 1: CA1 – 15% (Continual Assessment: 70% of Common Test and 30% of one Class Test.) SA1 – 30% ( Mid-Year Exam) Semester 2: CA2 – 5% (Continual Assessment: Scores from one Class Test.) SA2 – 50% (Final Year Exam) Assessment Format Mid- Year & End of Year Exam Time Allocation Stream Component Mid Year End of Year 1 Paper(80 marks) 2 hrs 2hrs 1 Paper (80 marks) 1 hr 30 mins 1 hr 30 mins Express and Normal (Academic) Normal (Technical) Mid- Year Exam Coverage: Topics taught for Semester 1. End of Year Exam Coverage: Topics taught for Semester 1 & 2. Remarks CALCULATING AIDS Please refer to http://www.seab.gov.sg/SEAB/OLevel/syllabusSchool.html for an updated list of approved calculators. SCIENCE Learning Objectives Syllabus 1. To provide, through well designed studies of experimental and practical chemistry, a worthwhile educational experience for all students, whether or not they go on to study science beyond this level and, in particular, to enable them to acquire sufficient understanding and knowledge to 1.1 become confident citizens in a technological world, able to take or develop an informed interest in matters of scientific import; 1.2 recognise the usefulness, and limitations, of scientific method and to appreciate its applicability in other disciplines and in everyday life; 1.3 be suitably prepared and stimulated for studies beyond Ordinary level in chemistry, in applied sciences or in science-dependent vocational courses. 2. To develop abilities and skills that 2.1 are relevant to the study and practice of science; 2.2 are useful in everyday life; 2.3 encourage efficient and safe practice; 2.4 encourage effective communication. 3. To develop attitudes relevant to science such as 3.1 accuracy and precision; 3.2 objectivity; 3.3 integrity; 3.4 enquiry; 3.5 initiative; 3.6 inventiveness. 4. To stimulate interest in and care for the environment. 5. To promote an awareness that 5.1 the study and practice of science are co-operative and cumulative activities, and are subject to social, economic, technological, ethical and cultural influences and limitations; 5.2 the applications of sciences may be both beneficial and detrimental to the individual, the community and the environment; 5.3 science transcends national boundaries and that the language of science, correctly and rigorously applied, is universal; 5.4 the use of information technology is important for communications, as an aid to experiments and as a tool for interpretation of experimental and theoretical results. Sec One Physics (Express) 1. Scientific Inquiry 2. Physical Quantities and Units 3. Error Analysis 4. Scalars and Vectors 5. Time, Rate and Speed 6. Density 7. Force and Pressure 8. Mass, Weight and Density 9. Moment of a force 10. Centre of Gravity 11. Energy, Work and Power 12. Kinetic Model of Matter 13. Brownian Motion Sec Two Physics (Express) 1. Current of Electricity 2. D.C. Circuit 3. Practical Electricity 4. Light 5. Waves 6. Sound (I) 7. Sound (II) 14. Transfer of Heat 15. Effects of heat Chemistry (Express) 1. Introduction to Chemistry Elements and periodic table 2. Atom, molecules and sub atomic particles. 3. Atomic Structure / periodic table - groups and periods. 4. Formation of Ions 5. Elements, Compounds and Mixtures 6. Chemical formula and balance simple chemical equations 7. Types of some simple chemical reactions, e.g. combustion, thermal decomposition, splitting of compounds into simpler components in electrolysis. 8. Methods of Purification and Analysis 9. Solutions and Suspensions 10. Kinetic Particle Theory 11. Air and air pollution Chemistry (Express) 1. Chemical Bonding 2. Chemical Formulae and writing chemical 3. Equations and ionic equations. 4. Acids and Bases and indicators 5. Preparation of Salts & The Periodic Table 6. The Periodic Table Grp 1, 7 and 8/0 properties. 7. Air and air pollution Biology (Express) 1. Introduction to Biology 2. Cell Structure, Function and Organisation 3. Movement of Substances 4. Biological Molecules 5. Enzymes 6. Nutrition in Humans 7. Transport in Humans 8. Respiration and Breathing Biology (Express) 1. Nutrition in Plants 2. Transport in Plants 3. Ecology 4. Sexual Reproduction in Humans 5. Molecular Genetics Physics (NA) 1. Measurement: Physical Quantities and Units 2. Measurement: Time, Rate and Speed, Density 3. Force 4. Pressure 5. Mass, Weight and Density 6. Moment of a force 7. Energy, Work and Power 8. Kinetic Model of Matter 9. Brownian Motion 10. Transfer of Heat Physics (NA) 1. Current of Electricity 2. D.C. circuits 3. Practical Electricity 4. Magnetism 5. Light 6. Waves 7. Sound/ Sound (Ultrasound) Biology (NA) 1. Classification of Plants and Animals 2. From Cells to Organisms 3. Transport in Living Things 4. Human Digestive System 5. Sexual Reproduction 6. Photosynthesis and Respiration 7. Ecology 8. Energy Transfers and Nutrient cycles Chemistry (NA) 1. Laboratory safety rules 2. Elements, compounds & mixtures 3. Measurement and experimental techniques 4. Methods of purification and analysis 5. The particulate nature of matter 6. Atomic structure 7. Atomic structure 8. Ionic bonding 9. Covalent bonding 10. Formulae and stoichiometry 11. Acids and bases 12. Salts 13. Air and air pollution Sec 1 NT Science 1. What is Science and Technology 2. Physical Quantities and Measurement 3. Energy as a Resource 4. Physical Properties of Materials 5. Matter 6. Water, Solutions and Suspensions 7. Air and Water Pollution 8. Temperature and Thermometers 9. Heating and Cooling Matter Science 2 NT science 1. Investigating Electricity 2. What is electricity? 3. Currents and circuits 4. Sources of electricity 5. Conductors and insulators 6. Investigating Forces 7. Investigating Life Processes 8. Digestion 9. Reproduction 10. Other life processes 11. Abuses to life 12. Investigating Matter 13. Properties of matter 14. Solids, liquids and gases 15. Water, solutions and suspensions 16. Air pollution 17. Water pollution Activities Life science workshop Sec1 Exp/NA Science workshop of 4 sessions 1NT Outdoor learning @ Nparks (NT students) 1 Exp 4 sessions of Accelerated Science Learning Workshop ( 40 High ability students) Post Exams Assessment Tasks Semester 1 (term 1 and 2) CA 1 Class test 30% + common test 70%) = 15 % of overall Mid Year Exam = 30% of overall Semester 1 (term 1 and 2) CA 1 Class test 30% + common test 70%) = 15 % of overall Mid Year Exam = 30% of overall Nanotechology course Forensic science course Central Chemistry course Research activities Inter school Competitions Sec 2 science cluster enrichment day 2NA /2NT Marine Park @ RWS 2Exp 6 sessions of Accelerated Science Learning Workshops for 40 High ability students (Olympiad Training) Assessment Format Semester 2 (term 3 and 4) Class tests = 100% (No common Test) End of year examination = 50% overall Semester 2 (term 3 and 4) Class tests = 100% (No common Test) End of year examination = 50% overall Common Test = 1 hour paper Common Test = 1 hour paper Mid- Year Exam / End of year Mid- Year Exam / End of year Sec 1 Express (Bio/Chem/Phys) sect A MCQ - 12 marks Sect B Structured - 24 marks Sect C database and essay Qns - 14 marks Sec 2 Express (Bio/Chem/Phys) sect A MCQ - 12 marks Sect B Structured - 24 marks Sect C database and essay Qns - 14 marks Sec 1 NA Science (50 marks) Biology/ Physics sect A MCQ - 12 marks Sect B Structured - 24 marks Sect C database and essay Qns - 14 marks Sec 1 NT science (100 marks) Sect A MCQ - 40 marks Sect B Short & Free-response Questions (60 marks) Remarks Science is taught in 3 modules by different teachers: Chemistry, Physics, Biology throughout the whole year. For Sec 1 NA, Physics and Biology are taught. Sec 1 NT will follow the science NT syllabus. Sec 2NA Science (50 marks) Chemistry / Physics sect A MCQ - 12 marks Sect B Structured - 24 marks Sect C database and essay Qns - 14 marks Sec 2NT science (100 marks) Sect A MCQ - 40 marks Sect B Short & Free-response Questions (60 marks) For the Express stream, Science is taught in 3 modules by different teachers: Chemistry, Physics, Biology through the whole year. For Sec 2 NA, Physics and Chemistry are taught. Sec 2NT will follow the science NT syllabus GEOGRAPHY Learning Objectives 1. To develop an interest in and build a foundation for knowledge and skills acquisition of Geography as a discipline. 2. Through the study of selected contemporary issues of environmental and human concerns, students would gain global awareness. 3. It is envisioned that students would cultivate a concern for the environment and play their part as active citizens by contributing towards a sustainable future. 4. To foster the development of 21st Century Competencies in students by providing them with opportunities to engage in SDL and CoL and consider their responsibilities to other people and to the environment, and how they can contribute to a sustainable future. Syllabus Sec 1: Environment and Resources •Introduction: What will I learn in Geography? •Tropical rainforest – How can we save rainforest? •Water supply – Will our taps run dry? •Energy resources – How can we avoid an energy crisis? * Sec 2: Urban Living •Introduction: How and where do people live? •Housing – How to build inclusive homes for all? •Transport – How do we keep people moving? * •Floods – How can cities prepare for floods? * Only for Express Activities Geographical Investigation Learning Journey Geographical Investigation Learning Journey Assessment Tasks 1 Class Test (10%) 1 Common Test (20%) Mid-Year Examination (70%) 1 Class Test (10%) 1 Common Test (20%) End-of-Year Examination (70%) Assessment Format Remarks Sec One Sec Two Mid- Year Exam EXPRESS / NORMAL ACADEMIC Respose to a Geographical Issue Short Answer Question Structured Essay Question Geographical Investigation Mid - Year Exam Not Applicable End-of-Year Exam Not Applicable End-of-Year Exam EXPRESS / NORMAL ACADEMIC Response to a Geographical Issue Short Answer Question Structured Essay Question Geographical Investigation Geography Module is taught in Semester One. Geography Module is taught in Semester Two. HISTORY Learning Objectives Syllabus The revised Lower Secondary History syllabuses align the value of History learning with the aims of the Desired Outcomes of Education by developing in students the qualities of a history learner, by: engaging students actively in historical inquiry so as to develop them into confident, self-directed, critical and reflective thinkers; enabling students to acquire knowledge and understanding of key periods, communities and aspects of history; acquainting students with an understanding of how the past has been interpreted, represented and accorded significance for different reasons and purposes; developing in students an inquisitive mind, and the ability to ask relevant questions about the past and examine a range of sources critically in their historical context to reach supported responses about the past; developing in students the ability to organise and communicate their historical knowledge and understanding through a variety of ways using different media; and equipping them with the necessary historical knowledge, understanding, dispositions and skills to understand the present, to contribute actively and responsibly as local and global citizens, and to further study and pursue their personal interest in the past. Studying Singapore’s History across 2 years Use of a meta-narrative that captures the forces and individuals that shaped Singapore into a nation-state beginning from the 14th century and ending in 1975, a decade after Singapore attained independence Use of personal stories Unit 1 Tracing Singapore’s Origins: How Old Is Singapore? Unit 2 Life in Colonial Singapore: Was It The Same For Everyone? Unit 3 Towards Independence: Was Singapore An Accidental Nation? Unit 4 Singapore’s First Decade (1965-1975): How Did Life Change? Activities Secondary One Learning Journeys (Heritage tours, museum trips) DVD / VCD / Video viewing Historical Investigation Secondary Two Learning Journeys (Heritage tours, museum trips) DVD / VCD / Video viewing Historical Investigation Assessment Tasks 1 Class Test /Historical Investigation (10%) 1 Common Test (20%) Final Year Examination (70%) 1 Class Test / Historical Investigation (10%) 1 Common Test (20%) Mid-Year Examination (70%) Assessment Format End-of-Year Exam EXPRESS / NORMAL ACADEMIC: Source Based Question Structured Question Mid- Year Exam EXPRESS / NORMAL ACADEMIC: Source Based Question Structured Question Remarks History Module is taught in Semester Two. History Module is taught in Semester One. ART Learning Objectives Excite the students through exposure to different disciplines and mediums of art making. Engage the students through constant discussions and inquiries into their processes of art making and development. Excel. Provides the platform for students to excel in their art making through in depth guidance and competitions. Syllabus Sec One Modules Video: Snow White (Term 1) Painting without brush (Term 2) Drawing 3D objects (Term 3) Photoshop & Image Manipulation (Term 4) Assessment Tasks Assessment Format From tradition mediums of drawing and painting to more technical based art-making using computers and video cameras. Modular projects. Within each module, there are specific assessment rubrics. Mid-Year Exam Semestral assessments will be based on the marks scored during the modular projects completed during curriculum time. Sec Two Modules: Painting on Canvas (Term 1) Podcast (Term 2) Drawing (Term 3) Perspective Drawing (Term 4) From traditional mediums of drawing and painting to more contemporary project of making a podcast by researching into art historical movement. Modular projects. Within each module, there are specific assessment rubrics. Mid-Year Exam Semestral assessments will be based on the marks scored during the modular projects completed during curriculum time. ART ELECTIVE PROGRAMME (AEP) Learning Objectives Syllabus Excite the students through exposure to different disciplines and mediums of art making. Engage the students through constant discussions and inquiries into their processes of art making and development. Excel. Provides the platform for students to excel in their art making through in depth guidance and competitions. Sec One Modules: Drawing (Term 1) Drawing using different mediums (Term 2) Sculpture (Term 3) Printmaking (Term 4) IPW (Term 3 & 4) Sec Two Modules: Drawing (Term 1) Painting using acrylic (Term 2) Painting using oil (Term 3) Painting using oil (Term 4) IPW (Term 1 & 2) They are taught different ways of drawing from realistic to the more experimental style. They will learn about the language of sculpture which involves form, shape, space, material and the environment. They will learn a variety of different printmaking techniques ranging from lino to woodcut. SOVA will be factored into the practical module. They learnt about the first 2 themes (Self/relationship & Society and Culture) under SOVA and the art movements and artists under the theme. Presentation, research and debating skills were taught. They will apply what they have learnt from theory (SOVA) and produce a series of developmental works based on it in term 3 and 4 modules. VAT (Visual Arts Task) paper will be taught via IPW for AEP students. Research, investigation, analysis and problem solving skills are taught. This will prepare them for VAT paper in higher art at sec 4 level. Building on what they have learnt from secondary one, the subject matters for their drawing have become more challenging and complex. It moved from singular to group objects and outdoor drawing assignment. They will learn acrylic and oil painting in the painting modules. SOVA will be factored into the practical module. They learnt the next 2 themes (Space/Structure and Ideas/Imagination) under SOVA and the art movements and artists under the theme. Presentation, research and debating skills were taught. They will apply what they have learnt from theory (SOVA) and produce a series of developmental works based on it. VAT (Visual Arts Task) paper will be taught via IPW for AEP students. Research, investigation, analysis and problem solving skills are taught. This will prepare them for VAT paper in higher art at sec 4 level. Activities There will be art enrichment workshops There will be art enrichment workshops for AEP students during the March, for AEP students during the March, June, June, September and November September and November holidays. holidays. Assessment Tasks Assessment Format Mid- Year Exam & End-of-Year Exam Semestral assessments will be based on the marks scored during the modular projects completed during curriculum time. Modular projects. Within each module there are specific assessment rubrics. Modular projects. Within each module there are specific assessment rubrics. Mid- Year Exam & End-of-Year Exam Semestral assessments will be based on the marks scored during the modular projects completed during curriculum time. DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY Learning Objectives Syllabus Activities Assessment Tasks Sec One Sec Two This is a subject that enables students to acquire a useful range of knowledge and transferable life skills. It provides the opportunity for holistic cognitive development of children through: 1. Activities involving the designing and making of an artefact, whether unique or modified from existing items, to meet specific purposes by having empathy and sensitivity to people and the environment; 2. The selection of appropriate resources (information, tools and equipment, techniques and processes) according to the design needs; 3. The safe, correct, effective and efficient use of resources; 4. Communicating effectively with various audiences while executing the activities; 5. Developing personal qualities that are necessary for children to take a problem connected to everyday life into a realised solution. Lines, shape & forms Design Process covering situation, research, ideation, development & 2-D & 3-D sketching (basic) realisation Ideation techniques 3-D sketching (advanced) Design presentation Design modeling Drawing tools Ideation techniques Workshop Safety & Regulations Appreciating simple technologies Handling resistant materials (structures, electronics, mechanism) Usage & safety of hand tools Project Journaling & planning Usage & safety of machines tools Choosing materials with knowledge Workshop processes involving Product Prototyping & Making marking, holding, cutting, shaping, Product Evaluation bending, joining & finishing of materials. Free-hand sketching on paper Free-hand sketching on paper Computer-Aided-Design Mini-projects (structure building, design modeling, electronics) Handling of workshop tools Computer-Aided-Design (Optional) Handling of workshop machines Design an artifact as part of a group Construction of an artifact project (individual work) Handling of workshop tools Caring for workshop facilities Handling of workshop machines Construction of an artifact (group work as part of Inter-Disciplinary Project Work) Caring for workshop facilities Knowledge with understanding Knowledge with understanding 1. Demonstrate the ability to apply 1. Demonstrate the ability to apply appropriate knowledge in materials appropriate knowledge in materials handling and workshop processes; selection & handling, workshop 2. Extend from their own knowledge processes and technological areas; and experience towards creating an 2. Extend from their own knowledge and innovative design solution; experience towards creating an 3. Generate ideas using appropriate innovative design solution as part of a tools and methods; group; Design communication 1. Demonstrate the ability to sketch shapes, forms & objects clearly; 2. Able to draw 3-dimensional projection drawing and ideas; Realisation 1. Produce the design solution using tools, equipment and suitable workshop processes safely. 3. Generate ideas using appropriate tools and methods; Design communication 1. Demonstrate the ability to sketch forms, objects and ideas clearly; 2. Able to draw 3-dimensional projection drawing and 1st angle orthographic projection drawings; Realisation 1. Produce the design solution using tools, equipment and suitable workshop processes safely. 2. Evaluate the design solution objectively. Assessment Format Continual Assessments [30%] Continual Assessments [30%] Classwork (7%) The students are required to demonstrate their knowledge and capability to make free-hand sketches of 3-dimensional forms. It’s done as part of their daily work. Classwork (30%) The students are required to demonstrate their knowledge and capability to make free-hand sketches of; Design Idea (7%) The students are required to demonstrate their capability to make free-hand, 3-dimensional forms of their design ideas. 3-dimensional forms & objects orthographic projections design ideas in 3-dimensional form. It’s done and assessed as part of their daily work. The assessment covers both the technicality as well as the quality of the work produced. Computer Aided Design (16%) The students are required to demonstrate their capability to use design software to develop and present their product design. End-of-Year Semester Assessment [70%] Examination Paper (15%) This will be a formal timed examination conducted at the end of the year. Students will be required to show their knowledge and understanding of topics relevant to workshop safety, design communications, materials, tools and processes. Artefact making (55%) Mid-Year Semester Assessment [70%] Design Journal (42%) Students will be required to record and show their thought process in the form of a design journal. It can be in hard copy form or in electronic format. This design journaling is to be done throughout the design process of their group project. Artefact making (28%) The construction of the artefact is to be completed by students for submission at Remarks The construction of the artefact is to be completed by students for submission at the end of the semester. Students will be expected to demonstrate his/her workmanship and sensitive use of appropriate constructional methods through the realisation of the artefact. the end of the semester. Students will be expected to work as part of a project group to demonstrate his/her workmanship and sensitive use of appropriate constructional methods through the realisation of the artefact. They are also expected to demonstrate their team work. Design and Technology module is taught in Semester Two. Design and Technology module is taught in Semester One. Food and Consumer Education (FCE) Learning Objectives The Food and Consumer Education provides the learner with opportunities to develop knowledge and skills in both theoretical and practical aspects of the subject. instill problem solving skills as well as life skill so as to help individuals prepare for the real life situations and to cope with the changing world. equip learners with basic knowledge, skills, attitudes and practical experiences that will help enhance their well-being and prospects for generating income and improvement of quality of life. seeks to equip learners with life skills that will help them to cope with changes in a technological, socio-economic and multi-cultural society. Through Food and Consumer Education, students learn about the management of resources, nutrition and health, textile maintenance as well as consumer education in order to effectively utilise resources for the accomplishment of goals. to be self-reliant and business minded as well as compliant to global issues to explore and recognize their individual talents and skills. to apply scientific knowledge in real life situations using appropriate technology to examine their environment critically and find ways to making it as safe and healthy place to live in. Syllabus Sec One A guide to your health Healthy diet guideline(recommended by Health Promotion Board) Ethnic diversity Choosing healthier meals Shopping for food @ Interpreting food labels Finance and Budget control Making informed decisions Shopping smart Activities Sensory evaluation Caring for kitchen ( tools and safety) Salad making competition Educational tour Diet analysis Assessment Tasks Modular task. Within some modules there are specific assessment rubrics. Modular task. Within some modules there are specific assessment rubrics. Assessment Format Knowledge with understanding Knowledge with understanding Sec Two Factors to consider when planning meals. Planning meals for young children, teenagers and elderly. Heat transfer and methods of cooking Processed and fresh food Food additives Food spoilage and safety Sensory evaluation Managing money Methods of payment Consumer Right Caring for your clothes Poster on kitchen hygiene and safety Bento making competition Hand stitching Culinary workshop This will test the candidates’ knowledge This will test the candidates’ knowledge of theory and practice in response to the of theory and practice in response to the Remarks assessment objectives. Candidates are to answer all questions. assessment objectives. Candidates are to answer all questions. Mid- Year Exam (40 %) a) Written Paper Section A: short-answer questions [20 marks] Section B: Data-response questions [20 marks] End- Year Exam (40 %) a) Written Paper Section A: short-answer questions [20 marks] Section B: Data-response questions [20 marks] b) Coursework (Case study) (30 %) The assignment is a simple study where the candidates are required to apply their knowledge and understanding in relation to the subject content. b) Coursework (Case study) (28 %) The assignment is a simple study where the candidates are required to apply their knowledge and understanding in relation to the subject content. c) Cooking practical (30 %) It also requires the candidates to display their abilities to adapt and create two interesting product(s) with their partner c) Cooking practical (32 %) It also requires the candidates to display their abilities to adapt and create three interesting product(s) with their team members Food and Consumer Education Module is taught in Semester One. Home Economics Module is taught in Semester Two.