designed by being the change The Wheel 48 Fleet Street, Dublin 2 t: +353 (0) 1 454 8727 TheWheelIreland The_Wheel_IRL Charity number: CHY 13288 Company Number: 302282 2012-2016 The Wheel’s Strategic Plan 4 increasing The Wheel’s effectiveness THE WHEEL WILL: Conduct a skills and competency audit for The Wheel’s staff, and review board composition - developing both according to the findings. Objective 7 7 Ensure that The Wheel has the systems, structures, processes, procedures and resources to deliver on our strategic objectives. Examine the systems and processes for doing our work that are currently in place and improving them. Review The Wheel’s branding and positioning. Complete delivery of our Income Diversification Strategy, evaluate the outcome and proceed with development of the next phase of our income diversification model. Adopt the Governance Code, the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising and the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP). Develop and implement the required range of indicators and associated tools to track and communicate progress in implementing this plan. THE WHEEL WILL: Conduct an annual member survey of services and general feedback. Ensure members are centrally involved in the development of The Wheel’s advocacy/policy positions. Develop and implement a two-way communication strategy for members that is online, face-to-face and national. Provide members with a range of services compliant with and based on the strategy and informed by periodic and annual feedback. Objective 8 8 Ensure The Wheel involves, adds value and is responsive to our members. Increase member numbers, ensuring that the membership profile reflects the broad profile of the community and voluntary sector. ... and that is just the beginning. We’ve lots more work scheduled in the Operations Plans that will underpin each year of the strategy through to 2016. We invite you to download these, as they are published, from See how we truly will ‘walk the walk’ and not just ‘talk the talk’! 25 Our Vision Our vision is of an Ireland where there is a shared idea of, and commitment to realising, a fair and just society; and where the role and contribution of the community and voluntary sector in achieving this is valued and understood. 1 2 Introduction The Wheel is a national organisation that represents and supports community, voluntary and charitable organisations in Ireland. Founded in 1999, we currently have almost 1,000 members across Ireland, reflecting the enormous scope and scale of this vibrant and diverse sector. The Wheel exists to help change people’s lives for the better. We do this by helping community and voluntary organisations get things done, more efficiently and more effectively. As an independently governed, membership-based organisation, we represent our members’ shared interests to Government and other key decision-makers, and we promote better understanding of the vital work they do. 3 Background To The Strategic Plan Our community and voluntary sector is large, growing and dynamic. It comprises over 15,000 organisations, employing over 100,000 people and involving more than 560,000 volunteers. The sector is enormously varied, representing the vast diversity of human experience. But what all community, voluntary and charitable organisations have in common is that they exist to change people’s lives for the better. This sector is experiencing one of the most difficult and turbulent periods in recent decades. Recession, a weak economy, increased service demand, budget restrictions, rationalisation of the public sector, a delay in passing charities legislation and, paradoxically, tighter controls on community and voluntary organisations all contribute to making their work much more difficult, and as heroic as their efforts have been to this point, many of them are stretched to breaking point. The Wheel’s Strategic Plan represents our determination to represent and strengthen the sector that is so crucial to Ireland’s recovery and future prosperity and growth into a truly fair and just society. Developing The Plan This plan is based on evidence of need, analysis of the future challenges facing the community and voluntary sector and direct input from our members. At The Wheel we believe that better social outcomes are achieved when people are involved in making the decisions that affect them. Therefore, as a first step in developing our Strategic Plan we sought the input of our members, non-member organisations, strategic stakeholders, Government representatives, funding organisations and The Wheel’s own staff and board. Almost 200 people and organisations contributed to creating a vivid picture of the future needs of the sector and The Wheel’s role in meeting those needs. Before we completed the process, we circulated the draft plan to all members for consultation and took their views on board before finalising this final version. Our members formally adopted this strategy at The Wheel’s Annual General Meeting in July 2012. 4 The Social Change Model Working within the Social Change Model framework for strategic planning, we began by identifying and analysing the core problem as we saw it, namely: The community and voluntary sector in Ireland does not have sufficient capacity (resources and infrastructure) or capability (skills and abilities) to effect sufficient, positive social change. Of course, there are already enormous capabilities and capacities present within the sector, as The Wheel is intimately aware - indeed, we champion these very strengths in our daily activities. However, our analysis is that these strengths aren’t yet sufficient to enable the sector to effect change consistently and to its maximum possible potential. In many cases, where substantial capabilities are indeed present, the challenge is to both recognise and release such capability, allowing it to achieve its highest potential. With the problem identified, the Social Change Model called for us to undertake a robust and iterative analysis of the root causes of that problem and to identify potential solutions. Through this analysis the role The Wheel can play in providing those solutions emerged, giving shape to our Strategic Plan. 5 6 Our mission Our mission is to increase the community and voluntary sector’s capacity and capability to play its part in achieving a fair and just society in Ireland. We do this by: • Representing the shared interests ofcommunity and voluntary organisations. • Supporting these organisations to do their work. • Promoting the importance of active citizenship as vital in making Ireland a better place to live. 7 Be the change you want to see in the world. Mahatma Ghandi The Wheel’s Strategic Plan is about understanding clearly what change we want to see, and as fully and deliberately as possible becoming that change. Therefore, the first step in developing this plan was to revise our vision and mission statements to reflect our newfound clarity of vision and understanding of our role in achieving that vision. We also clearly articulated our values - delineating precisely what The Wheel stands for and the core principles underlying our strategy. 8 values We believe that a strong, vibrant, independent and autonomous community and voluntary sector is critically important for sustaining a fair and just society and a healthy democracy. We believe that a healthy democracy results from a vigorous and positive interplay between representative and participative democratic processes and structures. We value volunteering and the vital role it plays in a healthy vibrant community. We believe better social outcomes are achieved when people are involved in making decisions that affect them. We believe that citizenship generally could be better understood to society’s benefit. We believe that a fair and just society is one where there is a commitment to social justice; a belief in the interdependence of lives and a sense of solidarity that comes from people acting together; a strong commitment to freedom and a strong engagement with the values of harmony and balance with nature. We believe that people being active participants in their communities is good for the community and good for individuals. We believe that people have a right to come together and form groups and associations to energise and support community life, and to be heard and respected when they speak. We value the professionalism, skills, capabilities and dedication of people working in the community and voluntary sector. We value the diversity of the community and voluntary sector and believe it is a strength. (Please note: we have also articulated the values that drive how we do our work and how we work together as a team in the longer Detailed Strategic Planning document, available at 9 10 Strategic themes, objectives, actions and outcomes We identified our four strategic themes which will shape all aspects of our efforts over the next four years: building a fair and just society developing the community and voluntary sector recognising and valuing the community and voluntary sector enhancing The Wheel’s effectiveness We identified eight strategic objectives across these four themes that will enable us to achieve our mission. We highlighted clear, positive outcomes that will happen when we achieve each objective, and we underpinned each with specific actions in a detailed implementation plan. It is our implementation plan that will enable us to be the change heralded in these outcomes. Any assessment of the desired outcomes will swiftly reveal that they cannot be achieved solely by The Wheel. We can only achieve success in the implementation of this ambitious plan if we work collaboratively with other organisations. Therefore, we will begin implementing our Strategic Plan by inviting potential collaborators who share our objectives to engage with us so that we can build collaborative work programmes into our annual operations plans. 11 1 building a fair and just society This first theme is about engaging people in conversations about defining and building the kind of society we want to live in and about the role our sector plays in achieving this. We will ensure our members’ voices are heard and will articulate clearly the link between a fair and just society and the role of community and voluntary organisations in achieving it. 2 12 strategic themes recognising and valuing the community and voluntary sector We will work to ensure that the work done by community, voluntary and charitable organisations to improve people’s lives is properly understood and appreciated by key stakeholders and decision-makers; that the legal, policy and operational environment is supportive of community and voluntary activity; that the community and voluntary sector is appropriately represented in discussions directly impacting it, and that the sector’s independence and autonomy is recognised and respected. developing developing the the community community and and voluntary voluntary sector sector 3 We will seek to support community, voluntary and charitable organisations We will seek to support community, voluntary and charitable organisations to be as effective as possible in their work to deliver positive, high-quality to be as effective as possible in their work to deliver positive, high-quality outcomes for the people and communities they serve. outcomes for the people and communities they serve. We will emphasise the importance of taking a collaborative approach to We will emphasise the importance of taking a collaborative approach to delivering the best outcomes for people, the importance of developing delivering the best outcomes for people, the importance of developing and supporting leadership capability and the need to focus increasingly and supporting leadership capability and the need to focus increasingly on showing the public the impact of their work. on showing the public the impact of their work. We will advocate for the establishment of policies and supports to ensure We will advocate for the establishment of policies and supports to ensure effective governance and efficiency within the sector, enhancing the effective governance and efficiency within the sector, enhancing the environment of professionalism in which the sector operates. environment of professionalism in which the sector operates. In addition, innovation - fresh thinking, bold experimentation and In addition, innovation - fresh thinking, bold experimentation, creativity creativity - is crucial to delivering better outcomes. The Wheel will - is crucial to delivering better outcomes. The Wheel will recognise, promote, enable and encourage innovation in recognise, promote, enable and encourage innovation in the sector among both individuals and organisations, the sector among both individuals and organisations, not only celebrating the innovation that already not only celebrating the innovation that already exists but continuously sparking new ideas to exists but continuously sparking new ideas to drive the sector toward excellence. drive the sector toward excellence. 4 enhancing The Wheel’s effectiveness In order to achieve any of the objectives in this plan, and to meet the needs of our members, The Wheel must have the necessary organisational capability and capacity to do so. We will ensure that we continuously enhance our effectiveness and efficiency in delivering on this plan. 13 1 1 building a fair and just society Objective 1 Build an understanding of the importance of participating in community life and in public decision-making. HOW? The Wheel will articulate and promote a common understanding of the value and importance of people being active participants in their communities, what this entails and how we can continue to develop active communities in Ireland. We will promote civic participation in all aspects of Irish society, and in particular the principle of involving the public in the public decision-making process that affects their daily lives. HOW? A fair and just society can only be realised if the wider public and key stakeholders in all sectors are engaged in the process of developing a shared understanding of what such a society might look like, as well as being committed to seeing it realised. The Wheel will work with others to help our members and the community and voluntary sector contribute to and shape this vision, providing and supporting effective and accessible forums for this kind of engagement as appropriate. 2 Objective 2 Maximise public participation in the development of shared ideas of what a fair and just society is in Ireland. When we achieve these objectives, the following will happen: 14 Intermediate Outcomes: •• Policy makers, funders, the public and community and voluntary organisations Policyincreased makers, funders, theofpublic and of community and voluntary have recognition the value people participating in the public organisations have increased recognition of the value of decision-making that affects them; and in the value of active citizenship generally. citizen participation in the decision-making that affects them. • • Policy makers, funders, the public and community and voluntary organisations recognise the value community and voluntary organisations as important places Policy makers, funders, the public and community and voluntary organisations where active citizenship happens. recognise the value of active citizenship, especially as practised through community and voluntary organisations. • Policy makers, funders and the public are well informed on issues and possible solutions to achieve a fairer and just society; including the role community and • voluntary Policy makers, funders and public areit.well informed on issues organisations playthe in achieving and possible solutions to achieve a fairer and just society and the role community and voluntary organisations achievingorganisations it. public, policy makers and communityplay andinvoluntary • The see the need for change. • The public, policy makers and community and voluntary organisations see the need for change. ULTIMATE OUTCOMES: There is shared understanding of what contributes to a fair and just society and the role community and voluntary organisations play in achieving it. The national policy agenda responds to and addresses the needs of citizens. 15 2 recognising and valuing the community and voluntary sector HOW? 3 Objective 3 Objective Maximise the effectiveness 3of the community and voluntary sector’s voice so that the sector’s importance is recognised by the state, the political system and other sectors. In order for the community and voluntary sector to play its full part in improving Irish society for the better, it is critical that it be informed about and present at the centre of decision making processes that affect it and the communities it serves. The Wheel will be a strong voice for the shared interests of our members, and we will work collaboratively with others to ensure the strongest possible voice for the sector is presented on matters of concern to the state, the political system and other sectors. When we achieve these objectives, the following will happen: 16 Intermediate Outcomes: • Policy makers, funders, other sectors and the media recognise the value of an independent and autonomous community and voluntary sector. • Policy makers, funders, other sectors and the media are well-informed on issues and solutions affecting the sector and its beneficiaries and possible solutions. ULTIMATE OUTCOMES: The national policy agenda responds to and addresses the needs of the community and voluntary sector and the people we serve. Funding agreements are determined by mutual agreement of outcomes. 17 3 developing the community and voluntary sector HOW? 4 Objective 4 Foster excellent leadership within the sector. In order to ensure our sector and the organisations in it do the right things in the right way, we believe it is imperative that existing leaders be supported, and a new generation of leaders be attracted to, and developed within, the community and voluntary sector. For this to happen, the appropriate opportunities, supports, and resources need to be available. We commit to facilitating and driving this work. HOW? The development and implementation of high quality standards in everyday practice in organisations is crucial to the sustainability and progression of their work. The Wheel’s drive for quality will reinforce the move towards an increased emphasis on outcome-focused working within the sector and adherence to applicable standards. Becoming more efficient means becoming more sustainable, which in turn enhances organisations’ independence and autonomy. 6 Objective 6 Maximise collaborative working in the sector. Objective 5 5 Promote quality and excellence in the community and voluntary sector to deliver better outcomes for people. HOW? We believe that better outcomes for the people and communities we serve will be achieved by more collaborative working between organisations and across the sector in general. We will develop and deliver solutions to promote and support this way of working. When we achieve these objectives, the following will happen: 18 Intermediate Outcomes: • Leaders in community and voluntary organisations have improved competence and confidence to act. • Community, voluntary and charitable organisations gain and share ideas, knowledge and experience. • Community, voluntary and charitable organisations demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement. • Policies for delivering better outcomes for the people served by the community and voluntary sector are in place / improved within organisations. • Community, voluntary and charitable organisations are more sustainable. • People working in community, voluntary and charitable organisations have an increased awareness of outcomes-focused planning and measurement tools. • Community, voluntary and charitable organisations will become increasingly innovative in how they get things done. • Collaborative working between community, voluntary and charitable organisations is mainstreamed, sustained and supported. ULTIMATE OUTCOMES: Best practice in organisational leadership is mainstreamed. The national policy agenda responds to and addresses the needs of the community and voluntary sector and the people we serve. Best practice in delivering better outcomes for the people served by community and voluntary organisations is mainstreamed, sustained and supported. 19 4 7 enhancing The Wheel’s effectiveness Objective 7 Ensure that The Wheel has the systems, structures, processes, procedures and resources to deliver on our strategic objectives. HOW? In order for us to deliver on this strategy, we commit to ensuring that we have the necessary in-house procedures and resources to make the plan a reality. We will analyse our internal operations with a view to making sure that we are as efficient and effective as possible in our work. HOW? Our members are the lifeblood of our organisation. This objective will ensure that we remain relevant to our members’ needs, and that we address them thoroughly, effectively and in a timely manner. When we achieve these objectives, the following will happen: 20 8 Objective 8 Ensure The Wheel involves, adds value, and is responsive to our members. ULTIMATE OUTCOMES: Intermediate Outcomes: • More cohesion and shared- working programmes among infrastructure bodies in the community and voluntary sector. There is shared public understanding of what contributes to a fair and just society and the role community and voluntary organisations play in achieving it. The national policy agenda responds to and addresses the needs of citizens. INTERNAL OUTCOMES: The Wheel is recognised as a key national advocate for the community and voluntary sector. The Wheel has influence. The Wheel’s work is relevant to, and reflects, the voices of its members. The Wheel’s work is strategic and informed by evidence. The Wheel’s work is informed by best-practice. People are aware of The Wheel. Collaborative working, both internally and externally, is the norm for The Wheel. The Wheel’s work responds to and adds value to its members. The Wheel is sustainable and viable as a membership organisation. 21 Implementation Strategic plans are notorious for generating initial excitement, only to sit on a shelf, ignored and gathering dust. The key is deliberate, committed implementation - tangible tasks directly linked to strategic objectives. And that’s what we’ve done. We’ve written a comprehensive Implementation Plan with specific actions across all four strategic themes to achieve all eight strategic objectives. This is ‘where the rubber meets the road,’ where we commit absolutely to achieving the inspiring and aspirational outcomes listed in this Strategic Plan. The details of implementation are beyond the scope of this document, but here are some examples of what The Wheel will do - not ‘hopes to do,’ ‘plans to do,’ or ‘ intends to do’ but will do ... to achieve the ambitious outcomes in this plan. 1 Objective 1 Build an understanding of the importance of participating in community life and in public decision-making. 1 building a fair and just society THE WHEEL WILL: Publish a vision, analysis and recommendations of citizenship in 21st century Ireland. Advocate for the recommendations’ implementation. Show the impact of civic participation through promoting deliberative decision-making initiatives and by recognising where and how it works in real life. Collect data that tracks participation in community life over time. THE WHEEL WILL: Articulate and publish The Wheel’s view on the dimensions of a fair and just society and the roles of community and voluntary sector organisations in sustaining it. Enhance the Better Together campaign to achieve maximum public engagement around such messages. Develop measures to track public attitudes and behaviours about creating a fair and just society. Support public-engagement initiatives that make progress towards a fair and just society. 22 Objective 2 2 Maximise public participation in the development of shared ideas of what a fair and just society is in Ireland. 2 recognising and valuing the community and voluntary sector THE WHEEL WILL: Publish regular research to present the facts in relation to the nature, scale and significance of the community and voluntary sector. Promote an appreciation of common purpose between organisations in the community and voluntary sector. Advocate on the developmental requirements and needs of community and voluntary organisations in order for them to play their part in building a fair and just society. Identify and facilitate any new collaborative structures and processes that will maximise the effectiveness of the sector’s voices. Objective 3 3 Maximise the effectiveness of the community and voluntary sector’s voice so that the sector’s importance is recognised by the state, the political system and other sectors. Be a strong voice for the shared interests of our members. 23 implementation 3 4 Objective 4 Foster excellent leadership within the sector. Objective 5 5 6 Promote quality and excellence in the community and voluntary sector to deliver better outcomes for people. Objective 6 Maximise collaborative working in the sector. THE WHEEL WILL: THE WHEEL WILL: THE WHEEL WILL: Articulate what excellent leadership in the community and voluntary sector looks like. Explore the evidence between collaborative working and improved outcomes. Communicate case studies that show what this means in real-life situations. Encourage organisations in the sector to adopt outcomes-focused planning and measurement in their work. Provide and/or ensure that places exist where leadership is networked, nourished, supported and recognised. Produce information, supports and training on the ‘why?’, ‘how?’ and ‘what next?’ of collaborative working in and across the community and voluntary sector in Ireland. Establish a ‘collaborative working hub’ as a centre of excellence that will facilitate and support collaborative working - through information sharing, supports and training provision and peer-supports. 24 developing the community and voluntary sector Contribute to the availability of necessary supports, training and resources to cultivate good leadership practice. Create a programme of training, information provision and support to enable organisations make this change. Develop relationships with funders to build appreciation of the tools and challenges needed to focus effectively on impact reporting. Facilitate shared learning across sectors on best outcomes-focused practice. 4 increasing The Wheel’s effectiveness THE WHEEL WILL: Conduct a skills and competency audit for The Wheel’s staff, and review board composition - developing both according to the findings. Objective 7 7 Ensure that The Wheel has the systems, structures, processes, procedures and resources to deliver on our strategic objectives. Examine the systems and processes for doing our work that are currently in place and improving them. Review The Wheel’s branding and positioning. Complete delivery of our Income Diversification Strategy, evaluate the outcome and proceed with development of the next phase of our income diversification model. Adopt the Governance Code, the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising and the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP). Develop and implement the required range of indicators and associated tools to track and communicate progress in implementing this plan. THE WHEEL WILL: Conduct an annual member survey of services and general feedback. Ensure members are centrally involved in the development of The Wheel’s advocacy/policy positions. Develop and implement a two-way communication strategy for members that is online, face-to-face and national. Provide members with a range of services compliant with and based on the strategy and informed by periodic and annual feedback. Objective 8 8 Ensure The Wheel involves, adds value and is responsive to our members. Increase member numbers, ensuring that the membership profile reflects the broad profile of the community and voluntary sector. ... and that is just the beginning. We’ve lots more work scheduled in the Operations Plans that will underpin each year of the strategy through to 2016. We invite you to download these, as they are published, from See how we truly will ‘walk the walk’ and not just ‘talk the talk’! 25 designed by being the change The Wheel 48 Fleet Street, Dublin 2 t: +353 (0) 1 454 8727 TheWheelIreland The_Wheel_IRL Charity number: CHY 13288 Company Number: 302282 2012-2016 The Wheel’s Strategic Plan